
By PhaShaBa

39.5K 792 74

Princess Daisy, younger twin sister of Prince Benjamin and the future-royal-advisor to her to-be-king brother... More

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1.6K 37 7
By PhaShaBa

The very awaited day of Family Day arrived. Daisy welcomed the many royal parents that arrived from the distant lands with her brother and parents. The entire courtyard was decorated. Stalls of food, loads of games for students to play with either their friends or parents and many suitable places to have a photoshoot. It was clear that the kings and queens were impressed and that only made Belle and Beast even more proud of their children for their hard work.

"I see you're enjoying the Reese's Buttercups." Daisy giggled at Carlos who automatically spun around, his mouth stuffed with his newfound favourite food.

"I'm prepared." He got out the handkerchief she gave him and wiped his mouth, the two laughing at his antics.

"Daisy!" Ben called, gesturing her to come over so that they could start their welcome song. Daisy nodded, sighing. She did not want to do this very much but seeing Ben's excitement for a welcome song, she could not say no to the idea.

"You'll do great!" Carlos pecked her lips and Daisy smiled, waving and making her way beside her twin.

The twins shared a look and once they deemed themselves ready, the music started and they locked arms, walking to the front.

Daisy started the song, her French accent managing to seep out,
"Ma cherie Mademoiselle,
It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure
That we welcome you tonight."

Ben took over, reciting,
"And now, we invite you to relax,
Let us pull up a chair
As the dining room proudly presents—"

"Your dinner!" The twins chorused, Ben bowing down and Daisy curtsying.

The students behind stood in order, holding napkins in their arms. With bright smiles, they all sang with easy choreography.
"Be... our... guest!
Be our guest!
Put our service to the test
Tie your napkin 'round
You neck, cherie
And we'll provide the rest"

"That's right." Ben and Daisy added, Daisy giggling at Ben who threw over his light blue napkin to a group of girls who squealed.

"Soup du jour
Hot hors d'oeuvres
Why, we only live to serve
Try the grey stuff
It's delicious!" The group continued.

"Alright." Ben nodded.

"Don't believe me?
Ask the dishes......" Daisy sung, skipping forward and twirling around, taking Carlos's breadth away.

The group of boys with Ben's lead rapped, Doug doing his rather good beatboxing,
"They can sing, sing, sing!
They can dance, dance, dance!
After all, Miss, this is France!
And the dinner here is
Never second best!"

"Come on!" They all threw away their sky blue napkins to the clapping crowd.

Ben extended his hand, Daisy giggling and took it to step forward and dance along with the boys, in the centre,
"Go on, unfold your menu
Take a glance and then you'll
Be our guest
Oui, our guest
Be our guest!"

Ben sung,
"We tell jokes
I do tricks!
With my fellow candlesticks."

FG cheered, swaying her hip to her daughter who stood, irritated although even Jane felt bad that she wasn't part of the performance. It looked fun. If only she hadn't upset Daisy. Then she would have a chance. After all, Daisy always tried her best for the shy Jane not to feel left out.

"And it's all in perfect taste
That you can bet" they all went together, Daisy waving at Mal, Evie and Jay who arrived.

Everyone bent to their knees with the exception of Daisy who took the spotlight and sung in her melodic voice,
"Come on and lift your glass
You've won your own free pass
To be our guest."

"If you're stressed
It's fine dining we suggest!" Ben said as they all got back up to their feet.

"Be our guest!
Be our guest!
Be our guest!" With the last three lines and a few more dance moves, the performance ended, receiving a loud applaud and laughs from the audience.

"That was great! You were amazing!" Carlos complimented the second Daisy reached his side and the princess smiled shyly.

"I'm glad. Social performances are usually more of Ben's thing. I've never been part of it before." Daisy shyly mumbled, revealing an information not many knew out of the staffs.

Carlos smiled, glad that she could trust him with things like that. He tugged a strand of hair behind her ear. "Well, it didn't show at all, I think you did even better than Ben." He said, Daisy laughing.

"Don't let Ben hear you, Buttercup." She leaned in to whisper in a mock manner.

"Roger that, Princess." Carlos copied her action, "And I'm Buttercup?"

The girl nodded in response. "I decided to call you that since you love the snack. Couple nicknames."

"I like it." Carlos nodded with a satisfied grin, the two unaware of the smirk towards them.

They both flinched at the sound of someone clearing their throat. "Why are we whispering?" Jay whispered, snorting at his friends who sprung away in fright.

"JAY!" They yelled, getting a few heads to turn towards them.

"That's me." The VK pretended as if nothing had happened. As much as Daisy wanted to express how much he scared her, she refrained when she heard her parents calling for her. Waving bye to her friend and boyfriend, Daisy turned around and skipped off to her family while Carlos glared and hit Jay which started another one of their usual endless bickering.

"Hi mom, dad." Daisy got engulfed to a brief hug and the family of four made their way in front of the camera, the twins standing to the front and their parents standing behind on a low platform.

"Oh, by the way, I have a new girlfriend and Daisy got herself a boyfriend." Ben mumbled under his breadth only for his family to hear.

"Oh! Daisy's got a boyfriend, you say?" Adam's overprotective mode seeped to his voice and Daisy elbowed Ben who bopped his head. This was not how she wanted to reveal she was dating a VK to her close-minded parents.

"Well, I never wanted to say anything but I always thought that Audrey was a little self absorbed. A fake smile, kind of a kiss-up." Belle truthfully spoke, Daisy giggling at how alike their thoughts were.

"Do we know your new girlfriend? And Daisy's boyfriend?" Adam questioned, Daisy biting her lip and remaining silent. Instead she only smiled for the picture.

"On the count of three." The camera man counted, "One, two..."

"Well, sort of." Ben shrugged and loudly called, "Mal! Carlos!"

The second Ben broke the news, the cameraman yelled "Three!". The picture which printed out was definitely something the family would remember for years to come. While Ben and Daisy stood with a straight posture and had polite, royalty smiles on their faces, their parents' faces were of pure shock and concern with their widened eyes and agape mouths.

Daisy excused herself from her parents and walked off. She didn't exactly like the idea of her father interrogating her boyfriend in front of an entire crowd. "Good luck, Mal." She cheered on walking past the purple haired who sighed.

"I'm not meeting your mom and dad yet?" Carlos asked, glancing at Mal who was awkwardly making conversation with Belle and Adam.

"I don't think you would want to be bombarded with questions just yet." Daisy vaguely hinted to her protective father and Carlos nodded, gulping on getting the hint.

"I would pay and do anything to see that, though." Jay grumbled, getting hit by both Evie and Carlos from both sides.

"Want to learn croquet?" The three VK's nodded at the princess's suggestion, not having anything better to do anyways. Daisy momentarily glanced at Jane who sat all alone at a bench, all her 'friends' elsewhere. She was about to call for her when she turned her head at a loud shriek.

"What?! You! How are you here?!And how have you stayed so young?!" It was Audrey's grandmother, Queen Leah. AKA, Sleeping Beauty, Aurora's mother.

Daisy rushed to them, smiling and trying her best to calm to panicked grandma. "Queen Leah, It's okay. Maleficent is still on the island. This is her daughter, Mal."

"Don't you remember my proclamation to give the new generation a chance?" Ben added.

"A chance to what, Ben? Destroy us? Come on. You remember, don't you? The poison apples. And the spells. Spells." Queen Leah scoffed at them, "My daughter..... Was raised by fairies because of your mother's curse. So her first words, her first steps, I missed it all!" She turned to Mal in pure terror, "You mustn't trust her!"

It wasn't hard to tell the extreme amount of guilt and sorrow that radiated from Mal. "I'm so, so—"

"Go away! Stay away from her!" Chad added fuel to the fire with his uselessly loud shouting which only brought more attention to them. By this time, Evie, Jay and Carlos had reached, the boy going by his girlfriend's side.

"Don't do this, Chad." Ben requested.

"What? They were raised by their parents, Ben. What do you think villains teach their kids? Huh? Kindness? Fair play? No way, okay? Uh-uh." Chad ranted, glaring at Mal, "You stole another girl's boyfriend."

"Hey! Hey!" Ben's voice got protective and edgy at the insult his girlfriend received.

"You enjoy hurting people." Chad did not stop and pointed to Jay and then to Carlos and Evie, "You, you're nothing but a gold digger and a cheater. And you, you're just getting together with the princess so you can ruin the kingdom!"

"That's absolutely not true! It's complete bullshit!" Gasps escaped everyone's lips at the curse word which left the lips of the kind princess. Even Daisy stood in shock at herself. She never ever cursed. Carlos stifled a chuckle at her adorable agape mouth of shock and squeezed her hand. 

"Mirror, mirror, in my hand, who's the biggest jerk in the land?" Evie extended her arm, showing the mirror right at Chad's face only for the mirror to reveal a foggy but clear image of Prince Chad.

"What?" Chad glared and  stepped forward. Daisy's eyes widened and she swiftly went in front of Evie which caused Chad's arms to grip her shoulders instead and for him to push her down to the grass. "Come on!"

"Back off, Chad. All right? Back off!" Not only her twin, Ben but her friend, Jay and her boyfriend, Carlos all glared dangerously at the squirming Prince. Evie rolled her eyes and sprayed her perfume at Chad causing him to fall to the ground with a loud thud.

"Chad!!!? Chad!" Audrey called in fake worry, totally ignoring what Chad had done to Daisy, "Evie did something to Chad!"

The situation did not calm down and it only escalated as Queen Leah dramatically pretended to almost faint which caused a few students to escort her out while the rest crowded around the fainted Chad who mumbled something about a dream.

"I feared something like this would happen." Adam sighed.

"This isn't their fault!" Ben and Daisy exclaimed, the VK's all remaining silent.

"No, children, it's yours." Adam sighed, his eyes on his daughter remaining on the ground before leaving. 

"Mom?" Ben stared with pleading eyes while Daisy's head directed downwards, unable to keep the tears at bay at how disappointed her parents were. Belle only shook her head and left in silence.

Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos watched with guilt as Ben slowly walked off in frustration and their guilt only increased at the soft sniffles of the princess. If only they could make it all better. They would be able to, but what would be the point when they would all ruin it all on the day of the coronation? They did not want to do it. They didn't want to leave Auradon or their newfound friends.

"Mind helping me up? I think I twisted an ankle." A low request brought them out of their trance and the four rushed to help up the princess, allowing her body to be supported against Jay and Carlos.

"Will you be okay soon?" Evie asked in concern and Daisy managed to crack a smile despite her watery eyes.

"Yeah. FG's dealt with much worse." She replied, hating the silence that followed. It was tensioned and strained. It was silence which normally happened when couples were about or break up or when someone was about to die soon. At least that's what Daisy got from movies. "So I swore."

That small statement was enough for all their frowns to slowly tug upwards to a grin of how ironic it actually was. Carlos chuckled and that joyed Daisy even further.

"You've never cursed in your life before?" Jay snorted at her nod.

Carlos pressed a kiss to the side of her head as he helped her walk back to the castle with Jay, Evie and Mal by their side. Despite all the fiasco that happened, Daisy still stuck with them. She did not lose her faith in them. Yet. Daisy really was too nice and too innocent. And although it would be considered a weakness in the Isle, that was what made it the hardest for Carlos to follow through with the plan that he came to Auradon for. The plan for the Isle to overtake Auradon. And ruin it.

A/N—Third chapter a day. I really have nothing to do with my boring life seeing as to how I can write 3 chapters a week. But then again, I dunno if the chapters are all that great anyways so........*pat myself on the back*......😂

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