Dance like your life depends...

By Icecreamcakespree

240 0 0

This another LOK story. It's about a girl named Korra who joins a dance team with better trained dancers who... More

The red writing
Pack your things...
New college
Welcome to class...
New friends
Pep Rally


21 0 0
By Icecreamcakespree

" That's the last of them" i said, putting the last luggage inside. To be honest i was upset . It was my very last year of college and i was finally going to get a career in dancing not all of a sudden i have to leave, leaving my friends along with my scholarship. At this moment i just felt like all my work was for nothing. I felt like i'll never make it in life. Even though i wanted to be mad at my mom i couldn't help but feel sympathy for her. She works hard every single day. She comes home stressed, sad, and even gets to the point where she falls asleep sitting at the table. I could tell mom was hurting and didn't attend for this to happen. I could tell she was so guilt written for losing the house she haven't looked me in the eye all day. Once we was on the road i just stared out of the window. I didn't text my cousin, i didn't go to school to say goodbye, i haven't talked to mom, all i just thought about is how life would be on the outside of this town. I was so worried for mom and her well being that i couldn't think of anything but her through out the whole ride.

Once we finally made it to republic city i was pretty amazed about how much it changed. At first the place used to have small buildings but now there's 7 twin towers and 19 buildings that could probably touch the sky. And what's a place without people? Republic city had a town full of people. All them of was walking back and forth, either trying to get to the store or their jobs, maybe even their homes. As i watched tower after tower i was wondering if we were there yet. It's been two hours and my butt was already reacting to pins and needles. We drove around the block for a few minutes until we reached a averaged size house in a big neighborhood. Mom stopped in front of the house and sighed. " Well....we're here," mom said, trying to bring a little cheer into this. I kept my eyes out of the window and stayed silent. " Listen Korra, i know it's hard but i promise when i get a job i'll make it up to you," she said. I still stayed silent. I had no words. I wasn't mad at her, i was just lost in thought. Mom sighed and unbuckled her seatbelt. "  " Come along, your father is waiting for you," she said.

Soon she opened the door and got out, leaving me inside the car. As she walked inside i sighed and laid my head on the window. It's only been a few minutes in this town and i already feel small. I waited inside the car for a few minutes to see my dad come out. Dad was a strict person. He never really believed in dancing. He wants me to be a lawyer which in other words another spawn of him. My dad is a well payed lawyer. He's normally busy so i already knew he wouldn't really have time for me, and that's what i'll just have to get used to. Before he made it to the car i sighed and opened the car door. I stepped out and planted a smile on my face. Even though i should be happy to see him i was still sad and worried about my mom and leaving school before i could actually get a career. " korra, it's so good to see you again," he said, giving me a hug. " Hi dad," i said, giving him a hug. " Well come along, i'll grab your bags," he said. " Oh, that won't be necessary, i got it," i said.

He sighed and rubbed my shoulders. " Alright, just be inside in a few minutes, made dinner," he said. As he walked inside he wrapped his arm around mom's shoulder and walked back inside, leaving me outside alone and sighed. I went to the back of the trunk and grabbed my belongings. Once everything was intact i walked inside and found my normal room and unpacked. It didn't take long but once i was done i was glad. I walked back down the stairs to see mom and dad talking. Seeing them talk to each other is heartwarming. They've been divorced ever since i was 9 so it was a little hard on me and mom ever since that day. But now since they're still keeping in touch i know they still love each other. As i walked down the stairs mom and dad both stopped talking and looked at me. I blocked out their gaze and sat down at the table.

For lunch we had deer stew. It warm and the meat was chewy. As i played with my food mom and dad were still talking. " -Are you sure you'll be ok out there? You can always stay here with us," dad said. " You don't have to do that, i have to figure this out on my own," mom said, stirring the soup inside her bowl. As they kept talking i was lost in thought. I kept stirring the stew in my bowl. I kept wondering about school, home, and where mom will be until she gets a job. Everything was fumbling on my plate and i didn't know how to eat it. All this thinking made my food taste sour. As i kept thinking i was snapped out of it by a banging voice. " KORRA!," i slightly looked up to see dad. As i caught his face expression i could tell he wasn't pleased with calling my name over and over again. I was silent until he spoke. " I was just telling you that i know someone who could get you enrolled in republic collage, that's where you could study and become a business woman," he said. I sighed in response. " Ok dad," i said. " Now when it reaches 8:00 i want you in bed, college starts at 7:30 tomorrow and if you want to become a business woman you'll need to be right on time to start your day," he said.

I furrowed my eyebrows while looking at the soup. " Business woman" that's all my dad really cares about. He never really wanted me to dance and since i'm living with him he's going to sign me up for after school clubs or some stupid stuff like that. I knew dad isn't a really patient guy so i had to answer immediately. " Alright dad," i said. He shook his head and went back to eating.

After a long day of being with my dad mom was going to set off.  It was already night time so all the lights were on. I gave her a hug an held on to her. " I'm going to miss you," i said. " I'll miss you to," mom said. " I promise to come by and visit," she said. " Mom, where are you going to go?," i asked. " Don't worry about me, i'll be living in an apartment up the street," she said, pointing towards the apartment building. " You can come by and visit," she said. " Until i get back on my feet this is how you're going to live," she said. " Miserable?," i asked. " Oh Korra, this is not a bad place, think of it as a vacation instead you're living with someone,"  mom said. " You and you're dad will be fine, it's only until i get back in shape," she said. I gave her a small smile. " I love you mom," i said. " I love you to sweetheart," she said, rubbing my back. She turned around and walked towards her car. As the car left i felt a hand gently landing on my shoulder. " Come inside Korra," dad said. I leaned off the rails and walked inside so i could get ready to go to bed.

Alright that's all folks, Sorry it took so long my idiot brother messed with my profile :( but i hope you like and i'll try to write next time see ya :)

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