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By Nikie_Sterling_27

65.4K 1.7K 241

๐”‡๐”ข๐”ž๐”ฏ ๐”ฃ๐”ฒ๐”ฑ๐”ฒ๐”ฏ๐”ข ๐”ช๐”ข, What to do when some new girl and her friends ruin your graduation plans and you... More

Zhang Daiyu
Hi ๐Ÿง


3.5K 89 7
By Nikie_Sterling_27


╔════════ °• ♔ •° ════════╗
Ep Two :
"Mingde's Queen has Returned"

╚════════ °• ♔ •° ════════╝

Waking up back in her home in China was bittersweet for Daiyu. Bitter because she had to wake up early, get herself ready, and wait for one of the boys to come pick her up. Lei had taken up caring for the planet, being more environmentally friendly, and insisted they all start car pooling this year. It sounded a bit ridiculous to her, the planet had already been screwed for years so what was carpooling gonna do now, but she agreed to make Lei happy.

It was sweet because of how eager she was to get back to doing what she did best. Scaring off all those who dared to try and take away her title of Mingde's queen. Plus, new freshmen meant that many more chances to cement her legacy at the university before she graduation. She imagined her loving admirers would be weeping a storm up that day.


"Finally," Daiyu muttered while unlocking her phone. It was already eight and she'd already been up for an hour, and doing her skincare routine and getting dressed for the day. As her parents liked to say, "first impressions are everything. So make sure you knock them off their feet". "Oh great. Ah Si's driving, that's just asking for an accident to happen."

Daiyu slipped into her stilettos admiring the butterfly decoration for a moment before leaving her room, briskly walking past the decorated walls. Her heels making a loud sound against the marble floor with every step she took down the grand staircase to reach the front door.

"Ms. Zhang, have a fantastic first day. Please don't forget to eat breakfast today," One of the female staff said to Daiyu. She never took to remembering their names since they came and went so quickly that it just seemed useless to her. She looked down at the staff who was smiling at her softly. 'Faker' Daiyu thought with a frown looking away.

"Don't wait up for me. Let me know if my parents gets in before I do," Daiyu ordered before leaving the house briskly. She plastered on a smile as she walked down to meet the boys in two cars only to see Ah Si and Huaze Lei in one car. "Let's get going already. Our fans are probably crying already thinking we're not going to show up."

"No one likes you that much, brat. We've been waiting for you forever," Ah Si complained getting into the driver's seat. She snorted opening the passenger car door and sitting down.

"Princess," Lei greeted the girl. She looked back at the quietest member of F4 and blew him a kiss teasingly before turning to Ah Si again.

"Jerk. You should tell a lady that you weren't waiting long so she doesn't make you feel bad."

"I see no lady around. Just a crazy person with stupid looking shoes."

"You got me these for Christmas!"

Huaze Lei laughed to himself as the two continued to bicker. Ah Si really did seem to attract women who would chop his head off sooner then praise him endlessly.

»»————- ♔ ————-««

Arriving at school was as if arriving at a red carpet event. Which did nothing but boost Daiyu's ego more.

Which the boys knew which is why Ah Si was so quick to leave her in the car with Lei while he walked over to Ximen and Meizuo who were already entertaining a growing crowd.

Daiyu scowled at Ah Si's retreating figure before fixing the few stray hairs in front of her face. "Such a child. Can't even bother to open the door for me anymore?" She muttered glancing out the window to see a few fanboys of her already looking for her.

She was interrupted by her door opening and Lei's stretched out hand for her. "May I, princess?" He asked with a soft smile on his face.

"Ever the gentleman, Lei-lei," Daiyu said placing her hand in his. He moved her out of the car, closing the door behind her, and led her towards the others. "I swear sometimes I think your the only one who likes me anymore, Lei."

"Ever playing pet to princess, Lei?" Meizuo teased the sleepy boy who didn't answer. Daiyu took her hand back to wave at her adoring fans who were already taking pictures of her and muttering about how cute her shoes looked.

'The queen has come to once again take her throne'.

»»————- ♔ ————-««

"Does the crowd seem to have grown to you?"

"It's Daiyu's new pets."

"Unpaid interns mind you. Besides, these ones asked to follow me around all day." Daiyu defended herself while the ring of girls and boys continued to follow the five of them while taking pictures.

Daiyu glanced at her new interns who were fended off the rare few who tried to get closer than need be. How these freshman had nothing better to do after assembly meant nothing to her and her growing ego though.


"Hm?" Daiyu looked down at the ground to see a shattered phone screen making her frown in distaste. Just who was this careless to let their phone drop whilst a huge crowd was walking around?

»»————- ♔ ————-««

"Gentleman, I understand it's the first day of classes but I'm quite ready to socially and emotionally destroy a freshman. Just one annoying, gnat of a freshman." Daiyu announced quite calmly after classes were done. Her new pet freshman's looked at each other worryingly hoping she didn't mean them.

"You mean the one that attacked the guest speaker?" Ximen asked.

"Of course! Who else??" Daiyu replied snatching her water bottle from her freshmen on the left.

"She's probably already gotten a detention for it. What more could you do?" Meizuo asked although he knew the newly turned blonde probably already a textbook full of ideas.

"I refuse to let some new freshman with anger issues overshadow me and my amazing return as a senior! She's already all over the school news and it's only been an hour! I'm second place, me!" Daiyu ranted angrily before chugging down her water. Ah Si was ignoring her while inspecting his hideous green shoes. "And what's wrong with you and your ugly shoes?"

"I think I stepped on something sharp. The underside is all scratched."

"Just buy new ones and throw those away," Daiyu insisted. Her two freshmen looked at each other as if she was crazy. Those shoes could easily pay off rent for six months and they were just casually talking about throwing them out?

Rich kids were strange.

"If you keep being angry you'll get lines," Lei chimed in knowing it'd frightened the girl. Or at least make her temporarily forget her quest for vengeance.

"Don't even joke about that, Lei-lei!" Daiyu took out her phone and swiped over to the camera, flipping it over to look at herself. Other than her clothes being slightly ruffled she still looked at poise, and expensive as she left her house this morning.

It was then that she remembered something. "I have a meeting for my fashion marketing class. I'll meet you in the bridge room later." Daiyu walked away with a slight frown and her two freshmen scrambling after her leaving her friends sighing in relief that she seemed to forgot all about the freshmen who attacked the guest speaker.

»»————- ♔ ————-««

Guo Caijie was more than happy to help the freshmen in nutrition learn more about F4. Too often she had seen others try to fight against the four with no knowledge only to end up the butt of everyone's joke as a result. But she couldn't forget probably the most important one out of all of them.

"It's not F4 you should worry about. It's Mingde's queen, their childhood friend who you should stay clear of," Caijie told them. Seeing their confused looks she sighed knowing she was going to have to do Daiyu's job for her.

"Zhang Daiyu or better known as Mingde's reigning queen. Another senior and if you ask around, the day she leaves is the day everyone's been waiting for. Much like the boys she grew up she's incredibly intelligent, rich beyond belief, athletic although you'll never see her run, proficient in five languages, and along with looking as incredible as she is rich she hides fangs and poison claws. Her hands have been called magic since no matter if it's writing, designing the new runway gown, or painting it'll come out as a masterpiece. She doesn't play bridge like the boys but there's been rumors that she dominates before she even sits down, scaring her opponents off before they can look at their cards. There hasn't been a time where someone got on Daiyu's bad side and she's shown mercy.

I've known her to be able to get students kicked out for simply stepping too close to her. And as delicate as she might look, she's been known to be able to throw out a punch or stab you in the eye with a stiletto. The only people she ever seems to show kindness to is F4 and even they can barely stop her when she's set her mind on destroying someone." As Caijie was finishing speaking the four heard a bustling coming from downstairs.

They looked over the railing to see a blonde haired beauty, with a red painted smirk on her face, walking in butterfly stiletto heels, wearing a white ruffled jumpsuit with sheer sleeves, gold rings and bracelets adorned her hands as she walked. "That's her. Zhang Daiyu."

Zhang Daiyu's nose twitched out of no where. She frowned and looked around before looking up to see a semi familiar face and three new ones looking down at her. She plastered on a smile which only grew seeing Caijie stiffen and take a step back.

"Guo Caijie! Talking about me and F4 again to the freshmen? You're gonna make them believe I'm the devil!" She called out to the brunette who stayed silent. "I need to visit the journalism department again to see my favorite professor. Our last talk about who gets that fancy scholarship for the semester got cut short, how is professor Wang anyways?" Daiyu asked only to not get a response.

Caijie smiled apologetically before walking away from Shancai and her friends. The three looked at each other worryingly before looking back down at the blonde who smiled in victory before walking away. Now they knew what Caijie meant.

Daiyu may have looked like a goddess but hidden inside was a creature that would bled the life out of them first for the fun of it.

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