Yours, Fred | f. weasley x re...

By badplantmom

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Fred Weasley x F!Reader ----- When you stepped onto the Hogwarts Express for the first time, you had no idea... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: The Twins
Chapter 2: The Marauder's Map
Chapter 3: The Ravenclaw and the Hufflepuff
Chapter 4: The New Gryffindor Chaser
Chapter 5: The Burrow
Chapter 6: The Inter-House Quidditch Cup
Chapter 7: The OWLs
Chapter 8: The Reconciliation
Chapter 9: The Quidditch World Cup
Chapter 10: The Dark Mark
Chapter 11: The Triwizard Tournament
Chapter 12: The Unforgivable Curses
Chapter 13: The Champions
Chapter 14: The Hogsmeade Date
Chapter 15: The First Task
Chapter 16: The Dance Class
Chapter 17: The Yule Ball
Chapter 18: Christmas Day
Chapter 19: The Second Task
Chapter 20: The Matchmaker
Chapter 21: The Third Task
Chapter 22: The Summer After
Chapter 23: The Order
Chapter 24: Grimmauld Place
Chapter 25: The Rescue
Chapter 26: The Hearing
Chapter 27: The Ministry at Hogwarts
Chapter 28: The Detention
Chapter 29: The Hogwarts High Inquisitor
Chapter 30: The Hog's Head
Chapter 31: Dumbledore's Army
Chapter 32: The Serpent's Song
Chapter 33: The Attack
Chapter 34: The Charade
Chapter 35: The Gift
Chapter 36: The Enemy Of My Enemy
Chapter 38: The Betrayal
Chapter 39: The Grand Departure
Chapter 40: The Head of House
Chapter 41: The Department of Mysteries - Part I
Chapter 42: The Department of Mysteries - Part II
Chapter 43: The Reunion
Chapter 44: The Joke Shop
Chapter 45: The First Time
Chapter 46: The Goodbye
Chapter 47: The Interview
Chapter 48: The Promise
Chapter 49: The Auror
Chapter 50: The Astronomy Tower
Chapter 51: The Seven Potters
Chapter 52: The Ambush
Chapter 53: The Wedding
Chapter 54: The Snatchers
Chapter 55: The Escape
Chapter 56: The Locket
Chapter 57: The Split
Chapter 58: The Left Behind
Chapter 59: The Historian
Chapter 60: The Return
Chapter 61: The Lovegoods
Chapter 62: The Manor
Chapter 63: The Cottage
Chapter 64: The Plan
Chapter 65: Gringotts
Chapter 66: The Brother
Chapter 67: The Beginning of the End
Chapter 68: The Battle of Hogwarts Part I
Chapter 69: The Battle of Hogwarts Part II
Chapter 70: The End

Chapter 37: The Birthday

5.5K 133 97
By badplantmom

The week after Trelawney's dismissal and the subsequent employment of Firenze, a Centaur, in her place as the Divination teacher, you walked down the corridor with a purpose. Making sure the twins were nowhere in sight, you marched up to Lee and grabbed him by the arm, pulling him to an empty corridor, "Lee, I need your help."

"Okay, okay! Just don't kidnap me from the corridor next time, you bloody lunatic," he whined but then he looked around, puzzled, "wait, no twins?"

You shook your head, and smiled mischievously, "no twins."

He folded his arms and smirked at you, "colour me intrigued, what are you up to?"

You looked over your shoulder to make sure no one was listening, "so obviously the mood has been really dull these past couple of weeks, and I had an idea. The twins are turning eighteen next week, so why don't we throw a party?"

Lee's face split into a huge grin and he whooped and jumped on the spot, "hell yes! Absolutely fantastic, I'm so in."

You shushed him loudly but you grinned at his excitement, "we need to keep this between us for the moment, I want to properly surprise them. And you know they're usually the ones who are full of surprises, so I really want to pull this off."

You and Lee eagerly planned the party, agreeing to get Angelina and Alicia involved, who were happy to help when you promised it wouldn't interfere with Quidditch training. Lee assured you he'd get out his old reliable hip flask, and at this point you were convinced he was nicking whiskey from the kitchens. You and the girls made magical decorations in your dorm room in the evenings, and after a few short days, almost everything was organised.

You got Hermione and Ginny onboard too, and on the morning of the 1st of April, the three of you went to a bakery in Hogsmeade to get a birthday cake and some sweets from Honeydukes. You left Ron and Harry out of the loop initially because you were convinced they wouldn't be able to keep it a secret, and Ron was prone to blabbing under pressure.

While you were in Hogsmeade, you picked up the gifts you'd ordered weeks beforehand, and you used the Shrinking Charm on them and put them in your enchanted bag so they wouldn't be seen by the twins.

Ginny was beyond excited since she'd been too young to go to the previous parties hosted in the common room, and the Prefects had always been insistent that anyone in third year and below were to obey curfew and were banned from going near the punch bowls. You and the girls had made the trip to Hogsmeade bright and early that morning to avoid the crowds and to get your errands done, and you'd given Lyra a note to deliver to the twins, telling them to meet you at the Three Broomsticks at eleven o'clock that morning.

It was almost eleven and you walked in the direction of the Three Broomsticks with the two girls, who were heading back to the castle with the cake and sweets so the twins wouldn't spot them prematurely.

"And they don't suspect a thing?" Hermione asked you, looking visibly impressed.

You grinned at her, "no, not a thing. I'm honestly surprised I lasted a whole week without telling them."

"They're here! I see them!" Ginny hissed and the two ducked behind the wall of the Three Broomsticks while you went to intercept the twins.

They beamed at you as you approached them, and you flung your arms around them, "happy birthday!!" They hugged you tightly and then they looked around, puzzled.

"Was that Ginny and Hermione we saw?" George asked and you wracked your brain for a believable story.

"Um, yeah it was. We came in to do some browsing," you said sweetly.

"Where'd they go? Are they not joining us?" Fred asked, baffled at the fact that the girls had disappeared so suddenly.

"Oh, Hermione wanted to give Ginny a historical tour of the village, she's starting all the way back when-"

"You lost me at 'historical,' Y/N," George said while Fred cringed, and you mentally praised yourself as they gave you the reactions you'd been hoping for. "Let's go inside!" You said, maybe with a little too much enthusiasm.

You walked in and peeked over your shoulder as you saw Ginny and Hermione sprinting passed the door with the cake and sweets. You quickly led the twins upstairs and you settled at a small three-person table in the corner.

"You're acting weird, Y/N," Fred said, eyeing you suspiciously. Of course he would notice the change in your behaviour, so you decided to deflect the question by stating you were going to get the Butterbeer.

You ran down the steps to the bar, cringing at yourself for how obviously not-normal you were acting. You decided as you were waiting to order the drinks that you'd give them their presents right then that morning. Then you could use the excuse that you were eager to surprise them with what you got them, and that's why you were acting weird. You ordered the drinks and Madam Rosmerta told you she'd bring them up to you, so you walked back upstairs to find the twins studying you curiously.

"Okay, spill," George said. "What's got you acting so skittish?" Fred continued while you sat down in your chair.

"Okay, fine," you said, feigning resignation, "it's your birthday today."

"Wow, we didn't know that, Y/N," Fred said sarcastically as he sat back in the chair and folded his arms, completely unconvinced.

"Please, do tell us more," George said with an equally mocking tone of voice while he rested his chin on his hand, as if he were listening intently to you .

You rolled your eyes at them, "shut up, you gits. What I was trying to say is that it's your birthday, and it's kind of an important one so I wanted to do something special." When they began to protest and tell you you didn't have to do anything, you continued speaking as if you couldn't hear them, "so, I got you presents, and I'm going to give them to you now."

The mention of presents silenced them and they looked intrigued. Just then Madam Rosmerta came up with your drinks and you thanked her and each took a sip, and you grinned wickedly at them. "Okay close your eyes, and no peeking," you instructed them and they groaned but obeyed.

You reached down into your bag and pulled out the gifts which you'd shrunken earlier to make them easier to hide. "Engorgio," you said, pointing your wand at each one to bring them back to their original size.

"If you're pointing that at Fred's crotch, I swear to Merlin-" George said, with his hands covering his eyes and you kicked him under the table. You placed each of their presents on the table in front of them, "you can open your eyes now."

They opened their eyes and you couldn't help the smile that grew on your face as their eyes lit up and they excitedly picked up their gifts and studied them in awe.

"No bloody way!" Fred exclaimed while George just grinned from ear to ear in delight.

You'd gotten George a large leatherbound journal with a mixture of lined parchment and sketching paper, especially for invention ideas and designs, and you had his initials engraved in gold in the bottom corner. For Fred you'd gotten him a brand new briefcase, since the one he'd been using to carry their products around in was an old one of Arthur's that was falling apart, despite all the repairing charms that had been cast on it over the years. The brown leather briefcase was also engraved with his initials on the top near the clasp.

Your favourite part was the logo on the front of both the briefcase and the journal, which you'd designed and had engraved in gold on both of the gifts by the shopkeeper you'd been doing business with. The logo you'd designed was a large 'W' with a star coming out of the end of it, making it look like a wand.

They both stared at you in silent awe and you flushed under the attention, nervous about how they'd take it, "so, do you like them?" Instead of answering, they both got out of their chairs and squished you into a group hug.

"Are you joking, Y/N? These are bloody amazing!" George said while Fred gave you a soft kiss on the lips, "these are unbelievable, you didn't have to go through this trouble."

"Well I wanted to, you're businessmen and entrepreneurs, and you're about to embark on your own business. I wanted to give you a little something to help with that," you told them earnestly and they grinned at you and continued to thank you profusely.

You smiled privately to yourself, knowing that you'd completely thrown them off the scent of the surprise party you had planned for that night, and now the only thing left to do was to actually surprise them with it.


"So you need to get them to wear something nice, and don't let them back up until eight o'clock," you'd directed Ginny and Ron earlier that evening, and they'd agreed and had run off straight away to find the twins. You'd filled Ron and Harry in on your plan at the last minute so they could help you get everything organised, and you and Hermione had devised a plan to get the twins out of the common room so you could quickly bewitch the decorations into place.

Part of that plan involved telling the twins that Molly was insisting her children dress up nicely and get a photo taken especially for the twins birthday and they were to go downstairs to meet Colin Creevey in the Great Hall. The boy in question was actually in on your plan, and he was waiting for them downstairs, and would hold them up as long as possible before coming back up. He eagerly agreed to photograph the party as well since he was, just like Ginny, finally old enough to be allowed to attend. You knew it wasn't your best plan ever, but you figured that Ginny would be forceful enough that they wouldn't even try to disagree.

You sat in the common room that evening, pretending to read when you were actually waiting for the twins to leave Gryffindor Tower. "I just don't understand why she wants a photograph, she's had seventeen birthdays to do it and she hasn't made a fuss until now," you heard Fred saying from up the stairs.

"Would you ever stop complaining, Fred," Ginny responded bluntly and you had to bite back a laugh.

The four Weasleys stepped down into the common room in their dressy clothes, Ginny was in a lovely yellow dress and Ron had even put on a shirt. George wore a light green summer shirt and Fred wore a matching one in pale blue. Your eyes lingered on your boyfriend and you took in how nice the shirt fitted across his arms and shirt. You immediately paused that train of thought as you remembered the plan.

You stood up from the couch and walked over to them, "what are you all dressed up for?"

Fred leaned over and pecked your cheek, "Mum wants us to get birthday photographs, I've given up trying to argue about it."

"You literally just complained about it as we walked down the stairs, mate," Ron told him and Fred flicked his forehead.

"Anyway," Ginny said, looking at you, "we'll see you in a bit, hopefully it won't take too long."

"Okay I'll be here when you get back," you waved them off and as soon as the portrait closed behind them, you called out to the common room, "they're gone!"

Lee hopped down the stairs and addressed everyone who was lying in wait, "alright you lot, you have your instructions so get a move on! We have thirty-minutes at most until they get back. I want furniture moved, tables set, music on, and for the love of Merlin would someone get that group to take their homework elsewhere!"

You laughed as the group of third-years scurried away with their books, you had to admire Lee for taking this so seriously and going as far as to use his Quidditch commentator voice to order people around.

You, Angelina and Alicia and a few other seventh-years cast spells on the door to the common room and the doors to the dormitories to block out the sound to avoid disturbing anyone who wanted to sleep, and also to avoid the wrath of the faculty for having a party.

Within twenty minutes, the common room had been transformed into a cosy party venue, with lights and decorations lining the walls, doorways and ceiling, the gramophone in the corner was ready to start playing music, and the table was set with various treats and drinks. You dressed yourself in a nice summer outfit and swept your hair back into a half-upstyle and then all you could do was wait for the twins to come back. You'd asked the Fat Lady portrait to start singing to signal the return of the Weasleys, and she was more than eager to do so.

The lights were put out and were to be relit when you surprised the twins, and at the same time the music was to be turned on. You all waited in the quiet darkness in anticipation, and you were thrilled to have so many willing volunteers to help you to set up and organise the evening. It wasn't hard to get people to help because he twins were extremely popular and a lot of people were grateful for the House parties that the twins had put together for them over the years.

Operatic singing suddenly sounded from outside, which was your signal so you all got into position as the portrait door swung open.

"Why's it so bloody dark in here?" George muttered.

They stepped into the room and you pointed your wand to light all the candles in the room which signalled everyone else to turn on the rest of the lights and music.

"SURPRISE!!" you all yelled and the twins' jaws visibly dropped, you pointed your wand up to the ceiling and sparks flew out of your wand and formed the words, 'Happy Birthday Fred & George' across the air above your heads.

The twins whooped and laughed with delight as you all clapped and cheered. You and Lee high-fived and Fred immediately ran over and scooped you up and spun you around, "you're a sneaky little shit, you are!" You laughed wildly at his astonishment, of course he'd know you were behind it. He tilted his head up to kiss you, still holding you up by your legs, and you kissed him back sweetl. When he put you down, George came over and tackled you in a bear hug, "you've been holding out on us, Y/N!"

"I can't take all the credit, everyone helped! Speaking of..." you looked over your shoulder and nodded pointedly at Hermione, "I'll be back in a minute." You left as Lee hugged the twins and Angelina and Alicia walked over to wish them a happy birthday and hug them too.

You met Hermione at the table and you both lit the candles on top of the birthday cake and as you turned around with the cake in your hands, everyone started singing a very out-of-tune rendition of 'happy birthday' and the twins had the typical reaction of anyone on the receiving end of that song - they looked mildly embarrassed and stood awkwardly as they waited for it to be over. When the singing finally stopped, you held the cake in front of them and they blew out the candles at the same time, and you could see Colin snapping pictures in the background.

The party was in full swing within the hour, and you were thrilled to see all of your Gryffindor friends together and having fun. You wished Bea could've joined, but seeing as students couldn't visit the common rooms of other Houses, she couldn't. She'd insisted earlier that she really didn't mind because wild parties like that weren't her thing, and she'd told you that her social battery was still recovering from the Yule Ball last year. As you looked around you were kind of sad when you remembered that this was probably your last party in Gryffindor Tower, since you were leaving the school in just three months, and as well as that, the NEWTs started for you and your friends at the end of May.

Warm arms wrapping around you from behind pulled you from your thoughts, "alright, love?" Fred asked as he pressed a kiss to your shoulder. You turned around in his arms and smiled up at him, "I'm better now."

He grinned at you and pressed a kiss to your lips, short and sweet, but lingering. You wrapped your arms around his neck and you grinned up at him, "so, best birthday ever?"

He chuckled, "by a long shot. You really didn't have to go through all this trouble, but it is very much appreciated. Plus, I like the attention, of course." You laughed and lightly slapped his chest, "I actually do have one more surprise, come with me," you took his hand and pulled him in the direction of the dormitories.

You stopped in the empty hallway outside the dorms and Fred raised his eyebrows at you, "okay, now I'm very intrigued."

"No it's nothing like that, Freddie," you laughed and he feigned disappointment, clutching his heart dramatically. You grinned at him, "yeah, as if we'd do something in a communal dormitory where someone could just walk in. Anyway, wait here." You ran up to your dorm and took out your second gift for Fred and then went back down where he still stood waiting.

"So I may have gotten you a second gift," you held up the small parcel of colourful tissue paper wrapping. You opened it carefully and watched Fred's eyes widen as you pulled out the beautiful purple silk tie from the wrapping. You wrapped it around his neck and began to tie it while he remained speechless, "you said all of your ties are passed down from Bill, so I figured I'd get you your own brand new one for when you open the shop."

You tied it and tucked it under the collar of his shirt, and then you looked up at him. He shook his head in awe and then he cupped your face and kissed you passionately, you smiled against his lips as you ran your fingers into his hair. "I'm guessing that means you like it then?" you murmured against his lips and he straightened up to look at you adoringly. "I love it, Y/N. I love you," he kissed you softly again and then looked down to admire the tie around his neck.

"It's perfect, thank you," he said in wonder, running the dark silky material through his fingers. He pressed a kiss to your head, "you're something else, you know that?"

You chuckled, "I've been told I'm a catch." He smirked at your mischievous expression, "that's the understatement of the century, darling."

"Oi! Are you two coming back down?" George shouted from the bottom of the stairs, "Lee's threatening to do a shot for every person at the party and I need backup to stop him or he'll probably die."

You and Fred looked at each other and burst into a fit of giggles, "be down in a minute, Georgie," Fred said and he loosened the tie and tied it around his head with a cheeky grin and he pulled you in for another searing kiss. Then he took your hand and led you back down to the party where laughter and music was still filling the air, and Lee was indeed attempting to set up a large number of shots in a line in front of him. 

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