Instant Attraction

By j1mshort

222K 11.5K 401

Summer 1886 Anthony Baldwin, newly installed 8th Duke of Wolverleigh(Tony to his friends) travels with his fr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Epilogue 29

Chapter 20

6.1K 366 21
By j1mshort

            Cheyenne rested in her bedchamber the next morning and while the aunts, along with Sir Humphrey and Lady Geraldine, were busy helping sort out the many Christmas ribbons and other decorations. The remainder of the family and guests left soon after breakfast to cut greenery, holly and the selected Christmas tree. They took with them one large and several smaller wagons to bring the tree back to the castle in along with the other greenery.

            Cheyenne was under the watch of two valets’, Cummings, Devlyn’s valet and Jensen, Tony’s valet along with Eehee and Kyla. Both valets’ were handy with knives and guns. Cheyenne was once again on the sofa by the fireplace while the two maids did some mending in chairs near by keeping her company while they waited for the others to return from their day in the woods.

            Most of the groundskeepers and a few grooms accompanied the Christmas party with Ramsey leading the way. Tony, Devlyn and Jamie rode alongside of each other as they followed the trail into the woods. Lilith and Amanda were the only two women along for the outing. Haa’estahetane rode on one side of Amanda while Oliver rode on the other. Lilith was farther back riding with Marcus and Jeffery.

            In a clearing, Ramsey divided the party into several groups, with two groups to cut greenery, another to cut the holly needed, while still another to cut the Christmas tree and the last group to search for mistletoe. Jamie wanted to ride with those searching for mistletoe since someone was needed to climb the trees it grew in and cut it down. Oliver went along with Jamie, as did Amanda, Charles and two groundskeepers. Tony, Devlyn and Haa’estahetane stayed with Ramsey to cut down the tree. The others were sent to cut the greenery and holly needed.

            ‘How far is it?’ Jamie asked one of the groundskeeper’s who rode with them leading the way.

            “Not far, my lord,” the man answered him. “There is a stand of trees just over the rise up a head that has some growing in them. We saw the mistletoe the other day when we were out in search of the Christmas tree.”

            “Will it be easy to climb up in the tree to cut the mistletoe?” the boy asked.

            “Yes, my lord,” the man replied smiling at Jamie.

            As much as Amanda wanted to tell her son to let someone else climb the tree, she knew Jamie would be embarrassed if she made him stay on the ground. Standing by and watching her child do something that was dangerous and keeping quiet was one of the hardest things about being a mother. Amanda tried to tell herself it really wasn’t much different from when he climbed one of the masts of the ship with her.

            In a short time, they arrived at the location and set about tethering their horses before Jamie and Charles climbed the trees. Biting her tongue to keep from telling Jamie to be careful she watched him climb the tree going high in the branches. Coming to a large branch with mistletoe growing on it, Jamie extracted his knife from his boot and cut away at the mistletoe until a large chunk fell to the ground for his mother to place it in a big burlap sack for the return trip to the castle.

            “I have it,” she hollered up to him smiling.

            “Good,” Jamie hollered back. “I’m going up higher for some more.”

            “Be careful,” she mumbled under her breath as she kept an eye on her son’s climb farther up the tree. She was glad she was wearing the clothes she wore on board her ship in case she would need to climb up after Jamie for some reason.

             “He’ll be fine,” Oliver whispered to her as they watched the boy. He came with Amanda and Jamie to insure their safety from others even though they were now certain the intended target was Cheyenne. Two of Devlyn’s armed footmen had also accompanied them to look after Amanda and Jamie.

            “All parents worry,” she whispered back, “we just try not to show it.” Oliver chuckled. “Wait until you have children.”

            “That won’t be for sometime to come,” he replied. “I have no plans to marry.”

            “Not until the right woman comes along,” she teased him. “Then we shall see.”

            “I’ve avoided the leg-shackles until now,” he answered her grinning.

            “Like I said wait until the right woman comes along.”

            “Are you ready?” she heard Jamie holler down at them.

            “We’re ready,” Oliver shouted up to the boy.

                                                                *                   *                *

            “Meeting here was not a good idea. If I don’t return soon they will miss me.”

“I want more money,” he said.

            “What do you mean you want more money? We agreed on five thousand pounds, which I already given you one thousand pounds of it. I will not give you more until she is dead.”

            “I want double what we agreed on and I want five thousand pounds in the next two days or I won’t kill her. I’m the one taking all the risks while you sit by a nice cozy fireplace, all safe and sound making everyone think you’re a civilized person.” He was taking a chance asking for more but he was, after all as he said, the one taking all the risks.

            “I need more than a few days to get that kind of money. I have on me only the four thousand pounds to pay you hidden in a safe place.”

            “How many days?”

            “Not until after Christmas. If I left now they would all become suspicious of me and I cannot afford for that to happen.” Where would the money come from and if the money was obtained how much more would this person ask for? If only that woman had died in London as she was supposed to. If only Wolverleigh had died in America as first planned then none of this would be happening now.

            “After Christmas then,” he said and turned to mount his horse.

            He had one foot in the stirrup when he felt the blade enter his back. The pain took his breath away and he felt himself falling to the ground.

            “I cannot trust you any longer. No one! No one tries to double-cross me!”

            “I…” was all he said before his life’s blood drained from his body.

            “Now I must either do it myself or wait until we all return to London.”

                                                                *                  *                *

            “Well, Your Grace, do you think this is the one we should cut for the Great Hall?” Ramsey asked Tony.

            “It looks like a nice one to me,” Devlyn told Tony.

            “Yes I think you’ve made a very good choice, Ramsey,” Tony said.

            “I think Cheyenne will like it,” Haa’estahetane added. “She likes nice fat trees.”

            “Well then shall we take turns on the saw?” Tony said as they tethered their horses. “Do you think it will fit on the wagon?”

            “Yes, Your Grace,” Ramsey said smiling as he took the saws and axes from the wagon with the help of several of his men. “We should have it cut down in no time then we can return to the castle.”

            Once the wedge was cut into the tree’s trunk with the axes to direct the path it would fall the men took turns with the two-man saw until the tree started leaning then slowly fell to the ground with a thud. It took all of them with ropes and pulley’s to hoist the tree into the back of the wagon. Once tied down they took a break to eat the lunch packed by cook for their group. They’d all worked up a large appetite sawing and tussling with the tree.

            “I hope your wife appreciates what we went through for this tree,” Devlyn teased Tony and Haa’estahetane chuckled along with the others in their group.

            “I hope she does too,” Tony answered then took a drink from his flask of brandy.

            “I think we should be able to put the tree up tonight in the Great Hall,” Ramsey said, “by tomorrow it can be decorated. We’ll have to make a stand for it when we return to the castle, but that shouldn’t take long.”

            “The ladies can start with the greenery tonight,” Devlyn said. “I wonder how much mistletoe my son and your brother have cut down.”

            “Knowing Jamie and Charles there will be enough for every doorway of the castle and we will be kissing every time we enter or exit a chamber,” Tony replied smiling.

            “I have no intention of kissing either of you,” Haa’estahetane said straight faced and both Tony and Devlyn roared with laughter along with Ramsey and his helpers.

                                                                        *                  *                *

            “Have you wrapped the gifts I purchased in London and brought with me from America?” Cheyenne asked Eehee as the two of them sat in her bedchamber. Eehee was seeing to the gifts Cheyenne wasn’t able to wrap for the family and friends. Kyla returned an hour ago to the kitchen to help with dinner preparations for tonight since there were so many people. She was lying on the sofa in her dressing gown a throw covering the lower half of her body and her back propped up with pillows placed against the arm of the sofa.

            “Yes, Your Grace,” Eehee answered.

            “I hope I haven’t forgotten anyone. I purchased a few extra gifts just in case we have some unexpected guests and I’m glad I did. I wrote Haa’estahetane a letter explaining his Christmas gift in waiting for him upon his return to the ranch. Aunt Atheda and Aunt Cadena asked Doctor Williams to come since he has no family left near here.”

            “I put his name on one of the extra gifts for a man. It was the watch fob with the sapphire cabochon and signed it from His Grace and you.”

            “Good. I hope he likes it,” Cheyenne said as she mentally went through her list of gifts she’d purchased in London or brought with her from America and St. Kitts. She couldn’t wait for her brother-in-laws, Devlyn, Jamie and her husband to open theirs on Christmas morning or see the triplets with their gifts too.

            “I’m sure he will,” Eehee replied.

            “Wolverleigh made sure Mr. Mayde sent Christmas bonuses to all the staff’s of the different estates along with the town staff. Talking of staff, Eehee, do you think we can train Kyla to take your place? I want to change your position after the first of the year. I want you to be my secretary.”

            “Kyla is young,” Eehee answered her mistress, “but I think she is smart enough to learn how to look after you and dress your hair, of course I will train her. I think I will enjoy my new position.” She smiled at Cheyenne.

            “And once we return to London we will spend time shopping for a new wardrobe for you. You will have to meet with people and as time draws nearer to my confinement, you will probably have to represent me at different functions. I think we will see Madame Benoit first. I too, will need new gowns that will expand as I expand and the Duchess of Warrick has already told me how Madame Benoit worked wonders for her when she was expanding with the triplets.”

            “I look forward to it,” Eehee said smiling at Cheyenne. “I will not let you down.”

            “I know you won’t,” Cheyenne told her. “Just think this time last year we were in Colorado in several feet of snow. I do hope we have snow for Christmas here.”

            “From the looks of the clouds outside we may receive snow tonight.”

            “Oh, good!”

            “And what was the ‘oh, good’ about,” Tony asked striding through the door of their bedchamber taking off his coat as he moved forward.

            “I was hoping for snow,” Cheyenne told him as he neared the fireplace he pitched his coat on a chair.

            “I will return below,” Eehee said getting up from her chair. “Your Grace,” she said nodding at Tony.

            “Eehee,” he replied to her and returned the nod.

            “We will talk more later,” Cheyenne told her.

            Eehee quietly closed the door behind her.

            “It looks like we might get the snow you what,” Tony said coming to sit on the sofa he leaned down and kissed his wife.

            “You smell of pine,” she told him, “and you taste of brandy. You’re nose is cold too.”

            “It is turning very cold out there,” he told her. “We have the tree and Ramsey and his men are making a stand for it now. We also have enough greenery, holly and mistletoe to decorate the whole town not just one little castle.”

            Cheyenne laughed and Tony realized he would never tire of hearing her laughter. He came much to close to losing her.

            “One little castle,” she teased him. “Though I have never been in any other castles, Tony but I would never call this one little."

            He kissed her on the tip of her nose. “Believe it or not Wolverleigh Castle is not the largest one in England but not the smallest either. We do rank close to the top.”

            Cheyenne put her arms around her husband’s neck. “Doctor Williams came again today and said I’m almost healed. He will take the stitches out after Christmas, which by the way, he will be joining us to help celebrate my first Christmas in England.”

            “I’m glad to hear you’re doing so well,” Tony replied as his hands rubbed up and down her back. “God…I’ve missed this.” He’d been afraid to even touch her, afraid he would hurt her in some way.

            “I’ve missed this too,” she told him. “Doctor Williams said there is no reason for you to sleep on that cot anymore and no reason we cannot…resume…our…”

            “It won’t hurt you or the baby?” he asked her as he pulled her closer to him.

            “He said it wouldn’t,” she answered him then nibbled his ear and heard him groan, “you’ll just have to be careful of my stitches for now.”

            “We have a while before dinner,” he said as he kissed his way from her mouth to her ear.

            “Yes we do,” she smiled as she tilted her head to give him better access to her neck. “Oh…Tony.”

            Tony put an arm behind her waist and another under her knees. Picking her up he carried her to their bed setting her down he skillfully untied the tie of her dressing gown and pushed the garment from her shoulders. Next, he unbuttoned the front of her nightgown and that too followed the way of the dressing gown baring her breast to first the touch of his hands followed by the touch of his mouth. Cheyenne’s moan made him even harder than he already was.

            “I need to feel you,” Cheyenne told him as her hands went to the buttons on his shirt. More skillful than she was when they first married the shirt was gone in no time.

            Her warm hands wandered over his chest to his shoulders then his back leaving his skin aflame wherever they touched.

            Tony divested her of her dressing gown and nightgown before he sat on the bed to first take off first one boot then the other one soon followed by his trousers then joined her in their bed.

            His mouth found hers as his hands roamed her body. His hand bumped her head and Cheyenne saw stars and felt pain. With a yelp, she stiffened in his arms.

            “Bloody hell,” Tony said rising up over her. “I’m sorry.”

            “It’s alright….I want you,” she told him.

            “And I want you, sweetheart, but maybe we are rushing things.” He kissed her nose. “I love you.” Tony started to move but Cheyenne wrapped her arms around him holding him in place then covered his mouth with hers.

            “What a wanton woman I have married,” he told her then nibbled on her ear as he rolled them over with Cheyenne now the one on top.

            Cheyenne gave him a devilish grin as she straddled him putting her hands on his chest. Lifting up on her knees she then slowly lowered herself on his shaft. His hands found her breasts kneading them as she set the pace increasing speed as her climax grew closer. Tony grabbed her waist with both hands as she climaxed throwing her head back and calling out his name. Thrusting into her three more times Tony joined her.

            Cheyenne sucked in deep breaths of air before she collapsed on Tony chest burying her head in his neck. They stayed that way until both their breathing and heartbeats returned to normal. Tony kissed the top of her head and marveled at how each time with her was better than the time before. The rate they were going she would kill him in a year, he thought.

            Tony chuckled.

            Cheyenne heard him chuckle. She rose up putting her hands once again on his chest. “What is so funny?” she asked him then kissed his chin, then the tip of his nose before moving on to nibble on his ear.

            “How I shall die from loving you,” he told her. “Sex with you is…is incredible.”

            She rose up. “It is rather incredible isn’t it? But I don’t think you’ll die because of it.” Now it was her turn to giggle.

            Tony reached up and cupped her face in his hands. “When your head, my sweet, is healed I am going to keep you up all night with one orgasm after another,” he promised her sending heat once more through her body. “Then we shall see what you have to say.”

            “I remember several nights where you kept me up most of the night,” she replied as she ran a finger over his bottom lip. “You have the sexiest mouth.”

            “So do you,” he said bringing his mouth to hers. He was careful not to touch the back of her head even though he wanted to as his mouth moved over hers. “Once Christmas is over and everyone has left I’m spending one week in bed with you,” he told her after they came up for much need air.

            Cheyenne laughed once more, as Tony carefully rolled her over and plunged into her. She was all velvet and heat as he pleasured her once more then took his own.

                                                                *                   *                  *

            Cheyenne and Tony were the last to join their family and friends for dinner that night. The group was assembled in the Great Hall with Jamie allowed to join them. Cheyenne made sure he was seated on one side of her while Devlyn was on the other as the two highest-ranking males at the castle besides her husband.

            Amanda sat next to Tony with the others spread out on each side of the table. They discussed their day with Jamie telling how he and Charles cut two large burlap sacks full of mistletoe and how much fun he had climbing the trees.

            After dinner, the men went to the library for drinks and smokes while the ladies sat around the fire in the Great Hall talking about the decorations. After the men rejoined them, Ramsey and several of his men came with the Christmas tree. After much thought and moving the tree around the room the location for it was decided upon. They made sure it was far enough away from the fireplace so it would not be endanger of catching fire.

            “It’s absolutely beautiful,” Cheyenne said once it was in place. “I think you’ve chosen well, Mr. Ramsey.”

            The man seemed to beam as a huge smile came to his face. “Thank you, Your Grace,” he told her. “We thought you’d like it.”

            “Oh, I do,” she told him. “I think it’s the prettiest Christmas tree I’ve ever seen and we haven’t even decorated it yet.”

            “I agree,” Aunt Atheda said, “don’t you, sister?”

            “Oh my, yes, sister,” Aunt Cadena said. “I think it’s the nicest one we’ve ever had.”

            “I agree,” Tony said. “Thank you again, Ramsey, for locating it for us.”

            “You be welcome, Your Grace,” Ramsey replied. “I think we’re done here if you need nothing more.”

            “I think it is now up to us,” Tony told him.

            Ramsey and his men depart from the Great Hall.

            “I think this is the biggest Christmas tree I’ve ever seen,” Jamie said walking around it. “I cannot wait until Christmas morning. What time tomorrow will we start to decorate it?”

            “After breakfast we will commence with the tree trimming,” Aunt Atheda told him. “We decided to let you put the Christmas Angel on the top this year.”

            “Thank you,” he told her. “Last year we had a nice tree but mother was very large with my brothers and little sister. She was already having a difficult time moving around so it was just father, Uncle Avery, Aunt Geraldine and Uncle Alex and I who decorated it while mother told us where to put things.”

            “So this will be your brother’s and little sister’s first Christmas?” Aunt Cadena asked Jamie.

            “Yes,” Jamie replied.

            “We spent some time with them today while you were gone,” Aunt Atheda said. “We convinced Lady Geraldine to have them brought down for us to see. They are precious.”

            “Thank you,” Devlyn was the first to reply. “We think so, too.”

            Amanda and Cheyenne’s eyes locked and both women had to suppress a laugh.

            “Taking all the credit again?” Cheyenne teased Devlyn.

            “They couldn’t have been created without…my contribution,” he replied smiling as several of the others laughed or coughed. The aunt’s faces turned bright red with Tony and his brother’s chuckling.

            “Oh that note,” Tony said still smiling, “I think it is about time my sweet wife turns in for the night.”

            “I am getting tired,” Cheyenne admitted as she stood with Tony coming to her side. “I have enjoyed my first evening downstairs. I will see you in the morning at breakfast. Goodnight everyone.”

            With a round of good nights, Cheyenne left the Great Hall on Tony’s arm and by the time she finished ascending the stairs she was more than ready to call it a night. Eehee was there to help her undress and into bed. Tony joined her not long afterward making sure the doors to their room were locked so no one could gain entrance while they slept.

            “It feels good to snuggle up next to you,” Cheyenne told him then yawned. “I’m tired.”

            Tony kissed the top of her head before closing his eyes to join her in sleep.

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