cold -embry call-

By warmteeth

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tw: mentions/actions of eating disorders super slow updates ❝When did you get so cold?❞ ❝When you... More



850 25 3
By warmteeth

a/n: the next chapter will get more into the movie, this one was basically just a filler since i havent put anything out for this story in a long while. anyway,, i hope you enjoy !

I'm woken up by my phone ringing loudly directly beside my head. I groan, sitting up to answer it but it stops. "Babe, hey, I had to wake you up somehow." I hear Embry speak, confusing me for a moment before I look at my laptop. "Hey, sorry. I've just been super tired recently." I shrug, lying back and looking at him again. "Now don't go falling asleep on me, I wanna see my girl before we go to bed for school." He grins as my face goes red. I enjoy hearing him call me his. "So what happened during patrols?" I ask, rolling over to look directly at my laptop. "Nothing interesting."

"Nothing? That's good." I smile a little. "You look tired." He says. "I am." "When was the last time you've eaten?" He asks, eyeing me suspiciously. "I don't know." The day before the party. It's only been a day and a half. "Andria." He scolds. "I'm going to bed, Em. Do you wanna stay on so we can see each other in the morning or do you wanna hop off?" I ask, sitting up to take my glasses off. "You need to eat something." He states. "I'll eat something in the morning." I shrug. "Promise?" "Promise." Now I completely have to, I promised him. "We can stay on." He says. I grin, laying back again.

The next morning I wake up, call still going. "Em." I sit up, putting my glasses on. He's nowhere to be seen and then his head pops into frame. "Hey, baby, get dressed, we're gonna be late." I grumble, sitting up. "Do I have to go today?" "Sorry to say, but you do. You're mine and Seth's ride, my love." I smile. "You should call me that more often." I state. "It's cute watching you get excited over pet names." He laughs. "Oh, hush." I grumble. "Get dressed." He scolds slightly. I stand, pulling my shirt over my head as I walk away from the bed. "Alexandria!" He laughs. "Sorry." I smirk.

I quickly get dressed, flopping back down on my bed. "Alexandria, up. Come pick me up so I can see you." "Fine. I gotta go, I'll see you soon." "Be careful." I smile, sitting up again. "Always." We hang up as I slip my shoes on. "I'll be back after school!" I call to dad. For the past week, almost two, I've been staying at home instead of at Sam's, but I'll be going back the beginning of next week. I pick up Embry and as soon as he's in the truck he's grabbing my face, pressing his lips to mine. I melt in his hands. He pulls back with a grin. "I brought you food." My face drops so does my stomach.

"It's nothing big, just a muffin from Emily's. I got it last night cause I know you like them." He kisses my forehead. I try to come up with any excuse. "I can't eat and drive." I state. "Let me drive." He offers. I groan. "You're just looking for an excuse!" "I am not!" I object, my face going red in embarrassment. "You totally are!" "Shut up." I grumble. He climbs out, coming to the driver's side and pushing me into the middle. "You need to wear your seatbelt." He snaps, realizing I hadn't been wearing it. "I'll be fine. I never wear it." "That's not a good thing. Wear your damn seatbelt."

I mock him under my breath. He grabs my jaw, turning me to face him. "I'm serious, wear your seatbelt or I'm telling your dad." "My dad?" I scoff. "I will. He'll probably take your keys away." He smirks. "How would you get to and from school then?" "I'd drive myself. I have a truck and you know it." He says. "I know." I grumble, carefully biting into the muffin. "Thank you." He sighs, dropping his hand to my thigh. "Whatever." I grumble with my mouth full. I eat half before we get to Seth's. "Want the rest?" I ask Embry. "Are you full?" I nod quickly. "I wouldn't offer if I wasn't."

He takes it, eating the rest as we drive to the school. "I don't think I'll need your help with anything today. Is it cool if I sit in my regular study hall?" Seth asks, turning to me. "Yeah, that's totally cool. But it you do need help just come in." I state, looking at him. He smiles, looking out the window again as we pull into the school. "Have fun!" I shout after the boy as he runs off as soon as the truck is parked. Embry laughs. "So, this means we get study hall to ourselves." I say, smiling at my boyfriend. "Awesome." He grins, kissing me before I climb out of the truck.

We walk hand in hand into the school. It goes by quickly and when study hall rolls around, Embry waltzes in, sitting beside me. "Hey." He smiles. "Hey." I bump his shoulder with mine, smiling at him. "So, Sam has this thing that I have to go to after school. I have to work with him with the Cullens. I would invite you, but Sam ordered me not to, please don't sleep all day since I won't be there." He says, taking my hand. "Fine, I'll just be bored out of my mind waiting for you." I grumble, laughing when he scowls. "I'll be fine, Em. Seriously." I intertwine our fingers.

"Promise me." "I promise. I won't sleep all day no matter how much I want to." I state, lifting three fingers to mock the scout's honor. "Ha ha." He sarcastically laughs, shaking his head. After school, I drop him and Seth off at their houses before going home. I flop down onto my bed before remembering I promised Embry I wouldn't sleep all day. I walk around my room, slowly picking things up. I end up reorganizing my entire room. My bed is moved as are most of the posters on my walls. By the time Embry calls me, I'm absolutely ready for bed.

"Hey, baby, what'd you do today?" "Wouldn't you like to know?" I jokingly question with a giggle. "You better not have slept all day." "I actually moved my room around. I was tired of the way it looked so I moved it." I state, shaking my head. "Ah. What'd you move?" "Everything." I state. "It'll look totally different when I come see you?" He asks. "Yep." I pop the 'p,' smiling at him. He smiles, watching me as I lie back, staring at the ceiling. "You okay?" He asks. I nod. "Just tired." "Baby, you're always tired." I nod again. "Always." I state, laughing slightly. 

A few days later and I'm walking out of the house behind Bella and Edward. "I'm not just gonna hide while you're out taking all the risks for me." She says softly. "If it's Victoria involved, I need to keep you as far away from the fight as possible." "Jasper said that I could be of help." She says. My brows furrow as I walk to my truck, confusion taking over. "We won't need your help. With the wolves in this, it's an easy win. The rest of us aren't gonna have enough to do." Edward states. It hits me like a truck, the night of the party. Whatever the pack planned is happening. 

I climb into my truck, calling Embry and telling him I'm on my way over. We had already planned that I was coming over, but he sounded surprised on the phone. "Did you forget?" I joke. "With everything going on, yes. I genuinely forgot. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't come over. Come over." He says. "I can't believe you forgot about me." I say teasingly. "So..." I trail off, picking at my nails at a red light. "So, what?" He asks. "What's this I hear about a fight?" I question. "I'm trying to keep you out of the loop with this, Andria. It's not safe for you to know." 

"Not safe for me to know what?" I use my wording as a way to try to trick him into telling me. "That doesn't work on me, babe." He states. I huff. "I really thought that would work." "And don't go asking anyone else. We're all under strict orders not to tell you." My brows furrow again, in anger this time instead of confusion. "What the hell? How come everyone knows about what's going on but me. If you guys won't tell me I'll ask a Cullen. I'll do it." I state, obviously lying through my teeth but he doesn't need to know that. He sighs. "Andria, don't." "Embry-"

"No. I'm serious." "This is stupid. I just wanna know why everyone is being so secretive." He sighs again, I can tell he's shaking his head. "You can't, Andria. It's for your own safety." "Bull." I snap. "Drop the attitude. I'm trying to keep you safe." "Safe from what?" I ask angrily. "I can't tell you!" He shouts. "Whatever." I quickly hang up, speeding the rest of the way there. We can fight in person tonight. As soon as I pull up, Embry's yanking my door open, grabbing my upper arm and dragging me into the house. "My mom's out." He says curtly. "Good." I snap. 

"What is the problem here? You're angry because we're trying to keep you safe?" He asks. "No! I'm angry because not even my boyfriend will tell me why he's being secretive and hiding things from me!" I shout, glaring at him. "Vampires, Alexandria! There's a damn army coming and I'm trying to keep you as far away from it as possible but you're making it extremely difficult!" He shouts back. "God! I wish you would just tell me these things! I need to know this!" I yell, not believing he wouldn't tell me something so simple. He drops to the couch, head in his hands.

"It's not just Bella they're after anymore. It's you." He says softly. "Me?" "Yes. That's why I couldn't tell you. Because you couldn't know. You're putting yourself in danger just knowing." He states, looking up at me. "Embry, I need to know this stuff. I can't keep myself out of danger if I don't know what I'm supposed to stay away from." "I can't always be around to keep you safe." He sighs. "Embry, babe, I can keep myself safe. You just have to let me. You have to trust me." I get on my knees in front of him, pulling his hands down. "Do you trust me?" I ask softly. 

He nods, looking down at me. "Then you gotta trust that I can protect myself too. I'm not stupid. I don't go anywhere by myself, and I rarely leave your side. I'm not gonna get hurt unless you leave me in the dark." I say gently, holding his hands in mine, running my thumbs over this knuckles. "I can't believe we fought over something that could've been solved this simply." He says, shaking his head. "I can believe it. You're hard-headed and never wanna listen to me." I say with a short laugh. He huffs, glaring at me playfully. "You're the hard-headed one." He states. 

A few days later I'm standing in the middle of a field with Embry, Jake, Bella, Edward, and Jasper. Bella and I had just gone around, spreading our scent around the field, she had cut her finger, smearing blood here and there. Embry wouldn't let me do the same. So while he was distracted with Jacob, I pulled out my pocket knife, slinking deeper into the woods. I slice across my palm, squeezing drops of blood onto the grass beneath my feet. "Alexandria!" Embry shouts from across the field. "I had to do something to distract them." I state, looking over at him. 

He waits for me to walk over before taking my hand, curling my fingers into the cut to minimize the blood flow. "Ow. Em, that hurts." "You shouldn't have done it, smart one." He shoves my head jokingly as I pout. "Meanie." I grumble. "Oh, I'm a meanie for telling you not to hurt yourself?" "Yes." I giggle when he pushes my shoulder. "Aw, come on, you know I love you." I state, kissing his cheek. "God, stop being so gross." Jake complains jokingly. "Shut up." I laugh, shoving his shoulder. "You're gonna pay for that." Jake says, lifting me by my waist. 

He spins us around. "Put me down!" I shriek, giggling madly. Embry laughs, watching us. He's slowly becoming okay with me being close to the other boys. I'm closest to Jake. Embry wasn't fond of it at first because he thought we liked each other with the way we acted. But he knows that Jake is head over heels for Bella, no matter what. So instead of being overprotective, he lets me do things the way I do things, even if it means talking/being close to the other boys. Jake finally sets me down, the world around me spinning as I stumble to Embry. "Woah." I say. He and Jake laugh as I hold my head, my vision slowly going back to normal.

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