Swan Princess Trio [OUAT || S...

由 bethanyjanebooks

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Emma and Elaine Swan grew up together in the foster system with their 'adopted' sister Katy Swan, they have a... 更多

Cast List
Chapter 1: The Pilot
Chapter 2: The Pilot
Chapter 3: The Thing You Love Most
Chapter 4: The Thing You Love Most
Chapter 5: Snow Falls
Chapter 6: Snow Falls
Chapter 7: The Price of Gold
Chapter 8: The Price of Gold
Chapter 9: That Still Small Voice
Chapter 10: That Still Small Voice
Chapter 11: The Shepherd
Chapter 12: The Shepherd
Chapter 13: The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Chapter 14: The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Chapter 15: Desperate Souls
Chapter 16: Desperate Souls
Chapter 17: True North
Chapter 18: True North
Chapter 19: 7:15 a.m.
Chapter 20: 7:15 a.m.
Chapter 21: Fruit of the Poisonous Tree
Chapter 22: Fruit of the Poisonous Tree
Chapter 23: Skin Deep
Chapter 24: Skin Deep
Chapter 25: What Happened to Frederick?
Chapter 26: What Happened to Frederick
Chapter 27: Dreamy
Chapter 28: Dreamy
Chapter 29: Red Handed
Chapter 30: Red Handed
Chapter 31: Heart of Darkness
Chapter 33: Hat Trick
Chapter 34: Hat Trick
Chapter 35: The Stable Boy
Chapter 36: The Stable Boy
Chapter 37: The Return
Chapter 38: The Return
Chapter 39: The Stranger
Chapter 40: The Stranger
Chapter 41: An Apple As Red As Blood
Chapter 42: An Apple As Red As Blood
Chapter 43: A Land Without Magic
Chapter 44: A Land Without Magic
Next Book

Chapter 32: Heart of Darkness

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由 bethanyjanebooks


At the Dark Castle, Rumpelstiltskin was spinning straw into gold as Priscilla was looking through a journal and Grumpy was telling Rumpelstiltskin the changes with Snow White, "The potion you gave Snow. It changed her. She's not the same," Grumpy said.

"Well, of course, it changed her. It took away her love. Left a big hole in her heart," Snow White wandered the room, "There's no cure for what she's got. The person she was, there's no way to bring her back," Rumpelstiltskin opened a cupboard with various potions stored inside each with labels and Priscilla looked over at him, "No potion can bring back true love," In the cabinet, there was a potion missing, the one that was missing was labelled with a heart, "Love is the most powerful magic of all. The only magic I haven't been able to bottle. If you can bottle love, you can do anything," He turned to face Snow White, "But you don't care about that, do you? Now, what is it you really want?" Rumpelstiltskin asked.

"I want your help to kill the Queen," Snow White said.

"Now we're talking, dearie," Rumpelstiltskin said as Priscilla sighed.

"Snow, don't!" Grumpy said.

Rumpelstiltskin took a string and a piece of wood and fashioned a bow, "Now, what is this?" Snow White asked interested.

"This... Is how you kill the Queen," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"How will that help me get into the castle?" Snow White asked.

"No, no, no. That's impossible. You have to kill her when she's on the move. When she's on her way to the summer palace. Fire the arrow from this spot here, and you'll be hidden from sight. An arrow fired from this bow will get you exactly what you need. It always finds its target," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"I can't stand by. If you take that weapon, you do it alone," Grumpy said.

Snow White took the bow and arrow from Rumpelstiltskin, "That was always my plan. So, what do I have to do in return?" Snow White asked.

"Do? You don't have to do anything, dearie," Rumpelstiltskin said and Priscilla looked at him confused, as she and Grumpy exchanged glances.

"Everything comes with a price with you. Last time you took a strand of my hair. What's in it for you this time?" Snow White asked.

"Let's just say, I'm invested in your future," Rumpelstiltskin said.

End of Flashback

David knocked on the door of Archie's office and he answered the door, "David. What can I do for you?" Archie asked.

"Dr Hopper," David walked inside, "I need your help," David said.

"Okay. What... What is it?" Archie asked as he shut the door.

"I've been having these blackouts... And I need to remember what happened during them," David said.

"Why?" Archie asked as they sat on the couches.

"I think I might know something that can help Mary Margaret," David said.


Prince Charming barged through the front doors of the Dark Castle as Priscilla was walked out of a room, "David?" Priscilla said.

Prince Charming walked over to her, "Where's your father?" Prince Charming said.

"David, I need your hel-," Priscilla began to say.

"I'll help you but first I need to find Snow," Prince Charming walked past her, "Rumpelstiltskin! Show yourself!" Prince Charming said.

Rumpelstiltskin appeared behind him, "Still dressing like a prince, I see," Prince Charming turned to him, "Even though you ran away from the life I gave you. How's that for gratitude?" Rumpelstiltskin said.

"You gave me a prison sentence," Prince Charming said.

"Yeah, one that you've now skirted. Careful, dearie, King George is a vengeful man, but it's"a good job," Rumpelstiltskin glanced at Priscilla, "Priscilla's got your back as I've noticed," Rumpelstiltskin said and Priscilla looked away.

"I'm here about Snow. Rumour has it, she's after the Queen and she came to you for help," Prince Charming said.

"Yes, indeed," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"What did you do to her?" Prince Charming asked as he drew his sword.

"What did I do to her? You mean, what did you to do her. You caused her pain. Without that pain, she would never have drunk my potion to forget about you. That's what changed her," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Undo the potion. All magic can be broken," Prince Charming said.

"Oh, yes. With two wuv," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"So, that's it then? True love's kiss will awaken her?" Prince Charming questioned.

"Most certainly. But, it's going to be hard to kiss her when you do know where she is," Rumpelstiltskin said and swatted Prince Charming's sword then walked away.

"Name your price," Prince Charming said.

"How about..." Rumpelstiltskin turned to him and pointed to the cloak, "Your cloak," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"My cloak? Why would you want my cloak?" Prince Charming asked.

"It's drafty in here," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"If any of us feel the draft it'll be me and my children," Priscilla said.

"See? It's rather needed," Rumpelstiltskin said and Priscilla rolled her eyes.

Prince Charming took off his cloak and placed it on the table, "Where is she?" He asked.

"On her way to the Queen's Highway," Rumpelstiltskin magically produced a map, "This is the route she's taking, but you better be quick. Because, if she kills the Queen, she becomes as evil as the woman whose life she takes," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"She could never become that evil," Prince Charming said and walked out of the castle.

"Evil isn't born, sweetheart. It's made. If Snow starts down that road, you'll never get her back," Priscilla walked over to him and she placed her hand on his arm as he looked at her, "She'll be lost, go. While you still have a chance," Priscilla said.

"You're not coming with?" Prince Charming asked.

"Not my adventure, go. I'll keep an eye on you and guide you if you get lost," Priscilla said and Prince Charming nodded and walked out.

Rumpelstiltskin walked up behind her, "Careful dearie, anyone would think you're falling in love with two men," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Please. He has James's face," Priscilla said as she walked around him.

"Didn't you say once... If James had a... Charming personality," Priscilla glanced at him, "You would've married him and lived there?" Rumpelstiltskin said as he turned to her.

"You're reading too much into things Papa," Priscilla said and walked upstairs.

"Hmm... We'll see," Rumpelstiltskin said.


Snow White was preparing herself at the spot the Rumpelstiltskin told her. She watched as The Evil Queen accompanied by Black Knights, passing villagers.

She bent the enchanted bow, ready to fire an arrow when Prince Charming ambushed her and she struggled to break free, "Get your hands off me!" Snow White yelled.

"Snow," Prince Charming said.

"Who are you? What are you doing?" Snow White asked.

"I'm helping you remember," He kissed her, "I told you, I will always find you," Prince Charming said.

Suddenly, Snow White punched him in the head, causing him to fall unconscious.

End of Flashback

Elaine and Emma walked up the stairs in the apartment building, getting to their shared apartment and found Henry and Julia sitting on a step with Katy leaning against a bannister.

"We have proof," Henry held up the ring of skull skeleton keys, "This is how our mom got into your apartment. This is how she framed Miss Blanchard," Henry said.

"Did you steal these from her office?" Elaine asked.

"Yeah. The book said they could open any door," Julia said.

"There's no way they'll even fit in the lock," Emma said.

Elaine looked at Katy, "Forget your keys?" Elaine asked.

"Busted," Katy said.

"We have to try," Henry said and walked over to the door and tried to open the door with multiple keys but was unsuccessful.

"See? What did I tell you? Come on, kids," Elaine walked to him, "I know you both want to think the answer to everything is in Operation Cobra-," Elaine began to say.

"It is!" Henry said.

"But, sometimes the real-world needs to come first," Emma said.

"Just try one more. Please," Henry said as he looked at Elaine.

Elaine sighed, "Okay, one more. But then we're done," Elaine said.

"You do it," Henry picked out a key, "This one," He said as he held it out to her.

"Okay," Elaine said and took the key, then tried the door and it opened, Elaine and Emma looked at each other in confusion as Henry and Julia looked at them.

"Do you believe now?" Julia asked as the Swan twins turned to them as Katy winked at the Mills twins with a smile.


Prince Charming woke up as Snow White watched him, "Snow," Prince Charming said as he tried to break free and he realised he was tied to a tree.

"I assume you are the man Rumpelstiltskin helped me forget. What's your name again?" Snow White said.

"It's me. Charming," Prince Charming said.

"Charming? Beginning to see why I drank that potion," Snow White scoffed.

"This doesn't make any sense," He tried harder to break free, "True love's kiss should've restored your memories," Prince Charming said.

"It's not true love because I don't love you," Snow White said.

"Yes, you do. You just don't remember. You love me and I love you," Prince Charming said.

Snow White picked up her arrows and bow, "Words. Words. Words. That's all that love is. And unfortunately for you, words don't mean anything to me. You know what does mean something to me? Taking action. And that's exactly what I'm going to do," Snow White said and started to walk away.

"Snow. Snow!" She stopped and turned to him, "Listen to me. You can't do this. It's not who you wanna be. You can't kill her," Prince Charming said.

"Really? Watch me," Snow White said and walked away.

"Don't do it, Snow. Snow!" Prince Charming called out.

End of Flashback

Inside Dr Hopper's office, David was laying on the couch in a hypnotic state, "Now, David, listen very closely. Can you hear me?" Archie said.

"Yes," David answered.

"Good. Okay, I want to go back in your memory. Back to the last time you and Kathryn spoke. The last thing you remember. Tell me, where are you?" Archie said.

"In my bedroom," David said.

"When?" Archie asked.

"The night she left," David said.

"And what were you doing?" Archie asked.

"I called her on her cell," David said.

"She said she realised she needed to start a new life. Without me. She thought Mary Margaret and I should be together," David said.

"And how did that conversation end?" Archie asked.

"She said she was hurt... But she wanted me to be happy," David said.

"And do you remember anything after that?" Archie asked.

"Yes. I saw Mary Margaret in the woods," David said.

"And what was she doing there?" Archie asked.

David had a flashback to his meeting with Snow White in the Enchanted Forest, "You can't kill her," Prince Charming said.

"Really? Watch me," Snow White said.

"You can't kill her. Don't do it," Prince Charming said.

Archie tried to wake David from his hypnotic state, "David! David!" Archie said.

David opened his eyes in shock, "What happened?" He asked and breathed heavily as he sat up.

"I had to wake you up. You went too deep into hypnosis. Something was disturbing you. What did you see?" Archie said.

"It was..." David said.

"What? Tell me, David. I can help you," David hurriedly got up and headed for the door but Archie topped him, "David. David, tell me. What did you see? I can help you," Archie said.

"You can't," David said and left.

Archie rushed to the door, "David!" Archie called out.


Prince Charming struggled to free himself when Jiminy Cricket flew to him. Prince Charming frustratedly tried to shoo the cricket away, "Go on. Get out of here!" Prince Charming said.

"You must be James," Jiminy Crickey said.

Prince Charming looked at him surprised, "You can talk?" Prince Charming said.

"Yeah, and you can listen. Name is Jiminy. When Snow began to act differently, her friends, the dwarves and Priscilla asked me to intervene," Jiminy stood on Prince Charming's arm, "But I'm... I'm afraid I wasn't much help," Jiminy Cricket said.

"I didn't do any better. Can you get me out of here? I have to stop her," Prince Charming said.

"Well, I'll try," Jiminy began to crew at the ropes, "What's your plan?" Jiminy Cricket asked.

Prince Charming sighed, "I don't know. I tried everything to make her remember who I am, but nothing worked," Prince Charming said.

"Give that a try," Jiminy pulled on the ropes once again freeing Prince Charming and he hovered a moment longer facing Prince Charming, "Hm, it sounds like you're approaching this the wrong way. How can she remember who you are, when she's lost sight of who she is," Jiminy Cricket said.


The Evil Queen rode through the forest passing villagers, she was accompanied by Black Knights, "Clear the road. Bow your head before the Queen," A Black Knight said.

In the woods above them, Snow White carefully snuck closer to the specified position. She drew her bow and loosened an arrow as the Evil Queen passed the road beneath. As she released the arrow, Prince Charming jumped in the way and was hit by the arrow in his shoulder.

Snow White looked at him shocked, "What do you think you're doing? Why would you do this?" Snow White asked as she rushed over to him.

"Well, because," He groaned, "You said you appreciate action more than words. So now, you gonna get both. I love you, Snow," Prince Charming said.

"But I don't love you. I don't even remember you," Snow White said.

"I don't care," He groaned, "The only thing I care about is that you don't forget who you really are. I would rather die than let you fill your heart with darkness," Prince Charming said.

Snow White looked at him shocked, "You would really die for me?" Snow White asked.

"Does it look like I'm making this up?" Prince Charming asked as he gestured to the arrow in his shoulder.

"No one has ever done anything like this for me before. No one has ever been willing to die for me," Snow White said.

"No one you can remember," Prince Charming said and doubled over in pain, Snow White leaned closer and kissed him.

Snow White smiled at him, "Charming!" She said.

Prince Charming smiled at him, "Yes, it's me," Prince Charming said and they kissed again. Horses approached them and they looked around, Prince Charming recognised King George's knights, "King George's arm," Prince Charming said.

Prince Charming pulled Snow White's hood up to cover her face then several knights grabbed Prince Charming, while several other knights grabbed Snow White, "No!" Snow White shouted.

"Prince James," A knight pulled the arrow out of his shoulder and looked at the knights who were holding Snow White, "Leave the girl. We have who we came for," The knight said and the knights who were holding Snow White dropped her to the ground.

"No!" Prince Charming yelled as the knight dragged him off.

"James!" Snow White yelled and one of the knights used the hilt of his sword, knocking Snow White to the ground.

The other knights shoved Prince Charming into a cell on the back of a carriage and he watched as a knight raised his sword in order to kill Snow White, "No!" Prince Charming yelled.

"Enough!" A knight said to the knight who was about to kill Snow White.

The knights mounted their horses and rode away, "Snow! Snow!" Prince Charming called out from his cell.

"James!" Snow White said as she got up and ran forward.

"Snow!" Prince Charming said.

"I will find you. I will always find you," Snow White said.

End of Flashback

At the Sheriff's Department, David approached Mary Margaret in her cell, "Mary Margaret," He said.

She smiled at him, "David," She said and stood up, walking to the cell bars.

"Elaine said we could have a few minutes alone. I wanted to tell you, that Dr Hopper helped me remember what happened during my blackouts," David told her.

"And?" Mary Margaret said.

"Um, I only... Got pieces of the memory. We were in the woods," She nodded, "And I kept saying don't do it," David said.

"Don't do what?" Mary Margaret questioned.

"Don't kill her. That's what I kept saying," David said.

"Kathryn. You think you remember me wanting to kill Kathryn?" Mary Margaret said.

"Can you explain why I have that memory?" David asked.

"David? Are you asking me if I had something to do with Kathryn's murder?" Mary Margaret questioned.

"The Swan sister's found a heart in our spot. It was in your jewellery box. The weapon was found in your apartment. And I have these... These memories. So, yes, I'm asking," David said.

"When your phone records came back, when I found you wandering in the woods when everyone thought you killed Kathryn, I stood by you. I never once doubted you," Mary Margaret said.

"And, now that everything is pointing me, you actually think I am capable of that kind of evil? Get. Out," Mary Margaret said with tears in her eyes.


At the dwarves cottage, Priscilla was inside talking with the dwarves and her children, "Charming's gone to find her, it might take a lot of work, but he can do it, she'll be back to normal soon. I promise," Priscilla said.

"We don't want to hear your false promises," Grumpy said.

"You doubt me?" Priscilla said.

"You didn't help," Grumpy said.

"I help, I die and my children lose both their parents," Priscilla said.

Snow White walked into the cottage and took a stein out of her bag and placed it in front of Happy, "What's this?" Grumpy asked.

"An apology," Snow White said.

"We don't care about mugs," Grumpy said.

"It's the only thing I broke that I could replace. I'm sorry. All I can say is... I'm sorry," Snow White said.

Priscilla looked at her, "...It's you," She said.

"It's me," Snow White said with a smile and they hugged, the dwarves, Branston and Aleena walked over and joined in the hug.

"You can have your old room, if you like," Happy said as they all pulled apart.

"Thank you. I can't stay," Snow White said.

"Where are you going?" Grumpy asked.

"King George took James. I have to get him back," Snow White said and turned to leave.

"No, Snow, you can't do it," Grumpy said.

"I can't let the King just kill him. He came back for me. It doesn't matter what happens to me now. I have to try," Snow White said.

"That's not what I meant. What I meant was, you can't do it alone," The dwarves began to grab their pickaxes, "But, luckily, you won't have to. Let's show that King what Snow White and the Seven Dwarves can really do!" Grumpy said.

Snow White looked at Priscilla and smiled softly, "You have an amazing family Snow," Aleena said.

Snow White looked at her, "I know," Snow White said with a smile.

"Will you join us?" Sneezy asked.

Priscilla looked at her children before looking at the other, "We will," Priscilla said.

End of Flashback

The next day, inside the Sheriff's Department, Mary Margaret made her bed. When she tucked in the sheets, something fell out and hit the floor. She looked to see one of Regina's skeleton skull keys. Mary Margaret picked up the key and walked to the cell door, she put it into the lock, turned the key and opened the door.

She heard someone walking towards the door, she shut the door, locking it and hid the key as Elaine walked in with a bag of food and Emma and Katy followed after her.

Katy walked towards Mary Margaret, "Hey, breakfast," Katy said and handed the bag through the bars.

Mary Margaret took the bag, "Thanks," Mary Margaret said.

"I know Mr Gold doesn't want us to talk, but I thought you should hear it from me. The test results came back on the heart... And the DNA was a match for Kathryn. She's dead," Mary Margaret looked at her as she sat on the cot in the cell, "I'm sorry, for a lot of things. But, now that we have proof of the death, we have enough evidence to move forward with a case against you. It's going to happen," Mary Margaret looked down as Elaine looked at her sadly, "You know we do believe you, right?" Elaine said.

"Yeah," Mary Margaret said.

"All this evidence tells us one thing for certain, that you are being framed. And we believe Regina's behind it," Elaine said as Emma and Katy walked up to them.

Mary Margaret walked up to the cell bars, "Then why am I still in here? Why don't you confront her?" She asked as she held the bar.

"Because, belief is not proof," Emma said.

"But she just said-," Mary Margaret began to say.

"Mary Margaret!" Katy interrupted her and she quietened down.

"If we don't do this right, things will end up worse for you. Every time we've gone up against Regina, she's seen it coming and we've lost," Elaine said.

"So, what makes this time any different?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Because she doesn't know we suspect anything," Katy said.

"Why would she do this to me?" Mary Margaret asked.

"I don't know, but we're going to find out. And we promise we won't stop until we expose what she's up to," Emma said and Katy and Elaine nodded.

"And how are you going to do that? This is her town," Mary Margaret said.

"We're working on it. We have faith in you. And now, we need you to faith in us," Elaine said and grabbed Mary Margaret's hand on the bar.

"Can you do that?" Emma asked.

"Of course," Mary Margaret said, Elaine smiled at her then left with Emma. Mary Margaret looked down at the key in her hand.


At the pawnshop, Elaine, Katy and Emma walked in to find Mr Gold behind the counter, "Mr Gold," Elaine said.

"Just taking inventory. What can I do for you two, Miss Swans? Any developments in the case I should be aware of?" Mr Gold asked.

"Yes, Regina set her up," Elaine said.

"And this surprises you? Show me your evidence, and we'll get this over with immediately," Mr Gold said.

"Yeah, that's the thing. There isn't any. Anything that court-worthy. But we know it now," Emma said.

"Look who's suddenly become women of faith. Why are you two here, Miss Swans? To spin conspiracy theories?" Mr Gold said.

"We need help," Katy said.

"From me?" Mr Gold asked.

"Every time we've gone up against Regina, we've. Expect for one, when I became Sheriff. When you helped," Elaine said.

"As I recall, you don't exactly approve of my methods," Mr Gold said.

"We approve of your results," Katy said and Elaine glanced at her. 

"And this time, I have something more important than a job. I need to save my friend," Elaine said.

"And you're willing to go as far as it takes?" Mr Gold asked.

"Farther," The Swan trio said.

"Now we're talking. Fear not, Miss Swans. Regina may be powerful, but something tells me you two are more powerful than you know," Mr Gold said.


Rumpelstiltskin was looking through the fur on Prince Charming's cloak with a magnifying glass. He found some of Prince Charming's hair and picked it up with tweezers. He dropped the hair in a vial that already contained a strand of Snow White's hair.

The two hairs begin to glow and then wrap around each other, forming a double helix. Rumpelstiltskin placed the vial in his cabinet above the heart label.

End of Flashback

At the station, Mary Margaret's cell was empty and the door was unlocked.


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