
By vrin_rin

19.4K 1.4K 266

Two rivals, two purposes, one deal and one big turn of event. When two rivals set aside their differences to... More

1 - Complicated Situations
2 - The Longstanding Rivalry
4 - Game On
5 - String of Incidents and Impending Wedding Event
6 - The Wedding : First Family Meeting
7 - The Wedding : Advice From The Ocean
8 - The Wedding : The Past and The Present
9 - The Wedding : The Forthcoming Showdown
10 - The Wedding : Sunrise On The D-Day
11 - Wedding Day : When The Sun and The Ocean Met
12 - Operation Mending Heart
13 - The Ripples Begin
14 - (dis)trust
15 - Escapade
16 - Abducted
17 - Epiphany
18 - My Past, Present and Future
19 - Special Chapter : Escapade to Forever

3 - The Hangover Talk

1K 86 16
By vrin_rin

The smell of disinfectant penetrated War's nose once he regained consciousness. His eyelids felt so heavy to open and he felt like his head was being split open. War already regretted taking too much shot last night as this is the worst hangover that he ever experienced. War couldn't remember what happened last night. All he remembered was that he met Yin in the toilet.

"Did I pass out for drinking too much?"

He opened his eyes, adjusting to the light peeking from his curtain and saw the wall of his bedroom. So someone did bring him home last night, maybe Win or Prat did it. He turned to the bedside table to see his bedside clock. It's already 2 pm on Sunday, War was grateful he didn't have any work to do today or else, he'd have to drag himself out of the bed with the worst headache ever.

Slowly, he sat up and forced himself out of the bed to go to the bathroom. For some reason the back of his head hurt like hell and it wasn't like the hangovers that he had before. He also wondered why his room smelled like a disinfectant for some reason. However when he reached the bathroom and saw his reflection on the mirror, he got the answer. There was a small bandage around the back of his head, just below, near his left ear. So, that's why the back of his head felt like it'll split open.

"Just what the hell happened last night?"

War quickly and carefully wash his face and brush his teeth to freshen up a bit, then he walked back to his room to find his phone to call Prat.

[If you're asking what happened last night, you can ask Yin, he was the one who brought you to the hospital]

Prat did say that but why? As much as War resented that man, he believed that Yin would never do something that hurt him. Well, not intentionally anyway.

"Oh well, I could just go ask him tomorrow when we work on the project", War said to himself as he made his way to the kitchen to fix himself something to eat when the doorbell rang.

Thinking it might be Prat coming to check on him, War didn't think too much about who might it be. Prat did say he'll stop by on the phone earlier. However, he was surprised to see a completely different person.

"Oh you're up, thank God. I thought I'd have to go back to my office again"

War could only gape seeing none other than Yin stood on his front door, carrying a plastic bag.

"I'm bringing you lunch,", Yin raised the plastic bag, "I also wanted to check up on you"

"Why?", is the only think that War said before he realized something, "Don't tell me....this wound, you..."

"Ah about that...", Yin scratched the back of his neck, "Can we talk about it inside, I promise I'll tell you everything so..."

War was a little reluctant to let him in but the way his face showed an expression akin to regret and worry made War stepped aside to let Yin in. Yin walked straight to War's kitchen counter to put the plastic bag down, like he had been here before.

"Do you wanna eat first? You haven't eaten yet right?", Yin said but War already made himself comfortable on one of his dinner chair.

"I guess we can keep the food for later", Yin said when he turned around and saw War already waiting for his explanation.

"Tell me Anan, what happened yesterday? Why do I have this wound? Were you the one who brought me back to my apartment?", War fired the questions.

Yin exhaled and then sitting in front of War, he looked down and played with his hands at first. A sign that War knew very well Yin always does when he's collecting his thought.

"What do you remember from last night?", Yin asked.

"I met you in the toilet", War shortly answered.

"So, you were really drunk then", Yin leaned a little back and folded his arms.

"My ex girlfriend was there when we exited the bathroom and she kind of freaked out seeing I was with you and started accusing you as the reason why I left her"

Now that Yin mentioned it, War's little fragments of memories started coming back and he got a flashback of a lady who shouted non sense at him last night.

"Then?", War pressed.

"She's a little...... unstable", Yin carefully choose his word, "She's been harassing me for a while now and I know she'd jump to conclusion right away when she saw us that's why I-"

"You were trying to avoid an accident by steering me away from her, but she grabbed me and threw me on the floor", War suddenly remembered.

Yin looked at War with his mouth agape because War cut him off mid sentence, "You do remember then"

Well, of course he'd remember something so shocking, hell if he wasn't drunk he'd remember right away without Yin reminding him of it.

"She kinda struck you with her handbag when I tried to get you back on your feet and that's how you got that", Yin said while pointing at War's bandage,

"It's just a cut, though I still brought you to the hospital because you passed out right away", Yin then looked around for a second, "I'm also the one who brought you here, well, Prat was with us too, since he knows your passcode."

War leaned back on his chair and stared at Yin. That explained the wound on the back of his head, the event that happened last night and how he managed to get back to his apartment, but there might be more that Yin didn't tell him. Let's be real, he wouldn't be bothered checking up on War and brought him food if it's just a little scratch.

"Then?", War asked.

"Then what?"

"There's still more that you didn't tell me Anan, c'mon I've known you for years", War said, his eyes were sharp on Yin.

"You're as sharp as ever", Yin chuckled.

"Spit it out", War demanded.

"Well, I kinda told the doctor and the nurse that I'm your boyfriend in order for you to get treated right away and so I could take care of the administration", Yin said in one breath.

War was stunned to silence at first until his hangover brain finished processing what Yin just said and he freaked out.

"Why would you....! You could've told them that you're my cousin or something! Are you an idiot?"

"I couldn't tell him that, the doctor has been treating my family for years! He knows me personally, I had no choice but to lie!", Yin got pulled on to raise his voice and upon realizing it he took a deep breath.

"Sorry, I shouldn't raise my voice. Well, I understand if you're angry but I didn't have that many choice and you were unconscious so I just told him that to make it faster", he said.

War wasn't exactly angry, he himself didn't know how to call this feeling of frustration. He pinched the bridge of his nose and just resigned to his fate. It's just for that time anyway, War just needed to avoid the same doctor.

"Fine, I understand. Whatever, it's just for that time and there should be no follow up to you self claiming as my boyfriend", War looked at Yin who was biting his lips, another sign of nervousness, and he felt like there was still something left unsaid.

"Yin Anan Wong", War's voice sounded like a warning, Yin understood it very well.

"Actually, only this morning Bver told me that my ex also goes to the same doctor and.."

"And?", War kinda knew where this was going.

"And I might have put you on her hit list because sooner or later she'll find out about you being my boyfriend and I'm afraid you're at risk of being harassed"


Prat came to check on War that evening just like he promised. But the assistant kinda regretted not going home right away after he delivered the documents that War asked for.

"That fucking turd!", War angrily said while pacing through his apartment.

"Now I have to deal with his crazy ex too because he couldn't make up a believable excuse to get me treated. What should I do?", War said, finally throwing himself down to the couch.

"He just wanted to help you in the hospital, beside he said he'll try to help you chase her away if she bothers you right? Whether you're agree or not to be his fake boyfriend", Prat said while scrolling through his phone.

"I know....", War sighed while looking up at his ceiling, "I mean, I can handle some crazy chick. If Yin is too coward to report her to the police, I'll do it but I can't even stand being in a close vicinity with him. How can I even date him?"

"Ai Yin never told you to actually date him y'know. Highlight the word 'fake' in fake boyfriend", Prat side eyed war and then he smiled, "You made it sound like he's gonna make you date him for real"

War glared at Prat while the later just looked at him with a teasing smile while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Don't even think about any weird assumption Prat"

Prat laughed at his best friend but felt bad right away because War genuinely looked troubled. Before he could give him some advice the doorbell to War's apartment rang.

"I'll get it", Prat said standing up to the door while War still wallowing in his dilemma on the couch.

"The invitations for your sister's wedding are here War", Prat announced from the doorway while making his way back to the couch.

War silently cursed in his head because of the recent uneventful events, War had unintentionally forgotten that he had a wedding coming up.

"Oh, she sent mine and Win's too and.... Huh?", Prat stopped in his track.


"I think your sister accidentally sent you two invitations instead of one", Prat said while handing War the invitations.

Just as Prat said, War really received two invitations instead of one. War was about to take his phone so he could text his sister when a letter fell down from the envelope. War immediately pick it up and started reading it.

If you're wondering why you have two invitations instead of one, that's because mom insisted to give you two and she said which I quoted "Tell your nong to bring a plus one, if he couldn't do that then he'll accept my proposal and spend the whole itinerary with my friend's son to get to know him". Sorry na, I really couldn't do anything, hope you have a few names as a candidate. Good luck my nong.

Your best sister,


"Your mom is surely a persistent woman", Prat said from behind War, making him jump.

"Don't peak at someone's letter!", War slapped his arms but Prat was right, his mom was so persistent and how the hell War should do now? he couldn't just not show up to avoid his mom's matchmaking game. It's his sister's wedding.

"Gosh, I don't think she'll do this, this is basically a forced marriage!", War sighed.

"There's no 'marriage' in that letter, don't be dramatic"

"Doesn't matter, she should just give up", War whined, then he looked at Prat, "What should I do Prat?"

Prat looked like he was thinking about something, but nothing coming up. Seemed like War need to suck it up and just accept his mom's proposal this time. Until, he glanced on the bag of disinfectant and bandage on War's kitchen counter.

"Y'know War, I've got an idea so you can still come with a plus one without your mom forcing you to mingle with a stranger and he'll definitely help you, but you might not like it", Prat said, still eyeing the bag.

"What? You have someone that I can bring to my sister's wedding? Tell me, tell me who is it", War excitedly say and Prat just looked at him with either pity and amusement in his eyes.

"The one who suggested you to become his fake boyfriend to deceive his crazy ex"


"Bver, hi bro, can you cancel my afternoon meeting? yeah, ask their availability for reschedule right away....hmm, yeah.... please extend my apology. Thanks B, the lunch is on me today" *click*

Yin put down his office phone slower than usual, buying time for himself to collect his thoughts. In front of him sat his old rival who had just said that he agreed to be his fake boyfriend after straight up saying he didn't want to take part in his plan to drive out his ex. Well, being surprised was an understatement. Yin kinda felt thankful though, that War chose a few minutes before their lunch break as the perfect time to tell Yin about this so they didn't disturb their surprisingly amazing work dynamic. Yin also just realized that after they'd worked on the project all morning.

"So, getting back to the point....You agreed to be my fake boyfriend until my ex give up?", Yin wanted to confirm.


"The terms are?", Yin asked straight to the point because War must've had terms and conditions for this arrangement.

"Glad you ask", War said while pulling a neatly written 8 points of terms and conditions. Making Yin snorted.

"What's so funny?"

"No, this is, I guess", Yin smiled a little bit too soft as he received the paper from War.

War just shrugged, not understanding what Yin meant but not caring either. "Read it"

"I'm doing it"

Yin took his time to read it to understand every points of terms that War demanded during their fake boyfriend game. He especially paid attention to the first and the last points. After made sure he understood every points and agreed to it, he took his pen and signed on the bottom of the paper.

"So, we have a deal", War confirmed.

"Yeah, we have a deal", Yin said, then he extended his hand, "I'm counting on you, boyfriend"

"Yeah, please take care of me, boyfriend", War took Yin's hand and shake it. Sealing the deal between the two.


8 Terms of Fake-Boyfriend Arrangement

1. War Wanarat and Yin Anan are FAKE BOYFRIEND during the mutually agreed time. Unless it's stated otherwise. Whatever happened during this time must NOT affect their work as professional IT and Architect practitioners.

2. Yin Anan must discuss every decisions that would affect both of them with War Wanarat. Doing anything without any discussion is prohibited.

3. Yin Anan must agree to accept the background story that War Wanarat had prepared beforehand. (Request of modification is allowed)

4. Yin Anan is the designated driver for all of activities, including : Taking War Wanarat to and from work and all the future dates.

5. Both parties must agree to schedule a 'date' once in a week and intentionally make it known to the target. (re: crazy former lover)

6. Yin Anan is allowed to do as listed : holding hands; hugs; head, hand and cheek kiss, and (LIMITED) kiss on the lips.

The actions above can only be done when there are witnesses and not when both parties are alone with each other.

Yin Anan is NOT allowed to : cuddling; excessive touching and/or sex.

7. Yin Anan is obligated and responsible to protect and assure War Wanarat's safety, from malicious and dangerous intent that the former lover might do.

8. In return for the help given, Yin Anan will come as a plus one for War Wanarat and act as War Wanarat's convincing 'boyfriend' in front of his family.

This agreement is signed by both parties and valid until the mutually agreed time.

The Applicant : War Wanarat

The Respondent : Yin Anan


Pardon the cringy terms and conditions, BUT the fake boyfriend game is finally STARTING

Should I or Should I not give War an ex boyfie so Yin will have someone to compete with later?

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