By karn0123

257K 9.3K 1.2K

what if karna know about his celestial father and he is part of Shiv too. again work of pure fanfiction More



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By karn0123

Karna reached Anga, two days later and got busy in his duties. As decided he now donate alms to whoever is in need after his Suryapooja. Anga was running fine but still there were some drawback so Karna was busy in rectifying that. Few days passed and Karna to heard the news of Pandavas and Kunti passing away but he scoffed at it. He knows Vidhur must have informed Pandavas and even if they went to palace, they would be atleast alive. He aslo knew that his friend Duryodhana was crowned as Yuvraj of Hastinapur now. He has mixed feelings about it, first he was happy Duryodhana was getting a chance and second he was worried that when Pandavas return there would be even more collision between them. But one thing was sure that atleast for sometime Duryodhana would be free of his anger and jeolousy of Pandavas considering him dead.

Like this one and half year passed, Anga became a very prosperous kingdom, the living style and quality of people living here has improved to several levels. Karna too was now because known for his Charitable nature. After getting the blessings of Kamdhenu his treasury was never empty it was this reason he made taxation for namesake in his kingdom and gave very generous pay to everyone which has resulted in drastic improvement in his kingdom. Perhaps it was only Kingdom in entire Aaryavrat that has imperial cows at every house hold. Since everyone has wealth their demand of quality of goods has increased which has resulted in production of premium quality products that has skyrocketed the trading. Anga was now very famous for their finished products in entire Aaryavrat because of quality and affordable price. Karna was especially busy in this time he had help of Shravan in administration but for army training he only had himself but that doesn't deter him. He has slowly trained his army to be effective even with the not a very large number. He has trained them in several vyuha and other things. He also spared few of his soldiers daily and give them the pointers. Anga also expanded due to several of his negotions. He maintained relationship with Duryodhana and went to meet him once a month so that he can bring positive influence on him, thinking Pandavas dead Duryodhana was focused on fulfilling his duties, his words did wonders to Vidhur which he never expected. Duryodhana has told him that but only drawback was it reaffirmed his belief that Pandavas were sole reason he was excluded from love of his elders. Karna motivates him to not not to focus on anything except his duties. He has tried to reduce Shakuni constant method to influence Duryodhana. He never cared for Kunti and Pandavas because he was sure they survived and were hiding and it would good for Pandavas to have some hardship according to him.

Today was such day in Anga. Karna woke up and went to banks of river, there were several people already waiting for him and he did his Pooja and few soldiers were already there with trays filled with gold coins. He did his Pooja and distributed the alms to everyone that were present there. Then he came to palace and did his yoga and meditation in his practice ground. Now he only meditates for one hour and after that he practice his weapon skills. He did all that and went for his Sabha. The Sabha of Karna was unique because in his Sabha only his throne was same level as of his Sabha member seats it just his was bigger and beautiful than theirs. The sabha is comprised of representatives of every section of his kingdom. He has especially aranged a seat where representative of woman can sit. The Sabha went as usual due to several harsh ban of several illegal activities in his kingdom it was quite peaceful in his Sabha. The Sabha went on for one hour and several things were discussed but surprisingly no cases of injustice and crime was raised Karna made sure that it was not just ruse, so he regularly disguise himself in several different forms and went to his kingdom to check if there is wrong. Once he went as avid gambler and made a ruckus while playing Dyut with the citizen of his kingdom as they were just playing the game and not betting, it resulted him getting captured and arrested. He was very satisfied with this, similarly he tested school, gardens, hospitals, etc facilities to see any discrimination was happening there, he was pleased with what found out. Only Shravan knew of this. The Sabha was over and karna was going to the army training ground but suddenly a soldier came and informed him that Yuvraj Duryodhana of Hastinapur has came here. Karna was surprised because till now Duryodhana or any other Kururajya royals haven't visited Anga, despite of several invitation Duryodhana hadn't come because bue was busy with his duties as Yuvraj and seeing his performance his responsibilities were increased so why has he suddenly came here now so suddenly it must be something important. Karna told the soldier to escort Duryodhana to his chamber he dispersed his Sabha and went to his chamber and saw Duryodhana was already there and was pacing around the chamber.

Karna : Pranipat Mitra, why are you anxious. I have invited you several times but you didn't came so what happened now that you came so suddenly and like this.

Duryodhana : Pranipat Mitra, I am sorry, you know how busy I was, it's like I didn't want to come but my responsibilities are increased and I don't want anyone to raise questions and after so long pitamah and kakashree Vidhur has shown their confidence on me as can't disappoint them either.

Karna : I know, I know so what happened why are you tense.

Duryodhana : Bhanumati!

Karna who knew of their secret love story smiled.

Karna (teasingly) : What happened to Kalinga princess.

Duryodhana : She is having swamvar.

Karna : So, go and participate in it. We know she loves you and you love her. She will definitely choose you.

Duryodhana : That I know but the problem is I can't. Hastinapur is not invited because Kalinga naresh hates Pitamah Bheeshma. So I can't go and Bhanumati has sent letter that if o didn't came there she will do suicide. What should I do.

Karna (frowned) : What else go there and save her. What is there to think about this.

Duryodhana : It's noth easy Mitra, there will be several kings there, I can hold them of but I won't be able take bhanumati away from them, Kalinga army chasing me. I have heard even Jarasandh and Shalya are going to the swamvar. I can't even ask help from Pitashree for this.

Karna : Mitra, why do you need someone else help let's go there. I will not let harm come to you or your love.

Duryodhana : I knew I would get your help.

Karna wrote a letter and called a soldier and told him to give it to Shravan, then he with Duryodhana left for Kalinga to save bhanumati. They reached Kalinga border next day and changed their clothes to disguise as traveling merchants and entered the kingdom. The Kingdom was beautifully decorated as swamvar was going to happen today. They both sneaked in the palace in disguise and Duryodhana went to bhanumati's chamber. After sometime Duryodhana came out with bhanumati who was in dress of a Dasi. They carefully went to the borders of Kalinga where the chariot was hidden by Karna.  They were going to leave but suddenly they heard footsteps and horses coming towards them. Seeing there was no other option than fight.

Karna : Mitra, stay here with Princess bhanumati. Let me handle this.

Duryodhana : Are you sure Mitra, there is more than 20 Kings with their army and Kalinga naresh is also there with his army.

Karna (smiled) : Don't worry, I will be fine. But no matter what till I come back don't come down the chariot.

Saying that Karna left Bhanumati and Duryodhana  in the chariot and went to welcome the armies and several kings alone. As Duryodhana said several kings with Kalinga naresh with their soldiers came there.

Kalinga naresh : Who are and where is that Duryodhana, how dare he try to abduct my daughter.

Karna : I am Angraj Radhey Karna, Kalinga naresh, my Mitra wouldn't have needed to abduct Princess if you would have invited him in her swamvar. They love each other.

Kalinga naresh: Angraj she is my daughter, she will never be daughter in law of Hastinapur. Today I will kill that Duryodhana and you too.

Karna : Then you will have to be disappointed maharaj.

Jarasandh : I have heard of you Angraj, you are that sutputra who was given kingdom in charity. Go away Sutputra, this is matter of pride of Kshatriye.

Shalya : Maharaj Jarasandh, why are wasting your time, a suta could never understand pride of Kshatriye.

Other kings were also saying demeaning things, but karna was standing there Calmly without slight fluctuations in his emotions, it was Duryodhana who was getting angry at his insult. Duryodhana was going to jump down but he remembered Karna's words. He gritted his teeth and stopped.

Bhanumati : Why aren't you going to help your friend, Yuvraj Duryodhana.

Duryodhana : Bhanumati, you don't know about him that's why you are saying this wait for few moments. You will see why.

In these one and half year, Duryodhana has seen the excellence of Karna, he spared with Kauravas whenever he came to Hastinapur and there was not a single spar Karna has lost with any weapon. Duryodhana knew his friend was warrior of calibre that Kauravas couldn't face alone. He has once saw his archery duel with Ashwatthama and no words could determine That battle. He has never seen Ashwatthama being so outclassed not even against Arjun who was proclaimed best Archer by Dronacharya and what shocked him most was that Ashwatthama told him that he was going all out but Karna was holding back and by a large margin. Ashwatthama told him it was like when he duel against gurudrona, his father in childhood. He was not a child but a trained warrior but the gap reminded him of his childhood duel with his father. Like his father Karna was just counter attacking and advising him like his father use too. Ashwatthama words were “deciple of Bhagwan Parshuram are true monsters”.

The kings there ordered the soldiers to kill karna, the soldiers immediately stated running towards him, some shot arrows at him together. Karna used the agneyastra to burn the entire group of arrows coming at him. Seeing the army coming towards him he shot sammohan Astra and made them unconscious. The kings then picked up their bow and stated firing divyastra but like a tree karna stood in his place with his bow and countered the upcoming arrows and divyastra at him. He shot vayuastra and huge wind gust were created that threw of several kings out of their Chariot. He used Nagpas to bind them. Only shalya, Jarasandh and Magadh naresh were able to use Garuda astra to counter it rest fell on the ground being tied up. Shalya threw his spear at karna after chanting mantras in it but it too was countered by Karna. The three warrior knew that the couldn't fight Archery battle with Karna but they still tried but it was useless non the less. Karna used astnagpas and bind them too. He alone defeated them.

Karna : This is Kshatriye pride and capabilities that you were proud of, I must say I am disappointed. Now do you admit your defeat or should I kill you all.

Jarasandh : No body could kill me sutputra.

Karna : Really, oh mighty Jarasandh whose body was joined by rakshasi Jara. Even though f I could not kill you I could make you prisoner.

Hearing Karna, Jarasandh was taken back, seeing the smile of Karna he knew his claim of being immortal could be proven wrong today. Somehow Karna knew how to kill him even if he didn't he knew he couldn't defeat Karna. The other kings were scared of being dead or taken as prisoners. Everyone admitted defeat, even Kalinga naresh. Bhanumati and Duryodhana was amazed too because just alone Karna has defeated Kingdom of Kalinga and several kings of Aaryavrat. None of these kings were weak but mighty warrior and ruler. But in less than half hour they all were on ground being defeated and captured by Karna alone. Duryodhana was remembering words of Ashwatthama  “deciples of Bhagwan Parshuram are true monsters”.

After everything happened, kana went back to Chariot where Duryodhana and Bhanumati was looking at him in amazement. Karna smiled at them and took the Charioteer seat and left since they did technically kidnapped bhanumati, mairrage can't happen in Kalinga. But traveling to Hastinapur's especially palace would require days and if bhanumati travelled with two men unmarried then wrong notion would pass through. So they first came to Anga. They stopped only once for Karna's Suryapooja at river bank. After his pooja Karna asked if someone requires anything. The people came there, Karna donated his jewellery and clothes to them. Bhanumati who was watching a king humbly folding his hand in front of petitioners asked Duryodhana about it. To which Duryodhana told him that his Mitra always does charity after his Pooja. Bhanumati was amazed how smilingly Karna donated everything he has to everyone present there. She went to him,

Karna : Rajkumari, why have you come here.

Bhanumati : I have came here to ask you something, Angraj.

Karna : there was need of that Rajkumari, Mitra Duryodhana loves you he can and will give you whatever you want.

Bhanumati : I know but what I want to ask is something only you can give it to me. I heard from him Angraj don't return anyone empty handed after his Suryapooja. Will you return me empty handed.

Karna : No Rajkumari I won't but I don't have anything left and whatever wealth I have is because of Mitra Duryodhana. You will be his wife so you will have equal rights on it, so there is no need to ask anything.

Bhanumati : Aarya has told me what ever you have is what you have earned yourself Angraj. He has given you a piece of land that were left unsupervised for very long but you have built it like it is today. He or nobody can have rights on it.

Bhanumati : I don't want materialistic things Angraj, I just want you as my brother.

Karna : Are you sure Rajkumari, you want a petty Suta as your brother.

Bhanumati : Birth is decided by god's, it is capabilities that defines humans. You are Kshatriye maybe not by birth but by karma. If you are petty suta than I really want to who can call themselves as Kshatriye

Karna : I can see why Mitra fell in love with you rajkumari, your thoughts mirror his own. It seems my friend found his soul mate, if you don't mind then I will your brother.

Bhanumati blushed hearing that. Karna smiled at her. Duryodhana who wasn't far away and listening to the conversation laughed.

Bhanumati : Thank you Bharata, you are elder to me please call me Bhanumati.

Karna : Sure Bhanumati.

Duryodhana too smiled he knew he has abducted bhanumati from Kalinga so it will sour her relationship with her family. He was happy that she could find family in Karna and he trusted Karna very much after all it was his friend that has not only guided him to prove himself to elders which resulted in his somewhat acceptance in elders who considered him bad omen. Not only that he has guided him all the way through, Today was like that to reunite him with his love he was hesitant in asking anyone else's help but he was sure his friend will help him and he was right, not only bhe immediately agreed to help but like an elder brother he protected him and Bhanumati. He was not arrogant to believe he like Karna could defeat everyone today. He was really amazed at qualities of Karna and how able he is as king, warrior and human being. He has never met someone like him and he was sure he never will. He was happy that his wife and friend can share a bond he always felt with Karna. Trio was happy. They again climbed the chariot and their journey began once again.

Karna has already told Shravan to arrange everything as abduction was bound to happen. They reached to palace of Anga which was already beautifully decorated and a mandap was already there. They came down the chariot. Karna escorted them inside and called a dasi and told her to take Bhanumati to get her ready whereas he personally took Duryodhana to his chamber to get him. Changed and dressed as they were still in their disguise.

In Karna's chamber everything needed to dress up Duryodhana as groom was ready. Karna told Duryodhana to change the clothes bas today he himself do his shringar. Duryodhana changed to beautiful blue dhoti and golden angavastra which was embroidered with gold. Karna then showed his mastery of Kala and got him ready for mairrage. He then took him to mandap, some time bhanumati came she was also looking gorgeous. She was already beautiful woman and dressed in red sarees in which several gemstone were embroidered make her look very beautiful. Bhanumati was also wearing the jwellery made of gold and ruby gemstone. Duryodhana was only staring at her love. Seeing her he realised she would be only one for him, he didn't need ither women in his life. Bhanumati came to mandap and ceremony began for kanyadaan Bhanumati and Duryodhana. Karna did the kanyadaan as brother of Bhanumati and then the ceremony ended and priest declared them as husband and wife. They decided to stay in Anga today and tomorrow morning they would leave for Hastinapur.

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