My Wildest Dreams

By fhsgctcusbf

95.2K 1.8K 441

Josh and Katie have been best friends since he first moved nextdoor midway through freshman year. They were a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17

Chapter 7

4.7K 108 28
By fhsgctcusbf

After we got off the plane my Aunt and Uncle were there to pick us up from the airport.

We stopped for something to eat since we didn't eat lunch. The wounds are still fresh from what happened, so I didn't really have an appetite and didn't want to engage into the conversation.

We left the diner and made our way to my cousin's apartment. Amy is really excited to have me move in with her. We were really close as kids and we acted like sisters, so it was a no brainer to move in with her.

Before I even get to knock on the door, Amy flings the door open and tackles me.

"You're here!" She yells hugging the crap out of me.


After she releases me she goes to greet my parents. We all catch up a little, then bring in my stuff that I didn't ship over.

Amy gives me some time to say goodbye to my family.

"Hey you be good for mom and dad" I said to my little brother who's not so little anymore.

"I will" He said.

I went over to my dad.

"You have a good time here kiddo and stay safe" He said.

"I will."

Leaving my mom for last, I give her the biggest hug.

"I am so proud of you honey" She said.

"Thanks mom."

"Now you take care of yourself and I mean it. Don't let whatever happened back home mess with your life here because I know you'll probably stay home a lot and wallow in your heartbreak" She said.

She knows me so well.

"Yes you're right, but I've decided to get over Josh and meet new people."

"I think that's a great idea" She said.

"Me too. I figured that maybe I'd be over Josh by the time I come home for Thanksgiving so it doesn't hurt anymore."

"Yeah maybe. Well we have to get going, be safe and please have fun, it's college, go a little crazy" She said smirking.

"Ok mom I'll try. I love you and I'll see you at Thanksgiving."

"I love you too. Don't forget to call me" She said.

"Don't worry I won't."

We finish hugging and I walked her to the car. I waved to them as they're backing out of the driveway and make my way inside.

Time to start my new life for the next 4 years.


The weeks went by really quick. It was weird being without my family for the first time in my life.

Living with Amy was fun. We're kinda like the same person so we like to do the same things.

I got a job right away as a waitress at the local diner, there's not many places that I can work that will except my hours since I'm a student.

It texted Josh here or there, but not like I normally would, more like just checking in and that's it.

I met a few people who are also going to the same school as me, but nobody I really click with.

At orientation I met this guy named Jason, typical fraternity jock. He's a good looking guy, blonde hair, green eyes and he plays football.

We exchanged numbers and start talking. We started dating right away and we were inseparable.

I told my parents about him and they're happy moved on, especially my mom. I told Jason about the whole Josh thing and he was really supportive.

School was going great. My professors were really nice which was surprising.

Everything was going great until a week before Thanksgiving.

I had just got done throwing up for the 2nd time today when I cousin came in to check on me.

"Hey are you ok?" She asked.

"No I think I have the flu or something."

"Or you could be pregnant" She said nonchalantly.

After hearing that I try to think back to my last period. Sprinting to my room I grab my phone to look at my period calendar.


"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I'm late."

"Shit. Maybe it's from the stress, you know from school starting and everything" She said.

" started 2 months ago."

"Yeah, but it could be. When did you take your birth control last?"

"I don't take birth control. I can't because it messes with my hormones really bad and gives me horrible side effects."

"Shit ok. Take a pregnancy test. I still have some from when my roommate had a scare right before you got here" She said.


"Hey it's going to be ok. I'm here for you no matter what" She said hugging me.

"Thanks I appreciate it."

"Ok you try to relax, I'm going to pick up dinner for us, then when I come back take the test" She said.


After she left I went to the bathroom immediately. I grabbed the pregnancy test, did my businesses, set an alarm and waited. I couldn't wait for her.

That had to be the longest 3 minutes of my life. When the alarm goes off, my stomach drops. I rub my sweaty hands on my leggings.

Trying to collect my nerves I pick up the test.

This is going to tell me if I'm going to be a mom or not. I pick of the test and I nearly pass out at what I see.




Oh fuck.

I immediately called my mom freaking out. She tells me to stay there and she'll come here the day after Thanksgiving. I tell her not to say anything to the parkers, especially Josh.

I spent Thanksgiving with my Aunt, Uncle, and cousin. I told everyone what was going on and they said will support me no matter what too.

Josh texts me after dinner asking how my Thanksgiving was and asking if I'm coming home for Christmas. I'm really nervous about what Josh would think about me being pregnant that I come up with a lie and shut down our conversation.

Mom comes and takes me to the doctor the next day.

Yup I'm definitely pregnant. I'm few weeks in and I'm due in july. Mom and dad are being really supportive, they're super excited for a grandkid.

I told my professors about my situation and they said I could work online when I can't make it to class anymore. They were understanding and very impressed with me still wanting to finish my degree.

Jason comes back from vacation with his family, so I can finally tell him he's going to be a father, only it doesn't go how I planned it.

"No" He said pacing back and forth.

"What do you mean no?"

"No it don't want it" He said.

"The "it" you're referring to is our child."

"Well I don't want it. I don't want my life ruined. I'll sign whatever I have to so I can get out of this" He scoffed.


"Ok I'll send you everything when the time comes and you'll never hear from me again.

"Ok good" He said walking out the door.

Now I know you're probably thinking I'm crazy to not ask for child support or anything, but if he doesn't want the baby then I don't want his money. I don't want anything to do with that piece of shit.

After our conversation I go out on the balcony to get some fresh air and calm down. I lean over the railing looking out at the small lake behind our apartment complex.

I go to call my cousin to see when she's coming home. I start to go into my contacts, but my hands are shaking so badly that I drop my phone into the water.

Fuck my life.

The next day I buy a new phone. I carry over all my contacts except for one. I'm worried Josh will be disappointed in me for having a baby, so I don't add his contact. I know it's childish, but with everything that's happened I figured it was a good idea, plus my pregnancy hormones were a factor for my decision as well.


My pregnancy wasn't too bad except I craved peanut butter like crazy. We found out I'm having a girl, which I'm really excited about because I wanted a girl.

The semester ended and I managed to get good grades. I still waitress at the diner until I no longer could.

The next 2 months went by really quick and I'm going into labor before we knew it.

On July 6th 2017 Emma Rose Watson was born at 8pm, 6lbs and 8oz. She has my blonde hair and blue eyes.

Thank God she looks like me and not her father.

I got really lucky with Emma, she was a extremely easy baby. She'd sleep through the night and she was a happy baby, very rarely cried.

She said her first word at 4 months, it was mama and she started walking at 8 months.

Around that time I put her in daycare, Amy worked at a daycare and it's free for Emma to go there, so I couldn't pass that up, especially since I wanted to go back to class in person.

After I put Emma in daycare I went back to class. For the next 3 years I worked my ass off for my degree. I worked at the diner, so we could afford things, plus the rent.

My grandparents gave me a check to help with Emma's expenses since they agreed with me not accepting anything from Jason, so they told me they'd help me out. I saved that money, unless we absolutely needed it. I figured I needed to save up since I knew we wouldn't always live with Amy.

I was right about that because a week after I graduated college the landlord raised our rent. Amy couldn't afford it and I couldn't do it by myself, so I moved back to Miami with my parents.

They moved back into our old house after they no longer had to take care of my grandparents and got them into an assisted living facility.

It felt weird being back home, but I do have to say i missed it. I kept thinking about how Josh is doing. I'm not sure if he even lives in Miami anymore. After I found out about my pregnancy, I stopped talking to Josh completely.

It's stupid now to think, but at the time I was embarrassed to tell him. He was engaged to the love of his life and I got knocked up and became a single mom, not how I would've thought my life turned out, but I wouldn't change a thing because I have Emma now.

Once we got settled my parents helped me look for an apartment.

I found a really nice apartment 5 minutes from my parents and the rent wasn't too bad, so I took it. With all the checks from grandparents I saved up, I was able to afford the apartment and still had plenty left over, I'm extremely grateful for them and I'd never take them for granted.

After we moved into our apartment I went around to local schools to see if they had any openings for a kindergarten teacher.

I found this elementary school about 20 minutes from our apartment, so I went to apply.

They were very impressed I graduated top of my class given my situation. They offered me the position that day and they have a preschool in the elementary school and said Emma's tuition would be free since I'm a staff member now, so I couldn't ask for anything better.

We had the whole summer until school started, so spent my time planning my lesson plans and setting up my classroom for the year so when school started I wouldn't be running around with my head cut off if I didn't know what to do or have anything ready, plus I still had a 4 year old to worry about, so if figured if I got it done now I could still take care of Emma and not have to worry about lesson plans.

It took me about a month, but I planned everything out for the year, organized everything by date and had back up lessons in case I was out sick. Luckily this is just kindergarten, so it's a lot easier than planning for 2nd grade and above. I guess you could say I like to be prepared.

The beginning of the year went really well. I loved my students and they loved having me as a teacher. Melanie was doing great in her 4 year old class which is just a few classrooms from me, so if something happens I'm right there.

My life was going great until there was one day that would change mine and Emma's life for the better.


"Pokedy pokedy poke poke" A little voice said.

A small finger continued to poke my cheek, getting me to wake up. Finally opening my eyes, I see my baby girl. My favorite alarm clock.

"Wake up mommy, I'm hungry" Emma said continuing to poke my cheek. I pretend to bite her finger, making her erupt in giggles.

"Good morning love bug" I said caressing her cheek.

"Good morning mommy, I want waffles" She said.

"Ok I'll be up in a minute."

"Ok" She said happily skipping down the hall way.

Finally getting my bearings, I get up and go make breakfast for my little monster. When I get to my kitchen, I grab some Eggos and pop them in toaster and I go to the fridge and grab a yogurt for Emma, once I'm done cutting up her waffles, I call her into the kitchen to eat breakfast. After breakfast she goes to get ready for school and I get ready for work.

At my job the preschool and kindergarten teachers are allowed to wear jeans and sneakers, so I get to be comfortable instead of wearing skirts and dresses all the time like the other teachers.

"You ready Emmy?" I asked.

"Yup I'm all ready mommy" She said.

"Ok let's go"

After driving for twenty minutes listening to the frozen soundtrack, we finally get to the school. I usually like to get here early to prep everything for the day. Like I said before, I like to be organized.


The day was pretty good, I taught the kids simple math and how to spell easy words. I had a kid who had a meltdown and tried to run out of the classroom, but luckily my aid caught him in time.

It's time for dismissal, so I start getting the kids ready and we sing our goodbye song.

All but one of the kids are left, it's actually Emma's new friend Melanie. She's a very sweet kid and very smart, she's one of my favorites.

"Hey Melanie, who's picking you up today?"

"My uncle! he's taking me to get slushies after school" She said excitedly. 

"Wow that sounds exciting, I used to do the same thing in highschool. What's your favorite flavor?"

"Blue raspberry!" She said.

"No way mine too"

After asking her other questions about her favorite things trying to distract her from her uncle being late for pick up just in case she's getting scared because he's not here yet. Luckily he uncle arrives after a few minutes.

"Hey I'm so sorry. I got stuck in traff..." And the man stops. I turn to look at him and I'm stunned with what I see.

Standing in front of me is the man I fell in love with 5 years ago and hadn't seen since.

I'm pretty sure he knows it's me since he has the same facial expression. We continue to stare at one another until I decide to break the silence. 

"Josh?" I asked. I still can't believe it's him.

"Hey Katie girl" He said.


Author's note

Hope you guys liked the chapter!

I wanted to show how Katie's life was like after moving to Georgia.

What do you think of Emma? You will get to see her more in the future chapters and Josh's pov as well.

Oh I almost forgot!


Josh Parker

Katie Watson

Don't forget to comment!

See you in the next update!👋

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