The love aftermath (Book Two)

By duckmakeslovetome

3.1K 49 56

Sequel to "Love incident, love issues". The Paw Patrol has been disbanded after one member skye kidnapped and... More

(C1) The love aftermath
(C3) Home For Good
Note on continuity errors for love incdient love issues and resolutions
(C4) from Pain to peace to love
quick note and fixing an error
(C5) Epilogue

(C2) From fun to trauma

513 10 9
By duckmakeslovetome

Hey guys sorry I have not updated in a while. My iPad broke and I had to get it fixed. But I'm back and I'm finally updating the love aftermath after a long time. This is gonna be fun. Anyways it's good to see you and I'll see you after the book.


It is a beautiful October evening. It is October 17th and Chase and Marshall are watching the Tampa bay buccaneers decimate the Philadelphia eagles. They are eating slow cooker barbecue ribs for dinner and drinking some Diet Coke and having fun. They know Things are going to be good.

Chase: I can't believe Tom Brady is so good. He is destroying Philadelphia

Marshall: I know right, He is so skilled. I'm happy we have him. He is the best NFL quarterback ever.

Chase: Yeah, I really think we can win this.

Marshall: yah but Tom Brady hasn't been doing the best but he is still doing good..

Chase: Yeah but there is room to improve.

Marshall: agreed

Narrator: they watch the game and finally it ends and the buccaneers win 28-22. Chase and Marshall go to bed and talk about the game.

Marshall: That was a crazy game. They almost came back. That was a good game though.

Chase: Yeah, It was. You know I would like to go to a football game some day.

Marshall: I think we could do that. We are playing the bears at home on October 24th. The next home game is against the  giants on November 22nd.

Chase: We could go to the bears game. They are 3-2. They probably will lose to the Packers so they will be 3-3. We can beat them easily

Marshall: yah it will be fun. Going to a buccaneers game. Having food and watching us kick some bear butt. Let's do it.

Chase Yeah.. I can buy the tickets and find good seats. You handle the supplies.

Marshall: Ok.. ill doo that. Let's do it.

Narrator: chase and Marshall buy the tickets online Monday for $316. They then go to the grocery store to get supplies on the 20th

(the fresh market)

Chase: So we got the steak, chicken breasts, salsa, chips, chocolate and soda. We are good to go. We have the grill at home. Lets buy this.

Marshall; yeah this will be fun.

Narrator: as they check out someone comes up to talk to them. And it's who that is surprising)

???: hey chase, Marshall.

(they look)

Chase: Rocky, Zuma!! (hugs them) ohhh my dog, what's up hahaha. It's been so long. What are you doing here?

Zuma: We are going to the football game. Bears vs buccaneers.

Marshall: holy crap.. We are going to that game too. I forgot you guys live in Chicago now. Where do you live?

Rocky: We live in Lincoln park but We are staying at The Westshore Grand, A Tribute Portfolio Hotel, Tampa. It is in the beach park area.

Chase: Nice, we live in south Tampa. It's really nice here.

Rocky: Nice what seats do you have?

Chase: we are at lower level 124 Row W. it costed $297

Zuma: Nice, We are at lower level 124 Row T. it costed $305

Chase: Nice. we are close to each other.. And a similar price,

Zuma: Yah. That is so cool.

Cashier: Ahem.. sorry to interrupt and I'm not trying to be rude but can you please hurry up and p[ay. We don't want a line. Thank you.

Chase: oh sorry ma'am.

Cashier: It's fine. I just don't want a line. People will get upset, you know.. Your total is $155.72

Chase: Yeah. People will be upset. Here you go.

*pays with credit card*

Cashier: thank you sir. Have a nice day at the football game.

Chase: Thank you..

Narrator: Chase and Marshall walk out with rocky and Zuma who also finished in their line.

Marshall: What car do you guys have?

Zuma: *points to left* We own that White 2008 Chevrolet Malibu right there.

Chase: cool.. *points to car 1 row over* We own that black 2011 ford edge over there.

Zuma: Cool.. i always wanted a ford but we got the Chevrolet for a deal.

Chase: cool. We got our used ford edge in January for 15k. It is a nice car with good miles.. We love it.

Zuma: Well that's cool. We got to go but we will see you later.

chase: Ok. By the way we are going to tailgate at the game. Cook some food. We will be in lot C in case you wanna join.

Zuma: You know what.. We would love to do that. Right rocky...

Rocky: I agree. We will join you. We also are in lot c anyways..

Chase: Hey can we exchange phone numbers so we can be in touch. Maybe plan where to meet

Rocky and Zuma: Sure..

Narrator: Chase and Marshall exchange phone numbers with Rocky and Zuma.

Chase and Marshall: Ok so we will see you there. Bye rocky, Bye Zuma

Rocky and Zuma; bye chase and Marshall.

Narrator: Chase and Marshall Load the car and leave for home and put the food away when they get there.

(10/24/2021. the day of the game 6:45 eastern standard time

Marshal: It's the day of the game. We need to get ready.

Chase: Yeah we got to leave at 12:45. We will be there at 1pm

Marshall: we got to call rocky and Zuma on where to meet

Chase; Oh yeah... I'll do that now

Narrator: Chase and Marshall call rocky and Zuma and tell them to meet them on the east side of the parking lot. They then get ready and at 7:45 start seasoning the chicken and steak. They put the chicken in a bowl with a marinade. They make a marinade made of Vegetable oil, lemon juice and red wine vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, honey, soy sauce, Garlic, mustard, pepper, and parsley. They finish at 11:30. They wrap the chicken and marinate up and wrap up the steak and put it in the car and put the salsa, chips, chocolate and soda in the net of the car.

Chase: We did it. It's made. We got to go soon. we have half an hour.

Marshall: I Know. This will be fun.

Narrator: a half hour later they leave for the parking lot and arrive at 1:00 pm. They start to set up and meet rocky and Zuma. Rocky and Zuma have Chicago outfits on and chase and Marshall have Tampa bay buccaneers outfits on.

(chase and Marshall meet rocky and Zuma at 1:15 and set up together)

Rocky: This will be a fun day. We can watch other football games that are on and eat our lunch.

Zuma: Yeah. How could you afford this chase?

Chase: Well, it's easy. I am paid $40 an hour so I make $1,920/week which means I make $8,000/month. So I would do 8000 x 12 and I would make 96000 a year. It's a lot of money.

Zuma: Yawn..

Chase: well.. I made you guys bored.

???: I can see that. If it isn't Chase, Marshall, Rocky and Zuma.. How are you my fishy friends

Chase: Captain turbot? What are you doing here?

Captain turbot; I live here. Well technically I live in Clearwater but I'm here for the game. I kept the flounder and everything when I moved here 3 months ago. I see you 4 are representing both teams. That's really good.

Chase: Yeah. me and Marshall live in south Tampa and rocky and Zuma live in Chicago but are in a hotel because they have visited here. How are you

Captain turbot: I'm good. I work as a marine biologist in Tampa. I just study fish and Collect data and specimens. I am not busy so I am here at the game. I have watched the buccaneers and I think they are a good football team.

Rocky: yeah. The buccaneers are really good. They will be a challenge for the bears.

Chase: yeah but i think they will do good They may not win but they will do at least decent.

Rocky: Agreed.

Chase: Hey guys.. who's hungry because i'm going to cook now.

Rocky, Zuma, Marshall, captain turbot: ME...

Chase: Ok let's get cooking.

Narrator: Chase and Marshall cook up some chicken and steak and they start eating at 2:00.

Rocky: (bites into chicken then chews and swallows) MMMM this is good chicken. How did you make this?

Chase: I used a recipe online. It required Vegetable oil, lemon juice and red wine vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, honey, soy sauce, Garlic, mustard, pepper, and parsley. It's a lot of stuff but it tastes awesome.


Narrator: 10 come over and try the chicken and love it. Soon the chicken is gone and people start trying the steak and love it. They also have coca cola and chocolate and chips and salsa and soon enough the food is gone.

Chase: holy crap that was a lot of people. I'm happy though that everyone loved the food.

Zuma: Yeah. Everyone loved it and it was really cool. Everyone was hanging out and having fun and talking. You have to do this more often.

Marshall: If we did.. We would not have enough money to survive.

Zuma: Good point..

Chase: It's already 3:25 pm. We have only 1 hour until the game starts. We got to put everything back

Zuma: we will help you.. Right rocky boy..

Rocky: yeah.. We will help.. And a nice nickname zomming boy...

Zuma: thanks. Now let's do it.

(narrator: Chase, Marshall, Rocky and Zuma are able to put the tables and tent back in 20 minutes. At 3:45 they go in and find their seats at 4:05 with 20 minutes to go.

(at 4;25 the game starts. The buccaneers defer and the bears get the ball but can't score. During the first quarter the buccaneers got 21 points then 14 points in the 2nd quarter.. Meanwhile the buccaneers get only 3 points due to a field goal soon halftime comes and chase and Marshall go talk to rocky and Zuma)

Rocky: Dam the buccaneers are killing us. It's 35-3. They are good.

Chase: yeah i know.. It's sad. The bears have not scored a touchdown yet.

???: These F*****g buccaneers are pissing me off. I'm about to kill Tom brady. He is a F*****g prick.

Chase: Oh no he is mad. Marshall got to try to find security. I'll handle this.

(chase walks over the the man)

Chase: sir are you ok. What's wrong?


Chase: *Calmly* sir can you please not yell. It's not worth it to get mad over a football game. I know you're mad but can you try to breathe and calm down? Getting mad won't help yo...

Narrator: The man kicks Chase in the body, knocking him down.

???: IM GONNA KILL YOU M**********R

(the man attacks chase but he dodges and gets up and kicks the guy in the groin)


(the man gets up and pulls out out a switchblade he had hidden)


(chase grabs and beer bottle and gets ready to fight)


???: NEVER!

(The man charges him and tries to stab him with the switchblade but he dodges his knife and hits the man with the beer bottle on the head and kicks him in the chest.


(the man runs away and escapes in his car as just before the cops arrive)


Chase; yeah.. I'm fine. I got kicked but the body but other than that i'm fine..

Narrator: Chase tells the cops what happened and people talk to the cops. Chase is not hurt and does not need medical treatment and the game resumes.

Rocky: That was crazy. At least the game is on again.

Chase: Yeah. and it's the 3rd quarter now.

Narrator: the game goes on and the buccaneers score no points in the 3rd quarter and end the game with a field goal. The buccaneers win the game 38-3. After the game chase and Skye decide to take rocky and Zuma to dinner at bar Louie. They left at 8:30 and got there at 8:37. They go in and sit down.

Chris: Hello my name is Chris and I will be your waiter. What may I get you this evening.

Chase: this is gonna be good. I'm gonna get a coca cola and a bourbon BBQ  burger

Marshall: I'm gonna get a diet coke and a cherry vanilla fizz anda beer battered fish and chips.

Rocky: I'm getting a strawberry margarita and a cheese steak dip/

Chase: I never knew you drank rocky.

Rocky: me and Zuma only drink only once or twice a month. Or when there is an event like a party.

Chase: Oh.. what about you Zuma. What do you want.

Zuma: I will get a bud light and a pepperoni flatbread.

Chris: Ok i will get your drinks for then and then you food. By the way you're from the paw patrol right. I've heard about you. You guys are the best.

Chase: yeah we are and thank you for the compliment. We appreciate the support.

Chris: It's my pleasure.

Narrator: Chris walks away and chases, Marshall, Rocky and  Zuma talk until the food arrives but as they finish eating something happens.

Marshall: That food is so good that wou..


Chase: what the heck. Get down.. Gunshots. He has a colt M1911.

Narrator: chase, Marshall, Rocky and Zuma get down.

Chase: crap. It's the same guy as before but now he is an active shooter. We got to escape. Remember run, hide , fight. Follow me.

Narrator: Chase, Marshall, Rocky and Zuma run behind cover and try to escape but are stopped and get shot at.

Rocky: What do we do..

Chase: you guys escape. I'll handle him.

Marshall: But chase...

Chase: GO NOW...

Marshall: Ok. be careful..

Chase: I will..

Narrator: Rocky, Zuma and Marshall escape and chase pulls out his Glock 19 ready for a fight.

???: everyone will die...

Chase: Sir drop your weapon. It's not worth it

(chase aims his gun at the guy and proceeds to talk)


Chase: No you didn't. Please don't do this man. It's not worth it. You will get in more trouble. Please just stop. You have a family right. They care about you and don't want you dead or in trouble. If you continue the cops will end up killing you if they think you're a threat. They don't want that and I don't so please surrender. Also, how did you know my name?

???: my family doesn't care about me. They always had issues with raising me. They were not mean but had issues with fraud. I became an orphan after they got arrested for fraud. I became mayor of Foggy Bottom after cheating in the election when I became an adult because I knew a lot of politics and was able to convince them and cheated. I have had issues but I'm still human and everyone hates me. Yes, it is me. mayor humdinger. That's how I know you.

Chase: Mayor humdinger? Dude why didn't you tell us about your past. We could have helped you change.

Mayor Humdinger: No one would understand me. No one would care. Not even you.

Chase: Yes, I do care. Yes I was annoyed with you but I wanted you to change. We can address this together. Just put the gun down and we can handle this together.

Mayor humdinger: NEVER. I'M NOT GOING TO JAIL.

Narrator: Mayor humdinger shoots chase in the chest 2 times and walks up to him. But what he did not know is that a swat team was entering and about to get involved.

Mayor humdinger: goodbye chase. HAHAHAHAHA....

Narrator: Mayor humdinger aims the gun but notices the swat team.


Mayor humdinger: NEVER

Narrator: Mayor humdinger aims his colt m1911 and is shot by an Tampa police swat in which 2 officers have riot shields and have a Sig Sauer p320 and the other 6 have a smith and Wesson m&p-15. The swat team get mayor humdinger's gun and give chase first aid. He is sent to saint joseph's hospital and admitted to be observed for 2 days because he had a vest on and it took the bullet.

Narrator: Saint Joseph's hospital. October 25th. 2:00pm

Marshall: I'm happy you stopped him... Even if you got shot.

Chase: yeah i feel bad for mayor humdinger he got killed by a swat team like when i shot skye after she tried to kill you. No one deserves to die. Not even mayor humdinger. He had a hard life and had issues. He didn't deserve to die. He deserved to change.

Marshall: I know chase.. I know..

Narrator: Chase is discharged the next day on the 26th.On the 27th Chase and Marshall go with Rocky and Zuma to the airport so they can go home.

Rocky: we're gonna miss you guys.

Zuma: yeah it's sad that we have to go but we have to.

Chase: You can always call us. Also here is something u may like. It's our home address.

Narrator: Rocky and Zuma look at the paper with the address that chase and Marshall live in. it is labeled as 923 S Golf View St Tampa Florida.

Rocky: thank you guys..

Narrator: chase and Marshall hug rocky and Zuma.

Airport announcement: Delta airlines (96614 departing to Chicago midway international airport economy boarding ends in 5 minutes please board now..

Chase: goodbye guys..

Rocky and Zuma: goodbye chase.. goodbye Marshall..

Narrator: Rocky and Zuma get on the plane and fly back to Chicago. Chase and Marshall go home afterwards.

(October 28th)

Chase: Rocky and Zuma fly back to Chicago yesterday. Me and Marshall are living their lives as it was before. All is well but I can't forget the fun we had with rocky and Zuma. Maybe we will meet again. Until then we can only dream.


OK this is it. I made this on the 13th but never started it until the 25th. I finally finished 3 weeks and 4 days later. 27 days. Well if you count that this was made on the 13th of October it has been 5 weeks and 1 day or 36 days. It took a while but it was awesome. tell me how i did guys. Anyways guys it was good to see you.  Please  vote this book and favorite. until next time guys. I'll see you later


by the way there's book 3000 words.

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