Be Creative

By Starskulls

208K 5.5K 4.2K

PLEASE DO NOT REPOST MY STORY ANYWHERE. THANK YOU. Lila succeeded in taking everything Marinette held dear t... More

Chapter 1: A Dreary Day
Chapter 2: Read You Like a Book
Chapter 3: Pawns
Chapter 4: Practice What You Preach
Chapter 5: Two Became Four
Chapter 6: Assemble the Players
Chapter 7: The Queen Makes a Move
Chapter 8: Countdown
Chapter 9: I am MDC
Chapter 10: Damage Control
Chapter 11: A Crack in the Kingdom
Chapter 12: Who?
Chapter 13: Ashamed and Alone
Chapter 14: A Storm is Brewing
Chapter 15: A Game Within a Game
Chapter 17: Today is the Day
Chapter 18: Act 1
Chapter 19: Act 2
Question Session
Chapter 20: Act 3
Chapter 21: Act 4
Chapter 22: The Final Act
Epilogue: The Closing Curtain

Chapter 16: The Final Vote

6.5K 207 111
By Starskulls

Marinette was currently in her room, sitting in Luka's lap watching a film. After the events of the chess piece, the principle had called for the class to have a half day. It was one of his better ideas. To be honest, that isn't what bothered Marinette. What bothered her the most that while Alya didn't interview anymore people, she posted what she already had on her blog. What was interesting was that the comments had been turned off on the blog now. Either Alya was in denial of what was in the comments, or she didn't care.

"How do you think everyone is doing?" Luka asked as he took a handful of popcorn. He had been briefed about what happened and while he wasn't happy with any of them, he didn't wish harm on them.

"Okay I guess," Marinette mumbled.

"Uh oh, something is wrong. What is it my Melody? Is it Lila?" Luka asked as he held her hand.

"No, not her. It's just I overheard something the police said," Marinette said, hating herself for lying to him.

"What was it?" Luka asked curiously.

"Well, they said that the sentimonster was being controlled by someone in the school. But no one came forward. It's like they knew that they were going to be caught..." she said in concern.

"That is troubling," Luka said thoughtfully. "Should we change the subject? This seems to be distressing you."

"Yes, lets," Marinette said with a sigh. She felt Luka move slightly and then saw the light of his phone in the corner of her eyes.

"Well, we could talk about how amazing you are. Trending again," Luka said with a smile. Marinette blushed as he showed her the screen.

True to his word, all of the positive comments were flooding in. People were thanking her, posing in pictures with her messages on some paper and so much more. It warmed Marinette's heart but then she frowned. Luka must have sensed this, so he shifted his legs, making Marinette sit up.

"What is it?" he asked in concern.

"MDC is the one everyone loves. Not me. She's the one with the confidence and...well everything that I am not," Marinette said, her mind also thinking of her super alter ego. Luka took her hands in his and looked her straight in the eye.

"You are you. MDC is just a part of you. MDC is you Marinette. Your amazing qualities and skills are what people love about you. All you're using is a mask. People know you can't show yourself. But when you do, they'll still love you. But not as much as me," Luka stated, making tears appear in her eyes.

"Oh Luka," she said, leaning into kiss him but was then interrupted by a sharp cough. Both teens turned to see Morgana sitting in a chair looking bored.

"If you are quite finished," Morgana said as she tapped her tablet.

"You don't knock do you?" Luka asked with a frown.

"Your mother said I could go right in," Morgana said with a shrug.

"Of course, she did," Marinette said with a face palm. Dragging her hand down her face, she saw Morgana looking impatient. "So, what is it? You don't look happy."

"Quite the opposite," Morgana said. "I'm bursting with happiness."

"She's...joking right?" Luka asked carefully.

"Negative. Miss Tabloid has just given us even bigger ammunition," Morgana said. That made the pair sit up.

"What did she do?" Marinette asked with slight worry. After a few taps on the tablet, she held it up so they could both see, and the headline made their eyes pop.

MDC? Fashion Designer or Online Bully?

"Oh, for crying out loud," Luka said.

"Great, isn't it?" Morgana said.

"In what universe is this great?" Luka snapped, with Marinette putting her hand on his shoulder to calm him down. This didn't faze Morgana.

"Yes. Don't you smell it? It's the smell of a lawsuit," Morgana said. Okay, both teens were wide awake now.

"Since when was the plan lawsuits?" Marinette asked.

"Since I told your parents to hire one. I got them to sign a non-disclosure agreement, so they'll say nothing about MDC," Morgana said.

"So, we're suing Alya? For what? Isn't it a little...too much?" Marinette asked.

"Your compassion for humanity sickens me," Morgana said bluntly.

"Hey, there is nothing wrong with compassion," Luka defended.

"There is a time and a place. Marinette, you are not the only one using lawsuits. I don't think people will take too kindly about false information being made about them. It leads to accusation, false imprisonment and so much more. Chloé is helping with that since she knows people. Your parents approve. We have a case for you with abuse, slander, destruction of property, the list goes on really," Morgana explained.

"I never thought of it like that," Marinette mumbled.

"Of course, you didn't. A little white lie is fine, but what Lila is doing... well, let's just say that there is a tsunami coming her way," Morgana said.

" my sister one of them?" Luka asked suddenly.

"Why?" Morgana asked bluntly.

"Morgana..." Marinette said with a sigh and the girl let out a huff.

"Fine. Looking through all the stuff that is done via texts and posts, Juleka didn't seem to do anything abusive. It doesn't excuse her behaviour. The most is a suspension and some community work," Morgana stated.

"What about everyone else?" Marinette asked, while Luka looked slightly relieved. It wasn't that he approved of what Juleka did as she was an enabler, but he still cared about her.

"Need to know. All will be revealed. Remember my conditions. Do what I say," Morgana asked.

"What about Adrien?" Luka asked curiously. Marinette was so glad he asked that. While Adrien knew about the lies, he didn't take part.

"Oh, I have something special in mind for him," Morgana said with slight glee. Marinette felt the urge to laugh but then something crossed her mind. Why hadn't she mentioned to them about the chess piece? Or was she saving it for something.

"Should we be worried?" Luka asked.

"No. But do make sure to come to the student awards on Friday," Morgana said as she got up. Before the pair could even ask something else, she vanished as quickly as she got there.

"I don't know about you, but I am worried and excited," Marinette said as she cuddled Luka who merely nodded in response.


It was now Thursday and people were roaming the school as if nothing had happened. Of course, things like this were now a common occurrence. Alya, who was now in class, seemed to be quite oblivious to the fact that people were glaring her after the stunt she pulled yesterday and the fact that word had spread that Ladybug had told her off.

"You okay babe?" Nino asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Alya said as she examined her phone.

She didn't tell anyone about the piece she'd written about MDC, which was full of accusations and such. She only wanted to reveal after she was sure that people on the internet would back her up but all she'd been met with were negative comments. That she had no idea what she was on about, she was false and all sorts! MDC didn't even deny the accusations so if that wasn't proof, then nothing was! She bullied her friend! Speaking of her BFF, where was she?


Said liar was currently outside on the steps of the school, waiting for Marinette and her weird boyfriend. She had the perfect plan all in her head. Get Luka under her thumb, tell Juleka that Marinette was poisoning her brother's mind and boom, she was back on top again. Speaking of whom, she saw the couple come to the school. Luka gave Marinette a kiss goodbye before she started walking up the step. Marinette ignored her as she walked past but then Lila turned her attention to Luka.

"Oh Luka!" she said sweetly as she made her way down the steps. Luka cringed at the sound of her voice but put on a fake smile as she approached him.

"Hello," he said stiffly.

"So, you're Juleka's brother?" Lila asked.

"Yes," Luka said, already bored.

"So, I was you maybe want to get an ice-cream with me sometime?" Lila asked, twirling a strand of hair in her finger.

"You know Marinette is my girlfriend, right?" he stated.

"Well yes... but there's no harm, right? I mean, Marinette can be deceiving you know? I can show you something better?" Lila said, inching closer to him.

Luka almost gagged but then out of the corner of his eye, he saw Morgana standing by the door of the school. Her emerald eyes bore into him with that look that said, 'Do NOT screw this up.'

"Lila, I don't want to go out with you. You have upset my girlfriend on many occasions. She is the sweetest girl I have ever met. Nothing can change that. You can tell people that I hurt your feelings, but I don't care. Now, don't you have a class to get to?" Luka said as he swiftly turned on his heel, but Lila grabbed his arm and sunk her nails into it. Luka winced but didn't turn around.

"You've made a big mistake," Lila hissed.

"I'll risk it," Luka said, pulling his arm out of her grip and walked away. He didn't even look at his arm which had trickles of blood going down it. Rise above it, Luka thought. He stayed calm to not attract an akuma. Morgana had better move quick.


Lila was silently stewing in her seat. How dare that boy defy her! Now she was back at square one. Why would anyone love Maritrash that much anyway? It was stupid! Oh well, she still had some ammunition left. That little chess piece would label Marinette a thief and ruin her even more. Her thoughts were broken when she realised that Miss Bustier was standing there with Morgana next to her. What was this?

"Everyone, before we start, Morgana says she has a little announcement," Miss Bustier said.

"Hey...y-you know that...sentimonster y-yesterday?" Morgana started.

"What about it?" Adrien asked curiously.

"It w-was my c-chess piece... I must h-have dropped it when I was p-playing at lunch... Ladybug d-did tell me it was okay. I w-wasn't controlling it... I told the p-police and they said it was...o-okay but I thought you should...know," Morgana said with some tears in her eyes.

"Oh wow" Alya said as her eyes lit up at the idea of a story.

"That was very brave of you," Miss Bustier said as she rubbed her back. Ugh, get your hands off me, Morgana inwardly scowled.

"She right!" Rose said.

"No harm, it's happened to all of use dudette," Nino stated.

"Yeah, it's okay," Lila said, silently wanting to scream and rip her books and desk in half. That stupid chess nerd! She ruined everything being honest! Oh she will so pay for this!

"Thank you..." Morgana sniffed as she made her way to her desk. She got sympathetic looks while she went and sat down with hunched shoulders. She carefully pulled out her phone and sent a message.

Check on your boyfriend. Lila had her claws out.

As she sent the text, she saw Marinette looking at her phone and she almost squeaked. Miss Bustier was looking in her direction so Marinette couldn't respond; she was practically twitching in her seat the whole lesson. Guess there'd be another lawsuit to detail.


It was finally lunchtime and people were queuing up in line to put in their final votes. Marinette had just come off the phone with Luka at his school and while he assured her, he was fine, she couldn't help but feel irritated. How dare she come after Luka like that! No, she was Ladybug, she had to stay calm. She was still thinking about that chess piece too. While she was happy that Morgana came out and told the truth, she was still surprised about what had happened. Maybe she did it so Lila wouldn't spin a lie. A good call really.

"God, Alya will you get lost?" a voice rang out.

Marinette and a few heads turned to see Alya being yelled at by Mireille and a small group of her friends, who were standing by a table where Morgana was sat at with a chess board. The girl looked close to crying again and it was clear what was going on. Well, in Marinette's eyes.

"What is your issue, I just want a scoop," Alya protested, holding out her phone.

"Alya, she feels bad enough that her chess piece was the cause of the amok, she doesn't need this!" Mireille shouted.

"We need to get this out!" Alya stated.

"Oh please, you just want to get a scoop out for your stupid blog, not for the public's wellbeing," Mireille snapped.

"Damn right!" someone said.

"My blog is not stupid!" Alya protested.

"Ah, you didn't deny that you're doing it for views!" Mireille accused. Laughs came around, causing Alya to go red in the face.

"So what? That's what the news is for!" Alya defended.

"No, the news is to inform people, not to harass them. All you are, is a tabloid. Even Ladybug thinks so. She's hasn't given you any interviews and she told you off. Now go away and stop upsetting people," Mireille said, standing firmly in front of Morgana along with her friends.

"You-!" Alya scowled but from the glares she was getting, she knew enough to back off. She stomped away, with people cheering at Mireille, who then went to comfort the black-haired girl.

"Thank you..." Marinette said to the sky. Finally, someone was calling out Alya. Maybe Morgana was a lucky charm. That's all that she seemed to bring her. The bell then rang, signalling the end of lunch and the end of the voting.


Aurore sat up in the President's meeting room, counting in the votes. Since she oversaw the event, she was going to do the counting. It was tiring but she wasn't going to take any chances. Aurore was currently on the last box and as she tipped it out, she felt something thud in the pile. She frowned at this. Paper shouldn't thud. She ran her hand through the papers and her fingers closed around an envelope.

"Another message...did I do something wrong?" Aurore muttered. She opened it cautiously, revealing a note and a memory stick. Putting the stick down, she looked at the note first.

Well done. This event is a success. I have one more thing for you to do.

I already know who the winner of the Outstanding Student award is.

I want you to make it a tie.

"A tie? With whom?" Aurore asked as she then saw the name. her lips curled in disgust. "Ugh, why? She's not outstanding." Aurore then turned over the paper which revealed the answer to her question.

I know you will hate it, but it needs to happen.

When presenting the award, put this in and list the real winner's outstanding achievements first.

It is all on here, but you know that already.

As for the person making it a tie... you leave that to me.

Do not look at the stick.

"This may be a lot of work... but I know it'll be worth it," Aurore said to herself with a smile.

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