Solace (completed)

بواسطة mikaflores_

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Book 1 in the Solace universe HAPPY ENDING I SWEAR!! Idk why it won't say completed, but it is, I promise 🫡 ... المزيد

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight*
Bonus: Kenji and Maya
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One*
Chaptrr Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Four*
Bonus: Kenji and Maya
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two
Chapter Fourty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Four
Chapter Fourty-Five
Chapter Fourty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven
Chapter Fourty-Eight
Chapter Fourty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five*
Chapter Fifty-Six*

Chapter Thirty-Three*

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بواسطة mikaflores_

Something has come to my attention. In chapter 13 I think, I said Elias will be 18 in February. Well for my own sanity can we just all pretend I said November? Because I'm really sick of myself forgetting the shit in my own book.

Please and thank you.

Elias Salazar

I glare at her.

I glare at her sleeping figure.

I'm still upset about how she hid her pouch from me.

Damn near couldn't sleep over it.

She hid one of the most beautiful parts of her away from me. Suffocated it, in fact.

So now I'm glaring at her.

I would've picked up the shorts and waved them in her face to interrogate her as soon as she woke up, but I know she's gonna be hungover and her head's gonna hurt like a bitch so I decided against it.

What I did do, was go to her kitchen and get her a glass of water for when she wakes up to help sooth her headache. In all actuality, water doesn't do shit. But it's something.

So now I'm here. Laying down with my sweet cheeks cuddled into my side, glaring at the top of her head while I rub my hand up and down her sides. Her thigh shifted across my waist a while ago, which makes it kinda hard to be mad at her with how fucking cute she looks, but I'm sticking my ground.

Her head is nuzzled into my shoulder, her hand draped over my bare chest, and her mouth nearing my neck. The skin on skin contact relaxes every tense muscle in my body, but I'm still pissed.

Okay, maybe not pissed. But I'm a bit upset with her. I just don't like how she thinks she has to hide it. Hide any part of her, especially from me.

I take the puffy blanket and bring it up to her neck, completely encasing us in comfort.

My eyes start to feel heavy and droop unintentionally, the weight of her body compressing onto mine soothes me to no end. Ah hell.

Maybe a little nap won't hurt.

   Soft hands run through my hair, scratching at my scalp. I moan and nuzzle into the surface below me. Fuck, that feels good.

   Fingernails claw at my scalp gently, scratching just hard enough to make my eyes roll to the back of my head. One hand massages my scalp with the other combs through my curls growing curls. I should really get a haircut soon. A soft voice speaks in the distance, "Elias."

   Mmm, my sweet cheeks.

   I bury my face deeper in what feels to be some sort of flesh. Is this her belly? "Elias, you're literally cuddling my belly right now." Hell yeah.

   I take the arms that I now realize were wrapped around her waist to squeeze her tighter, suffocating my face with her belly, kissing and nibbling on the skin. Delicious.

   I smirk when I feel her stomach tense and coil under my face, hearing her sharp intake of breath. Her hands continue their soft journey throughout my hair; scratching, combing, rubbing. All while I bury my face in the belly of the girl I love.

   Speaking of her belly.

   My sleeping face is soon replaced by a mocking grin. I wear a look of innocence on my face as I slowly take my head off of her, hovering my body over hers. I see the water that I brought over for her earlier empty which makes me happy. But not happy enough to not bring this up.

   I smile at her, looking completely innocent and brush a lone strip of hair out her face. "Morning, baby," my voice raspy and hoarse from just waking up.

   She smiles underneath me. Oh, you're in for it. "Morning," her voice is thick with sleep. She does some weird full body stretch, kinda like a cat, before smacking her lips together and looking at me tiredly. "Thank you for the water. Much appreciated, baby." She smirks.

A low groan emits from my chest and my head drops. Fuck, do not give in. My fists that are on either side of her arms- holding me up so I don't fall on her- clench together tightly. "Dangerous game you're playing there, sweet cheeks. Very dangerous." I warn.

I've noticed how lately Alex has been a bit more... how do you say... sexually- comfortable? I guess would be the right words? Every time things get a bit heated it's normally me that stops it because I'm worried of pushing her too far. She never stops it. If anything she likes to tease me, more than she did when we met. But that doesn't mean she doesn't feel a bit nervous about it sometimes.

   Point that I'm trying to make here is that- I'm proud of her. I'm really fucking proud of her. I don't know what she's been through in the past, and I won't push her to tell me, but based on the first sexually intimate experience we had, I can only assume that she wasn't treated properly in the past when it comes to sexual encounters. So I'm really fucking proud of her for slowly getting comfortable with me. She still needs some love and reassurance, but I'll praise her day and night if that's what she needs.

   She giggles her sweet giggle. Full of smiles that show off her perfect teeth and her sweet tongue pokes out just the smallest bit as she laughs. "It's not my fault you get easily turned on," she tries to argue.

   I smirk, bending my elbows and leaning down just a bit, enough for my lips to hover over her forehead. "Only for you, love. Only for you." And my lips meet her sweet skin.

   I hear her sigh peacefully, her eyes flutter shut and she sinks into the bed, looking relaxed. Not for long.

Pressing my knees in between her legs, I sit up quickly to grab the blanket, pulling it over my shoulders like a cape. She laughs at my playfulness and the sound instantly brightens up my morning.

I completely encase us in this blanket, making sure it's up to our necks and press my fists down into the mattress at her sides, doing a plank over her body.

   I grin internally and gently press my lips to her eyelids. Then her cute little nose that turns red in the cold, then her chubby cheeks that I adore. She looks so happy and content as she lets me kiss all over her pretty face.

   My lips hover over hers. "You know," I give her a quick smooch, "I have a bone to pick with you, baby."

   Her eyes stay closed as she's in her own little world right now. She just hums, "Yeah? What is it?"

   "Well," my lips move from her to softly trailing down her jaw, close to her left ear. She tilts her head to the other side to give me access which makes me smile. "I found something... interesting last night," I nipped at her sweet spot. The spot right underneath her jaw.

She shudders and I suckle on her sweet skin. The skin that puts me in a daze every time I touch her, the skin that feels as smooth as silk and tastes sweet like honey. My mind fogs over when the tiny microscopic hairs on her skin brush against my lips, making both of us shiver. I groan at the breathy moan she releases when my tongue meets the underside of her jaw. She doesn't say anything further, which works in my favor.

"Want to know what I found, Alex?" Not baby. Not love. Not sweet girl or sweet cheeks.


She stiffens when she hears her name but tries to conceal a whimper of pleasure anyway. I move down her body, my head dipping down to latch onto her neck. Fuck, she tastes so good.

Like the sneaky fucker I am, I lean on one elbow and snake my other arm out under the covers, reaching down beside the bed to grab the stupid fucking shorts that I found suffocating her perfect body last night.

When I sink my teeth into her neck she mewls and squirms, her thighs trying to clench together but are blocked by my body being in between her legs.

   Giving her one last kiss, I raise my body off of her using my fists and just watch as she writhes beneath me. Squirming, whining. Watching her fall apart just from a few neck kisses.

   Clenching my jaw, I raise my hand in the air, showcasing the shorts. The tiniest bit of satisfaction runs through my body when I see her eyes widen and her cheek go bright red.

She fucked up.

"Now before you ask," I sit up on my knees, towering over her, and fumble around with the fabric. Stretching it, tossing it in the air, messing around with it. All while my sweet cheeks lays underneath me in complete shock. She knows she fucked up. I know she fucked up. Question is: what am I gonna do about it?

"I wasn't the one who took off your dress. Incase you can't remember, you did that all on your own while I was putting Mateo to sleep." She gulps and she visibly tries to shrink further into the bed. "So then, I come in the room and see you passed out on the bed, fine. But you know what else I see, baby?" My voice comes out condescending, just how I want it.

She looks away and starts to play with her fingers. She mumbles something nervously. "What was that?" She says it louder, but not loud enough. "Speak up, love. I couldn't hear you over your mumbling," I grit.

Her face turns a bright red, "You saw the... you saw the uhm- the shorts?" She squeaks.

"You're damn right I did. But do you know what shocked me the most, my love?" The nickname sounds mocking on my tongue. "The fact that there were two- not one- but two pairs of this shit on your body." Now I'm getting fired up, and there's no turning back now.

"You know," I breathe deeply and run a thoughtful hand down my chin which adds to her nerves. I point to the air while looking down as if I just had some sort of epiphany. "I had noticed something earlier," I turn my head and keep my eyes trained on her face. I throw the shorts- that I'll be burning later- to the side and start to crawl down her body. She swallows thickly when she sees my face nearing her belly, which is currently being covered by her boy shorts.

"When I saw you in that pretty dress earlier, I noticed something was... off. I couldn't see your belly. The belly that I touch, that I love, that I worship. I couldn't see it." She sucks in a sharp breath and in turn sucks in her stomach when I come face to face with it. I slap the side of her thigh which makes her jolt, "Stop it."

She lets go with a whimper and relaxes her body. "And then when we get home I see two different pairs of shorts on you. And then it hit me." I eye her like a predator would it's prey. My face becomes eye level with my hands as they come up to slowly peel back her shorts, but keeping them at her hips so she's not fully exposed. "Those shorts we're keeping me from seeing all of you."

She whimpers and makes a stuffy noise, trying to wiggle away from me with shame but I keep my hands firmly planted at her hips, giving her no way out. "And then when I tried to take them off? I've had less struggle with the cars I work on." And when my lips finally met her belly, she made a noise that sounded like a cry.

"So I guess what I'm saying is..." The more I continue to pepper soft kisses around her stomach, the more she relaxes and gets used to it. I kiss straight up, leading to her sternum. When she sees me get closer and closer to her, those big brown eyes that I love pop wide out of their sockets. Giving one last kiss to her chest, I whisper.

   "You fucked up."

   Her mouth gapes open like a fish, a complete loss for words. She splutters and stumbles over what she has to say before she can make something out. "What do you... I didn't-"

   "-Oh but you did." I argue. I kiss down the trail of her body that I came up kissing, coming back to the area that needs the most love. "You hid the best part of you in these tight fucking shorts and for what?" I fist the sheets at the sides of her thighs, looking at her sternly and expectedly. I know the answer. I just wanna know if she has the decency to tell me.

   "Hm?" I ask. But she's still looking away from me. "Why did you put those shorts on?"

   My resolve almost crumbles when I see her bottom lip tremble. "Because I don't... like it." Her voice comes out soft spoken.

   "Tell me," I push. "Tell me what you don't like. Look me in my fucking eyes, Alex. And tell me that you don't like one of my favorite parts of you." I'm trying so hard to not sound pissed.

   She looks at me with pain in her eyes and glossiness colliding with it. She picks at her nails as if that'll help anything. She repeats what she said earlier. "I don't like it."

  I give her stomach a reassuring kiss. "And that's fine. But what's not fine is instead of telling me and talking to me about it, you decided to cover it up. What's not fine, is you decided to feel like shit about yourself instead of communicating with me about it."

   She looks away regretfully because she knows that's what she did. I understand it's not easy to open up about insecurities, that's why they're insecurities in the first place. But to hide that part of her from me? Doesn't sit right with me at all.

   "Why didn't you just tell me that's how you're feeling, baby?" Now my voice is soft, and not as angry as it once was. My fists start to hurt so I drop to my elbows, making our faces closer together.

   She doesn't look at me as she says, "Because it's embarrassing. And it's stupid and it's... it's just stupid, okay?" She tries to cut the conversation there, but I'm not having it.

"It's not stupid. You need to tell me when you're feeling like this so we can work on it, okay? Don't hide yourself in those fuckin' shorts- now that's stupid." She cracks a small smile which makes me feel on top of the world.

"I'm burning those shorts, just so you know."

She looks at me with a horrified expression. "You'll do no such thing! You know how expensive those things are?"

"You know that I don't care?" I raise a pointed brow in her direction to which she huffs at. "You're not hiding yourself in those anymore. Next time, I want you to talk to me. Okay?"

"But..." she sighs frustratingly. "It's just- it's all the time. It's every day that I don't- I don't like it and that would be exhausting for the both of us."

"For the both of us?" My head rears back in confusion. "If kissing this pretty stomach of yours is what I have to do to make you feel less insecure then I'll do it. And every day? Count me in." A light grin plays on my lips.

She tries to bite back a smile but I know it's there. "You gonna talk to me when you don't like how you look?" I keep my voice concerned and loving.

She looks all around the room thoughtfully and I give her the time she needs to think about her answer. "I'll... I'll try. Maybe not every time but... but sometimes. I'll try." She whispers.

I shake my head to dismiss her thoughts, "That's all I want, baby. I want you to try for me, okay?" Her tiny nod of approval is all I need before I lean down and capture her lips in a loving kiss.

It's slow and sweet, her hands coming up to cup my cheeks as our lips move against one another. It's passionate and full of tongue. It's me reassuring her that I love every part of her, and it's her taking everything I have to give.

When we pull away I lean over to give her cute little nose a kiss, and then press one to her chest as well.

I look at her beautiful face, so pretty and perfect. Before I cover her lips with mine, mumbling into her mouth.

   "But you still fucked up."

   The look of sheer horror on her face was hilarious, but I held back my laugh.

   She shakes her head in disbelief, "But I thought- I thought clear it up—"

   "—You assumed. I never told you we were done with this conversation now did I?"

   Her guilty look proves me right. "Tell me, love. What do you think would be the proper punishment for hiding this body from me, hm?"

   She stares at me with wide eyes, flushed cheeks, and a gaping mouth. Uncertain of what to say.

   "Should I..." I leave a gentle kiss on her shoulder, "Touch you?" She shivers when my teeth graze the bare skin of her shoulder, my hand coming up to slowly peel back the flimsy bra strap. "Should I... kiss you?" Her breathing stalls and her thighs quiver at my sides, my lips pressing at the line of her skin the strap covered.

   "Should I... fuck you?" She chokes entirely when I peel back the other strap of her bra, letting both of them fall down her arms. "No, that would be too extreme." I reach underneath her and she helps by arching up off the bed, helping me make quick work of getting her bra undone.

   "What do you think I should do to you, baby?" I pull her bra away slowly, teasingly. Until those perfect breasts of hers are uncovered and ready for me to take in my mouth. The cold air kisses her skin before I do and she squirms.

   "I need answers, pretty girl," I kiss the swell of her breast, "I haven't got all day."

I pepper kisses around the parts that need it most. When she doesn't give me an answer, I tut. "Why don't you think on it, yeah? It would be rude of me to leave these," she sucks in a sharp breath when I grab her perfect breasts in my hands, "Out without showing them any attention. Don't you agree?"

Her breathing turns into soft pants and her chest falls harshly when my lips kiss her pink nipples, sucking and licking. Absolutely violating them with my mouth.

   Her hands shoot up to my hair, needing to hold onto something. A deep guttural groan slips from my mouth when the tugs at the soft, disheveled curls, essentially pushing my mouth closer to her.

   I kiss and suck, bite and pull. Creating a stinging sensation that I know my girl loves from the way she moans at the pain. I can feel the spot between her legs radiating heat to show her arousal, and I can feel how soaked she is through her shorts already.

   I switch to the other breast, making sure to pinch her other nipple between my fingers, giving her the same feeling of stimulation in both. She cries and writhes, her eyes snapped shut as waves of pleasure come over her. Her tits so fucking sensitive and I love it.

   Her back arches off the bed, pushing her chest into my mouth. I look forward and see one of the most euphoric images that will forever be ingrained in my mind.

   Her face is a bright red, hair crazy and all over the place. Her bottom lip hangs heavy, begging for me to take it in my mouth.

   And I do just that.

   I mould her lips to mine, sucking on her top lip and tugging it between my teeth- groaning. She tastes so fucking good- so fucking good. I could live off of her taste for the rest of my life and die a happy man.

   She pushes at my chest in a desperate need to breathe and I pull away reluctantly, nipping at her lip for good measure. Our faces burn with lust and heavy desire, her breathing runs ragged and her eyes are hooded in a daze.

"What do you think, baby?" I whispered. My lips are just a finger's breadth away from hers. "What do you think would be the proper punishment for you hiding this body from me?"

Using my left hand and leaning my whole body weight on my right elbow, I dip my hand down and graze her stomach pressing at the top of it, "You think I should kiss here?" My hand goes lower, right above that sweet heaven between her legs. She sucks in a sharp breath when I push at her lower stomach, "Or Here?"

"I don't- I don't know... I—" she shakes her head, looking confused.

"Can't talk?" My bottom lip juts out. She shakes her head again with a gaped mouth, lips swollen. "How 'bout I decide that? Yeah? Since you're having trouble."

She stares blankly at me, at a loss for words. I disregard her shocked state and move down on her body, kissing my way down, loving the way her stomach dips as I come near it.

   I hear her suck in a sharp breath when I look up, keeping my eyes trained directly at her and kiss all over her lower belly. My hands fist at her hips, kneading and teasing the skin. So much to hold, so much to love, so much to kiss.

   And it's all mine.

  Her gaze is trained on me and my lips, calculating my every move, everywhere I kiss. And when my hands grab the hem of her shorts to pull them down, her eyes pop out of their sockets and she shakes her head adamantly, "Wait- no, no, no. You don't—" she starts to freak out.

"Don't what? Talk to me. What is it?" I speak calmly so she doesn't get worked up. I pause my hands and instead kiss her belly so she isn't worried about me being upset with her, because I know her mind goes there.

She keeps shaking her head, looking like a dear in the headlights. Fear washes over her, "Don't- you don't have to... that. I- just..."

   "Alex," I make my voice stern. She gulps and raises her fists to her chest, balling them up and shaking like a scared animal. She whimpers when she sees me get closer to her face. If I had known this would've scared her then I probably wouldn't have done it. "Talk to me. No nerves, yeah? I won't get mad, I promise. Tell me what you're thinking."

Her eyes bore into mine. When her eyes gloss over I feel my pulse pick up with anxiousness before she squeaks out, "You don't have to do that."

"I don't have to or you don't want me to?" I raise an accusing brow.

She shrinks under my stare and says something that breaks my heart. "You don't have to do that. I've never- no one's ever done that to me. But I know it can like.... get boring. So you don't... you can skip it." She does what she always does, she looks down and attempts to pick at her fingers to avoid what we're talking about.

I gently pry her fingers away from each other and lift her chin up with my knuckle, making those dark brown eyes look straight into mind. "Is that all?" No, it's not. But she needs to be the one to tell me that.

"I'm... I don't like it." She fidgets.

She's a fucking liar.

She doesn't notice her slip up, but I do. How can she not like something she's never experienced? I can read my girl like an open book, I know the truth that she won't tell me.

"Baby, look at me." She does. "I'll stop if you want me to, but if this is because of those insecurities of yours and you thinking I won't enjoy this experience then you are sorely mistaken." My jaw ticks.

And then finally. Some progress, some truth on her end. "...I'm scared." She croaks.

"Of what?" I press a soft kiss to her pretty forehead.

"Of you seeing me. And... and what if I take to long and I can't... and the what if you get bored or tired—"

"First of all, get those stupid thoughts out of your head about me not liking what I see because I can guarantee you, sweet cheeks, I love. Every. Single. Part of you." Her eyes soften at my words but I don't stop.

"Second of all, I highly doubt it'll take too long. In case you can't remember, sweet girl, I've made you come by riding my cock over my clothes and barely touching you at the end." Her face flushes. "And I can assure you I've been fantasizing about this for weeks. I won't get bored."

I can see my words slowly start to sink in, a shaky breath escaping her. After a few seconds I see a gear shift in her pretty head.

   "So..." I start. "Pineapple or no pineapple?"

(A/N: Translation: safeword or no safeword?)

   The prettiest giggle escapes her mouth and I bite back an 'awe'. Seeing her pretty little self laugh underneath me is top ten, one of the best things I've ever heard. She still has a thoughtful look on her face so I'm quick to jump in. "I'll be fine with whichever answer, and I won't be mad if you say no, okay? I just want to show you how much I fucking love this body," my lips meet her shoulder. "So perfect." Again to her collarbone, "So pretty."

   The hitch in her breath makes me smile. I press some more loving, reassuring kisses to the bare skin of her chest, moving down to the breasts I just devoured a few moments ago.

   Her back arches up off the bed but I tsk, "I need an answer before I can keep going, baby. Pineapple or no pineapple?"

   "...No pineapple."

   Thank fuck.

   I smirk into her skin and make quick work of sealing her lips in a kiss, keeping it passionate and simple. Running my tongue across the seam of her lips and delving in for a taste.

   Our lips part, leaving the tips brushing against each other. "I'm gonna go slow, okay?" She nods and I kiss the corner of her mouth to diminish her nerves.

   Moving down to the spot right under her jaw- where she loves my lips the most- I let my breath fan against her neck. Teasing her.

   She gasps sharply and her hands fist the bedding at her sides. When my lips finally latch onto her skin, those beautiful whimpers I love to hear slip past her fleshy lips.

   I nibble at her sweet spot, letting my teeth barely graze it, but enough to make her crazy. Her arms come up around my shoulders and she hugs me into her chest, her nails digging into my skin, making me groan into her neck.

   So sweet. So good. She tastes like everything I've ever dreamed of. Her taste, her scent. It's enough to put my mind in a daze, expelling all my thoughts.

   I move down her neck, leaving wet kisses that have my tongue stroking her neck.

   I bite down on her collarbone, loving the way her hands shoot up to my hair and sinking her nails into my scalp. The sharp moan that leaves her has my hand coming up to cover her mouth, "Quiet. Unless you want others to hear you."

   She whimpers into my hand and if anything it prompts her to be louder than she was before.

   My tongue flicks against her nipple before lapping at it like a starved animal. Completely letting go.

   I use every technique in the book. My lips, my tongue, my teeth, my hand. All of which I know she loves from the choked out moans that my hand covers.

   I let it go with a loud pop before whispering, "Think you can stay quiet, baby?" Her face is beet red and her thighs are tense at my sides, just how I want her. Her eyes are shut with pleasure but I tighten my hand on her mouth to shake her out of her daze. Brown eyes widen and meet mine, "Answer me. Can you stay quiet or do I have to shut your mouth myself?"

   Eyes that shined with lust and desire bore into mine. With the tiniest shake of her head I released her mouth and kissed her like my life depended on it. Our lips moulded to each other, our tongues fought in an intense battle for control but I came out victorious. Giving her cute button nose one last kiss, I let my lips make a trail down her body to the spot that needed the most attention.

   She was hot and soaked, dripping with need. All for me. All mine. I kept my eyes on her face the whole way down as I kissed and licked, nibbling on random parts of her that pulled breathy whines and mewls from her.

   When my mouth reached the bottom of her stomach, that's where I put the majority of my attention towards. Just sweet kisses to warm her up.

   She tasted like every one of my wildest dreams and desires. I couldn't help the guttural groan that slipped past my lips when I looked up at her.

   Flushed and squirming. Back arched and breathing heavy. Her chest is pushing into the air, and her bruised nipples that turned into stiff peaks stand for attention due to the cold air.

   My hands find the hem of her shorts and I bite down to alert her, "Pineapple?"

   Her stomach dips and she yelps when I bite down, her angelic voice comes out hoarse and ragged from her heavy breathing, "N-No. No pineapple."

   "Mmm," I rumbled.

   I start tugging down her shorts slowly. I would love nothing more than to rip these off of her but that's not what she needs right now. I internally fist pump the air when she lifts her ass off the bed so I can take these off easier.

   When I pull down her shorts, I swear to God, my mouth watered. Her smell of arousal was so fucking intoxicating, her ivory skin glistening with her wetness. She was drenched and ready. Ready to be taken, ready for my mouth, she was perfect.

   And I almost lost it.

   I dragged the shorts down her legs, nipping at her inner thighs, licking my way down. Her legs subconsciously bent at the knees and within an instant, the shorts were off her body.

Her thighs shook with anticipation and I nearly drooled at the sight. Bent knees, dripping pussy, and the girl I love squirming with need.

I could die a happy man right here.

I see her fingers meet each other and she starts picking at them once again. A tell-tale sign that she's nervous. I guess my lack of response did that to her and I curse myself for being a fucking idiot.

I reach up to her face, cup the back of her neck, and pull her into a sweet kiss, sucking on her top lip. She relaxes at my touch instantly and sighs into the kiss, melting into the bed.

   "Fucking perfect," I mutter into her mouth. "Fucking mine," I nibble on her bottom lip which has her shivering, "This body, baby. Fuck, so good."

   "Elias," she moans. Her pink, fleshy lips are stained red from how swollen they are, and her face isn't any better. Tiny hairs are sticking to her forehead and her eyes are hooded with pleasure.

   "Talk to me, baby. Still good?" I ask.

   She nods rapidly and breathes, "Still good."

   Taking that as my cue, I come face to face with the spot between her legs once again. Before I dip my head down I grab both of her calves and throw them over my shoulders, "Keep these here for me, love."

She shudders when she sees my head dip down, like a starved animal dying for its last meal.

Should I tease her a lil'? Maybe... just a lil'.

I brush my lips against her inner thighs, pressing soft kisses to the soft flesh. "Mmm," she moans. Her hands moved down to my head and she tangled them in my curls, tugging softly.

I kiss everywhere but the spot she needs it most, the spot that I can see dripping on the bed sheets before my very eyes. My tongue teases the flesh of her inner thighs, licking my way down, sucking on the skin.

   She squirms at my touch and whines, "Elias."

   "Shh, patience, baby." I can tell she's getting desperate, needy, which is exactly where I want her.

   My breath fans against her pussy, making her let out a cute frustrated noise. When my lips brush against her clit in a soft kiss, she jolts her hips upwards and gasps, "Elias, I need—"

   "Me. You need me. It's okay, baby. I'm all yours."

   And then I taste her.

   Sweet like honey, drenched like the outside of a cold glass of water, my mouth latches onto her clit and I suck harshly, keeping my eyes on her face.

   Her hooded eyes widen and she shoots upright at the sensation, pushing my face into her pussy with her hands, digging her fingers into my scalp. "Elias! Oh God—"

   I hook my right arm around her thigh and press my hand against her stomach, pushing her down and pinning her to the bed. My other arm comes around her other thigh and I slap my hand over her mouth. "What happened to being quiet?" I hiss, the vibrations making her whimper. "Feels that good, already?" I chuckle.

   I lap at her clit, her cum soaking my chin and I fucking love it. Her stomach dips under my hand and I press harder, knowing what'll set her off.

I smirk into her pussy when I get an idea. I take my hand away from her mouth and wrap it around her throat, feeling my mind fog up what her thighs shake at my shoulders.

Her hand wraps around my wrist the harder I suck. Her hips jolt and buck into my mouth when I hum against her clit, her body reacting to the vibrations.

"El-Elias..." she moans breathily. "Fuck."

"You taste so fucking good, baby. Fucking soaking. Show me how good I make you feel." I groan.

Her body squirms and writhes, trying to get away from the simulation but I don't let her. Instead I take my hand off of her stomach and push my middle finger straight into her entrance.

Her thighs clench around my head, crushing me, but I couldn't ask for anything better. I pump my finger in and out of her, choking her harder, sucking her clit harder, pumping in and out of her faster.

"Shit- oh God!" Her body convulses. "I can't- Elias, I can't—"

"You can and you will. Now stop moving and fucking take it." I curl my finger and pump in and out of her deeper, harder. My girl lets out a quiet sob at my words and her thighs continue to shake at the sides of my face.

When I push an extra finger inside of her, that seems to do the trick. "Elias!" She cries. "Please, Elias. I'm gonna-"

Almost. She's almost there.

   Well that didn't take long at all.

   I moan with delight when her come coats my tongue, soaking my whole fucking face. It's not until I feel the walls of her pussy clench around my fingers that I pull away from her completely.

My mouth leaves her clit, my hand leaves her throat, and I pull my finger out of her, leaving her cold and on the brink of a high she'll never meet. Her hips move against the cold air in a pathetic attempt to feel, but she can't.

Instead of whining, she gets frustrated. "What the hell?" Her brows crinkle and her nose scrunches up. "Why would you—"

I wipe the remnants of her come off of my chin using the back of my hair, grinning at her mischievously. I gently wrap my hand around her throat, squeezing it at the perfect pressure.

   When her head falls back with a gasp, I kiss her frustrated pout. "Next time, love-"

"Never fucking hide this body from me again."
6468 Words!        (6/18/22)

Ik I say this about every chapter but I think we can ALL agree that this one was just... not it. I don't know what went wrong tbh. I was so hesitant to post it, lowkey I was staring at the 'publish' button for a good 2 minutes.

I promise chapter 34 will have better smut. Y'all get to see Alex take charge 😏

Someone asked for a body reference of Alex and I think I found one that comes close to my image.

This is what she would look like wearing a dress. So imagine this body with the sundress from chapter 23

And this is what she would look like wearing the baggy jeans I've mentioned before. See how the jeans hide her belly? Power of oversized clothes I tell ya.

But anyways

Holy hell.

You guys completely blew up my most recent tiktok which is now the first pinned video on my page with over 600k views.

220k reads, 5k votes, and 1.08k followers is what this book has come to?! All bc of 2 tiktok videos I posted. And then my tiktok following and likes now?

I'm just... speechless.

I know I thank you guys all the time but you truly have no idea what this means to me.

I love all of you guys with my whole heart.

Thank you.

Vote, comment, share, and follow my tiktok.

Love ya <3

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