At Sundown | Jack Harlow

By angelica_b_

6K 142 14

Violet goes to her first ever Jack Harlow show and has no idea what'll happen. But no matter what she cou... More

Leaving without saying goodbye?
I'll See You Around.
Your Decision.
Keep It.
What's It Been? Twenty Years?
You Too, Flower.
I Hope It's Nothing Illegal?
I Got This.
Don't Forget The Jacket.
I'll Be Right With You Guys.
Don't Stress About It.
I Don't Know, I Like It.
Hey, You.

Do You Mind?

356 10 0
By angelica_b_

Hesitantly, I let go of him. My arms are dangling next to me but Jack hold's on a few seconds longer. I feel his breath on my forehead as he backs away, squeezing my shoulders before turning to the mini crowd that gathered around us.

He hugs them, takes pictures, signs photos, but they stay around us. Recording videos. I take a step away and Jack pulls me back, whispering in my ear.

"Come backstage with your friends once everyone else leaves." He looks at Lukas and Anna before saying goodbye and disappearing behind a black door.

The fans stare at me, wondering what Jack said to me. My eyes don't leave the door as I smell Jack on me.

"Are you dating Jack?" Fan one asks.

"Why did he hug you for so long?" The second one says, stepping closer to me.

I take a step back and they realize I'm uncomfortable. They apologize and start heading towards the exit.

Anna and Lukas rush to my side.

"What did he say?" They ask in unison. We look at each other and laugh. I peer over Anna's shoulder and see that everyone's gone.

"Come on," I say, pulling them towards the door. We're met by the same security from this afternoon. He points us to another door.

"Jack just went out to the tour bus." He walks back inside, leaving us behind black curtains. The only other people here are taking down Jack's stage setup.

I move towards the door, hearing Anna and Lukas behind me. I swing the door open and spot Jack immediately.

He's talking to fans and taking pictures. I see Clay and Urban leaning against the back of the bus, where they can't be seen.

Urban spots me and says something to Clay. His head turns and I pull the door shut, spinning around and leaning back against it.

"What is it?" Anna says, moving to open the door, but I swat her hand away.

"Clay is outside and Urban said something to him." I'm...out of breath?

"I need some Clayboss in my life. Let me at him!" Lukas says, making me laugh so I don't realize he's opened the door behind me until I feel the cold breeze on my neck. I turn around and Jack is staring at me as he talks to a blonde girl with beautiful eyes and a pale green dress.

I tuck a curl behind my ear as I look over at Clay. He's looking this way, but not at me. He and Anna have their eyes locked. He does the same smirk his brother does and I can feel Anna melting behind me.

I giggle and pull Anna with me as I walk over to greet Clay and Urban of course. She straightens up so I'm not dragging her.

She steps next to me as Clay pushes off the bus to stand in front of the two of us. Urban pinches the end of his blunt with his thumb and index finger before stepping next to Clay.

"Hey. Violet, right?" Clay asks, looking at me then at Anna.

I nod. "And this is Anna. I'm sure you remember her."

Anna smiles warmly at Clay, not realizing how he knows her. She was too drunk to remember.

Clay steps in between Anna and me.

"Of course. Do you mind?" He asks me, wanting to walk away with Anna. I shake my head and they walk just far enough away that we can't hear their conversation. They're smiling, maybe even laughing. Anna looks over at me swiftly and I shoot her a wink before looking back, thinking Lukas would be there, but instead, he's standing by the door talking to a tall, familiar dark-skinned man. Ace.

"Sorry," Urban says, grabbing my attention. "Do I know you?"

I giggle. "I'm the girl you stole Jack from at the San Fransico show."

His mouth forms into an "o" as I feel a hand on my shoulder. I inhale and smell Jack's perfect, recognizable cologne.

I spin around and am met with Jack's gaze on me. A figure stands behind him, Jay.

He steps out and sees me, shock on his face.

"Flower, hi," He looks at Jack's hand on my shoulder as Jack looks between me and Jay, confused. "Uh, Jack, this is my daughter. The one I wanted you to meet, but it seems you already know each other."

Jack smiles and steps next to me, tossing his arm over my shoulder.

"Yeah, I met her last week in San Francisco. She's great." He looks down at me, then sees the curl I tucked away earlier. It ended up back where it started. He tucks it back behind my ear.

Jay nods, watching us with a smile. "She really is," His eyes stray behind me. "Oh, Son, come over here and meet your sister."

My heart feels like it's stopped beating. I don't know whether I should be excited or nervous, so I go with anxious.

Jack's arm is still on my shoulders and mine around his waist. I hear fans shouting to my right as footsteps approach from behind me.

He's almost as tall as Jay. Same skin tone, both heads shaved. He turns around after hugging my dad, then stills, looking at me, clearly surprised.

My mouth opens and I'm frozen. There's no way. I'm speechless. My brother, Jay, and Urban watch me as I stand in Jack's hold.

"You're my sister?" His voice cracks.

I'm still frozen. Ace Pro is my brother?

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