By karn0123

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what if karna know about his celestial father and he is part of Shiv too. again work of pure fanfiction More



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By karn0123

After having breakfast, the sages were going to meditate but suddenly. Karna told them he is going to fetch more water and woods. They sages were going to meditate then heard footsteps came to hermitage and call of help from Bhagwan Parshuram. They frowned and went to see what has happened for people to climb up Mahendragiri and call out Bhagwan Parshuram. They came outside the hermitage. They saw various people were including male, female, children. They looked malnourished and weak. It must be quite hard for them to climb up but they still did so it must be something important.

People : Pranipat Bhagwan, Pranipat rishiwar.

Trio : Kalyan ho.

Bhagwan Parshuram : Why are you here.

Leader : Bhagwan, we are suffering from injustice. Please help us we came here as last resort.

Bhagwan Parshuram : What injustice and who did that to you so that you all have to come to me.

Leader : Prabhu, if it was human we would never come here to disturb here. But it is Devraj himself who is doing injustice, we had no choice but to come here. We live in the village nearby. Devraj Indra has stopped raining on our village two years ago till now we have survived on grains we stored but now our supplies are exhausted. If even this year rain didn't happen, the filed will become barren and draught wil happen.

Bhagwan Parshuram (frowned) : Why did Devraj stopped raining on your village.

Leader : Bhagwan, two years ago we have decided to pray to lord Krishna only. Devraj Indra became angered because of this and stopped raining on our village. Please help us and provide us justice.

Bhagwan Parshuram : I have left fighting years ago. My last fight was with my student Bheeshma who did great injustice to a woman but don't worry you will get your justice. But it's not me but my student who will provide you justice my last student of this yug will provide you justice. I was going to test him myself but this is a good opportunity. Don't worry you all can rest at foot of Mahendragiri. My student will arrange everything and will provide you justice too. Let me also see what he capable of.

People left , Bhagwan Parshuram looked at other two and nodded. Not only Bhagwan Parshuram but Asurguru shukracharya and saint vishvamitra too was thinking a way to test Karna. But this was excellent opportunity as Parshuram said because they knew no matter how much they berate him Karna would never raise weapons at them and if somehow he did that the guilt of doing so will hurt him very badly. They all consider him as son and actually don't want that. But it seems niyati has played his game again. They return to their hermitage and saw Karna wasn't there seeing this Bhagwan Parshuram shouted his name, hearing him being called karna who was gathering woods left his woods there and rushed to hermitage.

Karna : Yes Gurudev.

Bhagwan Parshuram : Putra, time has come for your gurudhkhsina. Will you give it to me.

Karna : Ji Gurudevs, ofcourse I will give it to you, it will be my honor to give you gurudhkhsina.

Bhagwan Parshuram : Putra, my gurudhkhsina is that you go and do justice for people that are dismounting the Mahendragiri right now, you have to defeat the one doing the injustice and whoever it is you will not reveal about who your teacher are or you are Devputra until you defeat your opponent.

Karna touched his feet  : As you say Gurudev.

Bhagwan Parshuram : Vijayi bhava.

He then touched feet of his other teachers, they too gave him same blessings. After talking their blessings Karna immediately started dismounting the mountain in the direction Bhagwan Parshuram has pointed him to. Soon he met the people and get to know what has happened. Even after hearing them there is not one ounce of fear in him. He first went down with them and arranged  their house and food for 5 days. Then he left towards the most secluded peak in the mountain and he equipment an arrow on his bow and after chanting mantras he shot it towards the swarglok. Indra who was in sabha was shocked when an arrow landed on his feet. Not only him but the others like Agni, varun, vayu, etc except Suryadev dev were also shocked by this. Thinking it as insult indradev immediately got Angry and closed his eyes and used his divine power to see who dare to launch arrow at swarglok. Other Devs too did the same and they saw in the secluded peak of Mahendragiri there is a young man standing with a bow of n is hands and was looking at sky. Indradev's anger surpassed everything at the disrespect shown by this young man. He immediately disappeared from there and arrived where Karna was.

Karna : Pranipat Indradev.

Indradev : Greetings are not neccecary, you have disrespected me. Who are you and how dare you to shoot an arrow at swarglok.

Karna : I am Radhey Karna, Indradev. I have shot arrows because I want to gain your attention.

Indradev : Why do you want my attention. This is not the way of getting my attention instead you will face my wrath. State your business before I kill you.

Karna : Indradev, you are not raining upon a village and their situation has became dire because of it. Please accept my request and rain on the village.

Indradev : Oh! You come here as their massiah. No I will not rain on that village, they are facing my wrath for not worshipping me. Go away, I will consider your deed as mistake.

Karna : I am sorry Indradev but I can't leave without you raining in that village.

Indradev : Fool! Who do you think you are I am talking to you doesn't mean I would agree. I have already warned you but it seems you have come here with death wish so be it. I will kill you.

Saying that Indradev picked up his bow and a terrifying battle took place on the peak, even the Dev's at the Sabha came here to see the battle. Both warrior fought with their might. A arrow was shot by Indradev who divided itself in hundreds and transformed into mace. Karna similarly replied by transforming his in to spears. Both fighters rained arrows upon each other and one attak other defend and similarly other attacks one defend. They both fought with arrows but several othe kinds of weapons which were transformed arrows to were laying there. Both fought for several hours. Though indradev has upper hand due to his experience but he too saw the capabilities of Karna and started fearing him because he thought if he will lose he will have to give up his throne so he decided to use celestial weapons to kill the young man. Seeing Indradev was using celestial weapons Karna too started using his celestial weapons. Soon mare terrifying battle took place and various divyastras were shot and countered. This went on again for several hours. Again indradev was having upper hand but karna was holding his ground purely relying on his skills but he was slowly adapting to battle and stated levelling up. Slowly he was fighting Indradev on equal grounds all his training of last 27 years (6 physically and 20 mentally) with knowledge from shiv shambhu himself kicked in and bridged the gap. Indradev saw that and became more scared, this time he was sure that this young man have came here for his throne and has ill intensions towards swarg. He was lost in his thoughts so karna immediately used agneyastra and destroyed the strings of Indradev's bow. Indradev raised his hands and summoned his Vajra. He didn't waste any time and threw it to Karna. Karna who saw that Vajra was already released couldn't do anything because he know only by using pashupatastra he could stop it but if those two collides then heavy destruction will take place. So he did what he could he Folded his hands towards it. Being curious about Mahadev of course he knew about Vajra and it's origin. He knows Vajra is made out of ashes of Saint Dadhichi an adherent and one of the foremost devotees of lord Shiva. He just kept chanting om namah shivaya and I'm namah Narayana. The vajra reached Karna but instead of of hurting him it stopped in front of him and surprisingly made a bowing gesture and returned to Indradev now everyone was surprised but not more than Indradev himself. Because nobody has seen this happening. Indradev's anger has calmed down instead he was thinking how to save his thone from him. Karna seeing the Vajra bowing and returning immediately understood why, he marveled at the fact that even it's been ages and saint Dadhichi was dead a long time ago but even his ashes and bones could recogrnise the ansh of Shiv in him. He can't even imagine what level devotion one need to do this.  The Devs too were shocked by what has happened. Everyone thoughts were broken by Indradev.

Indradev : I accept my defeat. You want me rain on that village. I would do it lets Stop this battle Unless you want the whole swarg.

Karna could hear his hidden meaning. He decided now to use his other knowledge like oration and politics to get out of this sticky situation.

Karna : I am a mere mortal Indradev. I have no interest in swarglok.

Indradev was not convinced.

Indradev : Are you sure young man. You are very strong inspite of so young. I am sure whatever you are saying. if not now then in future you might come to conquer swarg.

Karna : Indradev I can promise you in the name of my parents and my teachers that I would never attack on swarg. What would I get by attacking the kingdom of my Kakashree.

Indradev and other dev were surprised to hear that. They were confused why is this mortal calling Devraj as his Kaka.

Indradev : Kakashree? What are you saying Vatsya and who are you calling your Kakashree.

Karna : I am calling you my Kakashree, I am mortal son of Pitashree Suryadev and as far as I know you both are brothers so I am your nephew Kakashree.

After saying that he willed his Kavach to appear to give him proof. Indradev and every other his saw the divine Kavach with sun symbol on it. They believed Karna now.

Indradev : If you knew you are my nephew then why didn't you said so in the beginning and does any nephew raise his weapon on his uncle.

Karna : Kakashree, a child can't raise his weapons against elders but can't he show his valour to his elder to impress him. As for why I didn't tell you it was my Gurudhkhsina.

Indradev was happy when Karna placed  top hat on himself and he has already promised in name of suryadev so he didn't need to worry so he decided to show his generosity as other Dev's too were watching him.

Indradev came next to Karna. Karna immediately touche his feet.

Karna : Bless me Kakashree.

Indradev (smiles) : Kalyan Ho. You have a very sharp tongue nephew but you are correct a child can Indeed use this method to impress his elders and I am impressed by your valour. You are truly a great warrior that o haven't seen in eons. Who is your Gurudev Putra.

Last part of Karna being great warrior and curiosity of his nephew's teacher were genuine. He was indeed amazed by his adaptability and skills. Indradev wasn't god of dev for nothing, people may have remembered him being by his neferious deeds and defeats but it is also truth that he has killed a lot of Asur, rakshas, danav and daitya. With is vajra he was most powerful after trinity and tridevi. Even Vajra was his last resort without it too he was very formidable but Karna too came toe to toe in fight with him. Karna chahiye as able to bridge the gap in experience through skills alone, meaning indeed he was better Archer than Indradev and much better.

Karna : My Gurudevs are Bhagwan Parshuram, Asurguru Shukracharya and Saint Vishwamitra.  I have gained my knowledge under all three of them together in Mahendragiri. It was my Gurudhkhsina to Gurudev Bhagwan Parshuram.

Indradev and other were again taken back. Not only because a brahamrishi, one of nav grah and a cheeranjeevi sixth Avatar of Vishnu taught a single student but also because both Shukracharya and Bhagwan Parshuram agreed to share a student as it was prevalent knowledge that shukracharya is not find of lord Vishnu but still he decided to share a student with him in addition to teacher and lors Rama seventh Avatar of Vishnu. This boy must be very special to have such teachers decided to teach him and live together for that. Indradev decided to have better' relationship with this nephew.

Indradev : They have indeed taught you well Putra. I am impressed by you too so I am giving you my vaasvi shakti. But you can call it only ones.

Karna : There is no need Kakashree, I am merely completing my Gurudhkhsina.

Indradev : Putra, I came to meet you and if you return empty handed after meeting me then it will be my insult. Putra, think it as gift from elder.

Karna was going to decline but suryadev suddenly came here. Karna touched his feet too and Suryadev blessed him too.

Suryadev : Devraj, there is no need to give Vaasvi shakti to my son, just give him a divine Chariot. I think it would be enough for gift. And Putra Karna accept it. I know you want to earn everything from your hard work but Putra some times you have to let someone gift you something too.

Karna : Jii Pitashree.

Indradev : You have great son Suryadev, he is not at all greedy any other person would have accepted it. I am impressed even more by his respect towards you. So be it, Putra Karna I give you a celestial Chariot with celestial horses, you can summon them when you need it. You don't need Charioteer for this, the chariot will go wherever you will it to. You can also one promise for something which I can give it to you.

Karna : Thank you Kakashree as for promise, then promise me that no one of your kingdom will ever tell anyone that I am Devputra to anyone.

Indradev (surprised) : I can promise you that Putra. But may I know Why.

Karna : Kakashree your nephew has its own reasons please accept my request and don't look much deeper into it.

Indradev : Fine putra. I promise you that no dev or anyone residing in swarg will ever tell anyone that you are Devputra and I will forbid everyone including me to look into your past. You must have some reason for asking this when you could have asked anything but Putra I bless you wherever you go there will be prosperity and happiness like your father. I will rain on that village too.

Karna : Thank you Kakashree.

Indradev smiled he was first faking it but he was genuinely impressed by Karna later so he himself blessed him. Indradev left and various other dev who were watching battle left too. Only Suryadev and Karna was left.

Suryadev : Putra, I am happy and proud of man you have became. I bless you that you will be great king.

Karna was shocked but he nodded. Suryadev smiled and gave him two quiver which will have endless supply of arrows and left there after Karna touched his feet and he blessed him.

Suryadev blessed him and left too. Karna too left and went to villagers and told them he has requested indradev and he agreed to rain. He didn't tell the complete truth because he promised to never go for fame with skills but welfare of society so he concentrated on that. Karna returned to hermitage and saw his three teachers were waiting for him and were smiling. Karna came and touched their feet to get their blessings and they blessed him too. He told them everything from battle to his father's blessings.

Saint Vishwamitra : Putra your education is complete now and now I and Shukracharya have to leave Mahendragiri. It's time for you give me gurudhkhsina too. For my Gurudhkhsina I want you to be closer to Hastinapur's royals. Putra I can see a great destruction in the Aaryavrat and only your interference could Stop that and you can't tell anyone about my gurudhkhsina.

Karna : ji gurudev. I promise you I will try my best.

Saint Vishwamitra : That is all I wanted to hear from you Putra. I bless you that you would bring change to society and show true dharm to entire Aaryavrat.

Shukracharya : Putra my gurudhkhsina is that you won't prejudice or discriminate Among any creature and only kill evil or those who intend to hurt you or your loved ones.

Karna : I promise you Gurudev. For me all creatures will be equal and I would never attack anyone first with intentions of killing them.

Shukracharya : That's fine with me too Putra. I bless you with my sanjeevni vidya but you can use it 3 times in your life.

Shukracharya and Saint Vishwamitra left there after karna touched their feet and they gave h their blessings.

Bhagwan Parshuram : Putra you have given me you gurudhkhsina now I bless you that you and your arrows would be unique that will diffentiate you from my other students and you will be ajay (undefeatable).

Parshuram then told him to leave for Hastinapur tomorrow and begin his new journey there. Karna nodded, he went back to his hut which seems little empty because teo of his Gurudev left. He prepared food and they both have dinner and karna slept for first time in 7 years.

Next-day he woke up at same time he woke as first night he slept I Mahendragiri. He did his chores before Bhagwan Parshuram woke up. As usual bith teacher Student did their Suryapooja. After Pooja Karna Still was preparing for breakfast. Parshuram was seeing all this he understood that his student was unwilling to leave but he will leave as Parshuram himself told him to leave today but karna would squeeze the day as much as he can. Soon afternoon came. They are lunch together, Parshuram was suddenly feeling sleepy, he was going to sleep on slab under tree in hermitage. Karna saw that his guru was going to sleep under tree and there was nothing to keep head on so he came and offered his thighs to sleep. Parshuram smiled and agreed. He kept his head on his lap and Karna used his angavastra to fan him gently. Parshuram was quick asleep. Karna was still fanning him and thinking of his time in hermitage, it was his safe heaven other than his home where he hot acceptance and love. He was nostalgic about his time here but suddenly he felt a bite in his other thighs and for some reason it was unbearable even to him but he didn't move or stop fanning Parshuram. He saw an insect was biting his thighs but he endured it. Soon blood from his thighs stated floating and touched the shoulder of Bhagwan Parshuram. He immediately Wake up.as soon as he lifted his head Karna picked up the insect and threw it away.

Parshuram : Shiv Shiv where is blood coming from.

He turned to Karna and saw his thighs were bleeding.

Karna : Nothing Gurudevs it was just an insect.

Parshuram immediately went into hut and brought an ointment and applied to Karna. He was angry, ointments did his job and wounds was healed but blood and bloodstain still remained.

Parshuram's (angry) : Just an insect you idiot see how much are you bleeding. Karna, you this attitude sometimes scared me the most. Idiot student why are you smiling, when I am angry.

Karna (smiling) : It shows your concern and love for me Gurudev. I will miss your scolding.

Parshuram (smiled) : I will Miss you too. Putra though you're trained by three teacher you will be known as Parshuram Shisya Radhey Karna in this world. I Jamadagni Putra prashuram is honoured to have a student like you. I gift you my Vijaya bow.

Parshuram closed his eyes and raised his hands and then lighting fell from sky to his hands and beautiful golden bow from his hand. Parshuram then told him history, boon and Power of Vijaya and told him to use only for Dharm.

Parshuram : I know you don't want to leave but Putra you have to. You destiny is waiting for you. Go now Putra.

With teary eyes Karna stood up and touched his teacher feet and after getting his blessings he left.

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