Chosen Ones Season 2

By Bkhanh1991

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Welcome now to another journey of Chosen Ones. Where things this season are as action packed , full of drama... More

Credits/ Rights
Guest Stars Per Episode
Ep 2.01 Dark Heart
Ep 2.02 Danger Danger
Ep 2.03 Things Are Not What It Seems
Ep 2x05 Desire and a Vision
Ep 2.06 Temptations of a Mortal
Ep 2.07 Tortured Soul
Ep 2.08 Unlucky in Love and A Good Laugh
Ep 2.09 Rise of the Source's Heir
Ep 2.10 It Ends Now
Ep 2.11 Back To Reality
Ep 2.12 A New Reality
Ep 2.13 Finding True Love
Ep 2.14 Aftermath
Ep 2.15 The Fourth Sister, Part 1
Ep 2.16 The Fourth Sister, Part 2
Ep 2.17 Dark Wedding And Future Plans
Ep 2.18 Return Of The Source
Ep 2.19 Evil Is Here
Ep 2.20 The Source's Reign
Ep 2.21 Utopia
Ep 2.22 A Charming Halloween
Ep 2.23 The Source's Heir Resolve
Ep 2.24 Near The Year's End

Ep 2.04 Will Everything Be The Same?

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By Bkhanh1991

"Will Everything Be The Same?"

Season 2, Episode 4, Episode number: 27


[Ravor is with Timoras, in a cave.]

Timoras: So. It's nice to see you again so soon. Ravor. What brings you to call upon me again? Another mission? Get rid of another one?

Ravor: Reasons. And it's not another mission or getting rid of another one of them.

Timoras: What type of reasons? I'm feeling intrigued.

Ravor: This reason.

[Ravor phases his hand into Timoras's chest crushing his heart.]

Timoras: Ah. Aarg. You....

[He takes it out. Timoras turns to ashes as the heart is dropped to the ground. ]

Ravor: Sorry. I can't have Melinda's brothers get a chance of hunting for you. Better torture them with your death. It's even better pain. The feeling of wanting to take vengeance but it can't be achieved. Maybe one day I'll need your services again. Timoras.But not now. Hahahaha.

[Ravor then burns the heart to ashes and FLAMES out.]



[Still image of Halliwell Manor.]



[Along the stairway, Wyatt and Chris are walking along the wall, looking at pictures of Melinda and the two of them. A few from when they were kids, to teenagers, and adults. And Melinda's graduation picture from college.]

Wyatt: Oh Mel. She had so much life.

Chris: Yea. She did.

[They are now at the bottom of the stairs and are at the entrance hall.]



[Wyatt and Chris are standing together.]

Wyatt: I just don't know how to tell mom and dad.

Chris: I get it. They need to know. After all, Melinda was their only daughter.

Wyatt: And our only sister. And I, as the big brother, also the eldest, failed to protect her.

Chris: Don't be so hard on yourself. It's not your fault.

Wyatt: I'm tired of this. This demon fighting. It only brings us pain.

Chris: But it's our duty.

Wyatt: Then I'm done. I quit.

Chris: You can't just quit this. It's our destiny.

Wyatt: Destiny. What does it even mean? Or if it even matters anymore. With Mel gone, we lost the Power of Eight.

Chris: We'll figure out a way.

Wyatt: It's not like a random sister or brother is going pop in like Aunt Paige did for Aunt Phoebe and mom.

Chris: Yea I guess so. Look at the bright side. We still have the Power of Three.

Wyatt: Oh Chris. You really how to make a guy feel better.

Chris: Okay. I don't even know if you were joking or being serious.

Wyatt: It doesn't matter. It just feels so lost without Mel.

Chris: I know. Another thing. What are going to do about Halliwell's? Dad and Mom can't just move back all of a sudden and be forced to managed two restaurants, in two different cities.

Wyatt: No idea. But I guess we'll figure it out as you said.

Chris: Hey. Are you mocking me?

Wyatt: Not really. Bro. I'm just out of it.

Chris: We should rest. Bro.

Wyatt: I agree.

Chris: Come. Bro.

[Chris then walks with Wyatt back upstairs.]



[Still image of Halliwell/Coop Manor.]



[The ambience in the room is really silent. Coop, Phoebe, Parker, and Peyton are just eating, and not talking, just focusing on their food. Coop sees this, and decides to start up the conversation.]

Coop: Well. Everyone. Aren't we all happen that Parker is finally get back to work?

Peyton: Yea I guess.

Phoebe: Sure honey.

[Coop sighs.]

Coop: Come on. Girls. Phoebe. Liven up the mood. I know Melinda's passing hurts us. But we need to move on. Mel wouldn't want us to be sad like this.

Phoebe: You're right. Honey.

[Phoebe tries to put a smile on her face.]

Coop: There we go. Your mom is trying.

Parker: I got to go. I don't want to be late for work.

[Parker quickly finishes up her food and her glass of orange juice. She then heads out.]

Peyton: Same here. Valentina is meeting me in the library for early studying. Bye.

[Peyton finishes everything and walks off too.]

Coop: I guess it's just us.

Phoebe: Yep. When Piper and Leo find out, they are going to be devastated.

Coop: Yea.

Phoebe: You know what. I lost my appetite. Too sad.

Coop: Same.

[Coop and Phoebe start to clean up the table.]



[Wyatt has been on a demon hunting spree, since early morning. He pins the tenth demon that he now faces, against the wall.]

Wyatt: Now tell me. Where is Barbas?

Demon: If I knew, I wouldn't tell you. Not going to betray my own kind.

Wyatt: You're useless.

[He then uses his Telekinesis to choke his heart from the inside. The demon falls to the ground. Declan sees Wyatt, while browsing the corridors.

Declan: Wyatt!

[Wyatt turns around.]

Wyatt: Declan.

Declan: Um. Why are you in the underworld so early in the morning? Bored or something?

Wyatt: I'm searching for Timoras. But these idiot demons won't tell me anything.

Declan: Why?

Wyatt: Why? I'll tell you. He was involved with the death of my sister. That is why.

[Declan looks shocked.]

Declan: Oh. I didn't know. Been still investigating the underworld. You know.

Wyatt: You go on with your business. And I mines.

Declan: Nope. I think I'm tagging along. I know this place better than you. And in the state you are now, I don't think I should leave you alone.

Wyatt: Fine. Whatever. The more the merrier.

[Wyatt continues to walk along the corridors. Declan follows him.]



[A navy car parks on the driveway. It is Leo and Piper, who exit out of the car.]

Leo: Man. Will the kids be surprised.

Piper: Oh yes. And our great news.

Leo: Yep.

[Leo then heads to the door and opens it with keys. The two of them enter in.]



[Leo and Piper walk in.]

Leo: Kids! We're here.

Piper: Hello!

Leo: Strange. No answer.

Piper: Could they be in the kitchen?

Leo: I don't know. Let's check it out.



[Chris is on the phone with Wyatt, leaving him a voice mail message.]

Chris: Wyatt. Please pick up. You can't just ignore work for what happened to Mel. Come back. Now!

[Leo and Piper walk in as Chris puts his phone away and is surprised to see them.]

Chris (cont'd): Dad. Mom. What a surprise. Do you really miss us that much? It's only been a little under a week since we saw each other.

Leo: So where's Mel. And Wyatt.

Piper: Unless Mel went early to work. She's so dedicated.

Chris: Um. Mom. Dad. I think you guys need to sit down.

[Leo and Piper look confused.]

Leo: What's going on?

Piper: And why do we have to sit down?

[Wyatt then ORBS in. His shirt is all ripped up. He is shocked to see his parents.]

Wyatt: Um! Hi Dad! Hi Mom! Bye Dad! Bye Mom!

[He ORBS out.]

Leo: Um. What was that?

Piper: And why is my son in that state?

Chris: As I said. Please sit down. I'll explain everything.

[Leo and Piper take a seat.]

Leo: Now explain.

Chris: Right? Barbas' son, Timoras, attacked us yesterday. And it was horrible.

Piper: My god. That horror of a demon had a son. And probably wanted revenge. And target you all.

Chris: I know. Right. I'm sorry. Mom. But Melinda got killed by him. She didn't survive.

Leo/Piper: No!

Chris: Yes dad. Mom. Mel is gone.

[Leo and Piper break into tears.]

Leo: It can't be. Our baby girl. Mel.

Piper: My baby. I....

Chris: I'm so sorry. We couldn't protect her. It was our faults.

Leo: No... It was no one's fault but Timoras.

Piper: Yea. Him.

Leo: So that explains why Wyatt's clothes was like that. He was in the underworld looking for Timoras.

Chris: Yes.

Piper: I don't know how to process this. Losing a child. My only daughter.

Leo: It's so hard. Our baby girl.

Chris: We'll get through this. Mom. Dad. Mel wouldn't want it any other way.

Piper: Can we get a hug?

Chris: Of course. Mom.

[Chris goes over to hug Leo and Piper. They hug for a while.]



[Still image of UC Berkeley Campus.]



[Peyton is studying with Valentina in the library when she breaks into tears. Valentina has a tissue ready and gives it to her. Peyton takes it and wipes her tears.]

Valentina: What's wrong? Peyton. You can tell me anything.

Peyton: My cousin. She died.

Valentina: What!

[The librarian then walks over.]

Librarian: Shh. Quiet voices.

[She continues walking around.]

Peyton: Just yesterday. In an accident.

Valentina: I'm so sorry. My condolescences.

Peyton: Thanks Vale.

Valentina: You know what? I don't think you're in the mood to study.

Peyton: No. It's okay. I can't let my emotions affect my education.

Valentina: It's only a little break. Come on.

Peyton: Fine.

[The two of them pack up their stuff into their backpacks. Valentina then leads Peyton out of the library.]



[Peyton is having ice cream with Valentina. She has a smile on her face.]

Peyton: Thanks. Vale. This hits the spot.

Valentina: No problem. Thought you needed. When I was sad, ice cream always cheer me up.

Peyton: How you even find this place. And why can it open so early.

Valentina: I got my connections. The owner of this place is my cousin. And she so owes for something.

Peyton: Oh sweet. Nice. And thanks a lot. Vale.

Valentina: Anything for my good friend.

[They continue to eat their ice cream.]



[Still image of South Bay Social Services.]



[Tamora is sitting the office in front of Mr. Edmunds, her boss. His face seems serious.]

Mr. Edmunds: Miss Mitchell. I don't appreciate you missing work. Especially when you didn't inform me.

Tamora: I'm sorry. Mr. Edmunds. Was under the weather and forget to ask my family to call in for me.

Mr. Edmunds: The work you have done here over the years is very well. So I will let you off with a warning. Next time, please tell me if you need to miss work.

Tamora: I will. Mr. Edmunds.

Mr. Edmunds: Thank you for speaking with me. You can head back to work. Miss Mitchell.

Tamora: Okay. Good day.

Mr. Edmunds: You too.

[Tamora walks out of the office and closes the door. Mr. Edmund then opens his folder of paperwork to read through.]



[Tamora heads over to her desk when she glancing over, sees Lucas flirting with a client, and she slaps him.]

Tamora (thinking): That jerk deserved it.

[She continues over to her desk and sits down. Wilma Scotts, a young woman, on in her late 20s, walks over to Tamora's desk and sits down.]

Wilma: Hello.

Tamora: Hi. How may I help you?

Wilma: My name is Wilma Scotts. Would you able to help with my situation?

Tamora: Sure. What type of situation?

Wilma: Well. I am a single mother. And with the current job I have, it's not enough to raise my two twins. On top of them, rent for my current apartment. The landlord raise the price.

Tamora: I think I can help with that. So what job are you looking for?

Wilma: Something that is enough to pay rent. Gas money. Take care of my kids. All that sorts. And of course leaves time for me to spend with them also. I don't want to be working all of the time like now. My kids, Tina and Tom, they are starting to rebel a bit, cause of that.

Tamora: Okay. Do you have a resume or anything?

Wilma: Yes. But it is not with me. Right now.

Tamora: That's okay. You can email it to me. And I'll do my best to help you. Here's my card.

[Tamora hands Wilma her business card. Wilma takes it.]

Wilma: Alright. Thank you. Miss Mitchell.

Tamora: Tamora. Please. And it's no problem. Part of my job description. Have a nice day.

Wilma: You too. Tamora.

[Wilma gets out of the seat and exits the area. Lucas then rolls his chair over. Tamora notices him.]

Lucas: Hi Tam.

Tamora: Hi Lucas. What's up?

Lucas: So? Why were you MIA that other day?

Tamora: That's my personal business. Lucas. Don't be so nosy.

Lucas: Just wondering. Since I had to pick up double the workload because you weren't there.

Tamora: And why is that my problem? That would make any person happy. Getting the moolah.

Lucas: Not someone like me. Plus. I had to stay late.

Tamora: Are you trying to annoy me? Lucas.

Lucas: Maybe. Is it working?

Tamora: Not really. Just go back to your corner. I got work to do.

Lucas: Just know. I'm watching you.

[Lucas rolls back to his desk. Tamora gets back to her work.]



[Still image of Jacobson Law Firm.]



Parker is at the copy machine making copies for Daniel when a man, Westley Vega (25), walks over to her and drops his stack of folders, abruptly, next to the folder of Daniel's stuff.

Westley: Hey. Copy girl. Take care of these for me too.

[Parker gets annoyed.]

Parker: Excuse me. Couldn't it help you to say please?

Westley: I don't have time. Need them in two hours. Got a meeting soon with a client.

Parker: Did your parents teach you some manners? You have no right to treat me like this.

Westley: I do. Unless you want to lose your job. I'm of a higher title than you. Copy girl.

Parker: Hey. You're not the boss of me. Besides I work for Mr. Jacobson. And I don't have to do this for you.

Westley: You're wrong. Copy girl. You work for the firm not an individual. So yea.

Parker (thinking): I can't stand this jerk. But can't risk losing my job once again.

Westley: All quiet now. Huh. Copy girl. You should respect your superiors.

[Daniel is walking by, and had just heard most of the conversation.]

Daniel: Westley! In my office now!

[Westley turns around.]

Westley: Uncle Daniel. This is not what it looks like.

Daniel: Go now. And wait for me.

Westley: But...

Daniel: As you said. Remember. Respect your superiors.

Westley: Yes. Uncle Daniel.

[Westley walks away and heads towards the direction of Daniels' office.]

Daniel: Sorry about that. About my nephew. He's an interesting one.

Parker: Well. Your nephew is a stuck up jerk. And I don't remember him working here.

Daniel: You quit. Remember?

Parker: Oh yea.

Daniel: Also. Don't mind him. He had a bad day. Lost a client in the morning.

Parker: Still. That doesn't excuse him to treat me in that tone.

Daniel: I know. Well. That's all. Get back to copying. I need mines in like an hour.

Parker: Yes. Mr. Jacobson. Of course.

[Daniel then walks back to his office. Parker gets back to copying.]



[Still image of Halliwell's]



[Wanda is attending to the customers, when he notices, Felicia, is sitting at a table dining. She walks over to the hostess of restaurant, Samantha Hudson (25).]

Wanda (soft voice): Sam. Look over there. That table in the middle. Guess who it is.

[Samantha takes a look and gasps.]

Samantha: No way. The Felicia Quigley.

Wanda: A shame I didn't see her first. Or I would have attended to her.

Samantha: Oh Wanda. Someone is trying to get promoted.

Wanda: Yea maybe. I been working here for as long as ever. Same amount of time as Graham. Both of us could be qualified.

Samantha: Also. It's a shame what happened to the boss huh. So young and full of life.

Wanda: Yea. Melinda was cool.

Samantha: Boss really cared about her employees.

Wanda: I agree.

[Wanda walks over to assist a table with two customers, who call for her. Samantha greets two young men, coming in. Over back at where Felicia is sitting, she is texting Melinda.]

Felicia (text): Melinda. Respond. I'm here at Halliwell's. Can you meet me in the back? I'm getting worried. I know we left on a bad note. But I really miss you. Text or call me back if you get this. I been calling and texting you at least thirty times already. Really worried.

[A worried emoji is on the text.]



[Still image of police department.]



[A bag containing Melinda's keys and cellphone are placed into a drawer, by Officer Hayes, which is labeled, case 804. The notification of Felicia's message can be seen.]



[Junior and Reed are with Mitchell in his office. They are discussing about Melinda's death.]

Junior: Chief. What are we going to do? With Melinda's murder.

Reed: We have to get evidence or find some witnesses or rest of the officers will get suspicious. Also because a lot of people know Melinda being one of the managers at Halliwell's.

Mitchell: I know. This is supernatural. But we can't let other officers interrogate, magic could be exposed unknowingly.

Junior: Unfortunately yes.

Reed: Good news. Is that Doctor Sanjit hasn't discovered anything out of the order yet while examining Melinda's body.

Mitchell: Great. Okay. Inspectors. Go ahead and head out and do some investigation.

Junior: Yes Chief.

Reed: Got it. Chief.

[Junior and Reed exit out of the office. Mitchell then sees Rohan, walk in.]

Mitchell: Hello. I don't think I recognize you. Are you new?

Rohan: How about I come in and we can talk.

Mitchell: Alright.

[Rohan closes the door and then sits down.]

Rohan: It's nice to meet you officially. Chief Haines. I was around when Inspector Havenfield was taking over for you.

Mitchell: Ah. You were the temporary replacement Inspector. Also. Considering from your outfit. You're CIA. Right?

Rohan: I am. Agent Rohan Strauer at your service.

Mitchell: I remember your pals come months about another case of ours.

Rohan: About that. They had their reasons.

Mitchell: So. Agent Rohan. What brings you here to my department?

Rohan: I learned about what happened with Melinda Halliwell. Well. There's a secret supernatural branch in the CIA that can help with this. Prevent exposure.

Mitchell: So. Wait. The same organization that dealt with the werewolf issues?

Rohan: Yes. If you accept my organization's assistance and my offer, this department won't be exposed too much and your officers here will likely be not suspicious.

Mitchell: Even I accept this offer. Is there a catch?

Rohan: Nope. The sole purpose of the Supernatural Task Force to prevent any exposure of the supernatural kind. Kind of like this current case with Melinda Halliwell.

Mitchell: Great. So what's the procedure on this? Any paperwork.

Rohan: Not at all. My people will call you and arrange things.

Mitchell: Why then. Thank you. Agent. And nice to meet you.

Rohan: Yes. Thank you. Chief Haines. Have a good day.

Mitchell: You too. Agent Rohan.

Rohan: Now. If you can kindly escort me out, it would be appreciated.

Mitchell: Of course.

[Mitchell then escorts Rohan out of the office. He heads back to his desk and continues his work.]



[Felicia is walking out of Halliwell's when she notices Junior and Reed walking into it.]

Felicia: Inspectors? What is going on here?

[Mariah BLACK ORBS behind her.]

Mariah: Boo!

Felicia: Ah!

[Felicia turns around.]

Mariah: Sorry. Did I scare you?

Felicia: You! How dare you show your face in front of mines! Considering what you did.

Mariah: Oh. When I hurt your lover.

Felicia: Melinda is not my lover. She's more than that.

Mariah: That's the same thing you said about Sylvia years ago. Oh my. You change your feelings so often.

Felicia: Enough! I'm tired of you trying to manage my life.

Mariah: I only want the best for you. Besides. You were my favorite mentee.

Felicia: If you excuse me, I got things to do.

Mariah: Quite the temper. Did you end things with your lover or something?

Felicia: Shut up! Stop!

Mariah: What a shame. How love make you weak. A shame she's gone now.

[This pushes Felicia's buttons. She get furious and pins Mariah against the wall.]

Felicia: Gone! What do you mean by that? Mariah.

Mariah: What do you think I mean by gone.

Felicia: There are several interpretations with that.

Mariah: I'll never tell you. Bye....

[Mariah BLACK ORBS out]

Felicia: Mariah. She.... Why does... ugh.

[Felicia checks if the area is clear and BLACK ORBS out.]



[Still image of the building.]



[Arika is chatting with Angelie.]

Arika: This is so different from back then. Cousin.

Angelie: I know. Things have changed.

Arika: Besides we're the only family you got now.

Angelie: Unless there is some miracle that dad is coming back. Like powerful demons do.

Arika: Well. I hope not. Didn't you forget your father trapped my father and in a cage.

Angelie: Yes. Sorry about that.

Arika: I wonder Wyatt hasn't popped in for a visit yet.

Angelie: Probably dealing with things. Melinda's death was probably hard on them. You said he had a really close bond with her.Right?

Arika: Yea. Wyatt and I were supposed to have breakfast together but he decided to go on a scourge to hunt down Barbas.

Angelie: Men. They are idiots? Aren't they?

Arika: I don't know about that. You found a lucky one with Junior.

Angelie: Thanks. Cousin.

Arika: I think you should get back to your own office.

Angelie: You are right.

Arika: Later. Angelie.

Angelie: Later. Arika.

[Angelie walks out of the door. Arika goes back on checking money accounts on the company on her computer.]



[Wyatt is his office, having finished the final article on the next issue of the company magazine.]

Wyatt: Now that is some good work.

[Timoras FLAMES in.

Timoras: Hello. Wyatt. I came to finish what I started. Twice-Blessed One.

Wyatt: You!

[Wyatt's eyes are of fury. He raises his hands to use his telekinesis to throw him.]

Timoras: Uh uh uh. You try anything against me. Here. Magic will get exposed.

Wyatt: Then we won't fight here. We'll fight in your turf.

[He lunges at Timoras holding him ORBING out.]



[Wyatt and Timoras both land on the ground. They push each other off of each other.

Wyatt: Now it's on. Timoras. You'll pay.

[He waves his hand using Telekinesis knocking Timoras against the wall. He falls.]

Timoras: Alright. Witch. You want to play it that way.

[Timoras sends an energy ball towards Wyatt.]

Wyatt: Energy ball!

[Wyatt throws it back at Timoras with his telekinetic orbing. Timoras then summons another one and the two energy balls collide.]

Timoras: Nice try. You're going to have try harder than that.

[Timoras uses his Telekinesis to throw Wyatt against the wall. He gets back up.]

Wyatt: That's it. It's on.

[Wyatt then uses his crushing power to cause pain on Timoras' heart as he holds his hands over it.]

Timoras: Aah! You're stronger I thought.

[He releases his as Timoras is now on the floor.]

Wyatt: Not so strong now. Huh. Timoras.

Timoras: I'm not done.

[Timoras uses the rest of his energy to flame over right behind Wyatt and starts to use his Suggestion power.]

Timoras (cont'd): Timoras has gain more power than before. He is hiding in plain sight. Disguising himself as Chris. Kill him before he kills you. End the life of this Demon of Fear as soon as possible.

Wyatt: Yes. Kill Chris. He is Timoras in disguise.

Timoras: Good. Now go. No more time or he will kill you first.

Wyatt: Yes. I will.

[Wyatt ORBS out. Timoras unglamours himself. It turns out to be Ravor.

Ravor: Well. This is going to be fun. That was such easy picking.

[Ravor FLAMES out.]



[Chris is in his office working on editing some photos when Wyatt ORBS in. He has an avenging look on his face.

Chris: Wyatt! What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be working in your own office?

Wyatt: What! I can't pay a visit every so often to my little brother.

Chris: I guess so.

Wyatt: And if you are even my brother at all. You're dead!

[Wyatt grabs Chris forcefully and throws him against the wall. He falls.]

Chris: What the heck! Wyatt!

[Wyatt walks up to Chris.]

Wyatt: Fess up. Timoras. I know you're disguising as Chris.

Chris: Wyatt! Snap out of it. I'm Chris.

Wyatt: Lies.

[He picks up Chris and throws him again against the wall.]

Chris: Ugh! I'm not getting through to him.

[Wyatt then summons Excalibur and throws it at Chris. Chris ORBS out. The sword sticks to the wall.]

Wyatt: I'll find you. Timoras. I can sense you.

[Wyatt uses his powers to sense Chris and ORBS out. Excalibur fades away.]



[Chris ORBS in.]

Chris: Let's see if the Book of Shadows has something.

[He runs over and looks through and Wyatt ORBS in.]

Wyatt: Hey! I don't know how you touch that! It must be some trick.

[Wyatt uses his Telekinesis to throw Chris against a wall again.]

Chris: Ah. Wyatt! Stop!

[Chris lunges at Wyatt pinning him down.]

Wyatt: Get off me! Timoras. You Dang demon.

[Wyatt tries to push him off but Chris comes stronger pinning him down.]

Chris: Oh. No you don't! Wyatt. Look at me. It's me. Chris.

[Chris holds Wyatt's face against him. Wyatt takes a good look and is now back to normal.]

Wyatt: Chris. I'm sorry. It was that demon. Timoras. He got to me again.

Chris: It's alright.

[Leo and Piper enter after hearing the noise.]

Leo: What happened?

Piper: We heard noises.

Wyatt: It's a long story. And get off me!

Chris: Oh sorry.

[Chris gets off Wyatt's body. Wyatt and Chris find a chair to sit.]

Wyatt: Sit down. Dad. Mom.

Chris: Yea. Sit.

Leo: I think we're fine standing.

Piper: Yea.

[Chris then tells what happens in his office as Leo and Piper are listening.]



[Still image of the club.]



[Pam, Emily, and Kyle are setting the chairs down getting ready to open when PJ walks in.]

Pam: Boss. Welcome back.

Emily: Yea. Welcome back.

Kyle: You even got a nice tan.

Pam: And you look more relaxed than usual.

Emily: Pam!

Pam: What?! Babe. I'm only saying the truth.

PJ: It's okay. I miss you guys too.

Emily: Also. PJ. While you were away, the manager for New Kids on the Block called.

PJ: Wait what?! They are back together again. And great. Thanks.

Emily: Yep. That group. Always breaking up and getting back together.

PJ: What did the manager said?

Emily: That their gig is tonight. And should be coming over to set up in an hour or so.

PJ: What! Why didn't you call me or text me while I was on trip?

Emily: I couldn't. It wouldn't go through.

PJ: Well. Did you keep the manager's number?

Emily: Yep. Left a sticky note near your office phone. Man. Your office is really nice.

PJ: Yea I guess. Well. Keep setting up.

Pam/Emily/ Kyle: Yes boss.

[Pam and Emily head towards the main area to set up. Kyle gets everything ready to serve drinks. PJ walks away heading into her office.]



[Still image of Baker High.]



[The bell has rung. All of the students then leave. Gale walks by the door and knocks.]

Gale: Hey. Kat. May I come in?

Kat: Yea sure.

[Gale closes the door and walks in. She goes over to Kat.

Gale: Look. I'm so sorry for what happened.

Kat: What do you mean?

Gale: You don't think I didn't' notice it when I saw you in the morning. You were so off.

Kat: What's wrong with that? Anyone is bound to have a bad day.

Gale: Kat. We're best friends. Don't lie to me. I know what happened to Melinda.

Kat: Wait... How?

Gale: My family frequents Halliwell's. They told me about it. I'm just disappointed I had to find from someone else.

Kat: I'm sorry. Just didn't want you to worry too much. It hurt all of us a lot.

Gale: And that's why you should have told me. So I could have provided some comfort. Besides you ignored me all lunch time. That was another red flag there that gave me a clue.

Kat: I apologize. Melinda was something. PJ, Tam, and I all went to high school together. And we had a good bond.

Gale: I get it. It hurts. But I would have like to know from you than from my parents.

Kat: You know what! Let's go to P3. Tonight. I'll buy you drinks. Make it up for you for not telling about Melinda.

Gale: But it's a school night.

Kat: Then don't stay too late then.

Gale: Oh man. It's college Kat all over again.

Kat: Trust me. It won't be as bad. I will control myself.

Gale: I hope so. See you tonight then.

Kat: Yea.

[Gale walks out. Kat then packs her stuff and walks out also. She turns off the lights and closes and locks the door of the classroom.]



[Chris arrives in the household as Leo and Piper are just sitting on the couch thinking.]

Chris: Dad! Mom! You two just sat here all day.

[They notice his arrival.]

Leo: Hey. Son. What are you doing home so early?

Piper: Yea.

Chris: I finished all my editing for the photos. However. Wyatt is still stuck at work.

Leo: So we need to figure out the funeral date for Melinda.

Piper: Yes. We do.

Chris: Of course. I almost forgot. But better we wait til Wyatt gets home.

Leo: I agree.

Piper: The same.

Chris: So we just wait.

Piper: I can cook something. And you boys. Can bond.

Chris: Mom? I'm not a boy anymore. I'm a man.

Piper: Okay. You two men bond while I go cook.

[Piper walks off heading to the kitchen. Leo and Chris start talking.]



[Kat and Gale are on the dance floor dancing when she notices Declan, from afar, dancing with two hot girls. She looks jealous.]

Kat (mumbling to herself): Figures.

Gale: Figures. What! Kat. What are you two talking about?

Kat: It's nothing. Let's dance.

Gale: Okay.

[The two of them continue dancing when Declan, noticing Kat, pauses a bit. He turns back to the hot girls.]

Declan: Sorry. Girls. Gotta go.

Hot Girl #1: Aw. Man. I wanted more time. Hottie.

Hot girl #2: One more dance. Please.

Declan: Sorry. I'm tapped out.

[Declan then goes over to where Kat is with Gale.]

Declan: Hey. Kat. Nice to see you.

Kat: Hey. Declan.

[Gale recognizes who Declan is.]

Gale: Oh my gosh. You know Declan Woods?

Kat: Yea. He's a family friend.

Gale: Oh my god. What a hottie. I'll let you two bond.

[Gale runs off.]

Kat: Gale. Wait!

Declan: Well. It's just me and you then.

[Declan grins.]

Kat: Fat chance. I don't deserve to be seconds. Bye. Declan.

[Kat runs off.]

Declan (thinking): Aw. You got to love that girl.

[Declan then heads to the bar.]



[Still image of hospital.]



[Parker is in a chair, sitting next to Adrian, who is still in a coma. She is tearing up.]

Parker: Oh Adrian. I'm so sorry. It's my fault. I...

[She puts her head on Adrian's body and just lays there.]



[End Credits rolling to shortened theme song to reveal supporting cast and guest stars.]

Now on screen:


Holly Marie Combs as Piper Halliwell

Brian Krause as Leo Wyatt

Alyssa Milano as Phoebe Halliwell

Victor Webster as Coop

Seamus Dever as Mitchell Haines

Patrick Dempsey as Reed Havenfield

Ashley Greene as Arika Wilcox

Also Featuring:

Bill Skarsgard as Ravor

Jonathan Togo as Timoras

Taron Egerton as Declan Woods

Demi Lovato as Valentina Rogeles

Emily Blunt as Librarian

Zachary Levi as Mr. Edmunds

Lucas Grabeel as Lucas Burns

Dakota Fanning as Wilma Scotts

Brandon Perea as Westley Vega

Orlando Bloom as Daniel Jacobson

Victory Van Tuyl as Wanda

Katlynn Simone as Samantha Hudson

Adelaide Kane as Felicia Quigley

James Marsden as Officer Hayes

Booboo Stewart as Rohan

Katie Holmes as Mariah

Kat Dennings as Angelie Deviling

Elizabeth Olsen as Pam Allen

Hayden Panetierre as Emily Sampson

Robert Pattinson as Kyle Willows

Brie Larson as Gale Morais

Timothée Chalamet as Adrian

Uncredited Actor as Demon

Uncredited Actresses as Hot Girl #1 and Hot Girl #2

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