The New Fire Expert ( Jelsa...

By melantha123

300K 13.1K 9.5K

It’s fire station 313. Jack Overland is well known young firefighting chief in Burgess. He is daring and cari... More

1 The Road Called Life
2 Ending or a Beginning
3 The Meaning of Fire
Merry Jelsa Christmas!
4 Fire that Burns You
5 Lift the Cat on Table
6 She's in Town
7 Friendly Ghost
8 A Suggestion
9 Messing Around
10 Odd Events
11 Ghostbusting and Adoptions
12 Modern Fairy Tale
13 Burning Liquid
14 Girl Trouble
15 Passing Away
16 The Awakening of Sleeping Heroes
17 Beating Heart
18 Feeling Hurt
19 Modern Snow White
20 Proposal
21 The Connection
22 The End?
23 Secrets to Know
24 Winter 4
25 Movies are Heart Crushing
A/N All about private
26 Hooked
27 Remember?
28 Obsessed Minds
30 Dream of Something Better
31 Monday the Sick-minded Day
32 Hate is Poisonate
33 The Denial
34 Voice Inside the Brightness
35 Do Memories Hurt?
36 One 'A' Going Down
37 The Ones We Love
38 Damaged Sisters
39 The Plan of Y
40 Friendships Last
41 Glowing Flames
42 Yokai
43 Long Story
Final Words
After 8 years

29 Choices of Life

8.5K 330 378
By melantha123

A/N: Quickly. Don't chu dare to touch the video attached until the song in it is mentioned in the chapter! ROARR!


POV Anna

How can the school be this big? I mean I've been searching for one single room for ages. I refused to take help from Kristoff. He is weird guy and truly against with my relationship towards Hans. Well, my boyfriend is acting quite oddly so I'm still trying to figure out if he is cheating me or not. And if he does.. my fist will speak for itself because then he would just be some simple horse manure that's made into statue and then exploded by a hit with robotic arm.

I wonder where that came from?

"Oh no! I'm going to be late!" I cried my words aloud as I look around me. Empty corridor, just the clock on the wall is keeping me company. It's like ticking time bomb. I just have five minutes. Where am I anyway? I should really find the visual arts class. It's one of the courses that I have to take in this school of acting and arts. Only studying acting to become an actress won't do. I have to take singing and other arts to master the good ways of being a performer.

I filled my cheeks with air before sighing the extra air out. There's only just one possible solution to my problem. Let's bring out the hard guns.

"Eeny, meeny, miny, moe,

Catch a tiger by the toe.

If he hollers, let him go,

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe,"

I said a children's rhyme aloud while pointing to the two possible ways. It guided me to right so I continue my way.

"This is bad," I whistled once I got to staircase. Again there was two possible routes to go. Either downstairs or upstairs.

"I'm just gonna do it again. Eeny, meeny, miny--," I started but then I heard some laughter from behind me. Her hair was long chocolate brown and she was smiling widely.

"Finally a living soul!" I sighed in relief as I placed my hands over her shoulders. She startled a bit and her eyes blinked a lot.

"Yes? I am living and breathing," she grinned. She had some really beautiful red lipstick on her lips.

"Good! Now, tell me. Please? Where's Visual arts class room?" I tried not to sound panicking. Failing at it miserably.

"Umm.. I'm trying to find the same place. I really hope that it's one floor up. Let's go together? I'm freaked out! It's my first lesson on the class and I'm already late!" She said and sounded as horrified as I was.

"Sounds like a plan!" I cheered and started dragging her towards the staircase.

"Name's Anna by the way. I'm really glad to see you!" I sighed in relief once we reached the next floor.

"My name is Laura. Nice to meet you too!" She grinned and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"I guess that you're not from USA originally? I mean you have accent like I do. I'm from Norway," I smiled to her.

"Yeah, I'm from Netherlands. I came to study singing in here. We have to take arts as extra," she laughed and sounded bit nervous. Again the one-who-must-not-be-named as in arts class was mentioned.

"I'm learning acting. Umm.. which way now?" I gasped as I saw tons of doors on the corridor. We both froze and glance at each other while letting out a terrified gasp. Oh the horror to be late and knock on doors! Apologizing when you're at the wrong one!

"This is my worst nightmare," Laura whispered and I agreed to her quietly.

"What are you two doing?" A sharp voice struck from behind of us and we turn around quickly. We got so freaked out that we just jumped to hug each other. Quickly we let go once we noticed a girl staring at us.

She was holding a notebook looking thing, tightly against her chest. She had brown eyes and a scarf was wrapped around her head. After looking at both of us, one by one she gave us a faint smile.

"Are you two lost?" She hummed and we nodded our heads.

"D-do you know where Visual arts class is?" We laughed nervously.

"I do. I study arts here, actually this whole corridor is for studying arts. On the right is sculpting class and the visual arts class is one door further on the left," she grinned.

"Thank you!" Me and Laura squealed in unison and then we started gasping. It was five minutes past, we're already late five minutes!

"The teacher is always ten minutes late," the girl chuckled and passed us. She went to the class room. Laura and I ran after her.

"We should totally sit next to her? She's an artist so maybe she could teach us?" Laura whispered. I nodded my head.

"Are you two stalking me?" The girl raised her eyebrow when me and Laura sat on her either sides.

"We just want to make friends, that's all. Because we're on the same class and you know! My name is Anna and I'm from Norway. I study acting. Laura is studying singing and she's from Netherlands," I introduced us.

The girl placed her art materials on her desk and I saw beautiful pieces of her arts when she opened her notebook which turned out to be a sketching book. "As I said I study arts and my name's Adina. I'm from Malaysia," she gave us a smile.

Adina nodded her head towards front and we notice how the teacher arrived to the room. The chatting between students ended when a white bearded man with black eyeglasses walked in. He had a strong English accent once he started speaking.

"Alright class, today we start with the basics. Let's draw an apple," he chuckled as he placed an apple to table. Everyone took out their sketching books as well as I grabbed mine from my bag.

"My name is Mr Peabody. I would kindly ask you all to use a creative method to draw your name on the apple or. Maybe the apple is your name? You choose," he hummed and started walking around the class.

Adina was already working hard on her piece. Me and Laura let out groans and started it over. Many times.

"You can do it you both," Mr Peabody spoke to me and Laura when he was on our spot. We nodded our heads and did some simple looking apples. But what Adina did, it was just simple work of art.

After the class we went to lunch together. We spoke about our passion which also turned out to be our career choices. Me and Laura sang a song together which Adina complimented us. It was great!

"See ya on next Monday!" I cheered after the last class had ended. Arts was much more fun than I thought! Even though my skills are not that great. Unfortunately I was in a hurry to meet Hans.

POV Elsa

I bow down once the applauses started. For once I actually managed to accomplish something and it felt good. However the first price won't be enough to pay off my debts so I'm still stuck in my temporary 'apartment'.

When I noticed what the time was, I realized that I was in a hurry. I ran to bus stop where I would get a ride from stadium back to city. I'm already running late from dinner. I don't know if I should just skip the dinner at Frost's home.

This is sick, sick how I want to let go of him but yet I'm torturing myself by being in his presence. I pull my jacket better on me as I embrace myself. People are standing around me on the crowded bus and I look at the time. It was already ten past seven, so I'm ten minutes late. We practiced for this singing competition together, Frost wanted me to try on it so I could win and have some money to pay my debts. Paying for his hospital bill didn't come cheap. However seeing him smiling and living his life made it worth it.

My finger presses the stop button and few feet later its my stop. I step out and I walk through the small park. When I lived in Frost's apartment I used to walk through it a lot. It felt heart breaking when I passed the place where he actually was letting me to kiss him but then, when things were slowly going to certain direction between us. Right when I was about to kiss him, that's when he vanished.

And now he is back but then again isn't. He doesn't know who I am. Well he does but he has forgotten everything we went through together. I just wish that I could have forgotten with him.

The sight of his apartment house's steps startled me. I managed to walk all the way to here, deep in my thoughts. Quickly I look at the time. Half hour late already.

I can't.

I turn around and walk away few steps. A sudden whistle comes from up.

"Hey Els! Wrong way!" Frost laughed and I look up. He is half out from the window and leaning his hands on the window frame. He nods his head to suggest me to come in.

"I... I was just thinking of something and passing t-the place," I yelled to him as I drag myself to front door. His head disappeared back to the inside.

Standing behind his apartment's door felt a bit odd. This time I didn't have my own key. I knocked the door and I heard steps coming closer.

He opened up the door and I see him grinning in front of me. I lift my eyebrow as I see him wearing a pink apron saying 'Queen of Kitchen'.

"What's that?" I chuckled as I pointed at it. His smile faded away and he blushed a bit.

"Umm.. my sister got it to me as a joke. Because I love cooking you know.. uh.. this suits on you better," he laughed as he took the apron of and placed on me.

"Yeah, it suits on you better My Queen," he chuckled but then he seemed puzzled. I stared at him.

"M-My Queen... uh.." he muttered and rubbed his temples. My heart was beating so wildly that it made me feel drowsy.

"Are you feeling alright?" I whispered while not feeling fine by myself. He cleared his throat and started laughing warmly.

"Yeah, j-just come on in before the food is totally cold," he hummed and pulled me to inside. I see a familiar looking orchid placed on his living room table. It's the same white one that I brought to his hospital room when he was in coma.

Frost took me to his dining room table, he pulled out the chair and took the apron off. He suggested me to sit and when I did he pushed the chair under me.

"I'm your waiter tonight, miss," he whispered to my ear.

"H-huh?" I managed to exhale.

"I said that I'm your waiter and you're my royal," he hummed and his hand touched my shoulder.

"What are you up to?" I mumbled as he went to kitchen. He returned with two plates.

"Bringing you the starter. Some fresh pea mash with scallops," he grinned.

"Are you trying to bribe me to stay in your team? It's not gonna work I'm going to leav-mmh," I started to say but then he had scooped some of the mash into the fork which he placed inside my mouth. It tasted really good and I closed my eyes.

"Just relax. Okay? Let's eat first and no work stuff before the time you're about to leave," he said quietly. I nodded my head slowly and he placed the fork back on the plate.

He went to other side of the table. He was tapping the surface of the table nervously.

"What now?" I asked as he was glancing at me weirdly.

"Can I lit a candle?" Frost said quickly.

"S-sure," I whispered as I started to continue eating. Frost reached onto a table behind him. He lifted a silver candle leg to table which had white candle sticking on it. Then he lit it and.. oh god. Am I eating a candle light dinner with him?

In silence we ate the starter but I noticed him smiling shyly at some points.

"I'm getting you the first course," he said nervously as he took my empty plate.

The first course was as delicious as the previous one. He had done honey glazed and then roasted vegetables with medium steak.

The dessert was melting in my mouth. It was mudcake with vanilla ice cream and strawberries dipped in chocolate.

"Did you enjoy? I tried my best because you did so much to me while I was knocked out," Frost asked gently as he took our dessert plates. I kept on playing with my napkin as I nodded my response.

"I did like it.Thank you," I said quietly.

"Good. I've never asked a girl to dinner before, like alone with me. This is new to me - NOT like I'm trying to make a move on you," he laughed nervously the later part. Then he practically ran to the kitchen.

Frost came back little later. I had gone to sit on a chair, he joined me by sitting beside me.

"So.. umm.. what did you do today?" He smiled to me.

"Met Hiro, went home to sleep and then I was at singing contest. Then came here. Could we get over with the resigning?" I sighed loudly.

"Wait. You sing?" His voice rose in excitement.

"Yeah," I whispered.

"That's so cool! I play some guitar. Umm... did you happen to see my notebook in here? It's black and I've written some songs in it?" His eyes sparkled.

"Don't change the subject. Just... let's fill the papers," I mumbled as the piece in my throat grew.

"Elsa. I can't. You're far too important for.. for the crew to lost," Frost said quietly. Then came the silence.

"What's bugging you anyway?" Frost asked suddenly. "Did I do something? You're so harsh and seem to hate me."

"You are the problem," I replied.

"I... I'm your superior.. I didn't do anything to you!" He practically cried the words out. I stood up but he rushed after me, grabbing onto my sleeve.

"That is the problem!" I screamed at him as I shook his hand off. He was breathing heavily.

"W-what? I don't understand?" He whispered.

"Okay. Let's do one thing. I have your notebook," I hissed at him as I went to my bag. I returned to him, he kept standing there stunned. I grabbed his guitar which I shoved to him with the notebook.

"I finished the last song of yours. Play the chords while I sing. You do play? You said it?" I said coldly. He sat back down and I sat on the chair also. He was going through the chords.

"W-wait? These look good but.. w-where are the lyrics?" He said quietly.

"In my head," I told him even though I wanted to say that in my heart. He glanced at me suspiciously but then his trembling fingers started to play. The melody filled my mind right until it was my turn to sing.


"Let it go, let it go"

Bm G

"You only need the light when it's burning low"


"Let it go, let it go"

Bm G

"You only miss the sun when it starts to snow"

(A/N: Let it go/Let her go Mashup by Sam Tsui. Chords by @Freezeyaheadoff as well as the video's singing/piano playing ;) )

I notice Frost staring at me while I sing. He was surprised at first but soon a smile crept onto his face as he continued playing. His eyes were dreamy looking which felt quite embarrassing.

"And here I stand, And here I'll stay

You only know you love her when you let her go, oh

The cold never bothered me anyway."

Frost flinched when I look straight into his eyes when I sang the letting go of her part straight to him. He was about to say something but I shook my head while continuing singing. I closed my eyes to sing the rest.

"Staring at the bottom of your glass, Hoping one day you'll make a dream last

But dreams come slow, and they go so fast

You see her when you close your eyes Maybe one day you'll understand why,

Everything you touch surely dies.

Don't let them in, don't let them see

Be the good guy you always have to be

Conceal don't feel, don't let them know

Well now they know

Let it go, let it go

You only need the light when it's burning low

Let it go, let it go

You only miss the sun when it starts to snow

'Cuz here I stand, And here I'll stay

You only know you love her when you let her go, oh

The cold never bothered me anyway, oh

Let it go, Let her go

You only need the light when it's burning low

You only miss the sun when it starts to snow

You only know you love her when you let her go, oh

You only know you've been high when you're feeling low

You only hate the road when you're missing home

You only know you love her when you let her go, And now you know.

Let it go, let it go

You only need the light when it's burning low

Let it go, let it go

You only miss the sun when it starts to snow

'Cuz here I stand, And here I'll stay

You only know you love her when you let her go, oh

The cold never bothered me anyway"

Frost ended his playing and I open my eyes slowly. Once he placed his guitar to lay against the wall I quickly used the opportunity to wipe away a tear of mine. "So... uh... you're saying that I should let you go?" Frost whispered quietly and I could hear him gulping out. "Yes," I replied simply as trying not to cry and shatter on his floor. Frost rubbed his neck, his expression was confused and hurt. Like the lost puppy which he resembled a lot while being a spirit.

"Fine. Give me the papers," he spoke as he held his hand in front of me. He had stood up and stared at me emotionlessly. I reached to my bag and I took out the resigning papers. I watch how his hand trembled when he wrote his signature.

"Here, I let you go now," he exhaled and I notice that he breathes in and out heavily.

"Thank you," I gave him a faint smile as I gathered my things. I walk to the front door but I hear him running after me. His hand slams against the front door, and once I turn around I'm stuck between him and the door.

Frost had this determined look, his eyebrows framed his eyes in strict manner and his lips had narrowed into thin line.

"I'm walking you back home. That's the least I can do," he said as he grabbed his coat.

"I'm fine. I don't need you," I replied quickly.

"Elsa. There's no option offered," he sighed and my cheeks flushed.

We walked in silence, it was late already. I glanced at him every once in a while but he just had that look, the look that's hard to read. The resigning papers were sending a burning sensation from my bag. Even the thought made my stomach twist painfully.

I had called to Norway to my old station. They said that I could come back anytime, they would always have a position for someone like me.

"I'm not stupid Elsa," Frost said and broke the silence. It made me startle. He paused his walking all of a sudden, turning his head to look at me. He was holding his hands inside his pockets.

"You've been keeping walking on circles around fire station. What are you not telling me?" He mumbled out.

"Uh. I can walk the rest of the way by myself," I hummed and then I started walking fast. I can't let him know.

"Stop," Frost ordered as he grabbed onto my arm. I bit my bottom lip nervously as his eyes stared into mine intensely. "Take me to your place, now," Frost snapped.

My shoulders dropped down in defeat. Every step was heavier than the one before as I went to the fire station. Once we reached the station I saw his eyes widen.

"I.. uh... I've been staying here," I whispered as I opened the fire station door.

"Why?" Frost said quietly.

I laughed, "I don't have money!"

"B-because of me?" Frost gasped and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Yes, kind of," I smiled to him sadly. Again he stopped me, pulling me back and outside the station.

"You're not sleeping in here. These beds are really uncomfortable in here. The least I can do is to give you a place to stay," he smiled warmly and I felt myself feeling weak.

"R-really?" I whispered and he nodded his head. Then he kissed my forehead, out of the blue and causing me to gasp.

"W-what was that?" I asked nervously. Frost looks terrified for what he had done and he looks away.

"G-good night kiss?" He chuckled and cleared his throat.

"Oh. Do you want one?" I asked as I bit my lip painfully. Slowly he turns his head towards me.

"Yeah," he smiled.

He offered his cheek but I let my lips press lower on his face. His arm went around my back as he felt lips touching his skin. His mouth let out a surprised gasp which I felt. I kissed the corner of his mouth.

After he got the good night kiss he was acting weird. He kept on smiling and chatting a lot. It was like he was babbling because of being nervous. And he got even more excited when his words made me laugh. And actions. He was impersonating his friends a lot on our way back to his apartment. He pretended to be Merida, Punzie etc and let me guess who he was. However he got nervous once we saw his apartment building showing up.

"So here we are back in my apartment. B-but you kinda know the place already anyway, so," he laughed nervously and rubbed his neck as he opened the door.

"Thank you," I smiled faintly and went in.

"You get the bed, let me just get uh.. my things out," he chuckled and ran to the bedroom. I followed him. He had thrown his bed sheets on floor and putting on a new set of bed sheets.

"I can sleep with the blanket you had, you don't need to change that. You have two blankets on the bed anyway?" I pointed at the blankets.

"Umm.. hehe.. yeah, but I sometimes change between them while I sleep. I don't know which is more used," he turns red.

"I'll take this one," I told him as I put the blanket on the bed.

"G-good, I'll take my pillow and.. uh.. blanket to couch," he said and cleared his throat as he took his things from the floor. I sat on the bed and I start to take out my things from the bag which I packed before we left from the station.

Then he appeared on the doorway. It made me chuckle slightly, he still is the same. Not thinking much before barging in, like when he was spirit.

"Just wanted to say that you can stay as long as you want," he told me and flashed a smile. I responded to his smile which then faded away all of a sudden. He seems serious.

"What?" I gulped.

"Nothing," he whispered and walks over to me. I stood up and I look at him.

"You missed earlier," he whispered.

"What?" I laughed.

"I said that you missed. Once I do this, there's no going back," he sighed.

My heart beats faster and faster. He is looking at me with a warm smile as his hand reaches my cheek. Gently his thumb rubbed my cheek, following my cheekbone to my jaw and from there back to my cheek. His thumb was now resting over my lips and once he took it out, my lips parted lightly and a little gasp escaped from me.

The smile of his spread wide and I could see the laugh lines beneath his eyes. O-oh gosh, he has freckles on his cheeks. H-how haven't I noticed it before. His front finger caressed my cheek, making the sensation go through me like electricity and waking me up from my daze.

His words, they were like an echo in my mind. 'Once I do this, there's no going back - no going back -- back.' I just wish, wish so dearly that he meant the one thing that I wanted the most. I hear him chuckling nervously as he takes one step forward.

Frost's chest is now against mine and I wonder if he can feel my heart pounding inside my chest, I'm not sure how long it will take until it breaks through my chest. Then he leans in and I held my breath while staring at him, he looks so innocent with that blush that's now covering his cheeks. Then he jerked his head up and gently bended mine down. I closed my eyes, feeling a tear escaping from my eyes as his lips pressed against my forehead.

I was wrong again, no kiss that's more than a good night kiss.

"S-so far so good," Frost mumbled all of a sudden and then he hummed. He keeps on holding my cheek and I see him biting his bottom lip for a moment while his eyes are looking at my eyes.

"Why are you crying?" He whispered and I wanted to respond so dearly but I still felt the lump inside my chest which made me unable to speak.

"Shit.. this isn't going well," he gasped and turned red.

"I'm making a girl cry.. when I.. I, " he started stuttering but then he breathed in deeply and leaned forward.

My eyes widened as his lips pressed on mine. His eyes looked terrified when he saw my reaction. "N-no going back," he stuttered nervously against my lips and it caused my feet to go numb. I closed my eyes then, placing my hand over his back.

When he felt my bodyweight hanging from him, his left arm went around my waist. I smiled during our kiss and then I moved my lips against his. A muffled moan escaped from him and I open up my eyes lightly, his eyes were closed.

My lips felt cool when his thin lips were moving against mine, it was like perfect sync. He tasted like those sweet and fresh mints that I always thought when I smelled his scent. The tip of his tongue hit against mine and then I felt him inside my mouth, how his tongue circled around and explored.

Soft and gentle, that it felt when he was kissing me.

"I won't let you go... ever... I'm going to rip your resigning papers," he whispered against my lips and kissed me again. My head felt dizzy and I felt so glad that he was here, holding me while I was going weak. Weak by him holding me, embracing me and whispering the sweetest things I had ever heard. Since the thing that I wished the most happened.

He wants me, he won't let me go.

We parted for air and we look each other into eyes. My lips are still tickly feeling after feeling his lips against them. His fingers brushed against my face gently and he laughed lightly while smiling, "From now on. This is how we kiss goodnight? Alright?" He smiled.

"No more misses," he whispered huskily. Then he slammed his lips against mine again, his hand cupped my cheek and I could only notice how the world around us vanished. Only thing that I could feel was him, how he was kissing me.


A Jelsa kiss? On chapter 29? Wait.. how did it happen.. is it a dream? ;) Next chapter begins with... Jack's pov..

Anyways. This chapter is dedicated to two wonderful artists!

My dear friends @Freezeyaheadoff and @littlemissquirrel . I have been working on with them since this book started. This chapter was always on my mind.

Since I can dedicate this to just one of them, I'm doing it to @Freezeyaheadoff first and the next chapter goes to @littlemissquirrel . They both are Jelsa writers. Go check them out!

@littlemissquirrel created the cover and the picture on this chapter.

The sweet singing and adjusting the chords to Let it/her go song was done by @Freezeyaheadoff . She also played the piano.

Thank you, you two wonderful people!


Laura is @Freezeyaheadoff and Adina is @littlemissquirrel . The art students of their own specialties in Anna's school!

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