I became the Villain Prince i...

By just_a_cale_fan

14 2 0

Kang Ji-ho found himself in a popular RPG game after waking up in an unknown body. And this body's owner name... More

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

5 1 0
By just_a_cale_fan

On the other side of the door, a low voice was heard.

"My apologize, First Prince. But please allow this lowly servant to check your condition. I will be very happy if you agree, my Prince."

Nolan flinched, feeling unsettled by this anonymous voice. The voice remained respectful to him but somehow it sounded cold. Maybe because he's not used to strangers' voices? The monotonous voice felt quite unpleasant. When he heard it, Nolan felt like something was tickling him. It's a strange sensation, urged him to stay alert, specifically to the man on the other side of his bedroom's door.


Deep in thought, but Nolan soon got out because of the knockings. Right, he forgot that someone is still waiting for his answer.

"First Prince?"

In order not to lose his dignity as a prince and not let others see him standing in the middle of his large room like nuts, Nolan returned to his beloved bed. Sitting in the most comfortable position, he raised his voice. Hoarse like it hasn't been used in many days.

"Come in."

There was a pause but then a quickly opening sound followed.


The door opened, servants entered the room one by one. They are butlers and maids chosen specifically for Nolan, by the Emperor himself. Nolan was clueless about this because he isolated himself, and had limited contact with people outside his bedroom. So naturally, he should get nervous if there are too many people around. But that's not why Nolan's eyes widened, well he let them in any way. The reason he was shocked was that the person who was leading the group of servants is someone he knew too well. 

'Ansel Knox!?'

The man has a more youthful appearance but it's undeniably one of the characters that Nolan has controlled countless times in his previous life. Ansel is a man who appeared as Roosevelt's teacher, led the protagonist in many main quests, and teamed up with his gang in preventing monster attacks. However, until the end of the protagonist's academy life, his identity remained a mystery, after all his descriptions in-game only included information related to the Academy.

'But to think he's my butler...huh?'

Thousands of questions just popped into his head. As he thought he might see things, Nolan rubbed his eyes. On the other hand, Ansel walked closer and was about to greet his Prince. His eyes were completely fixed on young Prince, slightly furrowed brow.


Ansel participated in the selection of those who would serve First Prince. His purpose was a little different but it was something he needs to be done in the end.

But after started serving as First Prince's butler for nearly a year, Ansel never had the chance to meet him. Or to be more specific, the prince was always silent when he heard anyone's knock, even the Emperor, never once left his room. Ansel could only sigh helplessly. 

During his time at the Imperial Palace, he heard countless rumors about Nolan. Most of them said that he stayed in his room because he wanted to show hostility towards their new Imperial Queen Edana and his illegitimate brother, Second Prince Flynn; who have recently joined the royal family. While the others said he was disappointed in his father. 

Ansel, however, thought it was all nonsense, expressed his bitterness when he heard them, clearly disgusted. And continued working like nothing was showing on his emotionless face. Like a perfect butler.

A few months later, Prince Nolan fell into a deep slumber. No breath, no warmth, nothing. His body remained paralyzed and cold, Emperor called all doctors, priests, anyone who had at least the slightest clue about Nolan's illness. Even the young geniuses of the duke's and the count's families are famous for their exceptionally rare abilities. But it's all useless.

The disease was as mysterious as it came, suddenly vanished without a trace of it, the young prince regained consciousness. Rumors about his awaking spread through the capital with ease. The citizen cheered for Nolan's recovery, prayed for their almighty God, and thanked his wonderful blessings. First in terms of receiving news, Ansel gathered all the servants under his command. The group then quickly moved to one destination.

"Come in."

They were speechless, especially Ansel, with faint thoughts that they will get silent rejection like always. Quickly settling himself, he grabbed the doorknob. Then a delicate face with eyes that seemed even clearer than delightful blue sky of a summer day was looking at him.

"This humble man greets First Prince Nolan Venn Rhodes of the Rhodes Empire. I'm Ansel Knox, your head butler and I will be in your care from now on. It's a great honor to serve you, my prince."

Ansel bowed respectfully to his master, with no hesitation just like his gaze completely met Nolan's. With a small smile on his usually emotionless face, he was trying to be as gentle as possible. But for the rest, it doesn't feel that way...





"Pardon my Prince, but how are you feeling right now?"

"...As you can see, I'm very well right now."

"Oh my! The prince needs some medicines for his throat. Please do not worry, I will be right back after dragging that Imperial Doctor man with me!"

"...Uh no-"

"Yes! She's right, my Prince! Our Imperial Doctor is very good at his job, even he's quite odd! Your voice will return to its pretty sound right away!"


Once the servants entered his room, Nolan was immediately surrounded by them. As they were helping him get ready, Nolan also listened and answered each question carefully. The noisy chitchat wasn't as annoying as he thought. Somehow it even stopped him from overthinking. While observing their excited face, slightly questioning why they act like this, Nolan decided to let them be.

However, there was something Nolan couldn't let go of.

'I indeed stared at him a bit too much at first but why is he staring back?'

Ansel, after checking Nolan and asking permission to go out, returned in a few minutes. Since then, Nolan has been subjected to his cold glare. His gaze only lasted a few seconds but it felt like hours to Nolan, his expression naturally uneasy.

Nolan tried to act calm and talked with the servants who were very happy and responded enthusiastically. Then Ansel started to approach where Nolan was standing. 

"Sorry for interrupting your time but his Majesty would like me to convey to you that he has an urgent matter to deal with, so he can't visit you right now. He also wishes for your forgiveness as well."

"..my father?"

"Yes. Of course, I greatly believe that he will abandon his duty and come to you if you desire, my Prince."

While watching Ansel utter those words that are said to offend Rhodes royalty with a serious expression, Nolan thought about his father he hadn't seen in almost a year. He then remembered the event of his in-game death through Kang Ji-ho's memory. His worst-case scenario also took the life of Rhodes Emperor.

'Until the very end, father still said he love....'

"...No need, I'll join the meal with my family."

Nolan said, with an expression that held certainty. The servants hold their breath when they hear the unexpected words.

'If so, then this might be the reunion meal that Rhodes royal family hasn't had in almost a year!!'

Ansel smiled as if he had guessed it right, his smile held sincerity this time. A hint of joy. That smile also made Nolan smile as .

For the first time after remembering his past life, he felt refreshed.

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