Somebody That I Use to Know

By rosesarerosie_212

269 15 10

When Rose's boyfriend proposes all she can seem to think about is her ex-husband, Scorpius Malfoy. Why is tha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 3

45 3 0
By rosesarerosie_212


Scorpius shook his head back and forth slightly, "You have a perplexing sense of adventure."

London, England - Present

Rose stepped in front of the door before Scorpius could grab the handle to leave.

He let his hand fall to his side before rocking on the back of his heels, "You're welcome to join us if that's what you're after."

Rose shook her head in disbelief. Scorpius had always been aloof, but when had he gotten so cavalier?

"Brilliant. Let's just ruin my next marriage before it's begun shall we?"

Scorpius seemed to smirk at a thought he didn't share out loud before putting his hands in his pockets.

"How long do you think you can keep this to yourself? What? You think because they've already covered this story once they'll find a second round of it a bore? He's going to find out eventually."

"It won't be in the press." She asserted confidently. "Lily caught the error. She's the one who brought it to me in the first place. She'll sort it." She noticed his smirk melt away at the mention of her cousin, "We both know she can keep a secret."

Scorpius squinted again at Rose and seemed to stand a bit straighter. His mannerism unsettled her, but she wasn't sure why. She thought it would have comforted her, after all it was more familiar than the laid-back posture he started with. Then it came to her; his posture was a perfect match for his father. In fact, between his neatly trimmed beard, empty expression, and shorter hair she realized how much resemblance there really was between the two of them.

"Does Creevey even know you've come here today?"

Rose retreated her eyes to the floor once again. Then, deciding she had nothing to be ashamed of she crossed her arms over her chest again and looked up at Scorpius with pursed lips.

"Can I get your signature or not? I'd like to get home before the seasons change."

"Oh home is it?" The blonde took his hands from his pockets, absent-mindedly repeating her gesture and crossing his arms over his own chest, "Odd choice of words since I'd wager your parents don't even know you're in London."

Right when Rose was sure she was going to hex her ex-husband into the next room the door opened behind her and she jumped half-way across the room. Scorpius didn't even bother hiding his laughter.

"All right Lotte? You've given our Rose a fright..."

Charlotte pressed a hand to her heart earnestly, the door still wide open behind her.

"I'm so sorry Rose. I didn't know you'd be visiting."

After composing herself and tucking a loose strand of hair back into her bun, Rose opened her arms and gave her cousin-in-law a warm hug. "I didn't give any warning, I wasn't meant to be here long."

That's when Charlotte realized Scorpius was the one who had addressed her before. She looked between the pair of them with a puzzled expression Rose accepted she'd have to get used to.

"I've interrupted something haven't I?"

"Nonsense Lotte, Rose and I have been over for a long time now."

And as if that had explained the situation, he gave Charlotte a sideways hug and then headed out the door.

"Tell that husband of yours to meet me at the Dragon yeh?" He let the door close behind him as he sauntered down the front steps and out onto the street.

Charlotte was now perfectly aware of what an awkward situation she had walked in on, but didn't seem as aware of how to transition out of it.

"We had...I just...Anders proposed."

Rose finally spat out, grabbing for the diamond around her neck as proof.

"That's brilliant!"

Charlotte let out with a big smile after trying to choose what emotion was appropriate for the situation. She took her peacoat off and hung it on a hook near the door before leading Rose back towards the main room.

"How have I not read about this already? Tell me everything!"

Charlotte held her wand over each plant to water them as she made her way to the chair opposite Rose. She stuck her wand into the cushion for safekeeping before giving Rose her undivided attention.

"Was he down on a knee? Your heart must've been racing."

Rose felt herself smile for the first time since arriving. Charlotte had such a kindness about her. Most people, you can feel the forced happiness dripping from their pores, but not with Charlotte. Honestly, she was too good for Albus - which Rose was sure he knew. He always said that's why he proposed so early, he had to 'lock her in before she realized what a mistake it'd be.' That line didn't seem so funny anymore.

Rose was pulled out of her thoughts when she realized Albus was now sitting on the edge of Charlotte's chair having traded his ministry robes for a muggle jacket. He was trying to ask Rose something, but Rose missed the question.

"Of course we'd love to have you stay here, but-"

Charlotte offered kindly before the couple looked at each other and had a secret conversation with their eyes.

"Scorp's staying here."

The contrast to Charlotte's soft and lyrical voice was Albus' direct and apathetic tone. Rose thought about it for a minute. She was certain Scorpius was having a laugh at pushing her buttons, but she also knew she couldn't just leave him the papers and expect it to get worked out. She was afraid if she left again he'd never sign them - just out of spite.

"I'll figure it out."

She finally just shrugged. That was enough for Albus, who kissed Charlotte on the top of the head and then gently rubbed her stomach before disappearing with a crack. Rose inspected Charlotte again before erupting into her own chipper congratulations.

"I've completely forgotten! How far along are you now?"

Charlotte instinctively reached for her stomach, which, now that Rose was looking for it, did have a distinctive bump.

"Going on month five if you can believe it."

Rose gave her a melancholy smile, "I should have visited sooner. And for the right reasons, not this mess."

Of course Charlotte told her that was nonsense, "We know your work keeps you moving...and clearly you've had a lot on your mind." She smiled warmly again gesturing towards the door and what Rose took to be Scorpius' general direction.

"I don't suppose you've any fire whiskey tucked away?"

Rose asked, knowing that a couple shots would make talking about her situation easier.

Charlotte fumbled around in the cushion beneath her, pulling out her wand and tapping it to the candlestick on the coffee table. Two more taps and it twisted and stretched itself until it was a short goblet. Then she pointed behind Rose, "Second cabinet there."

Rose slid back the door on the drink cabinet she now recognized as having once sat in her cottage. It was full of muggle and wizard liquors and Rose knew the expensive bottles too well to think they belonged to her brother.

"I figure we're not too happy with our Scorpius, and since he has the better whiskey..." Charlotte tossed her the goblet with a shrug and Rose felt a wave of relief wash over her. Maybe there was someone in this family that took her side in all of this.

"So catch me up. You get engaged and your first thought is to tell your ex-husband who you haven't seen in what...three years now?"

By the time Rose was done explaining her current fiasco, defending how she had gotten into it, and asking over and over again what she should do, three hours had passed and she had all but passed out.

The Potter's Summer Cottage – 18 Years Old

There were certain things Rose expected to see when she visited the Potter's during the summer. Her father losing wizard's chess and then going on about winning 'the one that mattered' in his first year at Hogwarts. James and Albus getting grounded for breaking at least one piece of furniture and the inevitable pick-up game of quidditch. So when Rose found her way to the back acre she wasn't surprised to see most of her cousins already in the air on their brooms. What she hadn't expected was Scorpius Malfoy to be up there with them.

"Of course you've won; you've got a professional chaser on your team."

She heard James complain from the middle of their makeshift post.

"Not one hour ago you said that it wouldn't matter. 'He's only playing for the Cannons after all.'" Albus imitated his brother with a whiny tone.

"Why didn't we use the snitch this game? That would have changed everything. I'm a bloody seeker after all."

"You played for two years Jamey and Gryffindor lost both of those Cups." Lily interjected, always happy to get her jabs in.

Scorpius sat silently on his broom near the goalposts opposite James. He seemed to tense watching the Potter siblings squabble, but then he noticed Rose and instantly smirked.

"Re-match tomorrow. And we split the teams evenly." Hugo stated, ever the peacemaker, as they all touched ground and began walking into the house. James and Lily were still in a debate about who on their team had truly cost them the game when they spotted Rose.

"Rosie! I didn't know you'd be over!"

Lily suddenly broke her debate to hug her cousin. Then she pulled away and turned right back to James with a new reason they had lost.


Scorpius offered cordially with a nod of his head.


She responded flatly as they all continued inside.

"Scorp's staying with us for a couple weeks this summer. I'm sure I mentioned that." Albus spat out, knowing he had forgotten to mention it.

"No. You didn't." Rose answered curtly as they followed behind the others.

It was so strange to watch Scorpius with her family. He was clearly out of place. If his blonde hair wasn't a red flag, then his quiet demeanor was a dead giveaway. Amidst a room full of animated Potters and Weasleys, Scorpius seemed to sit perfectly still; his head occasionally turning to look from one shouting red head to another.

Finally, the anticipation was too much, "This is riveting. Truly. But I think I'll go for a walk before it gets too dark."

No one seemed interested, which was to be expected, so Rose slipped into the backyard without much notice.

It wasn't long before Scorpius met her at the back door and she grabbed his hand, pulling him quickly through the fence and towards her favorite trail. They slowed once they hit the trees and brush; slipping behind an oak. They didn't waste another moment, their lips crashing into one another.

"What are you doing here?" She asked breathlessly, her back against the tree.

Scorpius shrugged and brushed her hair away from her eyes. "Albus asked if I'd want to stay with him for a couple weeks before Cannon's training starts up."

"You've subjected yourself to this family voluntarily? You're a glutton for punishment."

They both laughed and Scorpius shrugged again. "I like your family. They're...I don't know, warm?"

"You do realize they've been shouting at one another for the past two hours don't you?"

Scorpius smiled softly and brushed a leaf from Rose's hair before he responded. "You'd be amazed how loud silence can get."

Scorpius didn't have to mention his family for her to understand where his mind had wandered. It always baffled her how someone as kind and caring as Scorpius could have been raised in such a cold and rigid place like Malfoy Manor.

She put a hand on either of his shoulders to pull him out of his thoughts, "You've definitely come to the right place then. And if they do ever get off this rant just tell them I saw Lily snogging Kit Wood at King's Cross. That'll get them riled up again."

"I could just tell them I've been snogging you." Scorpius laughed and leaned in for another peck.

Rose responded between kisses, "That'd be a bit. Anticlimactic. Seeing as. They already. Know."

Now it was Scorpius who pulled away. "They what?"

Rose furrowed her brow in confusion. "It's been like a year Scorpius; you know Albus can't keep a secret."

"But...everyone's been so...your father was even – "

"My dad and I had it out a few months back. He's not chuffed, but he's accepted it. I suppose he figures we'll fizzle out now that we've left school. Plus, I've promised I'm going to accept the internship at the Ministry instead of running off to Paris with you, which apparently was my other option."

Rain started to trickle through the trees and Rose held her tongue out in an attempt to catch the drops.

"If everyone knows, why have we been sneaking around all term?"

"I don't know" Rose shrugged with a laugh, "It was exciting wasn't it?"

Scorpius shook his head back and forth slightly, "You have a perplexing sense of adventure."

They both laughed again before Scorpius wiped the rain from his face, pushing his now damp hair from his eyes.

"And tonight? Is there a particular reason you lured me out into a storm? I suppose snogging me with a roof over your head has become too mundane?"

Rose thought for a moment before shrugging, "You always smell like the woods."

"You're a bit bedlam you know that?"

"Maybe, but that's why you love me."

Rose pushed herself onto her tiptoes so she could kiss him again, but Scorpius kept his lips hovering just out of reach.

"I do you know" He nearly whispered as his nose grazed hers, "Love you."


hi guys this is ginny and i finally finished this chapter time is 1 : 40 and i am going to sleep byee hope you like this story

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