So Long, Not Goodnight

By MyChemikalienRomance

865 4 0

Gerard finds himself being hunted by an unseen force and finds refuge in an abandoned churchyard in Belleview... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty

Chapter Twenty

10 0 0
By MyChemikalienRomance

Gerard held onto Frank tighter as though he was going to be pulled away at any second. Frank reciprocated with fervor. The room felt like a world tucked away from the reality of beyond. Lamp light soaked the walls and bed and carpet with a cozy glow that was soft and fine. Thick blankets beneath begging for someone to crawl beneath them, luring ideas of pleasure and dreamscapes. They both surrendered and fell backwards, slowly toppling in a trust fall onto the plush of the bedspread. As their heads bounced back down, Gerard untucked himself from Frank's neck and could feel fingers on his own travelling behind his ear lightly circling around the cartilage, a fuzzy calm spreading warmly all over. His eyes hooded dreamily as he looked into Frank's eyes, noticing one stray speck of black in the most perfect hazel irises he'd ever seen. The blanket cradled their faces as they leaned towards each other, Frank slightly leaning downward and Gerard's chin lifting upwards, their lips met after a feeling of absent finality. 

Gerard's hands wandered down and tried to pull Frank's shirt out from where it was tucked into his pants. Fingers pulling the soft fabric with a greedy need. Frank smiled through their kiss feeling Gerard's hands trying, and failing, to meet skin. The shirt began to bite with the frantic rubbing. "Fuck, Frankie," Gerard spoke while keeping their kiss. "I want to feel you so fucking bad."

Without breaking their contact, Frank began to unbutton his neck and down his chest, exposing piece after piece of himself and feeling Gerard's hands wander up and around and satisfied with their discovery. Frank's skin was smoldering and it caught and a wildfire spread inside of him. The warmth of the blankets and the air and their bodies could light up a city. Their slacks were beginning to feel too tight and suffocating as they both grew with each kiss, each time tongues collided and entwined, each time teeth ground against that plump pulp that hid behind lips. Gerard broke free and began to pull the tie from his neck. "Wait!" Frank caught his wrists and held them for a few seconds, looking down him and back up into his eyes. "Keep your tie and shirt on. It's fucking hot, baby."

Gerard's cheeks darkened to the color of the ribbon around his neck. Frank flicked the button of his cuffs, one and then the other, free and shrugged the shirt off and let it fall into a black puddle on the floor. Gerard's pupils dilated at the sight of Frank's bare torso and began to swallow his irises as he stared down at the small happy trail below his belly button that disappeared at the waist of his pants. Frank was holding the tie, still knotted, in his right hand reminding Gerard of their first night together. "Do you have plans for that?" Gerard smiled playfully.

"You're so bold, baby," Frank laughed. "Yes... Yes I do."

Frank sat upright, his feet on the floor, and unbuttoned and unzipped his pants inching his ass off the bed to push them over and down, mixing with his shirt on the floor. Gerard pulled his legs up and fully on top of the bed, towards the footboard. Frank straddled him, his erection pointing directly towards Gerard's face, a compass pointing north, home. Before leaning down to release Gerard, Frank ran a hand up his clothed chest, wrapping his hands around Gerard's necktie and gently pulling his head up from the pillow. "Raise your arms up above your head."

Gerard complied as Frank pulled the noose through an opening of framework in the headboard and laced the two loops he tied over Gerard's wrists. Pulling them taut against the knots, Gerard felt his arms completely pinned above him, unable to move except for his hands. The knotty wood of the headboard snuggled up against his knuckles with every flex he made. There was a push and pull and then his pants were gone as Frank removed his slacks and threw them to the floor. In the soft light of the bedroom, they both gazed over each other and felt gooseflesh pimple all over their bodies in excitement and anticipation. "Do you," Frank licked his lips as his chest rose and fell, quaking with hunger. "Have any lube or lotion?"

Gerard nodded harshly and gestured with his captive hands towards the bedside table. Opening the small top drawer was a tube of lubricant. Frank extracted it and twisted the cap open, dispensing a generous amount into his right palm and putting the rest back on the table. He swept up two fingers full and massaged it onto Gerard's opening and the rest on himself until both glistened. "Baby," Frank looked down at Gerard's sharp nose pointing towards the ceiling in pleasure from Frank massaging him. "I'm gonna make you feel like you've been touched by angels."

As he slid inside, Frank pumped Gerard's erection in rhythm to his pulses. The tightness on his shaft was mirrored with his hands. "Fuck!" Gerard pulled at his bindings that held tight against wood. 

Gerard could feel Frank filling him and leaving a void before entering him again and feeling whole, his cock hitting against something inside him that made him feel like he was floating in euphoria and ecstacy. The fullness, the pull of his skin, the blood draining from everywhere else and pooling at his center made the room spin into nothing but light. Light and he was being touched by an angel as Frank was looking down at him from these heavens, his lips open and pouted, eyes dark, moving closer and then a small step back just to be regained. The strokes on him began to quicken as did Frank's pushes. The look in his eyes grew feral with pleasure and need that Gerard could only circumspect were reflective of his own. He needed more of Frank, he needed so much and Frank pacified that need every time his body pulsed inside of him. He could feel the veins dimple and crease with every entrance. Gerard gripped the small bit of tie, his fingernails cutting into the silk. 

As Frank pulled out and pushed back inside, Gerard shouted into the ether, unintelligible. Was this real life? This euphoric sensation that encapsulated him and scared away all his demons and replaced them with a comatose high that he wished existed all the time. His eyes rolled around and his eyelids flickered and his head bobbed like a ragdoll pulled behind a toddler. Gerard pulled his bottom lip through the layers of his teeth and bit down so hard he tore flesh. Glistening with fresh blood, the cut bled over creating it's own lipstick over Gerard's lips.

Frank felt so close as he looked down at his lover wearing his black shirt and red tie and now his lips were stained red. He leaned down, feeling his cock poking up through Gerard's insides, and as Gerard sharply inhaled and began to shriek, he silenced his cry by rigorously kissing him, pulling his bleeding lip inside his own, dragging his tongue over the wound. The sting of metal on their tongues, gliding over one another, spun Frank's insides around and around. "Oh, fuck, baby," Frank moaned into Gerard's mouth. "I'm... I'm coming!"

Gerard felt a twitch and a spurt inside of him as he cried out feeling dizzy. Frank continued his palm down and up over his erection. He leaned back into his pillows, writhing with the want and the delay of release. He always wants every time with Frank to last forever, even though he knows that it's impossible. Frank pulled and pulled and pulled at that skin and just thinking of who was touching him was enough to erupt Gerard into flames. The tie wrapped around his wrists began to cut through his skin and seep, camouflaged with the red shadow of the tie. "Frankie," Gerard panted, his eyes rolling around in his head. "Frankie... I'm so close."

Frank smiled down at him and quickened his speed and Gerard could still feel him cozied up inside himself. "No," Gerard whipped his head from side to side. "I don't want this to end."

The pace continued and Gerard felt like he was a bomb ready to detonate. "Frankie, I want this," he quivered as he climbed up that inevitable release. "Forever. OH!"

Frank planted a kiss on his closed lips and opened and took his length down his throat, pulling and waiting for that sweet release. Gerard cried out to the ceiling as he released into Frank. His cock twitched as did his head with complete submittance. 

Heavy breathing and panting mixed with the song of chirping insects outside during the sunset. Frank lay against Gerard's hip, one hand open atop the bed and the other tucked inside Gerard's thigh. A numbness crawled down his pinioned arms to his neck and shoulder blades. How he wanted to reach both hands down and pull Frank back on top of him, but he was still close and that's what mattered. The pure fantasy of thought that swam around his head just minutes ago drowned in a black tide of his normal hauntings flooding back and bobbing around in the murky sea of his mind. Frank was such a powerful sedative for his demons and it was an addiction that itched at his skin, always needing another fix. 

The pressure on his thigh was alleviated as Frank sat himself up and looked down at Gerard still trussed up and bound. "Christ, Gee," Frank swallowed and licked his lips. "Just looking at you like that is making me hard again."

Every nerve fibre inside of his body jumped and skittered. Ignoring the creeping pins and needles from his confined appendages, Gerard circled his head around his neck and languidly looked up at Frank and poked his tongue out from where his lips met at the side and flicked them over to the other. "Round two?" 

Frank smiled sinisterly down at Gerard as he got down on his forearms, his face inches from Gerard's. "I already have some... Ideas." He pulled Gerard's bottom lip between his two and bit down and pulled up before letting go. 

There was a sudden crash that echoed up the stairs and through the cracks in the doorframe. Frank pushed himself up from the bed in a second and pulled on his pants from the floor. He leaned over and untied the tie, freeing Gerard who looked frightened but also disappointed. "I'll save this for later," Frank winked at Gerard and stuffed the tie into his back pocket. Gerard flopped off the bed and pulled his own slacks back on. Frank brought a finger to his lips and was gripping the doorknob. He twisted and pulled inching the door open unveiling the darkness of the hallway. There weren't any noises that followed, just a silence that felt full. Gerard followed Frank through the hall and down the stairs, the third creaking under his step that Gerard hopped over, until they were downstairs in the foyer. 

Everything looked normal; just as it was left from earlier and from all the past years. Gerard flicked the light switch on and the chandelier glowed above the adorned table. His diploma still sat on the edge, the candles sat upright, all the chairs sat around at just the same position as when they entered a few hours ago. Gerard assessed the front wall and pivoted observing the adjoining and far walls noticing a pale rectangle of absence. He moved slowly around the curve of the table to the other side of the room and saw the picture of him and Mikey as toddlers faceup on the floor, the glass of the frame splintered into cobwebs that reflected the light in it's own chandelier with every step that Gerard gained. He knelt down, feeling the rough wood of the floor with diamonds of glass embed into his knee. Both of their small sets of eyes, once joyful and innocent, were scratched up, torrents of black and blue lines that gave way to the white of the paper it was printed on. 

Gerard reached out and his fingers carefully grazed the glass and the ruined picture beneath. A sharp sliver of glass tore open his finger causing Gerard to pull his hand away and pull it into his mouth, tasting himself torn. The blood filled one crack and ran into another and another, a river dispersing into surrounding creeks and streams. The cracks that filled formed sharp and strong letters and stopped. Peering down at the picture, overtop his and Mikey's faces were three words forged in blood and seeping below to the glossy paper beneath: We'll meet again

Gerard pushed himself away from the picture, his palms sliding over the floor pulling him backwards. Frank found him on the ground and pulled his shoulders up and felt him rise and flee into him, his hands interlocking around his waist. "There may be a smallish problem," Frank whispered, combing his hands through Gerard's hair.

"What?" Gerard forced his eyes closed and pushed further into Frank's shoulder. 

"I..." Frank gulped and pressed forward. "I think she's here."

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