Anna's family

By Otar3000

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A new interesting chapter in Anna's life. Takes place after Frozen 2 and "The Passsage" More

Trust your heart
No matter what ever it takes
Family Lost Lineage
Guilt of heart
A mother's heart
I am with you
On the way
Arendelle, Welcome??
I want to know
Enter Olaf
Unmeltable Me
Busy Time
A hidden plot
A story teller
Play Night
Heated debate or Legislative Violence?
Secret Passage
A visit
Wolf Encounter
A stained memory
Trio of stages
Hell, Raid Aftermath
Make it out
Promise to keep
Fiery Flames
Dangerous waters
Seeking the truth
Calm before storm
Something's Coming
Trouble's coming up
Chapter 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Cyclone πŸŒ€
Memory Witch
Rain and Sea/Drops and Waves
Justified Worries
Nobles vs Pirates
Cold Shoulder
future concerns & dangers
Everyone has a burden
Out of cold
Dugaag meets KΓΆnigin
Tarzel GesprΓ€ch
Hans the 13th/The Broken Bridge - Adultsupervision
hold on for your dreams & beyond!
is it a good time??
All in it's time - Happy 10 years
Free Fall
Olaf piratin tales
All is NOT well
Protect (not project) your tomorrow
voice of unheard or unrest?
memory of the brave
Beauty and Bravery
Mouse & Wolf
Heart is Pain
pain warp personality - CHROMASTORM CRISIS
Anna of Ark

Tough rock on wind

20 2 0
By Otar3000

Tarzan's plan was very simply, he ran as fast as he could from the where the Northuldrans resided. He led them as far as he could, so far he couldn't even find see from above himself.

Admittedly it wasn't as hard as he thought, to guide them away. The don't seem to have much of intelligence or maybe they simply did not care who to attack so long as they cause destruction in their anger.

What didn't make it easier was that the gaints throwing giant boulders at him and stomping on the ground causing earthshaking which made it a bit difficult to making his way through.

He also didn't think on what to do after leading them away.

Tarzan moved quickly to hide amongst the trees where unlike these spirits he had a size advantage (around 10 meters) and the giants failed to spot him.

He contemplated on fighting them and take them out of count...He could leave them alone ot themselves but in their disturbing state, he somehow hardly believed they may not come after Jane and the others at the camp again. And they may not be as lucky.

He once fought a stone warriors at the city of Opal but compared to them, the giants aren't controlled by anyone and are much bigger in scale about a size that are similar to the rocky mountains.

Anna and Honeymaren told him of the spirits here. The earth giants or as they call them Jötunn are extremely tough and strong and they are by far the most 'grumpy' of the spirits.

They are slow in motion, slower than him at least which works in his favour.

As he was strategizing, one of the ghiants grew impatient and screamed out randomly to find him which blew him off the tree he was hiding on

He hits the ground, coughing from the impact and covering his ears which were especially hurting from their loud screams.

He screamed out in agony, his yell so strong that the ground beneath him cracked.

He could barely hear anything, he looks at his hand which had a spill of blood

The giant who had done the deed goes after him knocking other giants away, making them stumble

His eyes could see thankfully and just in time he jumps out of the way before the gaint stepped onto him full force, cracking the surface.

It seems they weren't welcome to each other too, the gaints stood up and pushed one another

Taking that into account, he got an idea.

If he can't win directly then he will outsmart them

Gritting his teeth, Tarzan then charged at the one of the gaints who tries to cath him bt to no avail. As he expected he managed to trick the other giants into attakcing each other.

Then something unexpected happened when a powerful tornado came rushing to them all

Tarzan was hit with surprise and as light relief 'GALE!?'

Summoning extreme winds, Gale disoriented the giants and has Tarzan in her grip as well

Gale ends up lifting Tarzan upward as he gets blown away.

He luckily managed to land safely thanks to the leaves softening the impact.

He ran away from the spirits not willing ot get into coflict with them both.

Gale should be able to hold them for now at least. Hopefully long enough for them to resolve some problems with the spirits and the castle invaders.

Sitting next to a tree, Tarzan takes a moment to breathe

'Ah ah ah aaah'

Tarzan 'you again? I don't know why you are calling me but I don't have time for this. I have to get back and protect our people'

He wonders to himself as he now considers them his tribe as well. Then again since his human mother Iduna was a northuldran, like his sisters he is a half northudlran.

'Ah ah ah aaah'

Tarzan 'To be honest I did wanted to see where it was coming from sooner or later...I need to get back to amp but what if she calls for a reason?'

Yelena mentioned the spirits becoming unstable for some reason.

Tarzan 'Maybe she knows how to fix this. If Ahtohallan is the mother of all spirits, then maybe something must be happening there'

He has to find that place but first he had to rest briefly.

For a moment Tarzan looked up as he sees the clear sky like he does many other times and felt sort of stange

His hearing was getting better as the sound decreased in his ears

He rested his eyes for a while before he fell asleep there

In Tarzan's Visions

Tarzan was aseeing some unknwon images in his mind

"Whoa! Who's that? Hey, come here, little fellow."

I almost fell out of the wind's embrace as I whirled around, my eyes locking on a strange boy far below me, trudging down the reindeer path. He didn't look much older than me, with thick blond hair and a strange fitted green jacket and a shirt as red as the autumn leaves underneath his feet. As I watched from above, he knelt to the ground, reaching out to try to pet a small rabbit that was sniffing the grass nearby. The rabbit, of course, was having none of this and quickly hopped away. The boy got to his feet just in time to find himself inches away from the daily reindeer parade to the watering hole, and, with a startled look, he leapt backward.

One of the baby reindeer lagged behind the rest, going up to him and sniffing him curiously. The boy's face brightened and he dropped to his knees, pulling the creature into his arms and cuddling it as if it were the most precious treasure in the world.

It made Tarzan smile. He is nice kid to the animals of the forest unlike an angry voice that cut through the trees.

"Agnarr! Where are you?"

The baby reindeer froze. It squirmed out of the boy's—Agnarr's—arms and raced in the direction of the herd. Agnarr watched it go, a sad expression taking over his face. The voice came again. Louder this time. More impatient. His shoulders slumped and he ran toward it, disappearing from view.

Tarzan's eyes widened "Wait? Agnarr? Tha boy was my human father?"

If that is true then it's possible this girl is...

Tarzan understands as he approaches the the vision of his mother

Tarzan "So this is you?"

"Come on, Gale! Let's follow him!" She cried out. "I want to see their camp!"

Gale obliged, whisking her in the direction Agnarr had gone, opposite the path of the reindeer herd.

A few moments later, she stopped in her tracks and turns back

He looks around expecting this to be antoher part of the vision

The young Northuldran was looking at him confused and a bit saddened

"Who... are you?"

Surprise! Didn't expect that didn't you? Had I ever thought I'll be writting about an ape man in a magical forest? No. Am I in for it? Ouh yes.

This is rather interesting, I mean Tarzan being raised in the jungle makes him the perfect man to be attached to the element of earth and that's exactly why he saw that vision on the very spot of land where Iduna met Agnarr all those years ago.

The Land Has Memory as well.

Also another fact : According to the read-a-long book "Anna and Elsa's Winter End Festival", the queen had quite a sweet tooth and believed in fresh air and exercise. Her birthday is said to be "at the end of winter, right before spring." After her death, Iduna's belongings were stored within the castle passageways.

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