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By writer5678904

53.4K 1.2K 43

Gossip Girl is back once again, ready to strike. What happens when she begins to create a divide not only bet... More

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2.1K 66 2
By writer5678904

Talia had been released from the hospital early in the morning hours and was heading to Constance to hopefully pick up her grades. The taxi dropped her off in front of the school where she rushed up the steps, straightening out her skirt. She was pleasantly surprised to see Max waiting for her at the front of the school, near the doors. "Figured the hospital food isn't that good. And no Rocky didn't help"

"Thank you" Talia said planting a kiss on his cheek. She took the quiche in hand, spooning some of it into her mouth.

"Max this is-" Talia said with a mouthful of egg. The two were interrupted by the last person they wanted to see.

"Miss Bass" Rafa called out. Max and Talia both turned around to see him grinning.

"Mr. Capparos, my dad should have called to clarify my absence and my grades" Talia said. Max tried whispering something to her but she refused to leave. 

"I'm glad you're back. I did indeed get the message from your father" Rafa said before walking past the two. He began to talk to Keller who Talia couldn't stand either. Something about her just seemed off.

"So tonight. Can we go to dinner? To talk, to apologize again. My treat" Max asked awkwardly. Talia wasn't sure if it was a friends thing or something more. Especially after that short but sweet kiss last night.

"I wish. I can't I have dinner with the Menzies and Obie's mom. Jack is forcing me to go, like the good daughter I am" Talia said before the bell rang. She thanked him for the breakfast and headed to class.

As the finally bell rang students flooded out of the school, heading to wherever their next plans lied.

"Max" Talia called out as she excused herself from Julien and Audrey. "Come to dinner with me tonight. Audrey and Aki will be there and Obie" she said trying to sell him on it. "Please. Rodger can be quite brutal with the questions and I'm not ready to face Jack alone"

"Fine but you owe me one" Max said smilingly.


Talia and Max walked into the restaurant Jack had texted her to meet him at. The two handing over their phones as they furthered in. "Please, just get me out of her if I make a face, or a bird call" Talia joked. Max smiled placing a hand on her lower back as they were greeted by the adults.

"Mom?" Talia questioned shocked to see her.


"When did you get here?" She asked hugging her.

"This morning. I went straight to see my beloved friend Jodi. Figured you were in school and no better place to surprise you then here"

"Aww this is sweet" Jodi exclaimed as Talia awkwardly hugged her mother. She pulled away looking at the other adults at the table before greeting them.

"Helena" Talia greeted giving her an European kiss on the cheeks. She then greeted Jodi, Akeno's mom. "Jodi, always good to see you"

"Max Wolfe, we weren't expecting you" Jack said shaking his hand.

"I invited him last minute, dad" Talia said giving Jack a look of what the fuck was going on. He grinned, tucking his hands in his pockets. The two took a seat waiting for the others to arrive. Shortly after Obie, Zoya, Audrey and Aki showed up. The dinner officially began.

"So Miss Bass, so unfortunate to hear about the tragedy that took place at the Halloween party last night" Rodgers said. "Your father was just about to tell us before you came"

"Tragedy?" Helena asked. Obie barely talked to his mother and when he did it was never a conversation about his friends or his life. Just a quick hello and I miss you.

"Talia was drugged by some horrible stranger" her mother chimed in. "I think parties should be off the table for a while"

"Not a stranger-" Max began but Talia elbowed him to be quiet.

"Not a stranger like a Max said, no he was a careless human being who has no respect for women. Thankfully Max and Aki were there when it happened. I can't imagine otherwise" Talia said placing her hands on top of their and giving it an appreciation squeeze.

"So how is the navy yard project going?" Helena asked changing the subject.

"Good. Although I've been fighting with my other children over the logistics. They all want a say so they can have a share in my company. Aki here is the only that cares about me. Gives me a call every once and a while to say hello" Rodger said proudly.

"I wish my daughter would do the same. Granted the time difference a voicemail would be nice every so often" her mother lectured giving her a displeasing look.

"So did you get the approval to come back?" Jodi asked her friend.

"I did. I'll be back for good in a month or two" her mother said. Talia swallowed the wine in her glass, one big sip trying to hold back from saying anything she would regret later.

"That's wonderful news" Talia responded with a smile. Rodger looked at her, taking a napkin to his face ready to ask another question.

"Why were my tabloids reporting you staying with Chuck? I almost shot down the story thinking it was fake. I called your father and he explained you two had a fight"

"Is that really any of your business?" Zoya asked. Obie looked at her like she was crazy while Talia gave her a look that it was okay.

"We did. Just needed a break from home. Chuck and Blair are wonderful plus I get to spend time with Henry" Talia said.

Zoya looked at her strangely, confused by the act everyone was putting on. They were all so posh and like their parents. Not the people they were at school.

"How is your cousin Chuck?" Helena asked, having done much work with Bart and him. Talia practically choked on her food at the question. She looked at Jack and her mother trying to bite her tongue.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore. I can't sit here and pretend life is great when in fact it's not. He's not actually my cousin" Talia revealed. Aki and Max looked at her bewildered while Obie, Audrey and Zoya were confused.

"Not here" Jack warned he stood up from his place at the table trying to scold her like the child she once was.

"He's my brother. Half" she continued. "My mother slept with Bart Bass not Jack. Jack was just pretending. Just like he pretends not to do drugs. Isn't that right, dad?"

"Talia" her mother snapped. She was embarrassed to say the least by her own daughter's behavior at the table.

"No, mom. You're just as bad. Covering this up. I can't keep lying and pretending anymore. You were waiting until I was 18 to take my share of Bass Industries for yourself, right?"

"Who told you that?" Jack asked.

"Did you think Chuck was stupid? He hired a PI and had the girl you were dating questioned. She blabbed about everything"

"You were dating someone?" Her mother asked turning to Jack.

"Give it up Naomi, we've been divorced for a few months now" Jack revealed.

"Jodi, I-"

"I already knew. Akeno told me and when I called a few days later and you didn't I knew something was up" Jodi said.

"She wants to live with Chuck now" Jack said trying to deflect the conversation onto Talia.

"He actually cares for me, unlike my 'parents'. You two were going to profit off of something I am entitled to. You both lied, my whole life. I'm taking you two to court, for emancipation" Talia revealed. The whole table got quiet. She stood up from her seat and rushed out of the restaurant, grabbing her phone on the way out.

Max following after her. The two standing outside, hugging each other.

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