Till My Last Breath

By ur_dads_left_nut

96 12 5

Tomura Shigaraki has had cystic fibrosis since he was born. He has had many surgeries and chemotherapy appoin... More

Chapter 1

chapter 2

33 5 3
By ur_dads_left_nut

Tomura's POV

As it turned out, Dabi came to the mall alone, and was in fact, NOT the CEO of Hot Topic. But since he came alone, he chose to stick around and hang out with me. He was kind enough to push me around when my arms got tired, or carry my bags, and help when I needed to pay for my items. "Hey, would you like to go get some lunch, my treat" I say to him. 

"Oh sure, why not. But under one condition, I pay for myself" he chuckles. I smile. 

"How about we go down to Red Robin's? Isn't there one in this mall?" I ask, adjusting my nose cannula. 

"Yeah. I think so. Think it's just passed Claire's" he says, gently pushing my chair. 

"Can we stop by the restroom.. I need to take a leak." I say. 

"Yeah. To be honest, so do I." He chuckles and we go to the bathroom. I wheel myself into the wheelchair accessible stall. 

I wheel out as Dabi turns around, zipping up. We go over to the sink and wash out hands and I go back to wheeling myself. 

We sat down in the restaurant in a booth across from each other. I see Dad across the restaurant. "Hey, can you excuse me for a moment? " I say to Dabi. 

"Yeah. What drink do you want me to get for you if the waiter comes by? " 

"Whatever you're getting" I say, maneuvering back into my chair and rolling over to Dad. "Hey dad," I say. He jumps a bit, probably because I startle him.

“Mura! Hey. Who’s the guy I saw you walk in with? I don’t think i’ve seen him before?” He says, just making friendly conversation with me.

“Oh. I just met him. His name is Dabi. I was actually about to call you. I need my Creon pills..” i say.

“Gotcha” he digs around in his bag and pulls out the bottle he always brings with him and shakes 2 into my outstretched palm. “Have fun kiddo.” He says. I smile and pop them into my mouth and grab his Pepsi and take a sip, before rolling back over to the table.

“Hey. What drink did you get?” I say, shifting into the booth again. He pushes the glass to me with a smile.

“Whiskey. Figured you would enjoy some” He chuckles.

“Nooooo thankkksssss” I say, playfully/seriously, pushing the glass back over to him. I flag down a waiter and order myself a pepsi and pick up my menu.

After lunch, we are wandering through the mall for a little while longer. “Wait. So you’ve never gotten a piercing.. Like never..?” Dabi says.

“Yeah. But plenty of guys haven't, because like… Their straight- and don’t want to be mistaken as gay.” i replied, rolling alongside Dabi.

“Yeah. But like… You're not-” He says, chuckling. “Lets go get your ears pierced. I’ll get a new piercing done too. I’ll pay” He says, flashing a toothy grin again.

“Wait… no.. Are you sure..?” I ask, stopping.

“Yeah. Why are you so worried? It’ll be fine. I’ll even hold your hand if you want, you lil baby” He chuckles. I smile and nod.

“Well what the hell. You only live once, so why not.” I shrug, rolling beside him again.

We turn into the shop and i almost run into a tiny child that ran out of no-where. “Theres alot of cHiLdReN” I chuckle. Dabi smiles. “Yeah.. this is a good shop, But parents take their kids here, instead of down to Claires, which is more child friendly.” He says. “But they also don’t like taking their kids there to get piercings because they don’t sterilize and clean the piercing guns after each use, which causes infection.”

“Well that sucks” I say, looking around at the walls. “You want me to go first?” He asks me. I look up at him and nod. “You’ve got alot of metal in your ears. Maybe you should get another piercing.” I told him.

“Hm, you're right. I think i'm going to get brow piercing” He says, going over to a guy. They seem to know each other well, because of the way they greet each other. “Hey! Shigs. Come over here!” Dabi calls,waving me over. I smile and roll myself over there, and stop beside Dabi. He places a hand on my shoulder. “This is my new friend Shigaraki. He’s going to be getting a piercing with me. Technically I'm getting one with him, since I told him if he got one, I would also get another piercing. He’s never been pierced before” He says. I give a shy little wave to the guy. “And Shigs. This is my friend Keigo.” He says.

“Hi-” I say, just a little shy. “Hey little dude. I’ll be done with your friends piercing here in a little bit. You can watch from a distance, or you can just wander around the shop if you would like” He says.

“iM nOt LiTtLe” i squeal, before regretting it as i cough. “Ew. But i think i'm going to wander around for a little. As I wait on Dabi, I roll around the shop. I find a amazing gothic ear cuff that wraps around your ear without needing a piercing. I grab it because i just freaking love it. The shop doesn't just have piercing related items. They also had some gothic accessories, which i made sure to grab some. I roll over to the purchase counter and luckly it is low enough for me to access everything without help. I buy the 10 (yes 10, this store is amazing) items. I roll back over to Dabi, whom is just finishing up.

“Hey Shig’s. Are you thinking of just getting the normal lobe piercings?” He asks as Keigo cleans up the piercing. Dabi sits up and turns around in the chair to face me. “Yeah, I suppose.” I say, with a small laugh. Dabi gets out of the chair and gently grabs my forearms and helps me up and into the piercing chair.

“Let’s do this.” He smiles at me, and I smile back.

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