The Cursed Stone (Batmom read...

By FlowerPots235

11.5K 326 20

Damian was never one to think before he speaks. After being grounded by his Mother Y/N he makes a mistake tha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Part 6

Chapter 5

1.7K 47 7
By FlowerPots235

A/N: 3.8 k words.

Please enjoy! Honestly, I'm feeling some time of way with how i ended this chapter ;-;

Day 3

Bruce's eyes fluttered open. He looked up at the ceiling feeling oddly relaxed. He suddenly felt movement to his right. Bruce did realize that he had company. To his surprise, it was Y/N stirring awake.

"Mmm Good morning handsome~" You say softly.

"Hello, beautiful" amongst his confusion his words rolled off his tongue so naturally.

Y/N pressed her body against his and let out a sigh "Today's the day. You excited?"

Bruce's brows furrowed. You sat up with your arm supporting you "Don't tell me you forgot about the game today"

He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you in "of course not. I just want to stay like this a bit longer."

the door burst open "C'mon guys, Alfred said breakfast is ready."

Dick happily jumped on the bed and snuggled in between the two adults.

You giggle "yes honey. We're on our way."


Bruce opened his eyes again and quickly looked to his right. He frowned to see the empty space beside him. He got up and did the usual. Shower, brush his teeth, then his hair, and finally pick out his clothes. Bruce decided to go with a simple white dress shirt and some jeans before making his way towards the kitchen.

Upon arriving he saw his eldest son with toast in his mouth whilst on the phone.

"Yea? Mhmm. Alright"

Dick gave Bruce a slight nod before leaving the room. Odd, he was more social yesterday.

Jason bumped into Dick at the door causing him to drop his toast. He floundered around before catching the bread.

"Woah, Jason? What are you doing here? I mean. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing you but I didn't expect you to be here. Let alone sleepover."

Bruce raised an eyebrow while Jason scratched the back of his head "what are you talking about? Of course, I'm going to be here. Mom is coming over today, remember?"


Dick looked at Jason bewildered, then back at Bruce "Conner, I'll call you back." He hung up the phone and crossed his arms. "Ok, who are you talking about?"

Now Jason looked at his brother stunned "Y/N, remember we're trying to set her up with Bruce. To get our lives back."

Dick smirked while looking back at his old man "Well I'll be. Bruce has a date!" He nudged Jason's side "and you're already calling her mom. I'll have to meet her sometime."

"What the hell man. If this is some kind of joke it's not funny." Jason snapped

Dick raised his hand and walked back a bit "hey hey I'm not trying to be funny."

His phone buzzed. He looked at the caller Id and smiled. "Good luck with your date Bruce. I gotta go." Dick turned around and answered the phone. Promptly walking out of the manor.

Jason quickly turned to Bruce "what the hell happened"

"I'm not sure. But it seems like he's recovered from the fever." Bruce said, just as confused.

Jason scratched his head in frustration. "How can he forget about Y/N like that?!"

Footsteps that were clearly Tim's began growing louder. He walked in with eyes wide in horror "The headache, the fever, that stone is trying to adjust to this reality."

"And how do you know that?" Jason asked crossing his arms

"It's happening to me"


Jamie felt the cool wind hit his face. The warm sun rays peaked through the curtains making him smile. He got up from his bed and made his way towards the kitchen. To his surprise, you weren't there. He then checked your bedroom and found you sleeping still in the fancy night dress you'd use for the club.

Jamie shook his head and returned to the kitchen "I'll make her some breakfast"

He grabbed the items that he needed while humming to himself. When he picked up the mug he noticed his hands all bloody. Jamie stepped back looking down on his shirt only to see red liquid seep through.

"What... no. I'm alive."

At the sound of glass shattering the illusion quickly dissolved itself. Jamie's breathing was ragged and harsh. He looked into his shirt "I'm good. I'm ok."

He took a deep breath "I'm alive. I got time."

Jamie frowned at the remains of the shattered mug "I hate cleaning glass."


The smell of eggs and toast slowly awoke you. Your eyes slowly open to see Jamie holding a tray of food by the door.

"Aww man, you woke up before I reached the bed." He said, pouting a little.

You smile and sit up "what's this?"

"Uhhh appreciate your mom day." he rolled his eyes "It's a national holiday. you should know this." Jamie opened the legs of the small tray and placed it in front of you.

You put your hand on his head and ruffle his hair "thank you. This means a lot to me."

Jamie felt his heart swell. He'd do anything to protect his mother. The only woman that took him in and gave him a proper chance at life. As Y/N ate there was a knock at the door.

"Mom, are you expecting anyone?"

You check the clock "no, not in this hour."

Jamie got up "I'll check it out." He left the room and approached the door. He looked through the peephole only to see that there wasn't anyone there. Jamie unlocked the door and opened it to find an Elegant black box on the floor. He picked it up and closed the door with his foot.

Jamie returned to the room "Did you order something?"

He put the box down in front of you. You uncaringly wiped your hands on your dress before moving the mini table aside.

You opened the box to see a beautiful F/C Necklace with a matching long sundress.

"Damn. Who's it from?"

You blush thinking about the only man who could possibly have given you such a gift. Then you remember what today was. You looked at the clock again and your eyes widened "My date!"

You take the box and get out of bed. Unbeknownst to you, a note dropped onto the floor.

Jamie watched you quickly disappear into the bathroom. He picked up the card.

"I thought I told him to stay away." Jamie grumbled to himself. He put the note in his pocket and begrudgingly walked off to his room.

A few minutes later you walked out of the bathroom and stared at yourself in the mirror. Suddenly your head began to throb.

You looked into the mirror again to see yourself wearing a different dress. One more elegant than the gifted sundress.

"I'll never understand how a man like me managed to have someone like you in my life."

That voice. His voice. You can see Bruce look into your eyes from the mirror.


There's that feeling again. This isn't a hallucination. This isn't a dream. This is a memory. You turned around and the illusion faded around you. You were back in your room. Wearing the sundress he gave. You place a hand on your chest trying to control your breathing.

Your phone lit up, the vibrations catching your attention. You pick up the phone.

"Hey, I'm downstairs."

"A-alright. I'll be down in a bit."

"Everything alright? Did something happen?"

"No no everything is fine. I'll see you in a bit, honey."

Without waiting for a response you hung up the phone. You took a deep breath before walking to your son's room. He was tinkering with something before tossing it in his bag.

"Jamie. I'll be off now."

Jamie turned in his chair. "I'm coming with you."


Jamie stood and grabbed his bag. You didn't even realize that he too changed into something more formal-casual "sorry mom, I don't trust that rich guy and his stalker sons. So I'm going to."

You blink a couple of times before resting a hand on your hip "honey, I'm more than capable of taking care of myself."

Jamie didn't respond which was unusual to say the least. You noticed a frown on his face. His eyes seemed distant, deep in thought. Without another word he sidestepped and left the apartment.


The car ride to the manor was a pleasant one. Alfred Pennyworth kept a steady conversation during the ride to the manor. Jamie on the other hand had his headphones on and scribbled something on his notes.

When you arrive at the manor Bruce was waiting outside looking ever so wonderful. It made your heart flutter when he opened your car door. "Welcome Y/N. You look beautiful," he said with a perfect smile.

You placed your hand in his as you exited the car "Thank you, Glad to be here Bruce~"

Alfred opened the car door for Jamie, who gave his thanks before standing beside the butler.

"Is there anywhere I can hang out? Preferably somewhere quiet."

Alfred nodded "I can show you to the library"

Jamie walked to his mother and gave her a hug, which you gladly returned "be nice" you whispered. You felt him nod before walking away with Alfred.

Bruce extended his arm for you "Is there a reason why your son tagged along?"

You wrapped one of your arms around his "He's worried about something. He says it's your reputation, but I think otherwise."

Bruce gave a hum in response. "I promise I won't be doing anything of the sort. Now, Alfred has prepared food for us. All of it waiting in the garden."


The afternoon soon turned into evening, but Jamie didn't really mind spending half his day In a mansion. In fact, he was feeling pretty relaxed. He stayed in the library messing with the contraption that he brought with him to keep him busy. On occasion, Y/N or Alfred would come in and check on him which was alright. Jamie noticed Y/N's mood completely changed. She was happy. The way she maneuvered around the manor was like she lived here herself. Jamie looked down at an equation on his notebook, then back at the small device in his hand.

"What are you working on?"

Jamie jumped a bit at the sudden voice. He turned his head to see one of the Wayne boys walking towards him with two cups of coffee.

"You wouldn't understand," Jamie said, picking up a small screwdriver.

Tim looked at his notes, then the device in his hand. The item looked to be a simple watch, followed by smaller bits of metal in a pile next to him. "No way dude. You're working on nano-tech?"

Jamie paused, he looked up at Tim "huh, so you aren't like the rest of the ignorant rich in Gotham."

Tim sat on the floor across from him and placed a mug of coffee down next to Jamie. The blond raised an eyebrow before Tim picked up one of his notes "So, you're having trouble with the bots actually activating." Tim took a pen and wrote out a new formula. Scribbling arrows and writing more in-depth details "Try this"

Jamie rose the coffee mug to his lips as he looked at the paper "I've thought of this before. But I don't have those pieces. it's expensive."

"I gotcha. I'll just say it's for a school project."

"What's the catch?" Jamie spoke sternly.

"Uhh, you'd actually give us a chance." Tim said with a confident smirk.


You and Bruce sat on a swing in the middle of his hedge garden. "Looks like brunch will turn into dinner soon," You said snuggling up against him. You felt his headrest on top of yours. He absolutely loved this feeling. Never in his life did he think he would settle down with someone who would accept him and his nightly activities.

"Y/N how has your week been so far?"

Your brows furrowed with the question "crazy. You wouldn't believe me if I told you what's been happening."

Bruce smiled "oh yea? Try me"

You sit up and look at him in the eyes "I've been having these... weird dreams. That feels more like memories. About us, and your sons. Like we're a-"

"Family" Bruce finished her thought.

He placed a hand on hers gently "I've been seeing that too."

Bruce noticed your lips starting to quiver. He sat up and placed a hand on your face. Involuntary tears streamed down your eyes.

"Are you not happy with that life Y/N?"

"No no, I love it. But where's Jamie?" You brought your voice down to a whisper "Why isn't he with us Bruce?"

Bruce frowned "I'm sorry. I don't know why he isn't with us." He averted his eyes, unable to look at her.

Bruce rested his forehead against yours. This calmed you. Your moment with Bruce was interrupted due to the sound of footsteps.

"Father? Is this a bad time?" Damian asked softly.

Bruce looked at his watch then back at you. "I'll be back.

"I'll go check on Jamie." you give Bruce a quick kiss on the cheek.

Bruce watched you leave with an idiotic smile on his face. He placed a hand on where your lips just were.

"Have you told her yet? We're wasting time." Damian grumbled

"Patience Damian. You seem to have forgotten something crucial"

"And that is?"

Bruce looked down "Even if what you say is true. You expect her to give up her son?" He said, crossing his arms.

"It doesn't matter. The mission is to get our lives back. That teen isn't important."


You walked into the library expecting to see Jamie but only saw his bag.

"Is everything alright miss Y/N"

Alfred's voice startled you, making you squeak "yes, everything is fine. Have you seen Jamie?"

Alfred smiled "yes miss. This way."

Alfred led you up the stairs and through the long halls. He opened the door to the home theater and stepped to the side.

"No fair! I totally had you." Jamie whined

"Ha! Better luck next time kid." Jason said, ruffling the blond's hair.

"When do I get a turn." Tim groaned.

Jamie grumbled to himself and passed the game controller to Tim, reaching for another cup of coffee. Jason placed his controller down and leaned back on the couch. Tim took some candy from a bowl that was beside him and tossed the wrapper in the trash.

You smile at the scene. If anything, you felt a little too happy. You didn't think Jamie would get along with the rest of the boys but here they were, playing video games and eating junk food. You felt your eyes blur with tears.

Jamie noticed you by the door and quickly made his way to you "hey mom! Hows the-"

He noticed your tears eyes "what happened?"

Tim and Jason came up behind him. Their faces also showed concern.

"No nothing. I'm just... very happy to see you three getting along."

Jason crossed his arms "don't be shy, do tell us If Bruce is fucking with you. It'll give me a reason to punch his gut."

You giggled "Jason, please. Language."

You placed a hand on Jamie's cheek, then one on Tim's head "Bruce is treating me just fine." You then place both hands on Jason's shoulder "so don't hunt him down. Understood?"

Jason rolled his eyes but had a playful smirk on his face "Yes Ma'am"

Alfred sighed, getting everyone's attention "it would seem you've all spoiled your dinner."

All three boys sheepishly looked away from the butler making you laugh more. "Forgive them Alfred. They were having fun."

You began walking towards some of the wrappers "boys c'mon, help me clean this up."

Jamie followed your lead with no problem. Jason leaned down a bit bringing his voice to a whisper "Dick was right. Totally a muscle memory thing."

Tim nodded "Jamie's actually pretty cool too. It's a shame that he..."

Tim's words trailed off. Jason stood tall "maybe there's a way to stop it."

Tim's eyes widened as he looked at Jason's face. "What. we both know it's not impossible. I mean, Look at me" he said with a smirk.

Suddenly a wild pillow made contact with his face.


Jamie snickered "what. Making sure you're alive Dude."

Then A much larger pillow hit Jamie, causing the boy to fall over on the couch. Tim and Jason looked to their mother who held a confident smile on her face "clean first. Then I'll destroy you all. In a pillow fight."


After some time the Theater room returned to its original state. "Good as new~" You say proudly.

"All that's left are the mugs" Jamie added walking towards the door.

Stomping footsteps could be heard from outside. When Jamie opened the door he watched the young tween stomp towards Y/N

"Damien!" Bruce yelled walking into the room behind his son.

You look down at the boy who took out half of the stone. He grabbed your wrist and placed it in your hand "Damian w-what are you-"

"Mother, I am sorry for the words I have said to you. May you please forgive me?"

Jason and Tim's eyes widen. Jamie felt a rage bubble up inside him. He stomped towards Damian and reached for him "Why you little-"

Damian skillfully dodged and kicked Jamie down.

"This doesn't concern you." Damian scowled

Jamie lost his footing and fell on the floor.

You pulled your hand away still holding the stone "What the hell do you think you're doing"

"I'm trying to bring you back to reality."

You looked at Jamie on the floor groaning in pain. Your vision begins to cloud. Now you weren't in the room anymore. You were on stage as if you were performing. Jamie laied on the floor. A pool of red liquid with many bullet wounds on his chest.

"No... NO NO NO JAMIE! Stay with me my boy please!"

You felt hands grab your arms. "Let go of me! Let me go" Then a splitting headache.


Y/N placed her hand on her head. Tim followed suit.

"GAHH!" Tim knelt in a desperate attempt not to pass out "My-My memories. They're being altered... to adjust to this reality. GAHH!"

Tim finally fell over "how did Dick manage with this... pain."

Bruce knelt down next to Tim "He's having a Seizure. "

Jamie quickly got up and roughly shoved a shocked Damian out of the way "What the hell did you do!"

Damian walked back. Stunned by what he was witnessing. Y/N and Tim's screams finally quelled. Her body collapsed to the floor

Jamie caught you, breaking your fall. "Mom. Mom, can you hear me?"

"Jason, with me." Bruce picked Tim up and ran out the room.

Jason walked over to Jamie. His eyes were filled with hurt and worry "it's ok. You can't carry her by yourself. Let me help."

Jamie's hair fell over his eyes. He looked at your form. You were still shaking, sweating bullets, and muttering things about his death.

Jamie finally nodded his head.

Jason picked you up and quickly left the room. Leaving Damian alone With Jamie.

Jamie picked up the stone "the hell do you mean 'back to reality'"

Damian's eyes narrowed "I come from a time where you were nothing but a memory. You died-"

"At the auction." Jamie finished. He turned around "so the blood son is trying to kill me? Take my mother away from me... because YOU messed up?"

Damian got into a fighting stance "What I said to her was idiotic. I never meant for this to happen."

"Well, it happened Damian! And now I'm back." Jamie walked over to Damian. He looked him in the eyes as he towered over the 13-year-old " I have no intention of leaving her with a brat like you."

Jamie put the half stone in his pocket "Don't even think about going near her again."

Damian watched Jamie leave the room, slamming the door behind him.


Alfred led Jamie to one of the guest rooms. Y/N laid on the bed sleeping ever so soundly. Like what happened earlier never occurred. Jason sat on the chair across from her reading a book aloud.

"The 39 clues" Jamie whispered, gaining Jason's attention.

"Her favorite" he responded with a smile.

"How did you know that."

Jason held a smile while he drugged his shoulders.

Jamie sat on the other chair and held his mother's hand "Thank you."

Jason closed the book "not a problem kid. Sorry about the brat" He stood to leave but Jamie quickly grabbed his wrist.

"What the hell is happening. First, you called her mom, then Damian. Tim said things about memories being altered." Jamie looked up "There's more to all this and I demand to know"

Jason looked at you, then back to Jamie

"Tell me damn it! Holding information is only going to make this situation worse."

Jason frowned and looked away.

"Fine, don't tell me." Jamie looked back at you "call Alfred. I can care for her at home."

"You're leaving? But it's late. And you can't possibly-"

"I'll care for her at home! Besides, I think this is the last place she'd want to be in after the stunt you all pulled."

Jason nodded. As much as he wanted them to stay, he completely understood Jamie's hostility. If a group of people waltzed into their lives claiming to be family he'd probably react much worse than how Jamie is handling everything. 


Jamie arrived home. Much to his dismay, Bruce carried Y/N to her bed. She still hasn't awoken from her shocked sleep. Bruce looked around the studio apartment. I wasn't too bad of a place, given the area that they lived in. But he much rather have both of them in the safety of his home. He gently placed you on your bed. A soft breath escaped your lips. 

Bruce turned around to look at the young man "Call me if you need anything." He said sternly 

"We can handle ourselves. Now see yourself out, Mr. Wayne" 

Bruce watched Jamie sit on the floor and pull out notebooks and metals. Bruce made a mental note to himself to ask Tim what kind of technologies the kid is working on. 

Jamie listened to the retreating footsteps of the grown man. then finally the door closed.

Jamie let out a sigh "Damn it." 

Y/N's phone began to buzz, annoying Jamie. Without looking at the caller ID he answered. 

"The hell do you want." 

 "Watch your tone boy. Don't let your mother's protection get into your head."  

Jamie gulped. He didn't expect Maxwell to be on the other end. He only spoke to the boss twice in his life.  But he has seen enough of the aftermath of those who's crossed him to know that this man isnt to be messed with.

"Yes sir." Jamie spoke softly 

"Good. Now can you pass the phone to your mommy? I got something important to talk to her about." 

Jamie let out a shaky breath "Y/N isn't available right now. w-we got jumped on the way back from shopping today. Hurt really bad."

There was silence on the other end of the phone. 

"Uhh... Hello?"

"I'll send some of my men around your area. Make sure she's well for tomorrow and Friday." 

Maxwell hung up the phone. Jamie looked down at the cell "Oh goodie" 


Thank you for reading!

Let me know what you think. 

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