- π‘«π’šπ’”π’•π’π’‘π’Šπ’‚ - (Yandere...


10.7K 279 15

Started~ Nov 12 2021 Finished~ Dystopia: an imagined state or society in which there is great suffering or i... More

Must read!
Part One: The underground
Part two: Medicine
Part four: He loves me?
Part five: Masked Criminal
Part six: Caught...?
Part 7: His Prise
Part 8: His...
Part 9: The escape.
Part 10: So we meet again?
Part 11: Where the beginning ends...
Part 12: The first meeting.. why is he interested in me?
Part 13: An overly nice coconut
Part 14: A Misty Encounter (Tw)
Part 15: When a carrot likes you but you hate vegetables (lmfao)

Part three: Runaway

716 23 1

Part three out, ty for almost thirty reads ^^

Word count: 2759

You went up to your doorstep, feeling completely and utterly defeated. It seemed that there was nowhere in the entire underground city that contained the scarce medicine you greatly needed. You weren't one to cry over small things, but you had to admit picturing the look of disappointment Mary would display when she found out you didn't get it caused a small lump in your throat. I'm so useless I can't even find a damn medicine. Opening the door, you heaved a sigh. You instantly noticed something was off when neither Mary nor Kai came running up to you. Looking up, you gasped. You felt your heart drop... and your hands curled into tight fists.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!" You screamed as you ran into the house, unable to control your anger. There, on the floor, laid Mary. Her face was smeared with blood, a long cut on her stomach gushing out blood. The only indication she was alive was the faint rise and fall of her chest.

"She disobeyed me. I taught her a lesson." Danny spoke, his voice plain and unemotional. "She was trying to persuade me to spend money on Kai to get him fresh water. Those ungrateful pieces of crap, I gave them water this morning!"

Looking up to him, you clenched your fists.

"You beat her like she was trash- you- you little mother fucking bitch!" You screamed as you threw a punch for his jaw. All these years of following his orders... all these years of taking care of Mary and Kai... all these years of putting up with HIS bull crap. You would always let your emotions gather inside, keeping them away from people. But this time... you didn't care. Hot tears streamed down your cheek, staining your eyes. He quickly moved to avoid your punch, but you ended up hitting his right cheek.

"How dare you! You know what- I've had enough of your fucking nonsense. You're nothing but another mouth to feed! You don't even help out, you just take advantage of me and use my money like the ungrateful brat you are! No. I'm not putting up with it anymore, you're going to learn your place or GET OUT!"

Anger clouded any other thoughts. Grabbing your knife from out your shoe pocket, you quickly turned and sliced him in the cheek. He gasped in surprise, but you didn't let him recover and instantly punched him in the guts and knocked all the air out of him. You took a step back, eyeing the now bleeding man.

"Fine. I will leave." You growled, clenching the knife so hard your hand trembled. Taking a deep breath in, you calmed yourself and put the blade away. Turning around, you headed towards the door. This bitch doesn't even appreciate me! He uses me to get what he wants, and then treats me like crap! It's better if I leave. I'm taking Mary and Kai with me, and we're going to get away from this horrid place. Suddenly you felt someone grab your wrist, jerking you back. You grunted as you felt strong arms wrap around you, a knife to your throat.

"Listen here- you're not leaving. You're never leaving." He growled close to your ear and you could smell the cigarettes in his breath. Trying to jerk out his grasp, you felt him squeeze you harshly and he brought the knife closer.

"Let me go!" You sneered through clenched teeth. Your eyes traveled to the blade, and you finally realized what kind of situation you were in. There was no way to get out his iron grasp, and if you even tried to, he would cut your throat out. Finally giving in, you let yourself go limp. He loosened his grip just a little, but he still held on with an iron fist.

"Good. Now, you need to be punished for the disruption you've caused. No food today, and you're going to spend the rest of the day cleaning out my room. Then tomorrow, you're spending the day in the basement. I'm letting you off easy, you should be thankful." Thankful? Thankful? You clenched your fists and suddenly rammed your head into his. He fell back with a gasp, blood dripping down his busted lip.

Without thinking you grabbed Mary and ran towards the door. Feeling blood roll down onto your clothes, you realized how bad he hurt her. She was barely moving! You heard someone scream your name behind you, and you ran faster. Danny was fast, because his steps became nearer and nearer. Forcing yourself to go as fast as you could, you shoved your way past people and jumped over things in your way. Holding onto Mary was seriously slowing you down, but there was no way in hell you were leaving her alone.

"Get back here!" You heard Danny yell. His voice gave you motivation to run faster. Your breath came in short gasps, and your feet seemed to float with each step. You were pushing your limits, and you knew that, but you would never go back. Running was the first step in getting out of that hell hole.

I need to find a way to lose him. If I keep running in the open, he will eventually catch up. And if he gets hold of me, who knows what he's going to do. Taking a sharp turn and running into a deserted alley, you begged your body to be strong enough to go up. Bracing your muscles, you jumped onto the side of a building and used the zigzag technique you taught yourself to go up. Your heart stopped as you almost dropped Mary, but you tightened your grip. Finally making it to the top of the building, you glanced down to see if he was still following. Sure enough, he was at the bottom, staring at you with glazing eyes while pacing back and forth. You felt a smug smirk tug your lips, and you locked eye contact. You had never seen him so angry before. But... this was a little different. He looked somewhat... worried? Scared? No, he doesn't even care about me! You turned to leave, but he called out to you. You didn't turn back, but you stopped to hear what he had to say.

"Y/n! I know you think you're better off without me, but listen. Out there are a lot of bad things, you're only 16! You don't know how to handle yourself, and what makes you think you can handle taking care of Mary? You're going to die out there!" You bit down your lip to stop yourself from responding. Since when did he care about your safety? He didn't. If he did, he wouldn't have sent you out on dangerous "missions" to rob random people. He was just trying to manipulate you.

"Y/N listen to me! Stop being so stubborn and use your fucking head!" You didn't answer, and after a while you heard him let out a frustrated sigh. "How are you going to heal Mary's wounds?" He asked after a moment.

Your breath stopped for a moment. That question never hit you until now. How would you heal her? You had no aid kits, and you certainly didn't know any healing methods. But when you glanced back, all you said was,

"I'll find a way." And with that you ran, jumping to the neighboring roof. You heard him yell, his voice getting quieter the further you ran.

"I'll find you, Y/N L/N! Mark my words, I'll find you! And when I do, I'll make sure you can never leave again! I'm going to make you mine!" The last part sent a shiver down your spine. You ran faster, forcing yourself to block out the noise and focus on breathing. The cut on your neck had stopped bleeding, but it stung like crazy. Your legs were really sore and your arms were hurting from carrying Mary, but you moved on. After you were satisfied with the distance, you slowed down and jumped into an abandoned ally. Setting Mary down, you desperately looked around for any sort of cloth to stop the bleeding. Failing to find one, you ripped a piece of your dirty collared shirt off. The cut was big, traveling from the right side of her stomach and stopping at her lower hip. The sight made you gag, and you lifted her shirt up to get a closer look. Wrapping your shirt around it, you prayed it was enough to stop the bleeding. Will I need to stitch it up? Probably. Looking around for something sharp enough to pierce skin, the closest thing you found was a metal paperclip. Definitely not using that. Sighing, you turned back to Mary. Her breath was shaky and slow, but it was better than before. Walking up to her and sitting next to her, you brought your knees to your chest.

Did I make a mistake, running away like this? Here, we have no supplies and almost no chance of survival. At least there, as horrible as it was, we had food and healing supplies. Now, what if Mary's wound becomes infected because I didn't have the right supplies? What would I do then? Sighing, you laid next to Mary to conserve the warmth. You snuggled her to your chin, holding her like a mother holds their child. What will Mary do when she finds out I wasn't able to get Kai? I really wanted to... but I know I wouldn't have been able to carry Mary and Kai at the same time while running. Plus, Kai is sick. He is probably safer there. You forced yourself to believe that, but you couldn't ignore the nagging at your heart. You left Kai. You left him. Danny might not want him now that you're gone. He might abuse him or throw him out. You cringed at the thought, but what hurt you most, was that you knew Danny would use him as bait. Bait to bring you back. Bait to capture you. You wished to go back and retrieve him now. You really wanted to. But you knew what was waiting for you.

"Did I make the wrong choice?" You whispered out loud, your voice broken and hoarse. Getting up, you knew you wouldn't be able to sleep. Might as well make myself useful and look for supplies plus maybe a shelter. Picking Mary up, you brought her to a small dark corner and laid her down. Hopefully she will stay asleep while I'm out. Turning away, you walked out the alley and were brought to a couple deserted houses. Only a few houses were occupied, and you decided to look in a deserted one. Walking up to one, you knocked on the door to make sure nobody was there. When nobody answered the door, you opened it, which was luckily unlocked, and looked around. It was really dirty, a thick layer of dust coating the floor and furniture. But there was plenty of space. Walking in and opening a cabinet, you found many different medicines. Searching the cabinet, you literally yelped in joy as you found things that would help Mary and prevent infection. Looking into another cabinet, you found a variety of cups and plates. Testing the sink, you smiled as water came out. Relishing the nice cold water, you washed your face. While inspecting the house, you found there was one bedroom with two beds and a working bathroom.

"This place will do." You said out loud, satisfied with how quickly you found a home. Although it was a good house, it was extremely dirty and gross. You decided to start cleaning. Looking in the cabinets in the bathroom, you found cleaning supplies. You hated cleaning, because Danny was somewhat a clean freak and would force you to clean, but you grew accustomed to it. You also hated mess. Rolling your dirty sleeves up, you sighed. You started with the bathroom, not stopping until the toilet was so clean it shone and the mirror gleamed. Next, you set work to the connected kitchen and resting room. Cleaning the table and floors, you felt a wave of satisfaction over you as you swept the dirt away. After it was done, you did the bedroom. The blankets were kinda thin, but it was enough to keep you warm. The bedroom was a bit empty, with only a dresser and mirror along with the beds. There was also a closet you had yet to venture in, but you decided to do that later. Satisfied with the work you did, you stared at the now clean house with your hands on your hips.

It took you only about an hour and a half to clean it all. Heading out the door, you went to the dark alley and sighed in relief when you found Mary still there. Her breathing was more gentle and rhythmic. Picking her up, you carried her to your new home. Making sure to lock the door, you went into the bedroom and placed her on one of the beds. You noticed the piece of your shirt covering her wound was completely soaked, and you unraveled it. To your surprise, it had stopped bleeding. Taking another big chunk out your shirt, you rewrapped it.

"My shirts all messed up now." You sulked, but happy her wound was getting better. Walking to the closet, you prayed there was something you could wear. Reaching for the handle, you noticed it was locked. Pulling it, the door didn't budge. Hmph. Why is it locked? You put your foot on the knoob and pushed with all your might. The lock busted, and the knob fell to the floor. Pushing the door open, your eyebrows furrowed when you saw what was inside. A collection of blades were neatly pinned to the wall, all of them different from the other. Some were curved, some were zigzagged, some were smooth. Why are there knives in here, You thought as you tilted your head in confusion. On the other side of the closet were three cloaks. One black, one dark green, and one dark grey. The black one seemed to be a bit worn out. Grabbing the black cloak, you examined it. The hood was long enough to cover someone's face, and the sides seemed to be cut in a way that made it easier to run in. This is interesting... setting the cloak aside, you turned your attention to a big box. Bringing the box out, you opened it. Half expecting more knives or maybe even a gun, you gasped at what you saw. You weren't quite sure what it was called, but you remember Kyle telling you about it. People from the upper grounds would use these to travel, mainly members of the... what was it called... something corps? Well they would use them to travel around in the air. They required gas, and you've seen them a couple times from Kyle showing you them. Kyle's dad had two that he bought off the black market, and apparently, they were selling for big money.

"Oh my gosh..." you whispered as you took it out. It seemed to be in excellent condition, only a couple scratches covering its smooth surface. Once you took it out, you noticed there were some weird sort of belts also in the box, and you assumed that's how you attached it to yourself. "Man, this is cool. I'll have to ask Kyle how to put it on." Putting it back in the box, you put it in the closet. I wonder why all this stuff is here. Either way, I hit a huge jackpot. I have a huge collection of blades, three cloaks, and that maneuver gear stuff! This will help me greatly. Trying the black cloak on, you instantly fell in love. You adored the way it covered your body, making you an unidentifiable figure. None of your features could be made out, and there was a pin in the front that allowed you to close the cloak. You assumed it was for making sure the cloak didn't flap open while using the maneuver gear. Taking the cloak off, you decided to go to bed. It was late, and you were exhausted. Even though it took you a while to fall into deep slumber, you managed to catch a few hours of peaceful sleep.

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