What is perfect?

By BelenDuarte365

282K 10.7K 27.6K

BOOK ONE OF WHAT IS PERFECT? SERIES. "He's a hero student and I'm a villain. We're enemies only he doesn't k... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 43

2.4K 130 219
By BelenDuarte365

Days before Rin's death: At the camp: 10:27 P.M.



Rin turned her attention off the girls and looked at her phone.

"Hawks. What does he want?" Rin asked herself as she picked up the phone.

"Rin? Is everything okay?" Tsu asked as she sat on the mattress in the room.

"Hello? Yeah," Rin spoke into the phone as she held her hand up and walked out of the room to take the call.

The girls shrugged and went back to their conversations as Rin walked into the hallway and began to speak.

"Hawks, what's up?" Rin asked.

"Rin, I need you to go somewhere private. Where there's no one that could eavesdrop," Hawks spoke.

"Fine, give me a sec," Rin said as she put the phone on the ground and transformed.

She grabbed the phone with her talons and flew through the hall and out an open window. She flew through the forest and landed on a tall tree where she transformed.

"Okay, I'm alone," Rin said as she sat down and let her legs hang off the branch.

"Tell me if this sounds familiar," Hawks began.

"Okay," Rin said as she raised a brow.

"Venezuela, 4 years ago, a girl named Reia Noa escaped the gang named Diablos de la Noche. She was the only survivor of the two other children they had kidnapped. After her escape, only twenty of the fifty gang members died, does this sound familiar?" Hawks said.

"No, I haven't heard of this, why?" She asked as her hands shook.

"Really? Well then I'll keep going. The two other children where her siblings, Rafael, 4, and Ramira, 2. Reia 13 when she escaped, she would be turning 17 this year, like you. Now Rafael and Rafael would be 13 and Ramira would be 11... Rin, I have intel that Rafael and Ramira are alive," Hawks spoke.

Rin's eyes widened and her mouth opened. Her eyes glistened with hope and her eyes began to water. She held her hand up to her face and covered her mouth as she tried to choke back sobs.

"Rin, I know you're Reia. I can help reunite you with your siblings," Hawks said.

"How?" Rin asked in shock as she sniffled.

"I'll explain everything to you later but right now I need you to listen to me. I have a plan that will allow you to live with them without having to worry about the League or the gang. But you'll have to disappear for a while," Hawks explained.

"What do you mean 'disappear?" Rin asked as she scrunched her face in confusion.

"I mean you'll have to 'die'," He said.

Rin held her breath for a second as she thought about it, she didn't wanna leave her friends behind thinking they'll never see her again but if it meant she'd be reunited with her family...

"I'll do it," Rin said.

"Okay, I'll think of a plan and locate your siblings but until then just have fun, be a teenager. I'll talk to you soon, bye kid," Hawks said before he hung up.

Moment of Rin's death:

Rin flew down beside Midoriya, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, Iida, and Kirishima's side when she saw Bakugo surrounded by villains. She looked around and saw Twice running towards Bakugo when she jumped over the wall and transformed. She flew over to Twice and transformed mid-air, tackling him to the ground.

"Twice! Hey bud, sorry for dropping in like this," Rin said as she pulled him aside.

"RIN! Traitor! Rin! I missed you!" Twice yelled as Rin tossed him behind a broken wall.

"Hey, I need a favor, please?" Rin said as she looked around the wall and saw Y/N on the ground while Shigaraki approached her.

"No! Yes!" Twice remarked.

"Okay! Awesome! Clone me." Rin said with a smile then serious.

"Fine!" Twice said as he activated his quirk and cloned Rin.

Rin looked at the other Rin and smiled. She turned her head and saw Shigaraki reach his hand out for Y/N. Rin's clone quickly transformed and flew towards them and deflected his hand. Rin watched from a distance with Twice. Rin turned to Twice and stood up. Her eyes narrowed and she glared down at Twice before she hit the back of the neck, knocking him out. Rin stood above as she watched Twice's unconscious body hit the ground and then looked up and saw Y/N with her clone's dying body in her lap.

"I'm sorry Y/N. I'll love you forever and always," Rin spoke softly as she watched her clone turn to ashes.

"I never wanted to leave you alone again... I'll come back once I have my other family," Rin spoke softly as she transformed back and left.


"Breaking news: League of Villains member arrested and in custody. The villain that goes by the name of Vixen was finally arrested and is now serving time in Tartarus. Authorities say-" The news lady spoke but Rin turned off the TV.

"Ughh" Rin groaned as she slammed her head onto the kitchen table.

"You alright kid?" Hawks asked as he walked to the fridge.

"Yeah, I just hate that I had to leave Y/N alone. And now she's in prison," Rin said as she lifted her head off the table.

"You gotta look on the bright side, kid. The villains think you're dead and once we find you're siblings, you can go back to Y/N and UA," Hawks said.

"Yeah, I guess so... I hope Y/N's okay," Rin said as she drank water.


"Helloo! I know y'all can hear me!" Y/N yelled at the cameras.

Y/N groaned as she rolled her head, cracking her neck.

"I know y'all could hear what that witch said to me!" She yelled again.

She groaned even louder. She closed her eyes and rested but a loud buzz went off.

"Y/N L/N, we have a lot to talk about young lady," Mirko said as she burst through the door.

"Oh shit..." Y/N said in shame as she saw Mirko stomp towards the glass.

"Get your ass in here!" Mirko yelled and a certain green-haired boy walked in behind her.

Y/N's eyes widened as she looked away from them both in shame.

"These are the last two I wanted to see me in here," Y/N thought as she tried to avoid their eyes.

"Y/N, are you okay!?" Midoriya asked as he pressed his hands against the glass.

"I'm fine," Y/N mumbled.

"I explained everything you did and had told me to All Might and he said he talked to the police," Midoriya said.

"Y/N, I need you to be completely honest with me. Do you feel any remorse for the crimes you had committed?" Mirko asked.

Y/N stayed silent. Midoriya looked at her with saddened eyes as he took her silence as a no. Mirko sighed and lowered her head.

"I regret it every day," Y/N said.

Their eyes shot up at Y/N. Midoriya's eyes softened as he saw Y/N look up at him with a sad smile. Mirko's expression hardened as she stared at Y/N.

"Really? Then if instead of being imprisoned, would you want to keep studying to be a hero at UA?" Mirko asked.

Y/N looked at Mirko and her eyes widened.

"Really? Yes, I would! Anything beats this place!"

"However, there will be some rules. One: You will be under intense supervision. Meaning you will not be able to go anywhere without being accompanied by a pro hero. Two: You will not be permitted to engage in any form of combat unless approved by authorities. Three: If you perform any violent action towards anyone you will be sent back to this prison. Four: You will be living at UA. Five: If you break any of these rules you will be sent back here. Six: You have to tell us everything you know and experienced during your time as a villain. Do I make myself clear?" MIrko said.

"Yes, a thousand percent clear. I'll kiss being a villain goodbye if it means I get out of here," Y/N said.

Midoriya smiled at Y/N and looked at Mirko. Mirko looked at Midoriya and winked as she pulled out her phone.

"Okay, then let me get everything set," Mirko said as she rang All Might.

"Thank you, Mirko," Y/N said with a sincere and genuine smile.

"Don't make me regret this," Mirko said as she walked out of the room with All Might on the phone.

Once Mirko was out of the room, Midoriya walked closer to the window and looked at Y/N.

"Thank you for this Midoriya," Y/N said.

"Anything for you, Y/N. You're getting that fresh start you've wanted," Midoriya said.

Y/N's smile faded and she stared at the ground. Midoriya noticed and tilted his head in curiosity.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Rin gave up her life for me, and now I'm getting what she's been fighting for her whole life. I never knew I wanted this until I came to UA, I guess I feel guilty... selfish even," Y/N admitted.

"Rin wanted you to be free and happy. She'll be happy knowing you're not letting this opportunity go to waste," Midoriya said.

"You're right, thank you, Midoriya," Y/N said.

"Izuku," He corrected.

"Thank you, Izuku and I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I've done and all the problems I cause everyone," Y/N apologized.

"I can't speak for everyone but I forgive you and I'm sure they'll understand," Midoriya said.

Y/N smiled and nodded acknowledging him. This was the fresh start she'd wanted since meeting Midoriya. She was finally given the opportunity to live the life she was taken from.


It had been a week since and Y/N was finally going to be transfered over to UA. Y/N was asleep in her cell when she heard a loud buzz go off and the door opened. She slowly woke up to guards unlocking her chains and restraints. Once they had finished they handcuffed her hands behind her back and walked her through Tartarus. Once they reached the highest level, they put her in a helicopter and transported her to the police department in Musutafu near UA. Once they arrived, they were recieved by a team of police officers and escorted to UA.

She had finally arrived at UA and was turned into Aizawa. The officers uncuffed Y/N and she walked to Aizawa's side. She remained silent as she watched Aizawa dismiss the officers.

"How was the trip?" He asked as they walked to the dorms.

"Good," She responded as she walked.

"Good. You're room is on the third floor. You'll room next to Jiro," Aizawa said as they walked up to the dorm building.

Aizawa walked Y/N to her room. As they walked, everyone peeked their heads out their door. They watched Y/N walked into her room and Aizawa walk away. As Aizawa walked to the elevator, it opened and Midoriya walked out with Bakugo.

"Don't disturb her too much. She had a long trip so she'll be tired and most likely irritable. Let her rest," Aizawa said before he stepped into the elevator.

The boys nodded and walked over to her dorm. Midoriya gently knocked on the door, making Bakugo roll his eyes and push him out of the way.

"If you knock like that she'll never hear you, nerd!" He yelled and pounded on the door.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT!?" Y/N yelled as she opened the door.

"Kacchan! Aizawa told us to not irritate her. I'm sorry Y/N, we just wanted to check up on you," Midoriya said.

"Thanks guys," Y/N said with a genuine smile.

"I wanted to tha- thank- thank you, Bakugo said as he chocked back his pride.

"Don't hurt yourself, but you're welcome," Y/N said.

"Yeah, that's it. Bye," Bakugo said as he walked away.

"That was the worst thank you i have ever received..." Y/N said as she watched Bakugo enter the elevator.

"He's not good at thank yous..." Midoriya said.

"I noticed..." Y/N said.

"Well I just wanted to check in on you and make sure you're good... I don't wanna keep you too long. I just wanted to see you. Ok, I'll get going now," Midoriya said as he turned to walk away.

Y/N grabbed his wrist and pulled him back. She smirked and kissed his lips. Midoriya's face flushed red and then he closed his eyes and kissed back. Y/N let go of his wrist and slowly moved her hands up and around his neck while Midoriya's arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her close. Y/N gently bit his bottom lip and pulled away. She looked at him with an alluring look and stepped back.

"I'll see you around, Izuku~" Y/N said with a flirty tone before she stepped into her room and closed the door.

Midoriya held his lip and blushed. He turned and began walking to the elevator with a love sick grin.

"I'm so glad she's back..."

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