Broken Ears, Broken Body. (Er...

Bởi Shotashi_MultiWriter

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Hizashi Yamada has always wanted to get into UA and become the greatest hero he can be. He has an advantage o... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1: The Entrance Exam.
Chapter 2: The Letter.
Chapter 3: Meeting New People.
Chapter 4: A Test.
Chapter 5: Heroics.
Chapter 7: Sleepover.
Chapter 8: Nightmares.
Chapter 9: Tell Me The Truth, Zashi.
Chapter 10: Just Friends.
Chapter 11: Make It Right: Part 1. (Hizashi)
Chapter 12: Make It Right: Part 2. (Aizawa)
Chapter 13: Roles.
Chapter 14: Practice.
Chapter 15: The Festival.
Chapter 16: What Are We?
Chapter 17: I'll Treat You Right, 'Zashi.
Christmas Special Chapter!🎄
Chapter 18: The Media.
Chapter 19: Truth or Dare.
Chapter 20: Examination.

Chapter 6: Injuries.

81 3 3
Bởi Shotashi_MultiWriter

Word Count: 3155.

The three hero's in training slowly walked into the building as a buzzer sound echoed throughout the training ground. Signalling the start of the task. Team Two; Yamada, Yagi and Shirakumo were the heros. Team One; Aizawa, Kayama and Todoroki were acting as the villains.

"Do we have a plan?" Shota asked as he looked around the room they set up with the weapon and crossed his arms.

"Yeah. You two stay here while I go and take them all out and win this shitty thing for us." The redhead scoffed as he clenched his fists, walking to the door.

"Your arrogance is gonna make us lose dipshit!" Nemuri yelled.

"I don't have to listen to you, woman. Just stay here and guard the weapon, both of you." Enji said before storming out of the room.

Meanwhile, Yamada, Yagi and Shirakumo slowly walk down the hallways in the building as they looked for the room with the weapon hidden inside. "Do we even have a plan?" Shirakumo asked as they walked. Toshi was about to answer but was interrupted when the wall behind them burst apart and crumbled to the ground. Raging orange flames bursted out from the hole in the wall as Todoroki slowly stepped out.

"I knew I'd find you eventually, loudmouth!" The redhead yelled, shooting flames at the free of them. Yagi clenched his fist and punched the air around him while yelling "SMASH!" as he sent shockwaves towards the other teen's flames, making them disappear. Enji smirked as he looked down at Hizashi.

"Leave him be, Villain! I am your opponent now!" The tall blonde beamed as he stomped the ground, getting into a fighting stance.

"Wait, let me face him. You two go for the weapon." Hizashi persisted as he stepped forward in front of Yagi, making Todoroki laugh.

"Are you sure, Yamada?" Shirakumo asked with concern in his voice.

"I am. Find the weapon and tell me where it is via our earpiece. I'll give you a distraction with my quirk so you can easily get in get the weapon. Got it?" The smaller blonde said with his sudden confidence boost that came from protecting his classmates. But deep down he was terrified to face Enji. He just didn't want his friend getting hurt.

"Got it. You are brave Yamada." Yagi said with a smile.

"Enough talk!" Todoroki yelled as he leaped forward and took a swing at Hizashi. The blonde held his arm and blocked the redhead's punch with it. Yamada cried out in pain as he held his arm.

"Yamada!" Shirakumo yelled.

"Go!" Hizashi yelled back. Toshi clenched his fists and grit his teeth but nodded, putting trust in the other blonde. Yagi grabbed Shirakumo's wrist and raced off to find the weapon.

"Oh I'm sorry. Did I break your arm, loudmouth?" Todoroki asked with a small smirk before taking anything swing at the smaller teen. Yamada caught Enji's fist and scowled up at him. The blonde took a deep breath in before yelling at the top of his lungs.

"YEEAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Hizashi yelled, activating his quirk. Todoroki covers his ears and stumbled backwards. Hizashi sprinted forward and kneed the redhead in the stomach before landing a harsh blow to his face. Enji was sent flying back into the wall, making it crumble on impact. The blonde grunted and winced in pain slightly as he held his now broken arm. "Shit.." he cursed to himself.

"Not too bad, runt." Todoroki started as he slowly got back up to his feet. Raging orange flames engulfed the redhead's fists as he slowly walked over to the smaller teen.

"But now the real fun begins!" Enji yelled before leaping forward towards Hizashi.


Toshinori and Shirakumo ran down hall after hall, trying to find where the weapon was as quick as possible. "Do you think Hizashi will be okay?" Shirakumo asked nervously.

"If he believes in himself then I have no reason to doubt him." The tall blonde said with a reassuring smile. "Sh, I hear voices." Yagi said, lowering his voice as they crept up to one of the doors. Staying silent, he listened in.

Aizawa sighed as he shoved his hands into his pockets, slowly pacing around the room. He would never admit it out loud but he was worried about Hizashi. And hearing him yell didn't make it easier to calm his nervous either. "Would you stop pacing around so much? You're gonna start making me nervous." Nemuri said and crossed her arms. Shota looked up from the ground to scowl at her. "Why do you care anyway? I never see you with him and plus you're completely opposite from each other so I doubt your friends." She stated while rolling her eyes.

The ravenette's gaze slowly fell upon the floor once more as he thought about what Nemuri said. Why did he care? He hasn't really spent a substantial amount of time with Hizashi, true. That was mainly because Shota liked keeping himself to himself, plus, he always takes naps during their breaks so it's not like he sees anyone. But even if they weren't friends he didn't want Yamada to get hurt. Especially not by that bastard Todoroki. Whether it was just his instincts from wanting to be a hero or something more he didn't know. However, it was illogical to think of it as anything but his hero instincts. That is the most logical answer, right?

"We're heros in training, Kayama. A real hero doesn't need a reason to worry about another person's safety." Aizawa scoffed and rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. The female teen rolled her eyes and simply smiled.

"You keep telling yourself that, hun." She said and giggled, making Shota roll his eyes.

Toshinori glanced over at Shirakumo and nodded, whispering. "They're here." Before trying to contact Hizashi via their earpieces.

However, there was no response.

Just static.

Toshinori widened his eyes slightly and turned to Oboro. "Go back to Yamada, Shirakumo. He isn't responding." He said in a panic. The smaller teen simply nodded and rushed off to make his way back to Hizashi, making himself a cloud to fly on so he goes faster. Toshi clenched his fists tightly and cursed to himself. "Shit.."

Suddenly the door to the room burst open and Aizawa slowly walked out, gazing around until his gaze fell upon the larger of the blondes. "I thought I heard someone out here." The raven started. "Came here all by yourself?" He scoffed.

"N-No! I think Todoroki has hurt Yamada. He isn't responding so I sent Shirakumo to go check on him." Yagi explained in a panic and Shota's widened his eyes. The ravenette's eyes flashed crimson in anger and he grit his teeth before running off without saying a word.

Shirakumo soon made it back to Yamada and Todoroki. Leaping off the cloud he was riding on, he created another larger cloud that covered Hizashi and protected him from Enji's fire attack. "What the-?!" The redhead yelled, questioning where the cloud came from. Oboro rushed over to Hizashi side, widening hie eyes when he saw the state he was in. "You." The redhead said with a smirk. Oboro's cloud slowly disappear and he stood in front of Hizashi. The young blonde stumbled up to his feet.

"Shirakumo, I'm okay." Hizashi muttered out while holding onto his arm.

"You are far from okay Hizashi!" The teen yelled in panic and created another large cloud to block them both from another attack.

Hizashi widened his eyes slightly as he watched Shirakumo protect him. He smiled slightly when he heard the boy call him by his first name. After all, he did prefer it. He couldn't believe someone was here trying to save him. Someone care enough to come back for him. The young blonde was snapped from his thoughts when he saw someone race past them. He looked up to see Aizawa, eyes raging crimson red, his raven black hair and scarf floating up from his shoulders. And he was..fighting his teammate? Why was fighting his teammate?

"I warned you to not hurt Yamada!" The ravenette yelled at the redhead before sending him flying into a wall. He panted softly before standing up properly, his hair and scarf returning to his shoulder. Shota turned his attention to the blonde. "Are you okay?" He asked, rushing to the other teens side.

"Yeah, I'm fine.." He said with his normal big bright smile however it was obvious how much pain he was in. Suddenly a buzzer sounded around them and Nana's voice came through the speakers.

"Hero's win!" She yelled. Enji clenched his fists and looked over at Aizawa.

"This is all your fuckin fault dipshit!" He yelled but Shota didn't pay any attention to him. The ravenette helped Yamada shit down and looked over some of his obvious injuries.

"Were you fucking trying to kill him?!" Aizawa yelled at Todoroki. Hizashi gently grabbed the ravenette's sleeve and tugged on it a little to get his attention.

"It's okay Zawa. I'm fine." He said with a forced smile and Aizawa shook his head.

Two small robots came rushed in with a stretcher and went over to Hizashi. Shota and Shirakumo helped the blonde onto the stretcher, watching as the two robots took him to go see Recovery Girl.

Both teams walked out of the building to meet the rest of the class outside in the training ground. "Well done heros on your win. I know some of you are worried for Yamada but he is in good hands."

"I can't go see him?" Aizawa mumbled, hiding most of his face in his scarf to hide the concerned look on his face. However, he couldn't hide the concern in his voice. He still didn't know exactly why he cared so much but he still just said it was his hero instinct and nothing more. It would be illogical to think otherwise.

"You can go see him after school. I'm sure Recovery Girl will be done with his treatments by then. As for you Todoroki, come see me after class." She said sternly as he looked at Enji, just scoffed and crossed his arms.

The class went on as planned with team after team facing off against one another. Aizawa sat in the corner away from his class with his arms crossed. He couldn't stop himself from worrying about the stupid blonde loudmouth. 'Why do I care so much? It's not like we're friends or anything, not close friends a least. He always calls me his best friend though.. I doubt I am seeing as though we don't see each other away from class. But still..that big bright smile of his- No! I need to stop thinking like that!' The ravenette thought to himself and shook his head. He was snapped from his thoughts when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Shota looked up to see Toshi smiling down at him. The raven haired teen rolled his eyes and looked away almost immediately, making Yagi laugh.

"I know you are worried about him, Aizawa."

"You know nothing about me. I'm just tired. Leave me alone to sleep." Aizawa grumbled and slowly closed his eyes.

"Ha ha! It's okay, you don't have to show it but I know deep down you have a soft spot for that boy." The tall blonde beamed and gave him a thumbs up. Aizawa sighed and shook his head before falling into a deep sleep.


The end of the day soon came around and class 1-A had just finished their math class. The bell rang, causing Shota to jolt awake and lift his head up from his desk. The raven yawned softly and rubbed his tired eyes before sluggishly packing his things away. He got up from his seat and left the classroom, walking past everyone. The ravenette only had one thing on his mind. Hizashi.

Aizawa slowly made his way down the hall and sighed when he heard a group a people come racing towards him. "Wait up Aizawa!" Shirakumo yelled as he ran over with Toshi and Nemuri. Once they caught up to him, Oboro threw an arm around Shota's shoulder and smiled brightly. "Where are you off to in a hurry?"

"Is everyone that attends this school such loudmouth idiots?" The raven scoffed as he continued to walk side by side with the light blue haired teen.

"Hey! No need to be so cold." Oboro whined. Aizawa shrugged the other teens arm off him and sighed.

"I'm going to see Yamada. Isn't that why you're here too?" The ravenette stated.

"Ha ha, of course it is!" The tall blonde beamed with a big, bright smile. They walked the rest of the way to Recovery Girl's office, mostly, in silence. The odd small talk coming up every now and then but Aizawa didn't pay much attention to it. He didn't to small talk. Holding a conversation was bad enough for him so small talk was a nightmare for him. Tuning it out was easier so he didn't have to deal with it. Shota went to open the door to Recovery Girl's office but stopped when he heard voices. "What's up Aizawa?" Yagi asked.

"Sh." Was all the raven said in return and slowly peaked into the room from the crack in the door. Hizashi was asleep in the hospital bed with monitors attached to him and he had a lot of bandages on him. As well as this, Aizawa saw Recovery Girl, Nana, Gran Torino and the principle. He quietly listened in on their conversation.

"His injuries were very serious. Broken right arm, serious burns, two cracked rips and horrible, horrible bruising. We're lucky I was able to fully heal him with no permanent damage." Recovery Girl explained worryingly.

"We will have to keep a close eye on Todoroki in the future. He really looked like he had it in for young Yamada." Nana said with a soft sigh.

"But there's more." Recovery Girl started, getting everyone's attention. "I noticed he had past injuries, scars, bruises. It was hard to tell which were old and which were knew. I'm not sure what caused them. Is Yamada being bullied?" She asked, looking at his teachers.

"Not that I know of. He's always very happy and smiling. He had the typical people he likes to hang around with Aizawa, Yagi, Shirakumo and Kayama. Although he does spend most of his time alone in the classroom." Shimura stated as she looked over at the sleeping blonde.

"Then it might be as I feared. Something might be happening in Yamada's home life. I don't want to assume but I thought it should let you all know as we ensure the safety of our students."

"Some students will be coming to visit Yamada soon. We could ask one of them to go home with him for today." The principle stated and the others nod in agreement.

Aizawa slightly knocked on the door before walking in with everyone else. All the teachers turned around and looked at them, giving them all a soft smile. "How is he?" Shota asked, pretending he didn't hear the conversation just.

"He'll be okay, he's just resting now." Recovery Girl explained with a reassuring smile. The raven simply nodded and walked to Hizashi's side, sitting down next to his hospital bed. "He should wake up soon. He's going to be very tired from me healing him so would one of you be able to help him home and possibly stay with him for the weekend?" Recovery Girl asked as she looked at the students.

"He can stay with me, I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind and we live close to each other." Aizawa stated, not looking up from Hizashi. "Plus, he's met my parents before and they seem to like him.." the raven added and before slowly looking up at Recovery Girl, who smiled softly. Toshi, Shirakumo and Kayama all smiled, happy but a little shocked Shota was so willing to let someone else into his home.

Hizashi slowly started to wake up, wincing slightly as he sat up. "Owwe.." the smaller blonde whined before looking up at everyone in the room. "Hey guys." He said with his normal big, bright smile. "I'm sorry if I worried you guys."

"No need to apologise my friend! I'm just glad you're okay." Yagi beamed and smiled brightly at him.

"Yamada, you're gonna need to have someone watching over you for the weekend and Aizawa as offered to be that person." Recovery Girl explained and smiled softly. Hizashi looked over at Shota and smiled a little as a light pink blush dusted onto his face.

"Don't think too much into it." Aizawa scoffed and crossed his arms.

"Come on Aizawa, we all know you're a softy." Oboro laughed a little and placed his hand on the raven's shoulder. Aizawa rolled his eyes and scoffed out a "tsk" before crossing his arms.

"That's my best buddy!" Yamada beamed with his normal dumb looking smile. Shota shrugged Shirakumo's hand off his shoulder and stood up. He gently helped Hizashi up to his feet.


They all slowly made their way out of the school. They laughed and joked together, talking about anything and everything. Aizawa, of course, didn't really participate in the small talk and rolled his eyes at how noisy his friends are. He would never admit it out loud but he enjoyed the company for once. The ravenette looked over at his group of friend and couldn't stop the small smile that crept onto his lips.

Aizawa and Hizashi soon said their goodbyes to Toshi, Shirakumo and Kayama as they made their way to Aizawa's place.

"You sure you and ya parents don't mind me staying for the weekend?" Hizashi asked, a little nervous.

"I don't see why they would mind. They seem to like you a lot." Shota stated. "Will your parents be okay with it?" The raven asked as he turned to look at the blonde.

"O-Oh, um.. I'm sure my mum won't mind!" Yamada beamed.

"Not your dad too?"

"He's.. he's very strict is all but if my mum allows it then he will too." Hizashi explained with a smile. Aizawa simply nodded as they arrived at his place. The raven took out his keys and unlocked the door before holding the door open for Yamada. The blonde smiled softly before walking into Aizawa place, said raven slowly followed behind him.

"Make yourself at home Yamada."

(A/N: Hello! I apologise for this chapter being a little later than normal. It's a longer chapter, obviously, so it took a little longer then I thought. Thank you for baring with it though and making it to the end of the chapter! 🙏🏻 Hope you all enjoyed! See you in the next chapter. :) Also, word count includes a/n's).

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