By kris_sirk_kris

271K 8.8K 1.9K

"Should we tell them about us?" "No. Not yet" "So we'll hide it then?" "Yeah. Let's keep it lowkey" More

DAY 01
DAY 02


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By kris_sirk_kris


It's Wednesday and today we'll have volleyball practice! Lili told me it's a graded game that's why everyone should participate.

I've never played volleyball before. I only see how it's played on TV and it seems simple anyway.

You just have to hit the ball and make sure it'll reach on the other side. As simple as that.

I'm confident I'll be able to play well.
I wonder if Lisa knows how to play.

She was too worried about me earlier because she said I might get hurt but I ensured her I'll be fine.

I gave her a kiss on the lips before I went inside the car and drove of to school. I'm so excited to play and beat my classmates hihi.

Once I arrived inside the classroom, I greeted everyone although none of them paid attention to me. I excitedly sat on my chair and greeted my seatmate who's again doodling on his notebook.

"Good morning, seatmate!" I said cheerfully but he didn't budged.

I leaned my head forward so he could hear me but still, he didn't look at me.

I just shrugged my shoulders and turn around to face my two friends.

Sana has her head on the desk and I can hear her snore. Tzuyu look at to me and smiled before greeting me good morning.

"Good morning yoda" I said and she gasped before giggling.

"Hey, no. No, no no." Sana suddenly look up to me and said no multiple times


"You're not allowed to call her that. Only I can do that" she told me and Tzuyu smacked her shoulder

"Shut up. Don't listen to her, Jennie. You can call me anything"

I nodded and giggled at the two.

We're on our way towards the gym but Irene hasn't shown up yet. Tzuyu told me that the four of us should go to the gym but she's not here so we have to wait for her.

I'm waving at each student that pass by us since we're on the hallway.

Some of them smiled at me, some also waved back, some guys would wink at me and some rolled their eyes at me.

"Jennie, stop doing that"

I look at Sana

"Stop doing what?"

"That. The wave thing" she said and exaggeratedly waved her hands too.

"Why not? I'm just being nice"

"Yes but that's not necessary. Others might think you're a creep or something"

I pouted and lowered my hand. She received another smack from Tzuyu and Tzuyu pulled me to her side.

"Ignore that dork"

I smiled at them and leaned on the wall as we wait for Irene.

Minutes later, we saw her walking towards us.

But something's wrong.
She's not walking straight. She seems to be limping and she looks like she's in pain.

We immediately walked towards her to assist her.

"Goodness, Irene. What happened to you?"

"You don't wanna know"

"I wanna know" I said as I stood in front of her.

She chuckled and pat my head before she told us to go to the bathroom first .

We stayed there for a long time since she's telling us what happened.

"What? I can't believe you used toys" Tzuyu chuckled and Sana nodded

"That's so kinky but look at you, you're walking the walk of shame"

I couldn't understand what they're saying. What toys could harm my friend like that?

"We had a wild night. The pain is worth it" and winked at us making the two to laugh.

I decided to laugh too even though I have no idea on what they're saying.

Irene drank a pill and she told me it's for making the soreness go away .

I only nodded and we stayed their for a minute until she told us that the pain is bearable.

When we arrived at the gym, everyone was already there. We apologized to coach Park because we are late but he told us it's okay since they're only warming up and haven't start the real game yet.

We look for a seat and my eyes wondered around to find my Lili.

My eyes landed on her and I was surprised to see her playing.

Wow, Lili knows how to play? She looks so cool.

I saw her smirked and the game started to turn around. At first, it was blue haired guy's team who was leading but now it was Lisa's team who's on top.

The cheers are deafening and I can hear them cheering Lisa's name.

I couldn't help but be proud whenever my Lili hits the ball. She jumps so high.

I clapped and shouted too whenever they score and I would see her looking at me after she scored.

I only smiled at her but I'm kinda worried because she's sweating.

What if she gets sick because her back is wet? I hope she brought her towel. Did she brought her towel?

I decided to check my bag to see if I brought one. I don't want my Lili to get sick so I have to do something.

When I finally found a towel, I pulled it out of my bag and stood up but that was a wrong move since I saw something flying towards me.

My eyes widen and I was about to avoid it but it was too late.

I heard a loud thud and I felt something painful on my head and I fell on the ground with the towel in my hands.

I started to get dizzy and the last thing I heard was Tzuyu screaming my name.

I slowly opened my eyes and I felt like floating. I started to blink slowly and I can still feel an unbearable pain on my forehead.

I then realized I am being carried by a strong pair of arms. I look at the person who's carrying me and I saw V.

"V" I mumbled and I saw him look down to me but he didn't stop running.

"Jennie! Don't worry, I'll bring you to the clinic. I am so sorry"

I found myself slowly drifting off once again. When I opened my eyes, I was already lying on a white bed and I was covered with a white curtain.

I couldn't see who's outside and when I tried to get up, I felt my head throbbing.

"Hello?" I called and I heard footsteps coming.

The curtain moved a bit and I saw V. He looks so worried and he immediately sat beside me and hold my hand.

"Jennie, are you okay? How are you feeling? Does it still hurt?"

I slowly nodded and look around.

"Where am I?"

"You're in the school clinic. I had to carry you here since you lost consciousness"

"My head..." I touched my forehead but I immediately regretted it.

I felt a lump formed on my forehead and I'm sure I look ugly now.

"I'm so sorry. The nurse said you should stay here. Coach Park and your friends already went back to the gym to finish the practice"

I only nod because I don't know what else to say.

"Do you need something? I could get it for you"

I was about say I wanted to be alone when we heard someone clearing their throat.

I look up and I saw Lisa standing, still in her P.E attire.

"Miss Manoban" V greeted her and she nodded

Her eyes landed on his hand that is still holding mine. I slowly removed his hand without offending him and he didn't seem to notice it.

"How is she?" She asked coldly

"She's fine, miss. The nurse said she only needs to rest and just put an ice pack on her lump"

"Okay. You can go now Mr. Kim"

"It's okay Miss Manoban. I already excuses myself and Jennie to our teachers. I need to stay here to make sure she'll be okay"

"That won't be necessary. You can go attend to your class. I'll take it from here"

I look up to her. She seems so serious and she was looking at V.

"What? But it's my fault she's here. I need to make sure she's taken care of"

"It's my responsibility to make sure every student here are okay. I don't want anything to happen to each of you so I have to make sure everyone is fine. You can attend your class and I'll look after Miss Kim. I don't want to put myself in trouble if the principal finds out a student got hurt because of my irresponsibility" she explained and she looks like she's not going to back down.

V look back to me worriedly. He suddenly cupped my cheek and caressed it.

"You gonna be okay here?"

"Y-yeah. I'm okay"

"Alright. I'll check on you later" he smiled and stood up.

He bowed to Lisa before walking away. When we heard the door close, her face soften and she sat beside me.


"Lilipoo, it hurts" I pouted and was about to cry

She smiled and pulled me to her lap. I straddled her and placed her hand on my lump.

"My baby can't handle a lump?"

I shook my head and pouted more.

She pulled my head and kissed the area where my lump is.

"We'll take care of that okay? How are you feeling?"

"I'm hurt. I don't wanna play anymore"

"I thought you wanted to try and hit the ball? You haven't even play yet" she chuckled as she keep kissing my lump

"Lili, I'm hurt. Love me"

"I love you. You made me worried. You even lost consciousness" she cupped my face and look at me worriedly.

"I thought you're the one who's carrying me earlier" I said and peck on her lips

"Mhmm I wanted to. I was about to approach you but he was fast enough to get to you first. He immediately carried you and dashed away. I wanted to follow but coach Park told me to look after the others as he and your friends followed you and him"

"I don't think you being here is necessary, Lili. You only made that up didn't you?" I teased her and poked her cheek.

"It's necessary to be in here because you're my fiancee. I don't want anything bad to happen to you" she said seriously and look at me.

I nodded and poked her cheek once again before hugging her tight.

"I'll walk you to class later. I have to make sure you'll be okay"

"But what will the others say if they saw you with me? They might get suspicious"

"No, they won't. I don't care about what they said. It's you I care about"

I couldn't help but blush so I hid my head on her neck. I heard her chuckle and just hug me tight as well.

We stayed there for 10 minutes until we decided to get going.
The nurse arrived and told me what I should do about my lump.

Lisa and I walked beside each other. I couldn't help but smile and skipped on my step as we walk together.

"Nini, stop that. You might slip" she warned me so I immediately stopped

She was carrying my bag and she was holding my hand.

Once we reached the hallway, she kissed the back of my palm before letting go. I pouted but I realized it's for the best since others might see us.

I look up to her and saw that she's back in her council president mode. I decided to behave and walked normally and made sure there was a little space between us.

I then saw students looking at us. They started whispering to each other and I'm sure it's about me.

I even saw my bully who looks like they're about to enter their room but stopped when they saw me.

She was glaring at me so I avoided my eyes off of her and moved a little but then I bumped into Lisa's side.

"Sorry" I mumbled to her

She sighed before holding me by the shoulders and she moved behind me

"Walk first. I'm watching you" she said coldly so I nodded

When we arrived at my room, I turn around to look at her and smiled.

"Thank you for walking me to my room. See you" I bowed at her and I saw her smiled a little

"See you princess" she whispered

"Ouch, Lili. Be gentle, I'm fragile" I cried

"Nini, we have to do this quick or else the pain won't go away"

I couldn't help but cry as she placed the ointment on my forehead.

"It hurts, Lili"

She chucked and shake her head.

To be honest, it doesn't hurt anymore. Maybe just a little but it's bearable.

I'm just being a baby that's why.

"There. Tommorow, there's no more lump on your precious head"

"Then I'll be pretty again?"

"Nini, you are pretty even with that lump on"

I smiled at her and rolled on the bed.

Leo was sleeping on my pillow so I poked his tummy until he woke up and hissed at me before jumping off of the bed.

Psh, he's such a mood.

I laid on my stomach and buried my face on the mattress but I instantly regretted it because of my lump.

"Nini, scoot over, I wanna lay down too" I heard Lisa said but I ignored her.



I suddenly squealed when she lifted my body and placed me on top of her.

"Lili, you're so strong"

"Mhmm, that's because I'm awesome"

I rolled my eyes at her and rolled on my back. She leaned on the headboard and hugged my stomach as we both stare at the white ceiling.

"I miss my stars" I said and closed my eyes when I felt her kissing my head.

"We'll put some in the ceiling tomorrow"


"Mhmm. Do you want anything?"

I played with her fingers that is currently resting on my stomach.

"I want babies"

She chuckled and hugged me tightly

"How about we marry each other first, Nini?"

"Of course! That first" I giggled

"Yep, and then babies"

"And then babies" I repeated

"Let's sleep. For now, you're my baby"

I smiled.

Yep, I'm your only baby.

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