His Last Hope - A Vigilante T...

By KurayiaKai

3.3K 52 10

This story starts when Izuku's older brother Hiro, goes to the doctor and the doctor tells him a secret that... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 5.5
Part 6
Character Pictures
Part 7
Part 9

Part 8

213 4 0
By KurayiaKai

"Where am I?" I mumbled opening my eyes to the sounds of machines and find myself looking at a white ceiling.

"Kid... Your in the hospital. You almost died. Do you remember what happened?" Dr. Ray asked.

"Yea, I remember... that bitch of a sister threw me off the school roof. Where is Hiro?" I asked looking around the room to find him not there.

"He is in hiding and I wasn't able to transfer you into my care so I am here to look after you when Hiro's friends are in school." He said pulling out his phone.

"Why is he in hiding?" I asked concerned that something bad happened to him.

"He... it is easier for you to watch the video and the post that he posted while you were in a coma for a week."

"Okay?" I said as he handed me his phone.
(What happened when I was in the afterlife.) Then I read..  [#1 and #4 Heros are fake. All Might and his partner Magnetic, real names Toshinori and Inko Yagi are shown to be child abusers after a surprising video is recorded and posted by their very own oldest son, Hiro Yagi. After years of abuse, he finally snapped when his younger sister, Izumi Yagi tried to kill her twin brother, Izuku Yagi who is in the hospital in a coma. During the video we find out how bad the abuse was and the downfall of the two heros. At the end Hiro declares himself as a vigilante that will kill villians and fake heroes like his parents and later says that he will go by Loki when working as an vigilante.]
(Oh... Hiro what happened.) I thought to myself as I continued to read the post he posted with all the prove and at the end was a video.

After he watched the video.

"Hiro..." I whispered as I finished watching my own brother torture my family.
(I can't believe I ever liked All Might. My hero is my awful abusive father. I am so proud of Hiro and I am glad he let them live but made sure they couldn't continue their hero work. Assmight is paralyzed from the neck down and is quirkless. Inko lost her arms and is unable to use her quirk, so she is basically quirkless. And that bitch is just barely alive and when she is healed she is going to on trial for her crimes. I want them to hit rock bottom and then I will end their aweful lifes.)
(What happened to Inori? I will have to ask Hiro.)
"Where is he? I want to see him. I need to talk to him." I asked as I handed Ray his phone back.

"He is hiding out at his boyfriend's house and he said to call him if you still wanted to see him after you watched the video."

"Then call him. I have some questions for him... Wait DID YOU SAY BOYFRIEND!"

"Yes, I said his boyfriend." He said as he dialed and called Hiro.
"He is awake and the door is locked. He looks mad at you." He said looking at my mostly likely furious face.

"Did he watch the video?" Hiro asked.

"Yes, and he is asking for you. So, get your ass here before he is too pissed at you."

"I will be right there."

"Good." He said ending the call.
"He will be right here." He said going over to the door.
"I am going to be right outside to make sure no one comes in."

"Thank you." I replied as I waited for Hiro to show up.

"No problem." He said walking out the door.

"Izuku..." Hiro said teleporting into the room.

"How. Dare. You." I said getting out of my bed and walking over to him.

"Izu, I am sorry." He said as he started to cry.
"I shouldn't have done..." He didn't finish before I lightly slapped him.

"I can't believe my big brother found a boyfriend and didn't tell me. I am so mad at you." I said as I pulled into a hug.

"Wait. You are not mad at what I did to assmight, Inko, and the bitch?" He asked me surprised.

"Nope, I am proud of you. But, I am a little worried about you being a vigilante, so I think I will join you so I can look after you." I said releasing him.

"Your proud?" He asked as we walked over to my bed.

"Yes, did they survive? Because if they did I would like to clean the world of those awful three." I said with enough vemon that Hiro cringed.

"They did. They are in this hospital just on a different floor. Izu... What happened to you when you were in a coma? Your hair has some black in it now." He asked me full of concern.

"I died and I found out what my second quirk is." I said as I sat on the bed and patted the bed to tell Hiro to sit next to me.

"That's awesome that you found out what your quirk is Izu." He said as he sat down next to me and pulled me into a hug needing to make sure that I was alive.

"Kind of... but before I tell you about my quirk, where is Inori?"

"She is at my boyfriend's house. I just put her down for a nap."

"That's good. I was worried about our little sis. Does she know what happened?"

"Yes, but not the details. She saw how they treated us and I gave her the choice to live with us or not. She said and I quote "I love my big brothers and I would be sad to leave them. I never like big sis, she was a big meanie." He said making me laugh.

"Yea, that bitch is a big meanie. Hahaha. Anyways, I need to meet your boyfriend. What is his name?" I asked finding him blushing.

"His name is Riku and he has an animal quirk and he specializes in cats so he always has some kind of cat ears and tail. I like to call him kitten and he calls me love." He says as he gets redder.

"How long have you been together?"

"We have been together since the day that you were... you know."

"Oh... thats why you didn't tell me."

"I wasn't trying to keep it from you. Planned on introducing him to you after school the day the incident happened..."

"I know you wouldn't keep it from me. I trust you Hiro. Can you bring him here? I want to thank him for taking care you."

"Yes, I can, just let me call him to warn him." He said as he pulled out his phone and continued to hold me.
"Kitten?" He asked as the call went through.

"Love? What happened?" Riku answered.

"Izu is awake and is mad at me for not informing him that we are together and he wants to meet you. So can you go to the bathroom so I can teleport you here?"

"Yea, I can give me five minutes to get there. Did you tell him anything about me?"

"No, I did not. I wasn't sure if you wanted him to know about those things, so I didn't tell him until I got your permission to." He said leaving me with more questions.

"Can you tell him the two most important things so I don't have to."

"Yes, I can. I will teleport you after I tell him."

"Ok sounds good love. I love you."

"I love you too. Bye Kitten." He said blushing and ending the call.

"What important things do you have to tell me?" I asked.

"First, he is my vigilante partner and secondly, since I have not found a place for us to live, we are going to be crashing at Riku's house so you need to know that he is trans."

"First of all I am offended that he is your partner and you that you broke your promise that we would be partners in crime until we got old. But I am glad that you found someone that you seem to love and trust. Secondly, I happy that he is being himself." I said as I playfully hit him.

"Ok, I am sorry for breaking our promise but you will find someone who you will click with and you will understand it more." He said hugging me again.
"Izu, I missed you so much and I need to tell you that I love you, and you also need to stop scareing me like that."

"I love you too, Hiro."
"Does Riku know about my quirks?" I asked him as he continued to hold me.

"I told him when I told him about my past. I am sorry if you didn't want me to tell him."

"It's fine. I was going to tell him about them anyways. Now bring him here."

"Ok." He said as he teleported Riku into the room.

"So this is the famous Kitten." I said as I got out of Hiro's arm and walked over to the blushing Riku.

"Yes, my name is Riku. It's nice to finally meet you." He said holding out his hand.

"Mine is Izuku, if you didn't already know." I said as grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes so I could use my quirk.

"IZU! You don't have to use your quirk on him." He said jumping off the bed and walking over to me.

"Sorry. I just wanted to check  something." I said releasing his hand.

"It's fine Love. If I was him I would do the same. So, what did you find out?" Riku asked.

"I trust my brother with my life and wanted to know if I could trust you. My quirk says that you are 100% trustworthy and that... hahaha. No wonder he trusts you so much. Hahaha." I burst out laughing.

"Izu what is so funny?" Hiro asked.

"Come here Hiro. I will whisper it to you." I say as I motion him over to me.

"What Izu?" He said leaning closer to me.

"He is your soulmate." I whispered to him.

"He is my what!" He shouted, blushing, startling Riku.

"You should see your face. Hahaha."

"Your lying."

"Why would I lie to you?"

"What did he say?" Riku asked Hiro.

"He said we are soulmates." He said blushing.

"We are what?" Riku said blushing more then Hiro.

"You are soulmates. You love birds." I said to the bright red couple.

"Izu... stop."

"Oh, come on it's not every day I meet my big bro's soulmate. But I will stop. I need to tell you about what happened when I was in a coma."

"Does this have to do with your quirk?" He asked as he got back to normal.

"Yes, I does I found out that my quirk is called Death Survival and it causes me to be unable to die from anything but old age. That means that I can't die until I am over 100 years old. It also causes my body to evolve with my death. So for an example, I died from the fall but when I revived my body evolved to be able to handle falling from high buildings." After I said that I explained what happened with Rin and the afterlife.

"Izu... that is a powerful quirk, but I hope you don't plan on dying again anytime soon." He said pulling me into a hug.
"You scared the hell out of me this time. Knowing that you won't die permanently doesn't help anything."

"I won't die again unless I have to." I say as I release him.

"You better not." He said.

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