I Wish I May {Publishing Spri...

By AdelynAnn

1.6M 2.9K 397

[Story removed for querying and publishing] Fairy Godmother in training, Zelda Ravensdale is starting her fou... More

The Update of All Updates

Dear Reader

134K 2.9K 390
By AdelynAnn

To all the readers who have read and reread "I Wish I May" over the years, THANK YOU! Out of all the millions and millions of books on Wattpad, thank you for giving your precious reading time to this one. Your comments and enthusiasm for this story has inspired me and kept me going in the hard times. It pains me to remove this story from Wattpad, where it found it's first home, but it's time for me to step out and take this story to the next level.

This story has been rewritten, edited, and revised into a novel I can be truly proud of. Now it is off to the query trenches in search of an agent to represent this book (and me) in the hopes of getting it published and sold on shelves in bookstores across the country. I don't know what the future holds, but I'm glad that this book was able to give you all some joy and hope during its time on Wattpad.

You can follow my publishing journey on instagram @adelynsterling and at Facebook.com/adelynsterling where I'll share sneak peeks and keep you posted on where I'm at in the publishing process!

Best Wishes,
Adelyn Sterling

I now leave you with some words from my own muse that have inspired this story:

"True hope is swift, and flies with swallow's wings.

Kings it makes gods, and meaner creatures kings."

William Shakespeare, Richard III


And the wonderful, amazing, GORGEOUS credits style trailer created by the amazingly talented prose-punk!

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