His Last Hope - A Vigilante T...

By KurayiaKai

3.2K 52 10

This story starts when Izuku's older brother Hiro, goes to the doctor and the doctor tells him a secret that... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 5.5
Part 6
Character Pictures
Part 7
Part 8

Part 9

262 5 2
By KurayiaKai

Let's start two years after Izuku woke up from the accident.

"Stop running, Hades!" Eraserhead shouted at me as I ran from roof top to roof top.

"Why should I? It's not like if I did stop, we are going to just sit down and talk." I replied as I stopped on the top of a building.

"Why did you kill that hero back there?" He asked me as he caught up.

"Why do you want to know? It's not like you really care." I asked him as I looked over the edge.

"I do care. I noticed that you only go after heroes and people that have done something wrong. Like abusers, rapists, or murders. So, what did he do? I don't agree with the killing but I understand why you do it." He asked me as he walked over.

"I watched him save a woman from being mugged and..."

"What's wrong with that?"

"Then, he started to force the woman to give him payment in form of his enjoyment. I killed him just as he had torn the poor woman's top off." I said with venom.
"I hate rapists the most." I stated with enough hatred that he took a step back.

"I understand why you did that but you didn't need to kill him." He said looking into my eyes.

(Why is he after me?) I asked myself as I activated my quirk.
[Shota Aizawa also known as Eraserhead works as an underground hero that loves helping people and cats that need it. His quirk is eraser and he mostly fights quirkless. He is currently after the vigilante Hades to understand why the young man became who he is and to try and stop him from killing. He is not working for anyone else to try and capture him and does not mean any harm. He is 100% trustworthy.] My quirk answered me.
"Yes, I did. I don't want to argue with you. Can I ask you something Eraserhead?"

"Sure, if I can ask you something."
(Is he planning something?)

"Why not. So, Why are you after me?" I asked him wanting to know the answer from him.

"I want figure out why you became a vigilante and if I could help you turn your life around. Now, my question for you is, how old are you?"

"I am 14. Why?"

(He is so young)
"I thought you were young but I didn't realize that you were that young. You are the same age as my adopted son."

"Can I trust you?" I asked as I sat on the edge.

"It depends. And get away from the edge you could get hurt, Problem Child."

(Problem Child?)
"Why? It's not like I will get hurt if I do fall, due to my quirk."


"Do you have anywhere to be?" I asked him as I got comfortable.

"No. Why?" He asked as he walked over to me.

"I want to tell you a story about a little boy." I said as I took off my black hooded mask.

(He looks so innocent and sad.)
"Do you mind?" He asked as he pointed at the edge.

"No, I don't. Would you like some iced coffee? I always bring some on my nightly patrols." I asked as I pulled out my canteen that had some iced coffee.

"Sure. As long as you didn't poison it." He said with a small smile.

"Of course not. Here." I said as I took a sip and handed it to him.

"Thanks." He said as he sat down next to me.

"My story starts eight years ago, when the boy was only four years old. His older brother found out he had to hide his quirks for his own protection. This caused himself and his brother to be abused and sold by his family. After many years, his mother sold him to men for the first time. This caused the brothers to completely hate their family. The only person in their family they trusted was their youngest sister that loved her dearly. After their other sister tried to kill the boy. His brother snapped and tortured his family. After two weeks, the boys ran away with their youngest sister and vowed to find and kill people like their parents. They still wanted to help people, so they became vigilantes instead of the heroes they wanted to be. The boys being the victims of society." I said as I looked up at the stars.

(Is he All Mights other son?)
"That's a very sad story, Problem Child. Who is the boy?" He asked me know full well it was about me.

"I think you already know." I said as I stood up.

"Hades, do you have a guardian of some type?" He asked as he handed my coffee to me.

"Not legally. I am currently living with my brother and his boyfriend. And he is two years too young to be my guardian. Why?" I asked as I walked away from the edge.

"Can I be your and your brothers guardian? I promise not to turn you in and I will keep this a secret from the Yagis." He asked as he stood up and walked over to me.

"Can I think about it?" I asked as I faced him.

"Sure. Take your time. I am sure I will see you around." He said with a small smirk.

"I am sure you will. Bye, Shota." I said as I ran and jumped off the building.

(How does he know my name?)
"Problem Child!" He shouted as he ran over to the edge and looked down at me.

As I waved at him, I started to question myself if this was the right choice.


15 minutes later with Aizawa.

(I still can't believe that happened.) I thought as I walked to my house.
(I wonder why he told me his identity. What changed? I really hope he accepts my offer because I want to give him and his brother the loving family that they deserve. I understand what they went through as quirkless, due to myself being treated the same way growing up.) I thought as I walked over to my front door and walked in.

"WELCOME BACK!" Mic screamed from the kitchen.

"Stop being so loud. Shinso is trying to sleep." I said as I joined him.

"Oh, sorry."

"I need to tell you ask you something." I said as I went to make some coffee.

"What is it, Hon?" He asked kind of concerned.

"I ran into Hades a few hours ago, we ended up drinking iced coffee and talking after I had caught him killing a hero for trying to rape a woman he saved..."

"Wait! Hold up you drank coffee with him?" He asked me surprised that the cold hearted Hades would do that.

"Yes. He told me the reason he became a vigilante..."

"Let me guess, he had a crappy childhood..."

"Mic, let me finish!" I yelled at him.

"Ok, go on."

"So, he is 14 years old and his real name is Izuku Yagi..." I said as Mic freezed probably realizing my question.

"You want to take them in, don't you?" He said looking serious.

"Yea, I asked that problem child if he wanted me to be his and his brother's guardian and he said he would think about it. I think he mainly wanted to talk to his brother about it first. So, would you be okay with him living with us?" I asked knowing that he will probably say yes. Just due to us both really feeling bad for the two of them when the video came out.

"Of course the little listeners are welcome here. You know that I felt bad that they went through that, specially when we found out that they were experimented and sold when they were just little kids!" He said as he started getting angry at All Might and his wife again.

"We have two extra rooms so it will work out nicely. We also have to talk to Shinso when he wakes up..."

"No need. I came down to get some water and I, overheard you guys talking. Sorry for eavesdropping, but I don't mind them staying here if you were going to ask. It would be nice to have someone my age around." Shinso said as he joined us.

"Thank you, Shinso." I said as I poured my freshly brewed coffee in my favorite cat mug.

"I am glad that we might have a few new additions to the family." Mic said happily.


Back with Izuku.

After I jumped down I hid in the alley so that I could follow him.
(I wonder what his plan is.)
After following him home, I watched him through his kitchen window as he asked his husband if he could take us in.
(They want to take us in so that we could have a loving family... I should go before I get caught and before Hiro gets too worried.)

After 20 minutes

"I am home!" I yelled as I walked through the door.

"Welcome back. Your brother is trying to get your sister to sleep. She is worried about you and is refusing to go to sleep with out seeing you." Riku said as he walked with a blanket wrapped around him.

"I will go see them now. Thanks." I said as I took my shoes off and started to walk to our shared room.

"No problem. I am just glad your safe. Hiro was about to start looking for you." He said with a sigh.

"Knock Knock." I said as I opened the door to our room.

"BIG BROTHER!" Inori yelled as she ran over to me.

"I heard that you were being naughty and not going to bed." I said as I picked her up.

"I was worried about you Big Brother." She said as she gave me a big hug.

"I'm fine. I just ran into Eraserhead and we talked for a while."

"I was getting so worried about you, Izu. What happened?" Hiro asked as he put down the book he was probably reading to Inori.

"I used my quirk on Eraserhead and I told him my Identity." I said as I walked over to sit on the bottom bunk of the bed me and Inori shared.

"Why would you do that, Izu? He could turn you in." He said panicked.

"While he ended up offering to become our guardian and he also promised to not turn us in too. His goal was to try and stop me from killing people and not to turn me in... So, yea. I also followed him home and found that he is married and has a son that is my age. When he told them that he wanted to take us in his husband said that he wanted to give us a loving family because turns out they watched your video and felt bad for us. So, should we? My quirk said he was 100% trustworthy." I asked Hiro and after a few minutes he responded.

"Let's go talk to them in the morning. I want to meet them before we decide anything." He said as he got out his chair and walked towards the door.

"Okay, that sounds like a plan. And you need to go to sleep young lady." I said as I put Inori down and tucked her in.

"Okay, Brother." She said as she closed her eyes and started to sleep. After I was sure she was asleep, I changed and get into the top bunk and fell asleep myself.


In the morning.

"Are you two ready?" Hiro asked us as we put on our shoes.

"I think we are." I said as Inori finshed putting on her shoes.

"Can I have I piggyback ride, Big Brother?" She asked me with puppy dog eyes.

"Of course, Sis." I said as I picked her up and put her on my shoulders.

After 20 minutes, they arrived at Eraserhead's house.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Hiro asked as we walked onto the porch.

"Yes, I am." I replied as I knocked on the door.

"Hello. What do you need?" Shinso asked after he opened the door.

"We came to talk to Eraserhead."

"Are you Izuku?" He asked kind of surprised.

"Yes, I am. Is Eraserhead home?"

"Yes, come in. I will call him down." He said as we walked in.
"DAD! I BROKE YOUR COFFEE MACHINE!" He yelled as we walked in.

It took three seconds for him to come down with his eyes glowing red and his scarf flying around him.

"YOU DID WHAT!" Shota yelled as he ran downstairs.

"I lied. Izuku is here." He said as he walked around him and walked away.

"Big Brother, they are funny." Inori said as she broke out into giggles.

"Inori, is not nice to laugh at people, even though I agree that was funny." I told her.

"It's nice to see you again, Problem Child." Shota said as calmed down.
(They look so happy together.)

"Oh my god. He called you Problem Child... It fits you." Hiro said as he burst out laughing.

"It's not that funny, Hiro!" I yelled at him.

"Sure, it isn't." He said as he stopped laughing.

"So, who are they?" Shota asked as we walked into the living room.

"This is my older brother, Hiro." I said pointing at him.

"Hello." He said as he waved at him.

"And this is my youngest sister, Inori." I said as I put her down.

"So, I heard you want to take us in. Is that right?" Hiro asked Shota as we sat down on the couch.

"Yes, that is right. I have two rooms that you three could take. I kind of forgot about your sister when I offered, but she is more than welcome here too. If it would be okay with you three, I would like to adopt you guys. I have always wanted a big family and I understand a little of what you guys went through due to being treated the same way quirkless were treated growing up. So, I would like to help you either to become heroes like you dreamed to be or if you want you can stay vigilantes if you choose to, as long as I can join you guys on patrol to keep you safe. My goal is to give you a loving family that you can rely on." He replied.
(They look so surprised and happy. I am so glad.)

"Really?" I asked as I realized all three of us were crying.

"Yes, really. Would you three like a hug?" Shota asked surprising us all.

"Yes." We all replied as we got up and jumped to cuddled with him on the couch.

"So, I take it that you are okay with me adopting you."

"I think we are okay with that." I said as I looked at my siblings happy faces.

"Well, welcome home, Izuku, Hiro, and Inori Aizawa." He said giving us a tight hug.

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