By karn0123

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what if karna know about his celestial father and he is part of Shiv too. again work of pure fanfiction More



6.4K 219 11
By karn0123

Karna left for Anga, he saw and read about his kingdom, it was on border which shares neighborhood with Magadh. It was not very big but not small either. It was surrounded by jungles from every side. It was a kingdom won by Mahamahim Bheeshma long time ago and since then it is part of Hastinapur but die of not being looked after the condition is not very good there. He reached Anga after 5 days and after coming he realised the condition seems more severe than he thought. The people very living there but there was no prosperity but it seems like there is scarcity of everything here. He changed his clothes into commoner clothes and went into the city. He want to know the root of all this. He went into anga and started talking to locals. He found that the people there was harassed by the bandits and due to left being unsupervised for so long the entire system has collapsed. The law and order became quite bleak here, people were living but not a very prosperous life. Various illegal activities were happening here and due to that condition of people living here is very bad.

Karna made plans of how to overcome these things but one thing he was worried was resources, he could do little things if he didn't have resources. He thought of solving what he can now and then he would worry for anything else. He directly went to jungles and found liars of various bandits there, he captured them and likewise for 7 days he spent his time in scanning through the forests around on his horses. He retrieved the wealth thaey have but was shocked even that was very little. He didn't killed any one as they were doing this for survival and beside some snatching and Robbing they didn't do anything big like killing or other atrocities that would require them to die. He needed a spy network and labour now so these bandits would be perfect for that.

He changed into his royal clothes and entered the kingdom after 7 days in the afternoon. The people of Anga gathered to see their new king. They welcomed him Karna smiled at them. Since it is kingdom there was a palace there but it was abondoned. Karna didn't really wasn't to go there so he decided to live in centre of city till he can solve the problem of people here. Upon arriving at City centre he introduced himself as their King. After that he asked soldier to make a tent here and call the governor of Anga. After the tent was built the soldiers went away. After sometime a middle aged man entered the tent and introduced himself as Shravan, the governor of Anga. Karna told him to have seat as they have various things to discuss.

Karna asked him about the condition of Anga and said him to tell everything truthfully. Shravan told him everything that the kingdom was suffering lack of concrete system and resources. Karna was surprised by Shravan, he can see his sharp wits truth is the kingdom has gone beyond saving was because of his efforts. Even with scares resources it was because of his ability that Kingdom was running. He was person with great administration skills. Shravan told him everything, the entire kingdom needs rebuilding and everything from roads to palace was in dire need of reconstruction. There are several skilled craftsmen here but again the lack of resources was hindering them and it was because of craftsmen there that they could have little trade agreement with nearby small kingdom and even Magadh. They talked till sunset, karna went to bank of river Ganga to do his Suryapooja. After his Suryapooja, his celestial father came there.

Karna : Pranipat Pitashree.

Suryadev : Kalyan ho Putra. I have came here to bless you in your journey Putra and give you Kamdhenu cow.

Karna : Pitashree, I am happy with your blessings, you have already helped me very much but I have to do this alone with my abilities otherwise people will say at every turn of my life I have help.

Suryadev : I happy you think this Putra but you are wrong. I am not helping you Putra, it's indradev that have asked me to help him in fullfiling his boon. Putra this Kamdhenu is under his protection as he is king of swarg even I want I can't give it you. Because of his boon he has asked me to give you this Kamdhenu for 6 months and after that I will take back this Kamdhenu to Dwarka. Take it Putra.

Karna nodded and understood. Suryadev then closed his eyes and summoned Kamdhenu and gave it to Karna. He left blessings Karna last time. Karna was left alone and was thinking what to do now. He has the Kamdhenu and he could get whatever he wish for but he was not willing to get everything ready made by Kamdhenu because if that happens then nothing will change but the people of Anga will become complacent and dependent on him for everything. The kingdom need not only reconstruction but reforms too and having Kamdhenu us not without any trouble, if the news spread then many greedy kings will attack Anga for it. Since the sacred cow was given to him then it is his responsibility, He was not worried about winning but Anga wasn't in condition to go on was with anyone now. After all the thought Karna decided to take Kamdhenu to the abondoned palace and live there with her. Soon he decided to go to abondoned palace, palace was Big, he went to open ground there and tied Kamdhenu there, he then arranged a clean shed, water and grass for her. After that he made a simple hut for himself too. He took the sacred Kamdhenu in her shed and afer feeding her he went back to his hut to sleep. He will discuss with Shravan how to proceed further.

Next day after his Suryapooja he came to his hut and did his yoga and meditation. After that he came to Kamdhenu and fed her. Then he went to his tent in the centre of his kingdom. He came there and saw breakfast was arranged for him already. After breakfast he called Shravan to discuss the further plans. Shravan got really excited when Karna said he can provide the resources but the work has to be done by people of kingdom. Like this they planned to reshape entire kingdom. Then a general assembly was called upon and the public was told of reforms and changes going to take place here. Karna gave them opportunity to leave if they are not okay with everything but none left for two reasons first the sense of belonging and love of birthland was very strong in Aaryavrat and second it costs in relocation, they would have to be nomads for long time before settling elsewhere and even then it would take long time to completely have job or other basic necessities. Since Karna was their King so they decided to follow him. Karna also proved them their decision was not wrong by providing the raw materials he promised them that before solving first he would arrange for them and only then he will begin construction of palace. The architects were gathered and plans were layed on paper having the map of Anga Pradesh. Area were distributed, fertile land were left for farming, location of public facilities like school, markets, hospital, garden, temples etc was decided to build in the centre and houses of subjects around it. Karna has especially emphasized on equality so every house will be of same structure, then plans for garden, playground, pavement, army barracks, Ashram etc were layed out. After discussing everything Karna asked the people to ask st till the reconstruction was going on. He provided tents for every family. Soon the destruction of existing housed started. Karna too helped in the process seeing the king was participating everyone too helped. Like this process has started.

Soon six  months have passed, in these three months whole Anga become entirely different than before. The entire kingdom became organised and beautiful. In these six-month the once barren looking kingdom now became prosperous, proper houses were provided for everyone in the kingdom and public facilities was opened for everyone. There was a beautiful and large palace in the kingdom. Since everything became organised the prosperity came to Anga. Not only that but various precious mineral, gems, trees like teak and sandalwood, herbs was found in the jungles surrounding Anga. So trade agreement were made. Karna too was busy in arranging everything. He was supervising the construction, training of the army, making trade alliances, etc but what he focused more was on implementation of reforms in his kingdom. He was completely focused on his kingdom but has send his some of spies in nearby kingdom and three especially to keep an eye on Shakuni. He also got news of war with Panchal and it's results. He got letters from Duryodhana informing of Kauravas loss and Yudhishthir being made Yuvraj. After getting the details he wasn't that shocked because Chakravyuh was not something Everyone can break, he consoled his friend and told him that he will come after the reconstruction of anga was done.

Today was mark of end of his six months tenure with Kamdhenu, she helped a lot to Karna in these months but Karna never misused the cow or its abilities to give anything desired to anyone. He has served Kamdhenu well inspite of his busy schedule he made time to feed her, bathe her etc. He did all her chores himself. He has asked only the resources for his kingdom, not even a grain of rice was asked was himself. In fact he distributed all the wealth he got to commoners and citizens. Not even the curtains of palace was from Kamdhenu. His treasury only contain the amount of taxes paid by citizens nothing else. He hadn't even stated his daan as he has decided he would do it after he returned Kamdhenu to his celestial father. The people of Anga were happy getting such King who has given them so much. He was the last person who was still living in the tent. They have seen his generosity, impartiality, kindness and compassion. They feel happy to have such King so they gave chance to his reforms too and were not disappointed till now. They felt greatfull to him, to show their approval of his abilities all the Craftsmen came together with all citizens and helped in building the most beautiful palace they can. The old palace was demolished and in its place a beautiful palace with just white marbles (the most precious stone) were made, door, windows and worden pillar were made of sandalwood only. The decoration inside the palace was especially done by finest craftsmen. The curtains were made of premium quality silk with precious gems embroider in them, the furniture was of sandalwood, the floor of pace was covered by velvet. Like this all the arrangements were meticulously crafted and put together and even clothes and ornaments were made by public. In the end they gather and told Karna that it was their gift from their heart. Karna accepted that with smile.

Today Karna went and did his Suryapooja. And after that he came back to palace where there was special shed was made for Kamdhenu. He folded her hands to her and fed her for last time and he bathed her too after that he did her aarti and he called his celestial father. Suryadev appeared there.

Karna : Pranipat Pitashree.

Suryadev : Kalyan ho Putra.

Karna : Pitashree today, six months are over, I request you to take Mata Kamdhenu to Dwarka.

Suryadev (smiled) : Fine Putra, come Kamdhenu let's go.

Kamdhenu : Ji Suryadev. Putra Karna I am impressed by you. In these six months you have never asked anything for yourself only for others. Now it's my wish to give you something. I bless you that none of your resources which you asked me will ever be exhausted be it mineral, gems, trees, herbs, stones, marble, cows, horse, elephant, weapons. Poverty, draught, diaster, plague will never affect your kingdom until the end of dwapar yug.

Karna : Thank you Mata.

Suryadev smiled and left with Kamdhenu after she blessed Karna. Karna then went to his personal practice ground for his yoga and meditation. Then a sabha was arranged and after Sabha. Karna called sharvan and informed him that he was going to Hastinapur. He gave his responsibilities to Shravan, in these six-month they formed a good relationship. Karna has seen the capabilities and trustworthiness of him. He has already made him second in command. After handling all the responsibility Karna climbed up on Chariot and himself drove it to Hastinapur. He could take horse too but there were several souvenirs for his parents and loved ones in Hastinapur.

Karna reached has Hastinapur in the evening so after his Pooja he decided to rest at his home and go to palace tomorrow. Karna came home to see the familiar seen of his mother working in the kitchen. Since giving her surprise was moot case he called her out. Hearing his son's voice Radha too turned around, she came and hugged his son. After that he first went to his room. Changed his clothes to old ones and came to his Mata. Soon Adhiratha came too, the family had dinner and they asked eachother's well being, no talk of anything related to kingdom or royals took place. Karna then gave them the gifts ge brought for them. He knew that his parents would like any thing too fancy so he gave them normal clothes and light jwellery to his mother. Since it was their sons heart they didn't decline. After that they went to sleep.

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