Forever young au script

By Reddraws_official

40 2 4

hello, this is the script for my spooky month au comic I wasn't able to finish :) More

sorry if its spelled wrong or all close together, im new to writing storys

40 2 4
By Reddraws_official

Part 1
*door closes*
Ross sets down Roy "there" and sits down next to him "now.. can you tell me what happened?" Roy pauses, then shakes his head "i-its nothing" Ross puts his hand on Roy's shoulder "are you sure?" "Y-yeah, it's nothing.." Ross stands up and sighs "let's get you in some dry clothes okay? Your soaked!" Ross ruffles roys hair, Roy just sits there "o-okay.." Ross smiles softly and leads Roy to the spare room and looks for spare clothes "now where did i... AHA! Found it! Your old suitcase!" Ross pats it "now go change k? I'll be in the living room if you need me" Ross leaves the room, grabs his phone and calls robert "Hey Robert? We have a guest, it's Roy, yup, ok..see you soon"

Roy walks up too ross "who was that?"
Ross turns towards Roy "huh? Oh that was Robert, I was telling him know that you were here" "when will he be here?" "He should be here soon" Ross notices the bags under his eyes "you should get some sleep, it's late" Roy nods his head "ok...good night ross"
*time skip*
Robert closes the door and is greeted by Ross "where's roy?" "Hes sleeping in the spare bedroom" Robert glances down the hallway "what...happened?" Ross sighs "he won't tell me, but I'm pretty sure it has something too do with his parents..." "is he hurt?" "No just shaken up" "well that's good, I'm just relieved he's safe" Ross looks too the side, Robert notices "hey...itll be okay, well keep him safe!" Robert smiles and gives a thumbs up, Ross smiles "yeah.." "let's go too bed okay?" "Ok"

Part 2
*it's night* *it's Roy's dream*
Everything is black, Roy is sitting in a black void, he looks around before hundreds of eyes stare at him, he sees flashes of tentacles rushing towards someone, Robert screaming, he wakes up gasping for air, he sits there for a moment before Ross and Robert come in the room (ross) "Roy what hap- WHY ARE YOUR EYES GLOWING!?" Roy jumps "w-what?" Ross quickly grabs Roy's face "do you know what happened?" Roy jumps but pauses "i-i.." Robert goes too comfort Roy but he flinches, Robert moves back" "y-you okay bud?" Roy looks at Robert for a second "y-yeah I think so.." (ross) "what woke you up?" "I-I had a nightmare, but I don't remember what it was.." Robert and ross hug Roy "it's okay, well figure it out" Roy hugs them back
Part 3
*time skip a few weeks*
Roy is in his room hanging up some drawings (ref too snake Robert and skid) Robert walks in "Hey roy?" "Yeah?" "I was wondering if you'd like too go hang out with a friend!" Roy turns around "who? The only friends I have are you and ross" "yeah I know, that's why I'm suggesting skid, pump, and matt!" "W-WHAT!?" "Roy-" "why them!? They hate me!!" Robert's suprised "they don't hate you Roy! Skids the one who suggested it!" Now Roy's suprised "he...did? B-but why???" "He knows you stay inside alot, so he wanted too hang out so you'll feel better!" "...okay" "great! Let's go!!"
~time skip~
They approach skid garage where skid, pump, and Matt are painting, pump notices them and glares
Skid notices pump and him and Matt turn around "Oh hey guys!" They walk over too Roy "wow Robert was right! You haven't changed a bit!" Well... actually you seem really shy now" (pump) "why is he here?" (Skid) "because I invited him over!" "Why" pump glares harder, Matt's unfazed "pump calm down for fucks sake" (Robert dying in the background) Roy giggles, Matt is suprised but smiles n blushes (robert) "hahaha okay Roy, I have too go now, just call me if you need anything okay?" Robert pats Roy's head "...ok" skid grabs Roy's hand and drags him into the garage "haha come on!"

Part 4
*it's night*
Roy walks into the house to hear crying, he quietly follows it till he finds Ross and Robert in ross's research room, Ross is crying and Robert is trying too calm him down "what are we going too do!?" "Ross calm down its okay!" "NO ITS NOT OKAY, WHAT IF WE CANT HELP HIM ROB!?" "..Ross-" "IF WE CANT HELP HIM HES GOING TO HAVE TOO WATCH US AS WE GROW OLD AND DIE, HELL BE ALONE" "ross...please" "IM SCARED ROB" "I am too Ross, but we have too be strong for him!" "I-i don't want him too be alone.." Robert hugs Ross "I don't either,  that's why we have too keep trying, okay?" Ross hugs back and nods "o-okay.." Roy watches as they try too calm down, Roy goes too leave, but Ross spots him "r-roy?" Roy turns around
Right as Ross brings him into a hug "h-hey..I'm sorry you had too see that..its-" (Roy through tears) "is it my fault?" "W-what?" "A-are you mad at me?..i-i cant control it I'm s-sorry i-" (robert) "n-no it's not your fault! We were just scared about you roy!" (Roy) "b-but why?" Bexause your our friend" Roy starts too cry (ross) "we care about you.." Roy snuggles into ross as Robert gently rubs his back

Part 5
~time skip a few weeks~
Skid, Matt, Roy, and pump are hanging out at skids house, Matt is holding up a spray can and laughing (skid) "Matt what did you do-" Matt only laughs and turns around his peice to show a crude drawing of frank, everybody except for pump burt out in laughter, skid notices "hey..what's wrong?" Pump grabs skids hand and leads him outside "well be back" Roy and Matt watch them leave (matt) "ooo..k?" He turns too roy "so what are you painting?" Roy looks at him, he turns around his piece to reveal a drawing of Ross and Robert "whoa that looks really good!!" Roy blushes "t-thanks" "of course!"
*scene ends with Roy blushing looking at Matt laugh happily*

Part 6
~time skip~
Ross and Robert show up at skids house, Ross sigh, he puts his notebook, Roy, Matt, skid, pump, and Robert all stare, Ross turns around, he looks sad "i...I can't figure it out...I've been researching for so long" Robert walks over too Ross and rubs his back, he looks down, Roy looks too the side as Matt and skid try too cheer him up, pump stands in the background he seems off, like he's hiding something, skid notices him and goes over "Hey, you okay?" Pump looks startled "y-yeah..." skid furrows his brows "you know something.. don't you?" Skid steps back, pump looks up too see everybody staring at him "w-what? N-no of course not!" "Pump...your the only one besides roy with blue eyes now.. don't tell me that doesn't mean anything!!" Pump remains silent
Skid looks horrified "y-you know and you won't tell us...pump...why??" Pump points too Roy "WHY? REALLY SKID? DID YOU FORGET WHAT HE DID TOO US WHEN WE WERE YOUNGER!?" skid looks shocked then pissed "IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT HAPPENED BACK THEN!! PUMP HIS LIFE IS AT STAKE AND YOUR STUCK IN THE PAST!" pump stutters "..i-..." "just tell us pump!!" Pump pauses and looks to the side "...the was the eyes"
*scene ends with a memory of the eyes*

Part 7
Everybody stares at pump, their all shocked, (ross) "w-what?" Pump looks down as skid takes a step back "a-are you saying...this is our fault? We.. were the ones who-" Roy grips skids shoulder "it's not your were too young to know that would happen" skid looks at Roy in shock before softly smiling "thank you" skid turns too pump "where are they pump? How do we find the eyes?" Pump stands there for a sec, his face is caused in shadow "...the manor" Roy stands there terrified, Ross notices and gently holds his shoulder as Robert goes over too pump "the manor?..where..." rob shakes his head "are you sure?" Pump nods his head "there should be a hole in the lobby" Ross walks over too skid "are you able too come with us skid?" Skid nods his head "yes"
Matt walks over "I'm coming too!" He puts his hand on Roy's shoulder and gives him a thumbs up as Roy's eyes sparkle a bit, then they all turn too pump (skid) "are you coming too pump?" Pump stares for a sec "no" "w-what!? But pump we-" "I said no, I'm not going" pump stand in the doorway "...good luck"
*scene ends with skid looking shocked"

Part 8
A car is driving up an overgrown road, it stops and ross's  foot steps out, we pan up too see them all hanging out the car doors staring up at the manor (ross) "here we are" they start too walk up too the manor but Roy's frozen.. he looks terrified, Matt notices and gently takes his hand "'s okay...I don't know what happened here...but I do know it'll be okay" Roy looks at matt, Ross gently puts his hand on Roy's shoulder "he's dead Roy, he can't hurt you" Matt hugs Roy and in the background the others watch smiling softly, Matt pulls away and takes Roy's hand and smiles, and they join up with the others, Ross, Roy, Robert, Matt, and skid enter the mansion, they go too the hole in the middle of the room and look down, there's a ladder now (roy) do we really have too go down there?" (Skid) "yeah"
Ross goes first followed by Robert then Roy, Matt, and skid, when they reach the bottom they start looking around, it looks like this place was turned into a now abandoned head courters, they pass rooms and hallways that branch off from the hallway they walk down, robes, paper work, missing posters in some of the rooms (ref too au boi here) they eventually approach a door and glance at eachother before Robert opens it, and they all walk in

Part 9
They enter the room, skid stares up "this...this is where they are?" Ross, Robert, and Roy look worried as they look up too see thousands of stars, then the eyes appear "you've found me" Ross and Robert stumble back taking the boys with them "now tell me why your here" (skid) "I thought you knew everything-" Matt elbows skid (robert) "can...can you help you?" The eyes lean towards him "what do you need fixed?" Ross puts his hand on Roy's shoulders "he's stopped aging" slid walks closer too the eyes "Please help him" the eyes move back "I can help" Ross and Robert sigh "but it'll come at a cost" (ross) "whats the cost?" "A sacrifice must be made" Roy steps back with a scared look "w-what will we have to do?" "One of you has too die"
*scene ends with Roy looking horrified*
Part 10
Robert steps forward "..w-what?" He puts his arm in front of everybody protecting them "THERE HAS TOO BE ANOTHER WAY!" Ross has a shadow over his face in the background, he steps pass Robert "I'll do it" Roy reaches for Ross and grabs his sleeves as both he and Robert look horrified with Matt and skid in the background "NO DONT-" Ross smiles and gently cups Roy's face bending down too his hight "hey.." he gently brushes his hair back "it'll be okay" he gently wipes his tears away, Roy grabs his arms " you c-cant..r-ross please" Ross just stares at Roy till skids voice rings out "I'll do it" skid steps towards the eyes, he looks determined, (everybody) "S-SKID NO-" skid turns towards them and smiles "I'd rather it be me than any of you... I started this after all" *flashback too when they were kids*
(Ross) "skid we told you-" "I know...I know you did, but...but I have to do this" he turns towards the eyes, ignoring them now "take me instead"
*scene ends with skid standing in front of the eyes*

Part 11
(Blood and maybe gore warning)
The eyes stare at skid for a second and is just silent "... very well then" the eyes lean back as they lift up a tentacle and shoot it towards skid, skid jumps and covers his face with his arms and braces for the pain, but the hit never came, he peeks through his arms and is instantly horrified "PUMP!?" Pump falls as skid as skid catches him "P-PUMP!!" the eyes tilt their head, skid grabs pumps face as some tears slip down his face, some blood slipps past pumps lips as he smiles up at skid "h-hey.." "PUMP YOU DUMBASS WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?" skids sobbing now, pump shakes a bit "i...c-couldnt...let you d-die" pump turns too roy as skid sobs more "i-im sorry...I'm a hor-horrible friend" the eyes move towards them "young one, I need too take him now"
Skid turns towards them (the eyes) "and you must leave" pump gently grabs skids hand "i-itll be okay protect roy" pump puts something in skid pocket
*scene ends on Roy's horrified*

Part 12
Everybody loves the house, and they drive away, they all stay quiet as they leave
(Small time skip)
Roy waves at skid as he leaves too his house, Roy looks down and Robert puts his hand on his shoulder "lets...let's go too bed...ok?" Roy nods his head
(Snall time skip again lmao)
Roy lays in bed staring up at the ceiling as skid is shown reaching into his pocket and looks shocked
*scene switches from night too day*
skid runs and knocks on ross's door, Robert opens it and skid rushes in "H-HOWS ROY IS HE OKAY??"  Robert looks suprised for a sec "he's good, no changes yet...guess he just has too grow up first..haha.." Robert turns too skid "how about you? How are you doing bud?"

Skid turns too Robert "i-im okay...just..shook up that's all" Robert nods his head "we all are...I'm sure none of us slept much" skid looks down "oh wait!" before quickly showing Robert his hand, he opens it too reveal a pumpkin seed
"Pump gave this too me...i.. I think... he wants me too plant it"
*scene ends on seed*

Part 13
Ross holds out a small pot as skid gently plants the seed in the pot, Matt, Roy, and Robert watch silently as skid covers it in dirt, skid takes the pot and holds it close too him, Roy looks at it "do.." skid looks up "do you think it'll grow into an actual pumpkin...or?" They all look at it again (skid) "i...I don't think so"

the end :)

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