The Blindfold » l.t au

By EvieNight

83.4K 1.7K 432

(Currently under revision and editing) An Intern at NBC, a crude Architect and lots of kink ❝He had a thing f... More

The Blindfold
one ✔
two ✔
three ✔
four ✔
five ✔
six ✔
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine


2.4K 45 20
By EvieNight

(I never put warning bc y'all know there is sexuality in my story but be mindful to this chapter and know it's quite detailed)

Please vote and comment if you like it? Thank you for over 1K reads over here and over 600 on Australia. You have no idea how giddy I am.




I left around late noon, despite Charlotte's pleas for me to stay just a little longer. I had nothing important to do, really, but I didn't want to hang out around Louis so much to be honest. I'd rather clean my apartment than stay with him. He's just too toxic and sexy and...argh! Stray away from these thoughts.

Louis was quiet most of the time and I wondered if I had gone too far. Then again, I don't give a fuck if he got offended. I didn't lie about last night-I was perfectly sore and loose-limped-and I didn't lie about Travis being better than him. Well, there was a teeny tiny lie in this part, but I wasn't going to admit it.

He had fire in his eyes I didn't quite understand, and for some reason didn't appreciate. He looked like a badass and like he was ready to ruin someone's life. Unfortunately, possibly me. Maybe that's why I decided to leave. After the war we had and the savage kissing I wasn't ready to fall back into lust until it blinded me.

It was the last day of the weekend and I had no plans really. I think I'd be just lying around on the couch and watch reruns of anything until it's bedtime.

Such a bright thought, huh?


It was nearly nine when I heard a knock on the door and frowned, having not knowing who could be there in this time. I groaned and dragged myself to the door, sluggish and lazy and in no mood to look either welcoming or nice.

I had every possibility in my mind-the mailman, one of the guards or even George or Travis-but it never occurred to me that I'd be opening the door to a tall Louis Tomlinson in ripped jeans and black shirt with a black bag in one of his hand.

I didn't have time to come up with a response, because he had somewhat entered and dragged me inside my apartment, shutting the door and twisting the lock.


"What the hell!?" I finally yelled when my mind caught up and I raised both my hands in anger. He just ignored me, searching the hall before entering my room and shutting the door. He even locked it!

"Louis!" I knocked and then banged on the door. "What the ever-loving shit is your problem? This is my apartment and my room and you're just acting like you own it?"

The door opened and I crossed my arms over my chest, glowering at him. He just chuckled and went inside, and I was infuriated and curious enough I got in to see what the hell he did to my room.

I froze when I noticed a table being placed in the middle with on it. Holy shit, he had a collection of kinky stuff and it was right in my room, in front of my eyes. He just stood there with a wicked smirk and it's only now that I noticed he had taken his shirt off.

"You need some lessons," he strode closer and I stepped back-doing what a smart girl would do in my place. "And I'll be happy to teach you." He kind of growled the last two words and mixed with my fear was a deep, strong ache. I fuٌcking loathed this guy for making me nymphomaniac.

I paused a little, looking at his lips and hoping I could distract him before I run off. I knew it was ridiculous-it was my apartment for god's sake-but I also knew that if I stayed I'd be a slave to my own desire and his skilful mouth.

He was smarter though, and before I knew it, I was hoisted over his shoulders, screaming and cursing. I pinched his ass and he groaned, smacking mine and it stung. I cried out.

I was literally thrown on the bed and he was right there, not allowing me to squirm away or do anything. He cupped my jaw and kissed me, his tongue licking my lower lip before he bit it hard and I whimpered. When his tongue licked back over the bite, I was done.

I put my hands in his hair and kissed him back, the need inside me uncoiling and bursting out. In the back of my mind, a voice snapped with disapproval because I was being practically a whore, sleeping with a guy and seemingly to sleep with another right now. But I didn't care, I couldn't. And I hated him for it.

My hands were shoved roughly over my head and he looped a rope around them. When had he fetched it? I couldn't even tell. The rope was red and soft, unlike the rough texture of a normal rope. It was obviously used for this kind of...encounters.

My hands were tied and I was helpless, squirming under his studying gaze and sinister smile. It didn't need much intelligence to figure out that this was about his pride and male-ego, which I had broken with my provocation today. I was both glad and regretful for it.

"I hope you didn't like these clothes too much," he murmured, smiling at my shocked expression as I saw him holding scissors. "Because they're going to be ruined."

I protested when he started cutting my top and then took a piece and tied it around my eyes. My heart spiked up and I swallowed nervously, my desire simmering beneath a thin layer of anxiety. Why was it so thrilling when I couldn't see?

There was more cutting and soon the air was hitting my skin to hint that I was absolutely naked. I heard shuffling and assumed he was shuffling out of his own clothes.

A faint buzzing sound was the only warning I got before an intense feeling hit my nerve ends and my hips shot up in reaction, my mouth opening in a silent scream. The vibrator was intense and so fast the buzzing was louder and it jerked my nerves alive, hitting them with a pleasure so sharp it was nearly painful.

I cried out when he parted me and let the vibrator rest heavily on my clٌit, thrashing. I was screaming, or cursing or begging, I couldn't tell, but I was mindless to everything else except the razor sharp sensation.

"Your first lesson is called Seٌxual Frustration," his voice rose over the noise and my heart dropped, my hips circling wildly in vain attempt to buck the pressure off. "And one thing you need to know about it? It turns brats to good little girls." He hissed and bit my earlobe, causing me to moan.

My chest flared with anger but I was so close-so close I didn't even care that he called me a brat-and I was whimpering sounds of plea and excitement. I was right on the edge, practically ready to fall over when everything stopped, and I throbbed at the loss. My groan was more of a whine and I bucked my hips, knowing I could go off like a bomb if he so as much breathed on me.

"No," he murmured next to my ear, pinching my nٌipple briefly. "It's frustrating for a reason. And I'll just wait for you to cool down before we start again."

Again? I moaned in protest and he made a sympathetic little voice that angered me.

"Fٌuck you!"

"Now you're getting the idea." He smacked my thigh and I gasped, the sting warming instantly.

There was more shuffling and I throbbed at the sheer idea of being denied again. I was sensitive and swollen and couldn't bear more teasing. I had no warning before Louis was kissing me on the mouth while stroking my cٌlit. My moan was swallowed in his mouth and I was bucking my hips again, working toward what I wanted the most.

I was sweating and moaning, writhing beneath his fingers and skilful mouth. I felt the rigidness of his dick against my hip and ached even more. I was close and frantic, tears spelling from my eyes and rolling on my forehead beneath the blindfold because everything was so, so good.

And then everything stopped, and I cried out in surprise and frustration.

"Please..." I panted, my mind going crazy and body wound so tightly like a rubber band.

"Aw, the little brat wants something, hmm?" I nodded frantically and squeezed my thighs together to soothe the ache. It didn't help.

"I guess it's time for lesson two," he whispered in my ears and then I was flipped over. "It's called: Spanking." My stomach quivers and I rise to my elbows, feeling drained out.

The first smack was light but my stomach clench in desire. I was worked up so I thought anything would be satisfying right now. But when the second smack landed, I was absolutely and utterly wrong. It hurt like a bٌitch, and the raining blows after it weren't better even.

I cry out at the tenth slap-I had no idea I was even counting-and Louis pauses, or stops. He runs his hand soothingly over my skin and I mewl in relief, melting under his touch. The bliss doesn't last long and Louis lands another sharp smack, causing me scream in the pillow.

At fourteen, my ٌass burns and Louis had stopped, running his palm over my skin over and over. I fear that he had just paused for a bit but the next blow never comes so I relax, if only a little alert.

"Ready for lesson three?" he murmurs, kissing my spine and the tender touch makes my heart clench in the middle of this craziness. "By the time we're done here, you're going to sleep for days. And then you'll exactly remember how this felt. Trust me, you'll never forget it."

"Lesson three is called Break the Tension." He offers no more.

I bite my lower lip to stifle a moan and he gently turns me on my back again, running his hand over my chest and down to my waist, cupping my side and squeezing softly. The softness of his touch is heavenly, and damn confusing. It pushes an ache beneath my chest and I wish he'd just act as rough as before instead of this.

He tweaks my nٌipples between his fingers and my skin covers in goose bumps as I realize what's about to happen next. I squirm and he chuckles, licking my chest leisurely. He keeps sucking and licking until my skin is itching and my body is highly oversensitive. I fear that when he actually lets me come, I'm going to collapse.

I feel a cold metal a moment before my nٌipple is pinched roughly by the clamp and cry out, my body jerking instinctively. He applies the second one right away and the torment is doubled as I writhe beneath the pressure. The clamps are a little tighter than I remember and tears burn my eyes at the intensity.

"Shh," he soothes, kissing my lips and petting my clٌit in small, short strokes that makes my blood boil and flame with lust. "Ride it out, Cherry." The mention of the nickname he gave me makes my stomach flutter.

He spreads my legs wide-so wide it's quite uncomfortable-and I feel his hot breath near me, making my hips churn with anticipation. And then his mouth is on me, and it's so good I'm garbling some words I don't understand. The flutter of his tongue against me is maddening, and I cry out from the pleasure, my hips rolling, trying to get better friction. I moan desperately, fearing that he's going to deny me this time again but he doesn't stop, and the pleasure is rising and rising, sweeping over me like a crushing wave.

With a scream, I melt in the sheets, my body wavering from the shaking pleasure and my chest pulses, trapped in the hungry little teeth of clamps. I'm so sensitive and sore and I try to push him away but he keeps licking until I'm almost losing sense of reality.

He removes the blindfold and I shut my eyes tightly against the light. When my vision is a little blurry but I can make out most things, I spot first thing that Louis is gloriously naked, his cٌock bobbing and glistening, almost red at the tip. My body shudders in anticipation despite the overwhelming sensitivity I feel, but I can never be tired enough when he's hard and ready.

"Lesson four is my favourite, it's when all the pride leaves and need remains." He whispers as he puts the condom on and my body vibrates with excitement.

"Also," he groans when his tip slips inside. "It's when limping starts." He slams forward and I gasp, pulling against my restraints.The clamps are still biting and the mixture of his wrenching thrusts and clamps can be described only as mind blowing.

And it's like last night where everything is a blur and bunch of ٌorgasms and boneless-ness. But this time I'm not drunk, I'm high on Louis. Every little sound he makes, every pinch, slap, stroke and every kiss.

It's when midnight rolls around that I finally slump in a deep, sated sleep, and nothing wakes me up until the morning.

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