The Other Son | ✓

By asmitadutta_

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"𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑎𝑡 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑡𝑜𝑝 𝑤𝑖𝑡𝘩 𝑚𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛." "𝐼 𝑑𝑜𝑛'�... More

trailer + seasons
character sketch.
I. Angel And Devil
II. Rejected One
III. The Fanboy
IV. The Truth
V. Broken Hearts
VI. A Rogue Sacrifice
VII. Brother V/S Brother
VII. Raita & Whiskey
VIII. The Runaway Bride
IX. Always
X. Titans At War
XI. Will
XII. The Prisoner
XIII. Men In Blue
XIV. Confrontation
XV. Happy Days
XVI. Triangle
XVII. Life And Death
XVIII. Anika's Secret
XIX. Truth Bombs
XX. Good News
XXI. A Thousand Years
XXII. Betrayal
XXIII. Oberoi Men and Fasts
XXIV. The Blue Eagle
XXV. The Last String
season 2 : blue lies
XXVI. Report And Email
XXVII. The Two Kings
XXVIII. The Choice
XXIX. Did He Really?
XXX. The Bullet
XXXI. The Other's Choice
XXXII. Kiddo And His Hero
XXXIII. He Gets To Know
XXXV. A Broken Marriage
XXXVI. The Culprit And The Kidnapper
XXXVII. Turn Of Tables
XXXVIII. Endgame
XXXIX. Brother

XXXIV. Incomplete Wedding?

744 85 8
By asmitadutta_

"Ah, look at my handsome blue eyed man.", Anika said, picking Ansh in her arms and hugging him while the five month old giggled. 
"Aww.. Did you notice his bunny teeth, Shivaay?", She said adoring her bundle of joy.
Shivaay eyed her reflection on the mirror before him.

They were in London, in a hotel, getting ready.

"Shivaay?", Anika looked at him as she turned with a smile.
"Of course I would have more nicely.. only if his momma wasn't looking this gorgeous all the time.", He said softly walking down to her.

"Cheesy much, Billu Singh Oberoi ji?", Anika asked grinning as she carefully made Ansh sit on the bed.
"I thought you liked cheese.", Shivaay said casually as he sat down beside Ansh, who was busy looking at his fingers.

"Hmm.. And you are looking so handsome.", Anika said looking at Shivaay in awe.

He wore a simple off white sherwani with some golden embroidery, but he looked so charming and attractive and hot and all the words Anika couldn't remember. 
"Ah finally Mumma noticed me Ansh. Did you notice?", Shivaay said as if talking to Ansh.
Ansh grinned at his Dadda.. understanding very less but enjoying it nonetheless.

"Now don't be Jalkukda Billu.", Anika said with a huh.
"Ouch. It hurts at times but it's okay.", Shivaay said dramatically.
He stood up.
"Haww.. from when did you start copying my style?", Anika said walking down to the dressing table.
Shivaay followed her.
"From the day.. you know we were behind the gym.. I was in gym bleachers and-"

"Ssssh!", Anika said immediately looking at Ansh and then at Shivaay, blushing deeply.
"What are you doing?! Arrey our son is here.. he'll listen.", She said, "You know Gauri told me Abhimanyu ji.. Not our one, Mahabharat one..  He learnt everything from his mother's womb only..", She said, placing her finger on Shivaay's lips.

"Oh.. oh yeah.. I am pretty sure Ansh is going to grow up to know how romantically cheapdaa I am?", Shivaay asked with a raised brow and grin.
"Yes..", Anika said in a soft voice.
"And.. how much I love.. you..", Shivaay said edging closer.


"Oops!", The door opened.
"What the-"
"Hello guys, you have probably forgotten it's my wedding.", Abhimanyu said popping his head from behind the door.

"Oh yes-"
"Oh ya.. I also.. I have work.. After all I have to get Svetlana ready.. Bye..", Anika said awkwardly walking out of the room immediately.

"Dude! What is your problem?! You just ruined my kiss!", Shivaay said irritably.
Abhi somehow suppressed his sadistic grin.

"Here I am not getting to see my fiancée for days and you are romancing. Ansh can you teach you dadda some basic courtesies please?", Abhi said, he looked at Ansh who was definitely not listening.
"Look he knows you are talking crap.", Shivaay said feeling extra proud of his 'tadibaaz' son.
"Yeah whatever.. now tell me.. how do I look?", Abhimanyu said taking a step back, "After all I am marrying for the first time."

He wore an orange sherwani with golden embroidery.

"Everyone marries once only Abhimanyu.", Tej walked in. Abhi looked at him with a raised brow.
"You know Dad Svetlana has told me everything.. including you marriage and exotic honeymoon plans-"

Shivaay started coughing, fake coughing, to not have this uncomfortable conversation.
"It's okay Shivaay. You have married your wife twice too so..", Abhi said eyeing Shivaay with narrowed eyes.
"Okay okay.. now can we tell you about how you look, please?", Tej said as Shivaay cleared his throat and agreed.

There was a knock at the door.
"Please enter.", Shivaay said.
Om walked in.
"Actually Anika bhabhi asked me to take Ansh.. so here I am.", He said with a smile.
"How do I look?!", Abhi said irritably.

"Um.. Above average.", Tej said pretending to be very thoughtful.
"No.. Average actually.. can be below as well..", Shivaay said mock analysing.

"What?! Oh God! I need to change then otherwise imagine.. if she just arrived at the mandap and said I wasn't handsome enough and walked away.. even worse.. she chose Dad or this Om over me?! Oh no!", Abhi said nervously, almost panicking.

Shivaay and Tej broke into laughter together.

"Aww.. you are so nervous big kiddo..", Shivaay said giving Abhi a back hug.
Om tried very hard to suppress his smile.
"You look handsome, Abhimanyu.", Omkara said with a smile.

"Really?! OMG! Wait.. did you just appreciate my good looks, Om?", Abhi said as Om nodded with a soft smile.
"Umm yeah..", Om said picking Ansh in his arms, with a genuine smile.

He was about to leave when he paused, "Mom's waiting for you outside..", He paused, gulped nervously and then finally said, "Dad."
Tej instantly looked at him as if in shock.
There was pin drop silence. Shivaay and Abhi looked at Om in shock.

"Did you just..", Tej couldn't complete.
"And I am waiting with Mom outside. So be there soon, Dad.", Om said with the last weight off his shoulder and a soft smile.
Tej nodded with a smile.

Shivaay looked at Abhi, who smiled back.
"Look who's grown up.", Shivaay said in a whisper.
"Can we please go to my wedding. Thanks.", Abhi said with narrowed eyes.

"Oh yes. Sure.", Shivaay said finally releasing Abhi of the back hug. Tej nodded, clearing is numb throat.

Shivaay went and stood beside Anika.
"Look at these two looking so good together.", Anika said 'aww'-doring Abhi and Svetlana as they sat before the fire, Abhi was tying the mangalsutra around her neck, after putting the vermillion.
Ansh was in Shivaay's arms.
Shivaay nodded with a smile as he looked at them, remembering his own wedding, and the internal bliss he had felt since then.

Abhi sat before the fire, trying very hard to tear his eyes away from his 'almost' wife.
"You look so gorgeous..", He said in a soft whisper.
"What's so new about it? Yeah the new bit surely is.. that you look handsome.", Svetlana replied grinning.
"I hope you had your food properly.", Abhi said softly, "Don't want my baby to starve because mumma was busy getting ready."

She looked at him with a bewildered smile.
"Seriously? I can't believe you-"
"You are blushing no.. Since I called you mumma..", Abhi said grinning.
"Okay are you done talking? This is a wedding, not your client meeting.", Svetlana replied drawing in a deep breath, smiling away.

"But you love me anyways, don't you?", Abhi asked softly.
Svetlana looked at him, "Always.. even if you don't look handsome.", She replied with a smile.
She looked at Om once who had informed her, behaving much much better than what he had become.

"It's time for the saat phere. Please stand up.", The priest said.
Abhi stood up, he gave his hand for Svetlana to take, she stood up taking it.

"ONE MINUTE!", Abhi knew this feminine voice.

He paused at looked at the girl before him.
"You cannot have a happily ever after.. after ruining my life.."
Svetlana gasped.
"Divyanka.", Abhi mumbled.

Shivaay looked at her and then his phone buzzed. He pulled his phone out, his notifs were flooded but one piece of news stood out.

"Blue Eagle Strikes! The youngest Rana son attacked!"

"What the..", He looked up at Abhi and Svetlana.
And he realised.
This was bad news.


Stay tuneddd!!

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