in love with a criminal √

By Hobii_lover

29.4K 1.5K 274

sope short story top yoongi bottom hobi side ship namjin taekook More



1.6K 101 3
By Hobii_lover

5 months later

3 three couples is so happy with their lover.

Hobi was so in love with Suga.

He found his true love


Three couples at sope jail.

Suga sitting on bed, hobi sitting between his legs.

Namjin sitting other side of bed.

Taehyung sitting on floor with jungkook on his laps.

They six Playing truth or dare.

"Hobi truth or dare?" Namjoon ask

"Truth" hobi said

"How much do you love Suga?" Namjoon ask

"I love him so much,he is important person to me, he give me so much love, I can't live without him" hobi said smile

Others smile at him.

Suga kiss hobi on lips.

Hobi smile and kiss back.

"Okay okay stop " jin said throw pillow on them.

Sope break kiss and giggle.

Suddenly one officer come

"Jung hoseok come with me" officer said go outside

Others looked at hobi.

Hobi stood up and go after officer.


Hobi stand infront of officer

"Hoseok today is your last day in here" officer said

Hobi shocked

"Really?" Hobi ask

"Yes, your punishment is over" officer said

"Can I meet mine friends last time please" hobi said

"Okay " officer said

Hobi nodded and walk away.

Tears fall down his cheeks.


Hobi come inside his jail.

Others saw him and shock because he was crying.

"Baby what happened?" Suga ask stand infront of hobi.

Hobi hug him tightly and crying his arms.

"Today is my last day here" hobi said crying.

Others shocked.

Hobi pull away and looked at Suga, tears continuously fall down his cheeks.

"Hyung I don't wanna go,I want to stay with you" hobi said crying harder.

"Baby you should go, start new life" Suga said

Hobi Shake his head as no

"I want to stay with you Hyung, I love you so much, you promise me to stay with me forever" hobi said

"Promise can break, leave hoseok , we never meant to be together" Suga said turn around

"H-hyung?" Hobi said crying

"I SAID LEAVE" Suga shouted.

Hobi looked at his friends.

Namjin and taekook crying.

Hobi give them small smile and run outside the jail.

Suga fall down his knees and crying.

Namjin and taekook go to him and hug him.

"S-suga why?" Jin ask

"I can't be better boyfriend hyung, I don't money and house, he was so young, I don't make him sufficient because of me" Suga said crying


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