
By sj1012

4.3K 129 43

Voldemort is back. The dark lord is on the hunt for a new generation of death eaters. Follow "The serpents" a... More



113 5 0
By sj1012

Present time: Estella's POV
After Draco woke up, we weren't sure what to make up of the dreams.

"This can't be real..." I finally spoke

"How is it possible we don't remember a single thing?" Draco sighed

"I'm curious as to why you two are having dreams but the rest of us aren't" Emerson thought out loud.

Many questions ran through everyone's minds, we weren't even sure if the dreams were real.

"We should get ready, breakfast is about to start" Pansy yawned

We've been here all night apparently.

We all spilt up and got dressed for school, meeting back at the great hall for breakfast.

One week later:

It was strange without River here, Everything else was strange as well. Nothing felt real anymore. I could sense the others felt the same. Not many conversations have been exchanged since the night we observed Draco and I's dreams. I think we're afraid to continue them. It's almost like a movie you can't predict the ending you're too scared to finish it.

"I plan to go see River today...would you guys like to join me?" I broke the tension as we ate lunch.

"Draco, Milo, and I have practice." Blaise said bluntly

"I'm tutoring Em after school.." Pansy smiled weakly

"Oh...I'll let you guys know how she is" I nodded

"Thanks" Milo sighed

Everyone has avoided going to see her, not that they don't wish to be by her side...but it's kinda hard to
see her like that.

The rest of the day dragged on, small talk between us  here and there.

After class I went straight to the infirmary.

"Can I help you?" One of the nurses opened the infirmary doors

"I'm here to see River Malfoy"

"Just a second, dear" she smiled and closed the door gently.

I waited for a few moments

"Okay follow me" the nurse peaked out

We walked passed a few empty beds until we reached a door at the end of the stretch. She twisted the knob and we walked in. River laid sleeping on the small hospital bed.

"I'll give you two some privacy" she smiled, shutting the door behind her.

"River can you hear me?"

No answer.

"You look much better today than you did a few days ago" I sighed

No response.

I noticed her hand twitch, her eyes shifted behind the lids.

I slid my hand into hers.

"What the?" I felt something poke my palm

I gently pulled her fingers to open her hand. A small piece of parchment, crumbled up. I glanced around the room and slowly unraveled it.

"Don't be sad, Trust me i'm okay. Anyone can see i'll be better soon. They told me i'll get out in a few days. Are you all okay? you might not believe me but i'm not Lying. They're so kind here. The nurses are great. the Ones who work at night are my favorite. We Should be able to hang out soon, i miss you guys. Fear not, i'll be well soon.

Stay Safe,

She left a note? It was sweet and thoughtful...but something didn't feel right.

"I'm sorry I can't stay much longer, Riv. I'll try to be back tomorrow and stay longer. I love you sweet girl" I kissed her forehead and walked out.


I walked down to the quidditch field to show Draco, Blaise, and Milo the note.

"Stay safe,
r.m" Draco finished reading it.

"This doesn't make sense" he handed it back

"What do you mean, mate?" Blaise asked

"It's worded weird. River's always been quick about things. This 'note' is detailed with no sort of context whatsoever."

"Do you think someone else wrote it?" Milo suggested

"I don't know" Draco sighed

"We should show Pansy and Emerson" Blaise spoke

We all agreed.

"We'll meet in the common room after practice" Draco got back on his broom and flew off as Milo and Blaise followed.


"What's this about?" Pansy asked

"This" I handed the note to her and Emerson to read.

Their eyes skimmed the words quickly.

"This doesn't make sense" Emerson scoffed

"That's what I said" Draco sighed

"Did someone else write it?" Blaise asked

" was her" Emerson smirked

"How do you know?" I followed

"We use to pass notes in Snape's class...when he found them and tried to read them, they basically sounded like nonsense without any strings attached" she continued

"It's not randomness..River wrote out a message to us" Emerson grabbed a pen from the table and began circling things

"Explain please" Pansy scoffed

"Every word is lowercase...there are however words with capital letters...those are the key words" she continued circling


Her smile quickly faded as she read it to herself.

"What's it say?" We frantically asked

"Don't. Trust. Anyone. They. Are. Lying. They're. The. Ones. We Should. Fear

Stay Safe." 

You could've heard a pin drop. River is warning us...From what? From who? She didn't put much detail.

Draco stood from the couch and stormed toward the door.

"Where are you going?" I followed after him

"She's in trouble...we all are" he fumed as he continued down the stairs.

"We can't just pull her from the infirmary, we have to gather everything to know where to go from here" I caught up to him

"Do you expect me to sit around and wait for a sign to come? There are plenty of signs! Open your eyes, if we stay here we'll all die" he spat

"Just give us a few more days...we'll gather evidence and make a plan. We can't leave without one, we'd die before we even reach hogsmeade and you know it!"

"I just can't Sit around and watch her fade away, Star" he sighed

"I know and we won't...just a few more days and we'll leave...okay?" I grabbed his hand

He glanced down to our intertwined fingers.

"Three days. That's all you have. After that...I'll be gone." He muttered

"We'll be gone" I corrected him


"Good morning Estella, glad to see you're awake" someone spoke

It was dark...I realized I was blindfolded

"Just checking in on you, it's been three weeks. Can you believe that?" The woman chuckled.

Her voice was familiar, she was the same one who checked me the first time.

"Still healthy, eating the food we had for placed for you and the malfoy boy yeah?" She laughed

I felt her open my mouth slightly, placing a small chalky like substance on my tongue.

"Swallow, This will help you sleep for just a little while" I heard her footsteps disappear from the room.

When I knew she was gone I grabbed the pill from my mouth and slid it into my pocket.

"Here she is" the nurse returned with company.

"What about the others?" He asked

"The serpents have all been ran, she's the last one"

"How are the others?" He asked

"Still incorporative like the previous years" she scoffed 

"They just don't give up do they?" He sighed

"Since they were first years they've always been troublemakers" she laughed

"Well this year will be our best one yet...we've watched them long enough to know everything about them" he added

"Maybe we should try putting them together?" The woman suggested

"That just might work" the man though out loud.

What do they mean first years? I don't remember any of this stuff? Why do they ask as if they know us so well?

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