By karn0123

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what if karna know about his celestial father and he is part of Shiv too. again work of pure fanfiction More



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By karn0123

Six years have passed since Karna's training have began, today was the day when powers inside Karna will merge. Three sages knew that Suryadev has personally came yesterday to inform them. In theses three years Karna has proven himself worthy, he has impressed three of them by his devotion and complete surrender. It doesn't mean he didn't question what's being taught but rather he question each and every teaching regularly with out having an ounce of fear and wouldn't let it go until he completely understand. They were impressed by his hunger of knowledge and pace of everything taught to him. They knew after first night Karna hasn't slept till now, he has either spend the nights in practice or meditation and yoga. Three of them has divided different responsibilities regarding Karna, Saint Vishwamitra was responsible for his character building, Shukracharya was responsible for his mental strength and fortitude and Bhagwan Parshuram has taken up responsibility of making a great warrior. They knew he would have knowledge and everything else after today but they have made sure he would be worthy of he would be getting and Karna hasn't disappointed them. They taught him everything but they made sure that Karna earned what's being taught to him. They have regularly took rigours and harsh test to see whether he has learnt what been taught to him completely and whether he is eligible for what they will be teaching him next. Karna with his abilities constantly proved him and impressed them. So much so that they squeezed their all knowledge and poured it inside him. So except divine knowledge they taught h everything.

In these years being able impressed by him, Saint Vishwamitra taught him all the scriptures, Gayatri Mantra, medical and poison, duties of a King, how to run a kingdom, how to be impartial, etc. He has made karna not only righteous but able ruler too. Karna too never shied away from ask questions about anything or everything written on vedas. This behaviour was not supressed instead encouraged by Saint Vishwamitra, he too wanted his students to have deep understanding of what's written and not just mug up everything. He made him aware of trigun and make sure he have those. He made Karna excellent orator. He taught Karna one has jump in muddy river to clean it, so as long his intentions are right and his soul was giving him permission he would not be doing Adharm but also warned him to never over look what his heart is saying because his good intentions too will become adharm because there is saying way to hell is paved with good intentions for some reason.

Shukracharya too taught him, he taught him everything about political science, Shukraniti, yoga, knowledge of maya (how to recognise or break it). His biggest achievement was slow and slowly remedy the ripus of his students through thorugh yoga and its eight limbs. Being a mortal Karna could let go of all of his ripus but he has excellent control over. It was throughly tested by Shukracharya by placing Maya on him and make him go through several circumstances. He knew it's only anger that Karna was incapable of control completely other wise he has complete control over lust, greed, arrogance, delusion and jeolousy. He made sure that Karna mental fortitude will be top notch. He brought positive reinforcement to him so that his eagerness to prove him not take over him.

Bhagwan Parshuram has made him a great warrior and for him Karna became his favourite student. Even though there of them know Karna respected everyone but he is most close to Bhagwan Parshuram. Parshuram though didn't taught Karna any divine or celestial weapons but he squeezed all his knowledge and pass it to Karna. He made him ambidextrous in everything so that his both hands would be equally effective in everything. He taught him to use each and every weapons with utmost efficiency, he taught him about warfare both vyuha formation and mental warfare and statergies. He was impressed by Karna because unlike his other two Students Karna was not afraid of questioning and suggesting any thing. Some of his suggestion impressed him too. In this six years he laid a solid foundation on him and taught him all methods of every weapons be it spear, mace, Archery, sword, axe, whip, daggers etc.  He taught him how to fight on ground, on horse, on elephant and on Chariot.

As usual three of them woke up from their sleep and saw all the chores were completed already and water in their small pot for Suryapooja was placed at same place as it has been in six-year. They smiled it was because for six years it was still the same. They woke up and took their bath and changed their clothes. They took the water pot and came to Bank of river Ganga and saw their students who was already waiting for there smiling. They knew today would be huge for him. They smiled looking at their student who are as no longer a boy who came with Suryadev and had longing for attention and acceptance instead there stand a boy who was brimming with self-confidence. He was now a tall young man with lithe but muscular body. Though his muscles were not overly pronounced but the strength contained in them were enormous. He was standing there his his back straight showcasing him bady which seems sculpted by lord Vishwakarma himself. Though he hasn't slept for six years he looked fresh and be energized and there no sign of black eyes or lethargy in him. They were proud of themselves because they know they made this man and were happy to take credit for it because their relationship far surpassed teacher-student and became father-son. They knew for him their words are equivalent to words of tridevs. When Karna told them he would embody some qualities of lord Shiva, they hoped so but even in this he far surpassed their expectations. He has embraced Mahadev's vairag and took oath to marry Only once in his life. They knew he has became adherent devotees of Mahadev and Narayan too. They came to him and he touched their feet they blessed him. They all went to river bank and did their Suryapooja. After that they returned to hermitage but unlike before Saint Vishwamitra and Bhagwan Parshuram didn't leave to let Shukracharya and Karna for his daily yoga practice.

Bhagwan Parshuram : Karna, today is special day, it's your 20th birthday Putra. Today you will take samadhi here and won't wake up till it's over.

Karna : Ji Gurudev.

Three sages sighed.

Saint Vishwamitra : It's just your this Habit we can't change Putra.

Shukracharya : Yes, you are always eager, you though questions when we teach you otherwise you blindly follow our words.

Karna (smiled) : Gurudev , you all are father to me. If a child won't follow his father words then whose words he would follow.

Bhagwan Parshuram : Your devotion impressed us as much as it scares us, Putra. Now go take samadhi.

Karna immediately obeyed and sat down and closed his eyes slowly he withdraw himself from outside completely, his breathing became slow and rythmic. There was nothing but containment on his face. Seeing this three sages smiled and sat surrounding him and started chanting mantras and giving him their divine knowledge in case of sage vishwamitra he gave him all the Astra of Dev's, shukracharya gave him knowledge of mayaastra and Bhagwan Parshuram was giving him knowledge of tridevaastra and Bhargavastra. They know Karna would have everything and more after today but they did for two reasons first Karna has earned it from them and second to make sure set a base for him when suddenly all knowledge and powers of Mahadev's yogic shakti and jata shakti suddenly pop up inside him. They know if Suddenly the unknown knowledge from unknown source would emerge their students may try to resist it as he was still unaware of everything and believes in havin what he worked for. So in this way they were making sure at least set base inside him because even they don't have access to some powers like vaasvi shakti or Vajra but Karna would gain every Astra Sastra in existence and both sudden influx and rejection of these knowledge could be diastarous. Not only that he would gain instant mastery of every Kala and other knowledge and he would need time to absorb it so they told him to take samadhi and attain the knowledge and enlightenment. They gave him Their knowledge but we're still meditating surrounding him suddenly they felt huge energy gushing out, they opened their eyes and relaxed seeing their students still was in samadhi despite to vast energy pouring out of his body and merging in him. After sometimes they weren't able to see Karna because of the energy. They folded their hands and said har har mahadev.

Vast energy was nothing but ansh of Mahadev's that were merging in Karna, it was changing his body. The impurities of him was slowly poured out through his skin, the energy was changing him from inside as well as his outer apperance. The entire process to few hours and after that the gush of energy disappeared, they saw their students still sitting still but covered in something like mud like surface with cracks, they were surprised to see not only their students was now merged witha Mahadev's ansh but he also attained enlightenment and astasusdhi. But still he was in state of samadhi, they knew he was subconsciously absorbing the gains he received today. They smiled and returned to meditation and other things.

Soon a year passed, three sages daily comes to see their disciple but seeing him still in samadhi, they leave but today was different as the come here they saw slight movement in body of Karna and as he slightly trembling some of the layers of dust fell. And soon he opened his eyes, seeing his three teachers in front of him smiling at him.  Parshuram gave him a white Dhoti and sawl.

Bhagwan Parshuram : Go and take a bath Putra, I know you have some questions we will answer it later.

Karna slowly stood up and went to take bath, after taking bath and change his clothes. Though he didn't was in samadhi he could clearly distinguish what and whic of his teachers were passing onto him. He didn't resisted the influx of information and accepted it. He was digesting all the knowledge then suddenly a vast energy and knowledge gushes from his within thinking it's enlightenment he accepted it whole heartedly but he was shocked that it was much more than he expected and not only divine weapons given by Gurudevs but several others like Vaasvi, Vajra, female version of tridevs and even Astra of trideviyan. Along with it came various familiar and unfamiliar knowledge like  vedas, puran, scriptures, singing, dancing, make up, weapons, etc etc. Not only that but being is total self-collectedness he could feel his body was constantly changing. His yogic power has awakened and astasusdhi has happened. Not only that his bones and muscles were changing and became compact and stronger. He felt like he was shedding his body and his soul has transferred in new body who is pure like newborn. His physical and mental transformation was huge. He can't do anything for his physical changes but he started digesting the knowledge but it was so vast that it literally took one year even when his mental capacity is atleast 20 times faster than before and some of things he has already learned. So in this one year he actually has learned and master things equivalent to what he would have learned in 20 years. He had already solid foundation and knowledge of methods of every weapons but now he has mastered it and not only that he has mastered every scriptures, art, medicine etc.  He came to his teachers and touched their feet they too blessed him.

Three sages saw the outer transformation of their student and were amazed, Karna already has Divine aura but it was more pronounced now. Not only that there is symbol of Mahadev's tridevs with dumru inside sum was on his forehead. He was already handsome but now he was drop dead gorgeous. Though his body was lithe but now his muscles became pronounced but it didn't look ugly but has increased his charms. His steps were more control and there was certain grace in it but it was silent showcasing him being a warrior. But what changes most was his eyes. They were still same but there is dept of wisdom and inteligence in them. Earlier their students seemed to have certain indifference in his eyes but it holds nothing but compassion and kindness now. There is aura of serenity and harmony around him. He didn't have ferocity in his steps and body language like before but it didn't mean he lost it but has learnt truly to control it and he was dangerous than ever. He was radiant and sun rays seems glowing off his skin. He truly looked divine and part of Shiv. When he touched their feet they smiled because they can feel same devotion from him, they were not surprised because they know nothing in the world can change that.

Bhagwan Parshuram : Ask what you want Putra.

Karna : Gurudevs, what happened to me and for how long I was in sanadhi.

Saint Vishwamitra : You were in samadhi for complete one year today is your 21st birthday.

Shukracharya : Tell us what happened and we will tell why and how it happened.

Karna told them everything he has experienced, all the changes inside him and all the knowledge he gained.

Bhagwan Parshuram : Putra, this happened because you have now completely merged with ansh of Mahadev inside you. Suryadev told us it would happen on your 20th birthday. All the training you did with us was to make you worthy of what you have gotten now. You were always destined to be like this and have such powers but due to what happened to you, you needed guidance that is why you were trained before hand for six years by us.

Vishwamitra then told Karna everything suryadev told them before leaving. Karna was shocked hearing this.

Shukracharya : what happened Putra, are you feeling lied to or deceived by us and Suryadev. Because inspite of what you were destined to, we have taken several test or how Suryadev or Mata ganga brought to your adopted parents instead of any other king or brahman.

Karna immediately knelt and touched their feet.

Karna : No, gurudev. I would never even think of that. I would never feel deceived by you all. I understand what you did and I won't lie saying I wouldn't have not become what you all feared. I am lucky to have so many father to guide me and point me in right direction. Having you all on my life gave me nothing but what I always craved for, my love and devotion for you isn't dependent on what I have gained or learnt but it was your acceptance. I have no regret being son of Radha Maa and Adhiratha Pitashree instead I am proud and greatfull that I was raised by them. You all have given me nothing but selfless love and I am not so ungreatful to forget everything because I gained something if anything I am greatfull that you saved me from what I would have become. No Gurudevs please don't say this.

Trio smiled hearing that. Bhagwan Parshuram sat and caressed his hair.

Bhagwan Parshuram : We know Putra but we wanted to hear it from you. You are our student and we have raised you for six years. You are son to us too, we always knew you would never disappoint us. Come lets prepare and have breakfast.

Karna stood up. He told everyone to meditate and he will call them after preparing the breakfast. With each and every Kala mastered he prepared a delicious breakfast and all of them had breakfast.

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