The Return

By ZNation4

1.2K 40 1

Elena has a twin sister. Her name is Katherine. She had been with her when she was bitten by clay except Jere... More

.Important Info.
The Next Day At Stonehaven
Alpha's Orders and Retrieval of a Mutt
Fighting Running and Training Pt.1
Fighting Running and Training Pt.2
First Battle
A Mating

Return of the other Female

207 6 0
By ZNation4

"I'm sorry Nick. He has internal bleeding an has lost too much blood. There is nothing we can do for him now and you know we can not go to a hospital." Jeremy spoke with a pained look as he looked at the male as he looked enraged an hurt.

"I guess its a good thing I am here now than." spoke a sweet soft voice causing them all to look over to the other only female to be turned an survive. Elena's twin sister herself; Katherine.

Her hair was more of a silvery almost white blond color an fell to her hips. Her skin was a beautiful mixture of porcelain snow an sunkissed with her lips the color of blood as her pale silvery/green eye stared at them all with a simple white tank-top with blue vest over it along with a pair of tight black jeans an boots covering her beautiful curved an well toned body.

Kitten is that you?" Antonio spoke softly as he heard her tone but smiled with pain as she hurried forward with a concerned look upon her face as to their shock she had started to check his vitals.

I am here Anton okay. You are not going to die not on my watch," She vowed with conviction as she owed the male everything before she looked at an anxious looking Nick, "Go out to my black SUV, get into the back an retrieve the three dark blue duffel bags in the back. Elena go an help him now their going to be heavy." She ordered as she moved grabbing her small bag she had dropped as Nick darted out the door with Elena following him fast. Opening it she withdrew a syringe an some viles an began to fill the Syringe with the clear liquid, before she leaned over Antonio as he looked at her with soft eyes filled with pain a drowsiness, "Hey Anton, I am going to give you something to take away the pain including to knock your ass out okay. So, I can save your ass." she spoke ignoring as their Alpha was staring at her with different emotions in his eyes but before she could inject him though Clay grabbed her wrist harshly as Nick an Elena came running back in.

"What are you doing?" Demanded Clay with a growl to the female as she ignored him an looked directly at their Alpha. He hated how this little female always ignored him an defied him at every damn point an ignored as he was higher on the food chain than she was.

"I am trying to save him. The more time I waste the greater chance is he going to die. Please trust me, Jeremy." She spoke with a soft tone as she looked deeply into his eyes an saw him eying her before nodding as Clay released her from his hold with an unhappy look upon his face. Swinging down the syringe she injected him with the fluid knocking his ass, "With all do respect everyone get the fuck out of the kitchen now. So I can work on saving his life." She ordered harshly as their Alpha decided to trust her before ushering them all out of the kitchen into the den.


Nick snapped his head up as he smelled his father's blood an in walked a completely nearly ready to pass out Katherine with her white tank-top covered in his father's blood. He watched paling as she approached him with soft gentle look upon her face.

"He's..." He trailed off choked with a sob but was startled as she smiled softly at him an touched his shoulder with a gentle look upon her face. Even though he was older; she always treated him as if he was her younger brother an even kicked Clay's ass a couple times for being a douche bag to them all and he had done the same for her.

"Alive for now. Though I am going to need some of you to give over a couple of pints of blood. An after that; if he survives through the night he will live Nikki." She answered as he looked floored grinning and pulling her into his arms tightly before darting to be the first one to give his father blood with Elena behind him as Clay followed as well.

"You saved him Kat," Jeremy smiled walking to the female as she offered him a tired look before looking concerned as she inhaled cause beside her sister she had the best sense of smell, "What is it now?" He frowned in concern for her as there was a lot of things he wanted to discuss with her but knew it was not the time.

"You blood is tainted with poison from what I can smell from your hours long stab wound on your side, Jeremy." She responded as she was trying to see if she recognized the smell of it before she moved over grabbing his hand ignoring his startled look as she turned one of her nails into claws before making a cut on his arm leaned forward licking it to see if it was one she had dealt with.

Jeremy didn't say a word as the female tested his blood though he was wondering on how she knew all this an more even how she was able to preform surgery on Antonio an save his life for them all and now it was seemed as if she were going to end up saving his life. He watched as she reared back with horrified look, "What poison is it?" He demanded to know of her as she looked up an met his eyes without flinching as she had always done since before she had even transformed.

"Ricen. Your going to need a blood transfusion as well before it gets to worse. Since the others are taking care of Antonio, I can give mine to you." She smiled with an offer as he sighed before nodding as he knew she could be really stubborn when it was to get her way.

"Very well then I want you to get some rest. We will talk tomorrow okay as well." He placed his hand on her cheek with a soft look upon his face as he had always had a soft spot for her.

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