By karn0123

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what if karna know about his celestial father and he is part of Shiv too. again work of pure fanfiction More



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By karn0123

Karna left Mahendragiri towards Hastinapur. It took few days for him to reach Hastinapur. He reached Hastinapur in the evening, he did his Suryapooja outside the entrance of Hastinapur and went inside. Upon reaching Hastinapur he directly went to his house and saw his mother was busy in the kitchen. Upon seeing her, tears well in his eyes. If anyone asks who was he most grateful in this world he would without hesitation say hus Radha maa even before he knew truth but after knowing truth his love didn't diminish but instead his respect for them especially his mother reached so high that nobody in this universe could compare to her. Seeing her there working rejogged several memories of his childhood. He immediately wiped his eyes and went towards her in silent steps and put his hands around her eyes.
Before he could say anything Radha touched his hands and said.

Radha : Putra, you came back.

Karna : How?

Radha : Putra, I am your mother, let alone 9 years even if you come back 90 years later I would recognise you by your touch. Since childhood you are special Putra, your body is as soft as new born baby and it still hasn't changed.

Karna was surprised, he knew that he has changed from before but still his mother recognised him with his touch. He removed his hands and she turned around and karna immediately touched her feet.

Radha : Aayushman Bhava Putra. You came back. I thought you have forgotten your mother.

Karna stood up : How can anyone forget his own mother, Radha Maa.

Radha now clearly saw her son who went as a boy and now returned as very handsome  young man now. She can see his changes. He was now taller than before and the symbol of trishul and damru inside the sun increased his charm. He looks mature too and she can see he has become confident young man. Tear were already in her eyes she hugged her son who whose eyes were also brimming with tears. They hugged for sometime where rash flooded her emotions to his son. Karna too remained like this for a while, he knew his mother has immensely missed him. All this time he has his Gurudevs there with him but he was the only bson of her. He let her vent all her emotions. After sometime Radha released her hug and lifted his hands and cupped his face.

Radha : How are you vasu. You stayed 9 years from your Mata. Why didn't you even wrote a single letter to me.

Karna : I am fine Mata. I am sorry it took so long but I was with mu Gurudevs in his hermitage so I couldn't write letters to you Mata.

Radha was happy hearing this, she was glad that someone has taken his son as his student. How could she not know his wish to become a warrior and how heart broken he was when he was rejected by Dronacharya. Seeing his condition was only reason she steeled his heart to let him go alone from Hastinapur to find his own teacher. She was happy that he got his wish. Both mother and son wanted to talk but dinner time was soon so she has to prepare food not only for her husband but her son too. She told him that but Karna said he would help. Both went to kitchen and soon food was prepared. Karna said he would help instead he didn't let Radha do anything but cooked whole meal alone. He made puri sabji and kheer. After food was prepared they both came out side the kitchen in the hall to wait for Adhiratha to come back. Radha was sitting there and Karna was laying but keeping his head on her lap and she was caressing his hairs just like how it used to be when he was child. Radha wanted to ask him questions but she knew once her husband come they would have that conversation so for now she wants her child to take rest. Seeing his blissful expression in her lap reminded her of his childhood. They both were thinking of same thing. Soon the door of the house opened and Adhiratha came inside,bye saw a young man was laying on the lap of Radha he immediately understood it was his son. He went towards him. Karna too stood up, bhe touched his father's feet, Adhiratha blessed him and make him stand both Father and son didn't say anything but hugged each other. Radha was happy seeing hthe family United once again.

Radha : You Both wash your hands and freshen your self. I will serve the dinner, We will talk during dinner.

Both Adhiratha and karna smiled and nodded. They went to wash their hands and Radha served the food .soon the entire family gathered in the hall and sat on the floor to eat the food. Unlike many other houses of Aaryavrat where male eat first and females later here everyone eat together. Radha served food in three plates and they all sat down to eat. After taking first bite.

Adhiratha (jokingly) : Radha, today food is very delicious. Looks like you poured all your heart today because your son came back. You still love him the most didn't you.

Radha (smiled) : I love him most Aarya that is true but the food isn't prepared by me but vasu prepared it. It is very delicious Putra, where have you learned cooking and how did you became so good.

Karna : Mata, I learnt basics watching you, I became good recently. Even my Gurudevs praised my cooking.

Radha : I wanted to ask you before, Putra, who taught you.

Adhiratha was actually listening to the conversation. Seeing his son he can see he was trained to be warrior and very good one. Though he was Charioteer but he was Charioteer of Mahamahim Gangaputr Bheeshma and he saw a lot of warrior and soldiers in his life. He can see his son wasn't any ordinary soldier but even he wasn't prepared by what Karna said.

Karna : Maa, I have three teachers. They are saint vishvamitra, Asurguru shukracharya and Bhagwan Parshuram.

Radha and Adhiratha was so Shocked hearing him that they froze and has their eyes wide. Karna wasn't surprised by their reaction because each of his three teachers were not ordinary teacher and any student taught by them seperately would be fore most warriors. Saint Vishwamitra was teacher of lord Rama and lakshmana, Shukracharya was Asurguru and Bhagwan Parshuram was addressed as most foremost teacher in the prithvi lok. Radha and Adhiratha can't imagine them teaching his son together. They got over their shock and were happy that their son got such great teachers. But one question was ringing in their head.

Adhiratha : I am happy that you got such great teachers but how did you became their student.

Now it was Karna's turn to get hold of his emotions as he didn't want his parents to know that he knew he was adopted because it will hurt them and they would feel guilty about it. He didn't want to lie to them too but he has anticipated this question and had the answer ready but problem was his Radha maa could instantly tell when he was hiding something. She know he never lie to them but he has not told everything that happened to him even in childhood. He was worried about this only. He schooled his expression.

Karna : Pitashree, I was rejected by 100 Guru in the first two years, I was close to give up but under the guidance of suryadev I went to Mahendragiri. Three of teachers were already there. Bhagwan Parshuram was not willing to take another student first but I asked a chance to prove myself. He took a test and I passed. I impressed him, Shukracharya and Saint Vishwamitra so they decided to take me as student and stayed at Mahendragiri to teach me.

Radha (crying) : It's fine Putra, those rejected you were not worthy of your teacher, look in the end thee revered teachers accepted you as their students. You are devotee of Suryadev like us and he treats everyone equally so seeing the injustice done to you he guided you.

Karna : I know Mata. I can never be enough thankful for his guidance.

Radha concentrate only on her son rejection and acceptance. Hearing the first few words have broken her heart so she only thought of consoling him. She didn't paid much attention or otherwise she would have seen him hiding something. But Adhiratha has different thoughts going through his head hearing his answer. He knew after so many rejection his son would be desperate so he feared for something.

Adhiratha : Putra, I know Bhagwan Parshuram only gives education to Brahmans so how did he accepted you as his student. You surely didn't lied and deceived him ?

Karna : No Pitashree, I didn't lie to him. I told him about me being Suta. He knew everything about me before he or others accepted me as their students. I didn't hide anything from them.

Adhiratha (relived) : Good, I am happy you still followed Dharm after everything.

They then talked Karna told them his training but didn't go indepth of everything. He didn't tell them about his changes or anything because then he would have to disclose everything. Radha and Adhiratha too didn't ask him any questions as first they are not that knowledgeable and second teacher-student bonds are sacred, they didn't want to anything else that what Karna could tell them. They were just happy that their son got the education that he always wanted.

Adhiratha : Putra, what would you do now. You have gained such sacred education, so what are your plans for future.

Karna : Pitashree as I promised my teachers, I would use knowledge for society's welfare.i would help the oppressed and abused section of society.

Adhiratha : I happy of your decision Putra.

They have already finished their meals midway of talking. So everyone stood up and went to wash their hands. And then they decided to sleep.

Like this two days have passes and in second evening a soldier came to town centre to announce a Kala Pradarshan for Kuruvansh princes were going to take place and everyone was invited bro attend it. Karna smiled he was waiting to be close to royals of Hastinapur and this gives him perfect opportunity. The day passed as usual and next-day came.  Like everyone he too went to the stadium with his mother to see the Kala Pradarshan. like always he carried his bow with him. Archery was his first love and since Bhagwan Parshuram stated teaching him Archery he always keep it with him when he was not training or sleeping. Even during his meditation, preaching and yoga he keeps it in reach of his hands. He took the seat beside his mother. Soon the royals came and sat in their seat. Karna was observing each and every royals that sat. He knew most of them except two princess there. He knew Maharaj Dhritarashtra has one daughter but he couldn't deter who of them were the Princess of Hastinapur. Soon the Mahamahim Bheeshma and Kulguru kripacharya came in the arena. They announced why everyone was gathered here the crowd shouted in excitement because it's not everyday that they can see the actual battle.

Soon Dronacharya along with his son Ashwatthama came in the arena. Droncharya declared how he has completed his duty as teacher and taught the princes his knowledge. And now the princes showcase their talent to everyone. Soo the competition start ed and first 99 Kauravas fought each other and Dussashan came up in top. Then the eldest Kauravas Duryodhana came to areas on elephant. But prince Dussashan directly admitted his defeat so next participant was invited it was none other than Prince Nakul one of twins of Pandavas. Then battle take place Duryodhana used mace and Nakul used swords. Both were well versed in their weapons but Duryodhana defeated him by overpowering Nakul. After that similar thing happened to prince Sahdev who uses axe. It was after that eldest of Pandavas and Kauravas, Yudhishthir who uses spear and Duryodhana fought  but using mental warfare, superior skill and superior strength Duryodhana defeated him too. Then with a boom second Pandava Bheem came in the arena with his mace. Both mace fighter fought, they were pretty equal but their style were opposite. Duryodhana uses skill and statergies where as Bheem was only usin his brute strength. There seems to some enimity between them because Bheem used excessive strength and was disqualified because of it.

Karna was watching all this could clearly see the barrier and enimity between two sets of brothers. He can them being formidable fighter in future but now they weren't much except students who completed their education without any experience in battle. He can see several of them being formidable warrior in future as they have skills especially Pandavas and few Kauravas. He can see the reson why his Gurudev said Hastinapur would be cause of destruction. First it already formidable warrior like Bheeshma and Droncharya and some of the princes too had calibre to be Maharathi. If United they could bring prosperity but he can already see they were at neck of each other meaning if this continues they will bring destruction. He sighed at complexity of royal but he has join too because he have to give gurudhkhsina to Saint Vishwamitra. He was especially waiting for the last but definitely not the least of kuru princes. He was none other than Arjun whom Droncharya has vowed to make the best archer in the world. When he was rejected by Dronacharya he has s ambition to prove himself so too but spending his times with his teachers made him realise all this thing was bogus and have no special significance for anyone. One only Mahadev is best Archer and second considering oneself as best cause one to stop improving himself in arrogance. Under positive reinforcement of his teachers his goal changed, He didn't want to best in anything for him goal was always tomorrow he would be better than today. Soon his wait was over and prince Arjun came to arena. He was met with accident on his entrance, the structure above him Suddenly fall upon him. He can see shock on everyone's face he narrowed his eyes and looked towards Duryodhana to his surprise he with his brother were genuinely surprised which shocked him. He ofcourse saw Arjun protected himself but he thought it was Kauravas conspiracy but he can see their genuine surprise and shock. Other may think they were pretending but being taught by Saint Vishwamitra and shukracharya he was well versed in body language and slight signs showing they were completely unaware of everything happened. He narrowed his eyes like everyone in Hastinapur he too knew about Kauravas especially Duryodhana as evil, bad and Adharmi but he can see he was misunderstood and the real conspirator was someone else who was pulling these things and placing on Duryodhana's shoulder.

Soon the Arjun came out of debris shocking everyone barring Karna, Bheeshma and Droncharya . After coming out he shot few arrow which landed on feet of elders of Hastinapur. They gave him their blessings. Fight between Duryodhana and Arjun started and it was pretty much one side. After few minutes Arjun froze Duryodhana in ice using himastsra and disarming him using another arrow which caused his mace to drop on the ground. Arjun's skills amazed everyone and they were shouting his name. Karna was baffled by this unnecessary excitement. He can see Arjun's talent and with some experience he would be an excellent Archer. He ignored everything and thinking about how to get close to Hastinapur's royal. But the invitation card me to him in silver platter by Dronacharya himself.

Karna saw even after Duryodhana was disarmed, he was still stuck in ice and Dronacharya instead of freeing him was openly challenging the entire Aaryavrat.

Dronacharya : There is no other Archer equal to my student Arjun in the universe. I declare him as best Archer in the entire world.

The crowd went ballistic over this and stood up from their seats to shout “Hail Panduputra Arjun”, “ Hail Dronacharya”, “Hail best Archer” and “Hail best teacher”. Now Karna was not angered by best Archer but best teacher struck him. He knew this was hidden message behind Dronacharya's declaration. Karna became very Angry, one who couldn't let go of his ego as brahman and despite know the vedas discriminate on basic of birth that Guru was being called best guru really? If he is best guru that what are his own Guru? He could not believe in his arrogance Dronacharya forgot and disrespected all other guru. He forgot about Mahadev, Devguru brihaspati, Asurguru shukracharya, saint vishvamitra, even his own father Saint Bhardwaj, his teacher Bhagwan Parshuram and several others revered teachers. He has already got invitation from him and he would surely make him pay for this disrespect.

Not only Karna but Bheeshma too was thinking about the disrespect of every teacher that just happened. He looked at Dronacharya who was looking pleased with crowd, he frowned but this was public display of Kuruvansh and if he intervene that it would raise various questions about not Dronacharya arrogance but his competence and through him the competence of princes of Hastinapur. He can't allow that so he kept quiet.

Droncharya after getting the approval of best teacher by crowd told Arjun to release Duryodhana now. Arjun nodded and was going to shoot arrow to free Duryodhana but suddenly an arrow came and freed him then another arrow struck to his mace on the ground which flew in hands of Duryodhana who caught it. Everyone was shocked by this. They wondered which prince shot the arrow. Dronacharya too got Angry because from the trajectory of arrows he know it was shot from crowd.

Droncharya : Who dare to shoot arrow? Come out.

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