The Battle For Her Love

By PinkGodess6

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All I want is to love and be loved. Can Drake keep his family together even when his eldest daughter through... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Dear Onika
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X


3.1K 56 25
By PinkGodess6

-Over view-

It was hard for Nicki to be a part of Drake's family, when his eldest daughter would not accept her and her son.

Drake was 28 and had been a single parent of two children, a boy and a girl for 5 years. He had a daughter named Kylie who had turned 9 in the month of May and a boy named Daniel aged 6. Their mother was very much still active in their lives, just her and Drake had a bitter relationship that did not end well. Nicki and Drake had known each other for 7 years and when Drake's relationship ended not long after they started to date. It was only 2 years ago that Nicki had given birth to their first child. A baby boy named Isaac. He was the cutest thing they'd ever seen.

Isaac inherited his father's skin tone and was very light skinned, he had small slanted Chinese eyes with chubby cheeks where he inherited his deep dimples from his mom. Large black curls and long black eyelashes and luckily for him as Nicki always joked he had not inherited his father's thick eyebrows. Isaac was Drake's mini me. He was chubby just as Nicki wanted her baby to be, although he looked like a blasian version of Drake he was very much a mommy's boy.

This didn't sit well with Kylie. For one, Kylie had always hoped her parents would get back together, she still saw the love her mom and dad shared and the fact that they never argued in front of Kylie and Daniel only made her keep hope that they would eventually get back together.

The fast pace of Nicki and Drakes relationship also had Kylie questioning whether Nicki was the cause of her mom and her dads failed marriage. She didn't understand how he could move on so quickly if it wasn't for Nicki. The fact that her mom didn't like Nicki either didn't help the situation.

Daniel on the other hand was young. Granted he loved his mother but he shared a more personal relationship with his father and Nicki was all kindness to him so he had no reason to not like her. She gave him sweets when his dad would say no, only because she wouldn't know that his dad would say no. When Nicki was babysitting him she'd let him stay up an hour longer then he was allowed to. Nicki spoiled him and treated him like he was her own. She hardly ever told him off and he loved Isaac. He loved the fact that he was an older brother and had a younger brother to play with. Also Daniel shared a little more resemblance to Drake and Isaac then Kylie.

Kylie hated Isaac, not only did he share the same blood as Nicki, she felt like he was a further wedge between her mom and her dad. She felt like Nicki got pregnant on purpose and Isaac was a way to grab Drakes attention away from her. The day Drake had sat down and told her and Daniel that Nicki was going to be a permanent fixture in their lives, that she was finally going to move in with them, was the day Kylie had decided this was war. Nicki would live to regret ever falling in love with Drake and his family.

Chapter 1


Drake, Kylie and Daniel had gone to Toronto to visit the children's mother at their grandma Sandi's house. Nicki wanted to go too however Drake thought it best if she would stay in New York with Isaac to not get any family arguments started.

Dennis and Sandi, Drakes parents, liked Nicki but they never really saw her as wife material and certainly not for their son. They quite liked Drake's ex wife, but for their son they put their wants aside and welcomed and accepted the new family both Nicki and Drake had created.

However Maliah, his ex, made things a whole lot complicated. She didn't want her children around Nicki at all and would encourage bad behaviour from their daughter towards Nicki. So Drake thought it would be easier if Nicki stayed in New York with her family just until they came back.

-New York-

Mama Carol had just finished zipping Isaac's black North face coat and placed his pacifier in his mouth and picked him up, holding him in her arms.

"Rest Onika. I'm taking him out of your hands I know he can be a handful so rest." she smiled and waved her mother goodbye and blew a kiss to her son. He stared at her with googly eyes and smiled back, hiding his face in the crook of his grandmas neck.

Isaac was cheeky and playful, he took everything as a game and was encouraged a lot by his father. He was going to be troublesome, Nicki could feel it. They walked out as Nicki made her way upstairs into the bathroom and composed Drake's number. She pulled her leggings and thong down and sat on the toilet seat releasing herself and awaiting for him to reply.

After the fourth ring the phone was finally answered but not by Drake. "What do you want?" Kylie rolled her eyes and asked aggressively.

Her father and mom were having private time discussing something in the kitchen and like always Nicki decides now to talk to Drake.

"Hey baby girl. Is your father around I ju-" She wasn't even given the chance to explain that Kylie cut her off and rudely dictated "No he's talking to MY mom. Call back later." With that she hanged up and left a stunned Nicki silent at the other end of the phone line.

She sighed and removed her phone away from her ear and placed it on the sink that was dry. She did what she had to do and flushed the toilet and walked to wash her hands. After drying them she grabbed her phone and walked back down into the living room. Snuggling up to the sofa she turned the TV on and watched reruns of Judge Judy. What did I ever do to that little girl to hate me so much?


In Toronto, Drake was getting the same ratchet attitude from his ex wife that he always got when they were in the same room. "Keep your voice down Maliah. They're next door in the living room and can hear you."

She rolled her eyes and paced back and forth.

"Drake I don't give a fuck if you fucking that little thot. She better not touch my daughter ever again." Drake had now had enough. Was it the fact that Nicki was with Drake or the fact that he had moved on from Maliah that was bothering her.

"All she did was Kylie's hair. You acting as if she fucking abused our child." "Who knows" she murmured quiet enough so that he couldn't hear.

He knew it was a bad idea. Dennis had begged him to talk to her for some strange reason and to not alert their children Drake had agreed. But all he wanted was to be snuggled up with Nicki by his side and the kids in front of the TV watching dragon ball z or spongebob in case Kylie and Nicki were afraid of the 'monsters' being shown. But nope. He was stuck in Toronto so that his kids could see this bitch he mistakingly married and got pregnant. To Drake his children were never a mistake, just the person he got pregnant was.


The kitchen door slammed open and Kylie ran in embracing her mother in a tight hug with a few tears streaming down her eyes. Drake stood up ready to take her into his arms when Daniel ran in all smiles and reached up for Drake to pick him up, which is what he did.

"What's wrong baby?" Her mom asked her "Don't be upset at Daddy mommy it wasn't his fault it was hers." She begged. It hurt Drake's heart to hear his eldest and only daughter speak like that about Nicki. He thought she would love her with time but how wrong he was.

"Kylie -" Drake commenced but was cut short by Maliah making a 'hush' sound rocking her daughter back and forth. That was Maliah for you. She would never correct the disrespect Kylie showed towards Nicki and would encourage it with her own 2 cents about Nicki.

"Why don't you take your brother upstairs. Get ready we'll be leaving soon." She wiped away her daughters tears and pushed her along. Kylie smiled and kissed her father's cheek taking Daniels hand and ran upstairs to collect their belongings with the help of their pops and grandma. Maliah walked away and stood at the foot of the staircase. Shortly afterwards the kids ran down and hugged Drake "I'm going to miss you daddy." Daniel spoke. Drake smiled and suffocated them with kisses before he let them go.

Once the door shut with them leaving, Dennis had caught the somber look Drake had and wanted to talk to him "Dra-"

However he walked right pass his dad and kissed his mom goodnight and walked up the stairs straight into his room. Sandi nodded towards the door and Dennis took the hint. She walked him out and without a word carefully shutting the door.

She knew her son and he hardly wanted to speak to Maliah. She was upset at how much Dennis was forcing Drake to do things he didn't want to do. She brushed her thoughts away and walked into his room.

He hadn't noticed her presence as he pressed the mobile button on his iPhone 6 and awaited for his baby to answer.

He had seen in his call log that she had phoned him and had a conversation with someone. With who? He didn't know but he was about to find out.

"Hey?" Her voice croaked. "baby what's wrong?" He said sitting up. His mother slowly backed out of his room to not alert him and made her way into her own room and shortly after a quick prayer fell asleep.

"Nothing baby. Just your son thought he could scream louder then me." She smiled. Drake laughed a little "You know your short ass can't compete against my son." He let out a small laugh "oh is that so papi?" He instantly understood what she was saying. "Actually nope my bad I guess you be winning the screaming contest." She rolled her eyes and purred. She missed him. They had been gone for a week and 5 days now and she only now just realised how much she couldn't function properly without him and his support.

"So how is things down there?" He stayed mute for a couple of seconds before he began to explain " Nothing you don't already know. Now she has a problem with you doing Kylie's hair."

Nicki subconsciously gave a sad smile and sighed. Earlier that week she had made Kylie's hair into a tight bun, but the combing and trying to make her hair straight and soft enough had Kylie complaining every two seconds. "I miss you Drake."Her voice seemed to croak even more and it was at that point he knew there was something more to that. "Baby please tell me what's wrong. I know there's more to that broken voice of yours?"

She took a minute to compose herself, contemplating on whether or not to tell him "I spoke to Kyile earlier."

That would explain who she was talking to and why no one had told him she had phoned, he thought.

"I don't want to give up Drake but I don't know what else I can do. She hates me and I don't know why." Both of them stayed silent. I mean what could you say to that, he couldn't lie and tell her it wasn't true when he knew it was. Nor could he comfort her and tell her it would take time. He said that 3 years ago. "I'm sorry babe. I love you though" "I know but -" "but what? If I love you that should be enough for us to make things work" " Yes I know bu-" He cut her off again " Why do you keep saying but? Do you want to end things or something? Cause if that's the case you can wait until I get home to L.A. before you start too."

Both lines fell silent. Drake's aggression over the phone hurt Nicki. She wasn't trying to end things she was trying to explain to him how she felt, but he would always do this. He'd sympathise and point to her how he loved her so they should make it work. Not once did he ever let her fully express how hurt she felt. He would always make excuses and granted Kylie was his daughter but Nicki was human, she had feelings and she could only take so much.

The disrespect was something she never took, especially from a child but because it was Drake's child she subsided her anger and tried to understand her. But how could she when she was the only one trying to make this work. With Drake making excuses after excuses and Kylie not cooperating, Nicki had no one who understood HER. She never told her family how her life with Drake really was because she felt ashamed. Why? Because as a women she felt like she was a doormat and she'd be criticised for how she handled things.

"You need to calm the fuck down." she said softly. "Yeah whatever kiss my baby goodnight for me."

Without giving her the time to answer he hanged up. Frustrated with himself with the way he acted towards her, he threw his phone on to the bedside table and laid down, closing his eyes to fall asleep. I'mma need to make it up to her when I get back. Maliah and the earlier events had taken over him and sadly he took his anger and frustration out at Nicki.

Back in New York Nicki had turned her phone off and slid down into her bed. She hated when he did that. Without even him knowing it, he was pushing her away the more he 'tried' to fix things. The emotions of the day got to her and she fell asleep with little difficulty.

Make it into a full story or nah?
Chapter 2

"Isaac sit the fuck down" He ran away from Nicki and around the legs of two relatives who were awaiting for someone to come out of the plane. They looked at the little curly headed boy and smiled. As he looked up he dimple smiled and ran away just as Nicki was about to grab him. He ran towards a pilot who was about to broad a plane and screamed at him "wait, me." he giggled. The pilot and his team turned around and looked down upon him and smiled. He stopped infront of them and threw his hands up in the air, gesturing for the pilot to pick him up. Nicki finally arrived behind him and sighed picking him up from behind. "I'm so sorry sir." The elderly pilot smiled and nodded "It's ok. Maybe next time little man." Isaac giggled and clapped his hands as Nicki rolled her eyes at him and walked back to their seat right in front of gate 6.

She sat down and placed him on her laps. "Why are you such a hyper little boy." He frowned getting the feeling his mom was upset with him he turned in her arms and hugged her neck hiding his face in the crook of her neck. She rubbed his back and kissed his cheek "I love you ladybug." He removed his head from her neck and pecked her on the lips. Isaac loved hugs and kisses, especially with his mom.

The gates to number 6 opened and the intercom announced the arrival of Drake and the children's plane. As Isaac turned his head to the door, with his hand on his moms chest and his other hand around her neck he started to bounce excitedly "daddy." He saw his dad and brother and sister walk out of the gates being the first group of people to walk out of the plane. Isaac pointed at his dad for Nicki to see. She smiled at him and stood up. He tried to wriggle himself out of her embrace but she wasn't fooled by him. Knowing Isaac he would act like he was excited to see his dad but actually try and run pass them and on to the plane. "Uh uh Isaac. Wait till they come." Finally giving up he pouted and crossed his little arms across his chest.

After finally making eye contact with her, Daniel ran to her side and hugged her tightly. At first Drake was worried. Daniel was exactly like Isaac, he'd run away from you without telling you where he's going, but when he saw who he ran to he smiled. Kylie rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth. Which caught Drake's attention. "Kylie please, remember what I said on the plane. Be nice. For me?" He smiled genuinely. Kylie didn't like to see her dad upset so she nodded and walked along his side pulling her Barbie suitcase along with her Barbie backpack on her shoulder.

They arrived at Nicki's level and Drake dropped his bags and took her face in to his hands and kissed her all over her face "Daddy me. Pick me pick me." Isaac demanded. Drake laughed and took him out of her arms and kissed and hugged all over him, spinning him around. He giggled showing off his dimples and reached out to pull Drake into a hug. As he tightened his arms around his dad he put his head into the crook of Drake's neck. "Y'all ready to go?" "Yes" Nicki smiled warmly. Since the other day, 3 days ago, she hadn't spoken to him but she wasn't about to dwell on the past. She took his duffel bag and the little suitcase Daniel was pulling along as Drake pulled the main suitcase along, and Daniel and Kylie walked in front of them, holding hands.

They reached their Mercedes Benz jeep matte black and settled the children inside. When all was sorted Drake put the baggages in the trunk and took his position in the passengers side. Nicki had taken upon herself to drive back, she thought it would be better for him to save up energy for when they got home, Isaac was for sure going to bother him. The journey home was long and silent. Isaac fell asleep, which both Nicki and Drake regretted as it meant he wouldn't go to sleep until early in the morning and he'd be fully charged to wreck havoc around their mansion. Daniel was focused on his Ds3 playing Zelda and Kylie was busy texting her mom on how much she was missing her. With Nicki focused on the road Drake thought it best not to distract her, and this wasn't the place to talk about what happened, especially in front of the kids. He looked at the scenery that they were driving pass and took 10 minute naps here and there.

4 hours later Nicki was pulling up at their drive way. She turned to her right to see Drake dozing off again. Turning towards the children who were all fully awoke she smiled and turned back towards Drake. Lightly shaking his arm with a warming smile she said "babe we're home." He slowly stirred and she rolled her eyes unbuckling her seat belt to go aid the children. Daniel and Kylie ran towards the front door with their bags which was opened by Ryan who took them in his arms and walked back to the living room suffocating them with affection.

"Mama." Isaac whined pointing towards the now empty spot his uncle once stood. He too wanted to be welcomed with a loving embrace by his uncle. "I'm coming baby." She unbuckled him and let him run up to the front door of the mansion waiting for his uncle to pop back out and pick him up too. Drake had been watching ever since Nicki awoke him and smiled. He joined Nicki by the trunk and took out his suitcase "We need to talk Nic." she looked down and continued to slowly bring out his duffel bag and walked by his side once they finished taking their things out. The valet took the car key from Drakes hand and went to park the car. "sure" she said quietly.

Drake looked around quickly and stopped her from walking forth, bringing her into a tight hug. "I've missed you big booty." She smiled with her head compressed to his chest " Drake stop calling me that." He let her go as they walked up to Isaac who was still standing there. Drake picked him up and shook his head "why not I'm speaking facts." Nicki rolled her eyes " Cause you say it in front of everyone." He laughed as they made their way into the landing/hallway, dropping the baggages at the foot of the staircase. "Cause it's true" "okay small dick." He let Isaac go and stopped walking "wait what.. don't play like that Nic you know I gro-" She laughed it off and walked into the living room where Kylie was telling her uncle about the fun she had with her mom and Daniel was showing Isaac the toys that they could play with.

"Those damn paparazzi made me look like I got a small dick. She know what it is anyways, she better stop playing." Drake mumbled to himself as he found her sitting down on the sofa interacting with Daniel and Isaac. He sat next to her frowning and pouting. She didn't even have to look at him to tell he was sulking. She giggled "what's wrong baby?" Ryan looked up to Drake and shook his head "A grown ass man acting like a baby. Yo Drake I'm bout to link up with Niko so I'll see you and the fam next weekend or something?" He said getting up dapping Drake. "Ite tell Niko to holla. I ain't heard from him in time G." Ryan nodded and kissed Nicki on her cheek leaving shortly after with Kylie going up to her room. She was not going to stay a minute longer with her father's girlfriend in the same room as her.

Drake softened up and laid his head on Nicki's lap. He looked up at her as she played in his hair looking into his eyes. Words didn't even need to be exchanged. The love he felt for her for years intensified all in this moment they shared, and her heart beat even faster then it usually did looking into his hazel eyes. She leaned in for a kiss on the corner of his lips and backed away looking at the children.

Drake stood up and took her hand in his pulling her towards the stairs. "I think it's about that time we have our talk."

Chapter 3

As he reached the first floor of the mansion he continued pulling Nicki up the stairs. "Ky look after your brothers for a minute. Me and Nic need some privacy." He shouted loud enough for her to hear him from the playroom which was on the first floor. There was no reply and Drake didn't bother waiting for one. They both continued to the second floor where the master bedroom was at the end of the corridor and power walked inside.

Making sure to lock the door behind them, Drake made his way to the bed pushing Nicki slowly on to the bed. "I thought you said we needed to talk." She said allowing him to take control over her "We are... but after I show you how sorry I am." As much as she wanted to keep a straight face and tell him how important a conversation about the situation was needed, Nicki just couldn't help the lust and need for Drake in between her legs and thighs right now.

A small crack of a smile appeared on her face as Drake licked his lips placing his hands softly on to her hips. As she laid down she gripped his shirt and pulled him down on top of her.

"But the children Drake" She said allowing her breathless response to come out sweet and aroused as he hovered on top of her and placed his hands either side of her on to the bed, sucking and licking her neck. He removed his lips and spoke

"Then we'll have to be quick." He winked and slipped down her summery yellow dress and with ease removed her panties. He smirked and bit his lip. The fact that she had come all the way to the airport to pick them up and she had decided to not wear a bra aroused him even more. He liked it when she played naughty. That was his girl. He was about to unbuckle his belt when he felt her hands over his. Looking up into his eyes she sat up and put her innocent voice on "Let me papi" She unbuckled his belt and pulled both his trousers and boxers down and placed his manhood in her hand. Looking up at him she placed it in her mouth licking the tip and then slowly taking it all in


Kylie walked down the steps of the mansion and into the living room (ground floor). She had heard her father loud and clear but had decided to ignore him until she started to feel hungry.

That was 10 minutes from the time her father gave her instructions.

She looked towards the boys, naturally her lips curled in disgust as she saw Isaac smiling at Daniel with his hand on Daniel's arm and the other pointing to the screen that was covered with Dragon ball z cartoons, babbling on about the characters. Even though Isaac had traits from his mom he looked like his father so much. More then Daniel and Kylie. She walked across the living room and into the kitchen pushing the door wide open. "Rosaaaaaa" she sung.

Rosa was a Spanish elderly immigrant that had been working with the Graham's for 3 years but Kylie warmed up to her pretty fast. She was also the house lady and made the children's snacks. Moreover she was a great person who listened to all problems each individual had. At the moment she was listening to Kylie's rants about Nicki, and although she advised her to give her a chance and to have limits as to what she said about Nicki she still had to go through Kylie's complaints about 'that bitch'.

"Ky. You back from Torronto." she rolled her 'r' with her thick Spanish accent. "Si mama" Kylie smiled as she sat on a bar stool facing Rosa who was chopping up some veggies with the aid of the house cook. "Can I have a snack please?" Rosa nodded " si bambi you can have mucho mucho. Simon my hands are not clean can you give Kylie bowl of the fruit salad we made earlier." "Yes Rosa." Simon the house chef smiled and placed the knife down doing as he was told.

She thanked them and left walking back into the living room. Isaac turned around and so did Daniel. Daniel stood up and sat besides Kylie and took a tomato with his hands. Isaac sat in place and just looked on. He knew better then to do what Daniel did. He maybe two but he knew that Kylie liked Daniel and not him. She made that much clear. "You want one zac?" Daniel asked Isaac. Isaac looked towards Kylie to see what he should say and when he saw her blank expression he nodded his head and stood up walking towards Daniel. "No Daniel he can't have some. We don't share the same blood so I can't share food with you ugly."

Isaac stopped infront of Daniel and looked at him. Daniel crossed his hands across his chest and pushed Kylie a little "That's mean Kylie."

"Am I ugly?" Isaac asked in his sweet baby voice, not hurt because he wasn't aware of the resentment and hate it held. "I don't think so. " Daniel clarified "That's your name ugly." Kylie continued "God you stupid." She rolled her eyes. Isaac sat down on the floor and looked up at her.

"We're going to Paris Disneyland next week." Kylie expressed. Isaacs face lit up as he clapped his little hands together, the excitement clear and evident. "I love Disneyland." He said "Yeah but YOU'RE not coming with us. It's only me Daniel and daddy." Daniel jumped up and down not to the fact that Isaac wasn't coming but to the fact that he was going Disneyland.

"why can't he go?" He asked "because Daddy doesn't like ugly." She smiled. "I be a bad boy?" Isaac asked ready to cry.

Disneyland was his thing he'd always mention it at least four times a day and his mom or dad would always say one day. He didn't understand why he couldn't go and his brother and sister could. Tears started to flow down his cheeks and sobs started to resonate. "urgh." She said in disgust, he was such a cry baby. "It's not my fault daddy doesn't want you to come. He just doesn't like you." She walked away and went back up the stairs and into her playroom. The feeling of accomplishment put her ego up on a pedestal. She sat back on to her pink Barbie sofa and turned the t.v on to high school musical and smiled.

Isaac stood up and walked towards the bottom of the steps, stretching his arms out ready for his mom or even his dad to pick him up.

But he was too far away from them for them to hear. So he was left there crying with Daniel by his side patting his head and trying to pick him up to comfort him

"shh it's ok. I can bring you back goofy if you want." But nothing he said or did stopped him from crying.

"Oh no what's wrong niño." Rosa exclaimed, hearing the cries from the kitchen she walked out to the two boys. "He won't stop crying." Daniel pouted and started to cry too. She knelt down and hugged the both of them. She picked up Isaac who was still crying hugging her neck and laying his head snuggling in the crook of her neck. She took Daniels hand and walked up the stairs direction their parents room.

"Drake" She barely got his name out as a whisper as he once again slammed into her. He had removed his hand from her mouth, wanting to hear her moans, pleas and cries to fulfil his ego. "Damn" He forced the words out through clenched teeth. The moisture between her legs and the fact that he could so easily fit in and out of her made him even harder, if that was even possible. Sex with Nicki was on another level. They had been going at it for at least 15 minutes and it was going pass a 'quick ting'.

He moved himself in and out of her watching her boobs bounce all over the place, biting on to his bottom lip to not let a moan escape from him. Yes you read right. Nicki was that good she made him moan once. He felt embarrassed but with her he started to enjoy feeling empowered by a woman. He felt her muscles tightening, he saw her back arch and he was about to release when he heard loud knocks on the door and the incoherent cries of his two boys.


He managed to say as they both released at the same time. She sat up with him still in her and pushed him out. She got up quickly with a little difficulty as her legs felt a little wobbly and numb and tied her robe around her. She was in so much rush to open the door she forgot Drake was still naked. He grabbed her hips before she opened the door. As she turned she saw him grab his shorts and wear them, throwing on his robe, leaving it untied. They opened the door to Rosa standing there with Isaac and Daniel balling their eyes out.

"What's wrong?" Nicki asked panicked, she took Isaac from Rosa's arms as Drake bent down and took Daniel, carrying them on to their bed. " Me don't know. I let Daniel explain." She bowed her head a little and closed the door. Nicki still had Isaac in her arms, walking back and forth she tried to calm him down, which was working... slowly. Drake had Daniel sit next to him on the bed. "Daniel stop crying. Big boys don't cry." He said wiping his tears "Now explain to mommy and daddy what's wrong."

It took a while for Daniel to calm down and Isaac started to stop crying all together, he was slowly falling asleep. "It's zac" Drake furrowed his brows "who?" Nicki walked towards them and sat besides Daniel placing Isaac behind them to allow him to sleep better. "Isaac, Daniel calls him that."

He nodded once as if to say 'oh' and looked at his son to continue "What did Isaac do?" Daniel shook his head "He was crying." Nicki rubbed his shoulder bringing his head close to her breasts. God she hated the fact that just a minute ago she was singing high notes and now her sons were laying in the aftermath.

"Why was he crying baby?" She asked him softly. He took a deep breath and finally calmed down once and for all.

"Ky...Kylie told Zac that. that he can't go Disneyland with us next week." He said looking up into Nicki's eyes.

She felt confused. Drake hadn't told her anything about going to Disneyland, yet then again they hadn't even spoken. She looked towards Drake who was not staring at Isaac. This nigga. She thought.

Drake internally beat himself up, he should have told her. The worst part was this was all his idea.

Back in Toronto's airport, Sandi, Dennis, the kids mom and Drake and the kids were at the airport saying goodbyes. Kylie was crying and wouldn't stop crying. She hated the fact that she was leaving her mom and her mom hated the fact that her daughter was going back under Nicki's control.

He wanted to find a solution and the first thing that blurted out of his mouth was "How about me you and Daniel go Disneyland"

"Next week?" She stopped crying immediately. "urhm if you want. We can go with Isaac and Nicki" She shook her head vigorously "Can mommy come?" He shrugged "if she wants" Maliah stepped in "I'm only coming if Nicki won't be there." Drake sighed but seeing his daughters face he quickly agreed and rolled his eyes "Just me you, Daniel and mommy daddy?" She asked he nodded and just like that they were finally able to say goodbye to them.

He didn't mean for Isaac to get hurt. Why would Kylie do that in the first place

"She say daddy don't want Isaac to come." Drake instantly shot his head back to them and Nicki looked towards Drake anger written all over her face.

Who the fuck says that to a two year old. She didn't care if it was a lie or not, this was Drake's fault. She wanted to slap the shit out of him and then slap the shit out of Kylie just for making her son go through those precious tears. She took a deep breath and kissed Daniel hard on the cheek making a "mwah" sound at the end.

"How about we forget all about that ok and you go get Nona to get you dressed into your pjs and we have a..." she said thinking "movie night with all the snacks we can find" she tickled him and like magic his frown turned to a smile and then to a giggle and he jumped off the bed. "yay. I'll be fast as I can." "Faster then superman" Daniel's eyes widened "Faster then Flash." He ran out of their room shutting the door behind him and called out for Nona, the 'nanny.'

For a minute the room fell silent until Drake gulped. Nicki's anger started to rise again and the frustration of Drake's silence got to her. "Ni-" She stood up and glared at him "Now is not the time Drake." She looked over at Isaac who had been awake for the last few minutes and was peacefully lying on his stomach staring at them. Drake motioned for him to come to him and as response Isaac crawled towards him and placed his hands around his dad's neck, standing up he tightened his hug. Drake was about to pick him up when Nicki removed Isaac from his grip around his dad and walked out "come baby let's get you ready for bed."

Drake sighed and stood up. Instead of going to find Kylie however, he took a long needed shower. The plane ride, the sex, the news he had just received from his son and the arguing that was about to happen had taken a toll over Drake. He needed this. It was another form of stress relieving in a way. Most importantly he needed to find a way to appease Nicki before shit went 0-100 real quick. He made a small laugh at his reference. That shit so corny.

He got out of the shower and dried himself, putting lotion and then wearing his boxers and pyjama trousers he looked at his chest in the mirror. He smiled at the red mark that went down from his left boob to the centre of his 6 pack. Nicki. He quickly shook his head and lost the smile putting on his white plain shirt and slippers he walked out in search for her.

He had found her in Daniel's room without Isaac. Rosa, Nona, Nicki, Daniel and their pet dogs Brooklyn and Athena were sat/laying watching one of the marvel superhero movies that Drake had brought Daniel for his 3rd birthday two years ago. They were so involved with the movie Drake didn't want to disturb the peace. He walked back out and went to check on Isaac.

He frowned when he saw Joe sat in the white rocking chair next to Isaac's crib. He shut the door and slowly made his way close to Isaac's bed with a silent and observant Joe.

Joe was Nicki's personal favourite bodyguard. He was well built however on the heavy side, was really friendly but looked scary to those who didn't know him and was a black man. "Yo what's good?" Drake asked still confused by what he was doing in his sons bedroom "Nothin' much Drizzy." Joe on the other hand was a massive fan of Drake, however Drake was always weary of Joe and never really understood why Nicki liked him so much.

"Your wife wants me to guard baby Isaac when she not around." Drake dismissed the fact that he called Nicki his wife, cause although they weren't legally married nor engaged Drake always considered Nicki his wife. He just wasn't in the right mind frame to propose. "Why?" Joe shifted in his chair a little uncomfortable. He looked from left to right and behind Drake, as if what he was about to say was top secret. "She don't want no one hurting her baby."

Drake wasn't stupid, he knew who Nicki meant when he said 'hurt her baby'. Even though he shouldn't have, he felt a little anger towards Nic.

Kylie would never hurt Isaac, how could she think that. Granted today she did some stupid shit, but she was nine and she was daddy's little angel, daddy's princess. Why would she hurt Isaac knowing she'd be hurting Drake too. He shook it off and sighed. He leant in and kissed a sleeping Isaac and walked towards the door.

"Urhm Drizzy, she also urhm mentioned, well actualy I overheard her speak to mama Carol actually." This instantly stopped Drake in his tracks. He looked back and stared at Joe intently. "I think y'all won't be sleeping in the same bed tonight." Joe smiled sympathetically, Drake shook his head "that's what's up. Ite thank you man." He left walking towards the steps to make his way to his daughters room.

I was originally going to make it a one shot but all my one shots in my opinion seem like great ideas to become a story.

I want to make this a story only if y'all think I should? There are a few other 'one shot stories' I have in my drafts that I'm starting on. But this is my second main project so what y'all say.

YASS 👏🙏🙌 OR NAH ✋👎✌️ lol

I also want to explain that what I wrote is how I was planning to make it a chapter but I realised if this becomes a story this that you read is an overview of what has happened. If I write it as a story I'll go into more details splitting it into more then one chapter then continuing from where I left off (basically adding more stuff to what I already wrote) and there going to be more troubles in the dricki familia.

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