Dangerous Secrets (Dangerous...

By GemmaLux

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Stella Nox is seventeen, but has barely experienced anything, which is ironic since her mom is the definition... More

Chapter 1 - From rags to riches
Chapter 2 - The mystery begins
Chapter 3 - And then came Tristan
Chapter 4 - Meet the gang
Chapter 5 - Hold your breathe
Chapter 6 - Save me
Chapter 7 - Stella's first date
Chapter 8 - The first warning
Chapter 9 - Temptation
Chapter 10 - The first kiss
Chapter 11 - It doesn't add up
Chapter 12 - The party
Chapter 13 - Please don't shoot
Chapter 14 - Overwhelming desire
Chapter 15 - Show me your secret
Chapter 16 - The fight
Chapter 17 - Stella's first time
Chapter 18 - Waterfall love confession
Chapter 19 - Love you the way you deserve
Chapter 20 - The confession
Chapter 21 - The move
Chapter 22 - The rehearsal dinner
Chapter 24 - The wedding
Chapter 25 - The wrong brother
Chapter 26 - A killing shot
Chapter 27 - The escape
Chapter 28 - The end

Chapter 23 - Let's run away together

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By GemmaLux

Tristan dropped his chin when he saw Stella in her red, satin dress. His reaction made her cheeks match the dress. He walked up to her and kissed her passionately.

"You look amazing," he said as their lips let go of each other.

"Thank you. I got it from mom and Ed. Or I guess I should call him dad now."

They took the car to the light house. Like they'd done so many times before they laid on the trunk of the car and watched the sky as they talked and listened to the radio. Stella told Tristan about the adoption and the rehearsal dinner, but she skipped the gloomy parts.

"That sounds amazing," he said. "I'm sure you made a good impression."

"Yeah, I can't believe that's going to be my family. They are all so colourful, captivating and kind."

"So are you. Hey, I'm really happy to see you tonight, but shouldn't you be with them now?"

"They are practicing the first dance now. All the children and their partners are part of it but my mom didn't think it would be a good idea for me to be part of it."

"I'm sorry."

"Yeah, it sucks. I usually like being in the background but I would really like to be part of that family moment."

Tristan got up from the trunk and walked up to the front seat. He started searching for new radio channels and didn't stop until he found a calm, romantic song. He raised the volume and turned on the backlights. When he came back to her she looked at him with a puzzled look.

"May I have this dance," he asked, reached out his hand and bowed.

"Yes you may my good sir," Stella laughed.

Stella took his hand and he helped her down from the car and led her into the spotlight of the car. He put his hand on her lower back and they slowly moved to the rhythm of the song. Right then and there, everything was perfect.

"I love you Tristan," Stella whispered in his ear.

"I love you Stella."

"I wish this moment would last forever."

"It will, in my mind this moment will last forever."

When the song ended they kissed and fireworks exploded inside of her. She loved him with such burning power that it almost hurt.

After almost an hour in their love bubble Stella had to get back to the rehearsal dinner. Tristan drove Stella back to their normal meeting point.

"What do you think about the names Connor and Iris?" Stella asked.

"For our dogs or our children?" Tristan answered.

"Children," she laughed and hit his arm.

"As long as I'm the dad to your children I'm happy and they can be named whatever you like."

"Or maybe Evi, after my grandma."

"You know what, I found a cabin that would be perfect for us. It's small, but big enough for us and it's by the water. Just like we've talked about."

"Let's buy it. Do you think they'll accept smiles and compliments as payment?"

"Actually, it's Billy's place and he said we could live there for almost nothing if we wanted to. He never has time to go there and it's not fancy enough for the rich summer folks. We'd basically do him a favour. Houses need someone to live there and take care of them."

"Who is Billy?"

"He's my boss at the cinema. I've had a break during the summer, but I usually work there a few times a week."

"Are you serious?"

A million thoughts were running through Stella's head.

"Yes, let's do it. Let's run away together and get away from all of this craziness. We have a place to live and I think we'd manage if we both got a part time job. I'm tired of only seeing you one hour at the time. I love you. I want to spend every waking moment with you."

The car stopped. They were at their usual meeting spot. Stella didn't know what to answer. She wanted to save Tristan from his hell hole of home, but she didn't want to move. He was her future, but she was still just a teenager and needed her parents.

"I can't. I mean, we're just seventeen and I just got a family. I don't want to leave them."

It looked like something in Tristan's eyes died.

"I should have known that you're just playing with my feelings."

"What? No! That's not true, I love you, I'm just not ready to leave my family. Please don't ask this of me."

"Leave your boyfriend you mean." Tristan's voice was bitter. "I saw you at the beach. You were kissing and laughing, having a good time. It broke my heart. I thought it might just be an act, but now it's clear that the act is with me. I'm just your second-hand plan."

"No," Stella grabbed Tristan's head and kissed him desperately. "Don't ever say that again. You're my soulmate, you are the only one I want."

"Then run away with me tonight. Please. Let's just do it. You're the only good thing in my life."

"Listen, Jasper is going to the police after the wedding. He says that Ben will go to jail. When that happens we can be together and you can move into the beach house. I know that mom and Ed will say yes."

He sighed, leaned back in the carseat and nodded.

"I'd do anything for you, do you know that?"

"I know. I'm so happy I have you. It's you and me, forever, I promise."

They kissed one last time and then Stella and Winston got out of the car and started walking back to the beach house. She could hear the music from the rehearsal dinner far away. When she reached the gate she could see that all of the guests were still at the party.

Ed and Diana were on the middle of the dance floor. They looked deep into each other's eyes. Stella had never seen anyone look so in love before. She wondered if that's the way she and Tristan looked when they were dancing. She hoped so.

Winston ran up to Viola so Stella walked straight to the bar and ordered a glass of champagne. Before she had time to order Ben put his hand on her shoulder.

"I had no idea Tessa was going to be here," he said while signing to the bartender that he wanted another glass of whiskey.

"It seemed like a nice surprise."

"Give me a break. You know how I feel. It's torture seeing you in that dress and not being able to bring you close and kiss you. " Stella felt a tingle. "I'm doing all I can to keep this act up. I'm doing it for dad and Diana, but most of all I'm doing it for you."

"I don't know Ben. I'm under your spell, but I can't help thinking that we fell in love at the wrong time. You know, a small voice inside of med keeps saying that it's not meant to be."

"Don't say that."

Before Ben had time to continue Jasper interrupted him. He didn't look happy.

"Stella," he said and stretched out his hand, "can I have this dance?"

She nodded and put her hand in his. He led her to the floor and positioned them for a waltz. The band started playing and she followed his lead.

"Thank you," Stella said.

"Are you okay?" Jasper asked.

"Yes, there's just so much happening. I just want to forget about everything and focus on the wedding."

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Just make sure that Ben goes to jail for all he has done."

"Is there anything new? You seem bothered."

"Tristan asked me to run away with him tonight. He has a cabin where we could live."

"What did you say?"

"I said no, and I think it broke his heart. I hate that I get to go home to this - a luxurious house, an amazing family and beautiful party while he has to go home to a crumbling home with an alcoholic dad and junky brother. I wish I could bring him here, but Ben would kill him."

"I'm sorry your heart is heavy. I understand it was though, but it was definitely the right answer. You know what, we have a spare room at our house, you and Tristan can live there with us."


"I promise. But you have to wait until after the wedding. It's easy to explain that situation without any dram. We'll just say it's because you don't want to live alone when dad and Diana are on their honeymoon. Besides, shouldn't be living alone with Ben."

Stella hugged Jasper and said thank you almost a hundred times. When the song was over she quickly said good night to everyone at the party before she ran up to her room. She called Tristan and told him the happy news. He was just as excited about the news as she was.

"Are you sure he said we both could live there?" Tristan asked a third time.

"Yes," Stella laughed, "that's the whole point."

"And we don't have to pay him?"

"No, not a dime. Money is not a problem for the Dives family."

"And he knows that Max is my brother?"

"Yes, you don't have to worry, he knows everything."

"I can't believe that I'll be falling asleep with you in my arms tomorrow."

"Me neither. I can't wait. I love you."

"I love you too."

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