Oh, Vicky! (Annyeongz one sho...

By Yenasyn

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Fluffy Annyeongz one shots based on songs that give off nostalgic 2000s teen rom com vibes. Newest update: s... More

Oh, Vicky! (you're so fine, where art thou?) - part 2
say somethin', Yujin don't be so shy! (1/2)

oh, Vicky! (you're so fine, where art thou?) - part 1

1.4K 46 8
By Yenasyn

When I told my cousin that 'yes, of course I'd do anything for you', I did not expect her to actually take it literally.

You know how people say things like 'I'd jump off a building just to avoid this assignment'? And they say it to express a point but don't ACTUALLY mean it? Yeah, that's what I meant for my cousin.

The girl is a couple months younger than me and more naive and optimistic than I am, so of course I feel very protective of her.

I forgot that she could be pretty manipulative when she wants to be. In a good way. In a slay way. I support her in her manipulative ways. I mean, if you had a cute pout and dimple like hers? You'd be crazy not to exploit that to your advantage.

Or maybe, she's not manipulative. Maybe I just love my cousin too much to say no to her.

Right now, though I am definitely not loving her. The complete opposite, actually.

"I thought you were going to ask me to watch your audition?" I ask my cousin incredulously. "I don't remember you saying anything about ME, auditioning."

She's so lucky she's absolutely adorable because I was ready to unleash my wrath right here and right then.

To her credit, my cousin is very good at acting. Hence, the reason why she's part of the theatre club. She's the cutest theatre kid I've ever come across, because theatre kids are kind of annoying, no offense to them. I mean, they're nice people but sometimes they're just a little bit... much to be around. Or maybe I'm just very introverted.

Then again, my best friend, Gaeul, is quite the extravert, always talking my ear off about whatever. Sometimes she gets annoying, too, but I love her!

The innocent look on my cousin's face is almost convincing. Her eyebrows furrowed and her head is slightly tilted to the side, kind of like a puppy.

"Oh? I thought I mentioned it?" My cousin's nose flares slightly. A telltale sign that she's lying. I only know this because I grew up with her. I like to say that it's her imaginary pinocchio nose growing.

"Must have slipped your mind." I tell her, a smile on my face but I can tell by her slight twinkle in her eye that she could tell that I knew exactly what she's done.

"Come on, Wonyoung." My cousin pleads, her lip protruding in the cutest pout. "You don't even have to audition for a big role, just the ensemble."

"You know I'm busy." I sigh. I would actually be alright with joining if I didn't have so many things to do this year. It's my junior year and I have to start cracking down on all of my subjects. I'm taking so many AP subjects this year, I'm the co-captain of the robotics club and on top of all that I've started a new part time job, my first ever part time job, at a frozen yogurt place.

"Kim Jiwon?" The play co-ordinator's voice breaks our conversation.

"Coming, Sojung-nim!" My cousin says.

"Oh, Liz!" Sojung-nim chuckles. "I don't recognise you as your real name."

My cousin made up a stage name that she insisted everybody called her. Something about channeling her inner actress. Like I said. She is so lucky she's cute. And related to me.

"It's okay, Miss Exy." Liz teases, addressing their play co-ordinator with her own stage name.

No wonder Liz was the president of the drama club even though she was only a junior. Everyone loved that girl, including their play co-ordinator.

"Wish me luck, Vicky!" Liz flashes me a bright smile.

That's MY stage name, apparently. As if I'm going to need one.

"My name is Liz and I will be auditioning for the role of Benvolio."

Benvolio, Montague's nephew. Romeo's cousin, I believe. Yes, THE Romeo from Romeo and Juliet. You might be wondering, why are we doing Romeo and Juliet at an all girls school?

It's an artistic choice from Sojung-nim, apparently.

Something about wanting to put a spin on a classic and seeing girls acting in roles that are written based on medieval male gendered roles.

"Gender is performative," is what Sojung-nim had said.

While Liz sings Hello by Joy as her audition song, I can't help but wonder why she's going for the role of Benvolio rather than the role of Juliet. She'd be a great Juliet. Maybe she doesn't want to go for a main role until she's a senior. That makes a lot of sense, she probably wanted to let the seniors have their chance at being the lead in the school play.

She's reading some lines back and forth with Sojung-nim when I realise it. Oh, goodness. I don't have a song prepared.

I can sing, I've sung in the school choir before and during karaoke when my mom would force me to sing for the aunties who think I should be a k-pop star. I sing in the shower a lot, too. Mostly Lizzo.

But, I've never sung in an audition before. I wasn't prepared! First of all, what song should I sing? I don't think Good as Hell by Lizzo is the best choice of an audition song. A ballad? But, my technique isn't really THAT good.

"Jang W-Wonyoung?" Sojung-nim calls out once Liz is finished absolutely nailing her audition.

Everyone's eyes were on me. I know that the theatre club is a tight knit group, so they were probably shocked at the imposter that had joined. The imposter that always stayed in the robotics club room every other day when she wasn't cooped up in the library studying. Even Sojung-nim looked shocked to read my name out loud.

I sigh. Here goes nothing, I guess.

"Hi. My name is Jang Wonyoung-"

I hear a cough from the crowd and I roll my eyes in Liz's direction.

"Or... Vicky if you'd like a stage name. But, please call me Wonyoung. Not Vicky."

"Nice of you to audition, Miss Jang... Wonyoung." Sojung-nim gave me a smile. "Whenever you're ready."

I take a deep breath. I'm honestly not that nervous because not a lot is riding on my plate, anyways. I'm just here to be decent, I'm not even trying to get a named role, I just want to be good enough to be in the ensemble.

I sing an SNSD song, because who could go wrong with an SNSD song? Sojung-nim doesn't look impressed nor does she look unimpressed. She's just listening respectfully to me sing, scribbling some things on the paper every now and again.

I see Liz sneakily peering over Sojung-nim's shoulder to see what she's writing. She looks surprised.

I finish my song with a bow and Sojung-nim and the rest of the theatre club give me a polite clap.

"Thank you, Miss Jang." Sojung-nim smiles at me. "We're going to go do some script readings now. Are there any characters you'd like to audition for?"

"Juliet!" Liz calls from the crowd and I shake my head furiously at that.

"She's too tall." someone else said. "Nobody would be tall enough to be her Romeo."

"Then she can play Romeo!" Liz giggles.

"N-no thank you." I quickly say. "I actually would just like to audition for Ensemble, please."

Sojung-nim nods, as if expecting that answer from me.

"Are you sure?" Sojung-nim says, "You have a nice voice. There's no harm in auditioning for a role."

I shrug. "Sure. You can choose a role for me."

Sojung-nim purses her lips in thought. She sifts through some papers and hands me a paper.

"You can read for Friar Lawrence."

Great. Priest Wonyoung, it is. Hey, at least it's a character that doesn't die in the end.

I'm about to read my first line as Friar Lawrence, when the door swings open.

I'm standing frozen on the stage, the paper in my hand and my mouth agape because I was just about to start reciting the lines on the paper.

The intruder freezes, the basketball that she had thrown in the air falling noisily to the floor and she takes out one of her headphones from her ear.

"Oh, sorry." the girl says. "I thought the gym was free today."

You see, the theatre was currently being refurbished, no doubt for the epic premiere of Romeo and Juliet in a few months time. Which meant that the theatre squad needed a temporary place to hold their meetings.

Hence, the need for the drama department to use the school's gymnasium for all activities.

Whispers filled the gym as everyone stared giddily at the girl who had just entered the room.

Ahn Yujin.

The captain of the basketball team, the star player ever since she joined this High School. She was a senior and perhaps the most popular and most admired girl in the school. She was also the most sought after girl in the school.

She's cool and all, but I never really got the appeal. Then again, I've never been into sports. My best friend, Gaeul, wasn't either, but she was a cheerleader so it made sense why she'd be fond of Ahn Yujin. Especially compared to someone like me who has never watched a sports game at this school in my life.

Wait, that's a lie. I did watch numerous softball games during Sophomore year. But, that was for personal reasons. Personal reasons that came in the form of a pretty senior girl. But, I stopped going to those games, because I stopped crushing on the pretty girl a little before she graduated.

"That's okay, Miss Ahn." Sojung-nim smiles at the girl.

Yujin's eyes travel to the stage where I am standing and our eyes meet. I don't think I've ever talked to Ahn Yujin before. I certainly don't think I've ever locked gazes with her before, either so this was a first. My first thought was that she has a pretty smile, but something about it put me off.

"Whenever you're ready, Vicky." Sojung-nim says, a teasing glint in her eye after saying my supposed stage name.

"My name is not Vicky." I groan.


Later in the day, I'm on the way home when my coworker suddenly calls me.

"Wonyoung!" She sounds distressed. "Are you busy at the moment?"

"I have some homework to do but it's not urgent." The bus stops and some passengers get off. "Are you okay, you sound a little stressed?'

"I'm okay, I'm just having a family emergency. My younger sister snuck out to hang out with some friends even though she's grounded and my Mom is on her way home now. She's asking me to quickly drop her off at home" She says, her words fumbling over each other.

"Are you the only one working today?"


I sigh.

"You're lucky that you're my favorite co-worker, Minju unnie."

At the frozen yogurt stare that I've started working at, a lot of the people there are of uni age. I'm one of the few High Schoolers that they've hired and I mostly work weekend shifts so I've never really talked to many of my coworkers. Minju unnie is the one that I talk to the most because we get along the easiest. It turns out that she has a little sister that's my age while my older sister is her age. We just ended up gravitating to each other.

"I owe you, Wonyoungie." Minju unnie says and I can hear her smile of relief.

"Buy me bubble tea." is all I say before chuckling and saying bye to her.

Thankfully, all I had to do was get off the next stop and walk a few blocks. The frozen yogurt is very close to my house, hence the reason why I applied. Probably another factor as to why they hired me. I can't make the excuse that it's hard to travel there.

When I arrive, Minju unnie beams at me, a grateful look on her face.

"You're the best 17 year old girl that I know." She gives me a quick hug and hands me an apron and her hat. I chuckle when I hear the familiar jingle of the cow bells on my cap.

"That's because your sister hasn't had her birthday yet." I roll my eyes at her.

She pats my head affectionately.

"I'll be back in 20 minutes."

I have never seen the frozen yogurt shop look this dead before. Probably because weekends were always the busiest days of the week and that was the only time I worked there.

I don't mind, it gives me some time to rest my head a little bit. It's nice to be able to not think even when it's just for a little bit. The bus rides home have always been some of my favorite times of the day because I can just put in my headphones and relax, even if it's just for 20 minutes in the morning and in the afternoon everyday.

A pair of customers walk in, textbooks and laptops clutched to their chests. They look like uni students. I serve them, my movements moving in a routine. My manager said that I was a quick learner because by the second shift I was doing all the tasks as comfortably as others would be around one or two months into the job.

The uni students are halfway through their frozen yogurt when the door opens again. The bells jingle and I don't know what came over me but I felt a shiver run down my spine.

I was right to feel this way.

Because, as soon as I looked up, I locked eyes with what looked like a group of students from a basketball team. But, not just any basketball team.

My High School's varsity basketball team.

And standing right in the front was Ahn Yujin, who had a mysterious grin on her face that gave me a bad feeling.

I decided then that I did not particularly like Ahn Yujin. This was the same grin that she gave today when she disrupted the auditions. The same grin that she gave while she lingered a little too long to watch me say some of my lines.

"Oh, hey." Yujin saunters up to the counter after whispering with her friends. She has her car keys hanging from the tips of her fingers and she's swirling it around in circles. I try not to grimace at the sound of the keys jingling. "You go to my school, right?"

Something about her saying my school, as if she owned the school gave me bad vibes.

"Yup." I say.

"I'm Yujin." She leans against the counter with one arm. The keys she was previously jingling are now stuffed into the pocket of her varsity jacket.

My eyes travel to her friends who are sitting right next to the uni students, laughing and talking to themselves a little too loudly. I can see the slight grimace on the uni students' faces.

"I know." I say, tearing my eyes away from her group of friends and making a mental note to scold them later.

"I saw you on stage after school today, right?" She said. "Were you reading poetry or something?"

"Kind of." I say, just waiting for it to end.

"You're a person of few words, huh?" Yujin chuckles, adjusting herself on her position from the counter to look at me properly.

"What do you want, Ahn Yujin?"

Her smile doesn't waver. I swear it becomes a little wider.

"Your number?" Yujin says. "Are you free this Friday night?"

I don't know if I'm tired or if I'm honestly just done with her but I didn't even react to that. Yes, it kind of caught me off guard but not enough for me to actually show it on my face.

"I'm sorry?"

"Please, may I have your number?" My reaction doesn't seem to phase her. In fact, it feels like her annoying grin widens even more. "You asked me what I wanted, right? I want your number, please. And a date with you."

"I-" I honestly can't formulate a sentence. Solely because... what the hell?

Yujin waits for me to keep talking. I hate how she looked satisfied that I couldn't say anything because I knew inside that she probably thought it was because I was nervous. I definitely wasn't. I just genuinely could not begin to grasp how annoying she was.

"I... I meant what kind of frozen yogurt do you want to order?"

Again, she doesn't look phased.

"Surprise me."

I sigh and I make sure that it's obvious enough for her to see it.

"Anything else?"

"My friends want one large vegan chocolate with strawberries and M&Ms, one regular green tea with cookie dough and one large signature tart and butterscotch with chocolate sauce please."

I type these into the cash register, feeling her gaze on me the entire time.

"So, what were you doing in the gym today?"

"Auditioning. That would be $22.75."

She sifts through her wallet for her money. "What for?"

"School musical."

"Cool." Yujin is still watching me while I open up the cash register to give her change. She shakes her head when I hand back the correct amount of change. "Keep it."

I don't say anything, only placing the change into the tip jar.

Thankfully, she doesn't say anything while I fill up the frozen yogurt cups. I can still feel her staring at me though. I can almost feel that annoying smirk of hers.

I hand her the frozen yogurt on a tray, thankful for my capable skills. She purposely puts her hand so that it brushes mine and I resist the urge to flinch. I had a feeling that she wouldn't let that reaction go.

She's still standing there, the tray of frozen yogurt still in her hands and I knew she had more to say. I had two options here: ignore her and have her still staring at me or humor her so that she'd leave me alone. I decide with the latter.

"Anything else, Yujin?"

Yujin coolly shrugs her shoulders a little to adjust her varsity jacket to sit better on her.

"If you don't want to give me your number, can I at least get your name?" Yujin says. "Or should I just call you Vicky?"

"Not-Vicky." I groan. I have heard that name one too many times today.

"Alright, I get the gist. I'll leave you alone now." Yujin chuckles, spinning around. But not before she winks at me. "See you around, Not Vicky."

I shake my head.

Ahn Yujin, you will definitely not be seeing me around.


I was wrong. Ahn Yujin will definitely be seeing me around. And I will definitely be seeing her.

Because, when I showed up to the next drama rehearsal, there she was. She's clad in that red varsity jacket of hers, of course. She has one hand in her pocket and is leaning cockily against one of the pillars. I make the mistake of looking her way and our gazes lock. She nods at me from afar, mouthing a 'hi' in my direction.

"Why is the entire basketball team here?" Liz whispers as soon as we're seated. I'm trying so hard not to look in Yujin's direction solely because I can already feel her throwing glances my way every so often.

I just shrug at Jihan's question and pull out my planning diary. I forgot what homework I was meant to be working on tonight. I think it was maths? Oh, that's right. I had to volunteer at the Nursing Home tonight.

"Good afternoon, everybody." Sojung-nim walks into the room, looking a little out of breath. "Sorry, I just came from the uni."

Sojung-nim is a university student and an ex-student of our High School. From what I remember, she was already a senior when my own sister was in middle school. But, my sister knew who she was because Sojung-nim was a popular basketball player. Actually, why was she even the play co-ordinator? Why not our actual drama teacher?

"I know I was supposed to post the cast list over the weekend, but I had some last minute auditioners." She shoots a glance at the entire basketball team who were congregated around the door. "You can all take a seat, you know?"

It's hard to miss the way everybody looks to Yujin, waiting to see what she'll do. It's either she doesn't notice everybody looking at her, or she just doesn't care because she doesn't acknowledge the fact that everyone is watching her like an obedient puppy.

The moment she starts moving towards the chairs the rest of the basketball team follows, finding some spare spots in the back.

Yujin, however, heads straight over to me. Not that I wasn't half-expecting it, but it was nice to give her the benefit of the doubt. Of course, she had to prove me right.

"Anyone sitting here?" She points to the chair next to me.

"My bag." I tell her, not meeting her gaze.

"Can I move your bag, then?"

"He gets separation anxiety from me. So, no."

"He?" Yujin's eyebrow raises. She shakes her finger side to side. "No, no. I don't like the idea of men near you. I'm going to have to sit here."

"She's gender fluid." I say. I point to the chair next to my bag. "You can sit there if you really want to."

Yujin chucks her eye smile at me, the corner of her eyes crinkling. I never noticed before but she also has a really cute dimple.

Not cute. Well, yes cute. The dimple is cute. Not Ahn Yujin. She's just annoying.

As she takes her seat I can feel Liz nudging me and I resist the urge to groan.

"Jang Wonyoung." Liz whispers in my ear while Sojung-nim was talking. "What was that?"

"What was what?" I look straight in Liz's eyes to show her that I wasn't phased by what had just happened between me and Yujin.

"What do you mean? That! Why were you and Ahn Yujin flirting just now?"

My eyes widen.

"It's NOT flirting."

Liz gives me a look that shows that she doesn't believe me. And I thought Yujin's smirk was the most annoying.

"To our new auditioners," Sojung-nim's voice breaks our conversation, "hands up, who here would like to go for a named role? All those who don't volunteer, I am assuming that you're going for Ensemble."

A hand shoots up.

"Yes? Miss Kim. You would like to go for a named role?"

"Um." Miss Kim, or Kim Rei, vice-captain and Yujin's best friend says. "I'm sorry but, does Ensemble mean we play instruments? What happens if we can't play instruments but also don't want a named role?"

I feel Liz laughing softly at Rei's question.

"Ah, Ensemble doesn't mean a music ensemble, like you're insinuating, Miss Kim. They're just all cast members that don't play a role with a name and majority of the time they don't have any spoken lines. In other words, they're kind of like back-up dancers."

"Oh!" Rei says. "Then I want that. I like dancing."

Sojung-nim just nods, an amused smile on her face. "Then that you will get, Miss Kim. So, does anybody else want to go for a named role? Or does everybody want to join Miss Kim in the Ensemble?"

Murmurs fill the hall, probably the basketball players discussing with each other what they want to do.

"Do I have to sing?" One of them says.

"Can I be a tree?" Another says.

"I want one where I get to fight people."

"Me, too!"

While all the questions are being asked, I feel someone tap me on the shoulder. I look to the side to see Ahn Yujin leaning towards me.

"Did you go for a named role?" She whispers towards me.

When she sees me nod, she grins her annoying Ahn Yujin grin.

"Yes, Miss Ahn?" Sojung-nim says when Yujin's hand shoots straight up.

"I'd like to go for a named role."

The murmuring and all the questions stop.

Yujin's voice is confident, arrogant and cocky and downright annoying. How many times am I going to think of this word today? Actually, if Yujin is really joining the school musical, how many times am I going to be repeating the word: annoying, for the next few months?

"Any role in particular, Miss Ahn?"

Yujin shrugs. "What's the play again?"

"Romeo and Juliet." Sojung-nim raises an eyebrow at that. Why would she audition when she didn't even know what the play was about?

Yujin turns to me again.

"Did you audition for Juliet?" Her voice dropped in volume but it was still loud enough for everyone in the vicinity to hear it.

I shake my head, feeling everyone's eyes on me.

"I'm fine with anything." Yujin says, her attention turning back to the uni student. Then she glances quickly in my direction. "Anything that's not Romeo, at least."

If I could disappear. I would.

"You can read for Mercutio, Miss Ahn." Sojung-nim hands her some papers from her bag.

"Right now?"

Sojung-nim nods and gestures towards the makeshift stage in the gym.

She has a decent singing voice, I'll give her that. She can hold a tune well and she actually has a very nice tone. No doubt she loves her karaoke.

As for the acting? Well. There's always room for improvement, I guess.


Thankfully, the rest of the session doesn't go as bad as I was expecting it to. Yujin didn't really talk to me for the rest of the hour and a half we were there. Every now and again I'd feel her looking at me but I tried my best to ignore her. When I did look at her, I saw that she was scrolling through her phone with a bored expression.

The rest of the basketball teams' auditions were surprising. All of them could actually hold a tune, too. Though, Yujin was probably the strongest singer out of all of them.

Yujin was the only one who auditioned for a main role. The basketball players all followed everything she did but I guess even they had their own limits.

I'm able to evade her even more because Sojung-nim paired me up with different people during the duo readings.

I do get paired up with Rei, who surprisingly is good at reading her lines. And is also very cute and endearing, contrary to most of the basketball team.

"Why didn't you go for a main role?" I suddenly stop reading lines with her, causing Rei to cutely furrow her brows at the script in front of her.

"I don't think that's the next line." Rei chuckles. "But, um, I just don't have enough time to focus on a main role. I'm barely scraping those C grades."

I nod, unjudgingly. The entire basketball team is known for not having the best grades, their captain being the worst. Thankfully, nobody was failing. Like Rei said, they were all at C average.

"So, I saw you talking to captain earlier." Rei wiggles her eyebrows. "Something going on there?"

Nevermind, she's not cute anymore.

I shrug. "She's the one talking to me. I'm just answering her questions."

Rei chuckles at that and doesn't push the topic any further.

After rehearsals, I wasn't so lucky in avoiding Ahn Yujin.

"Hey, Not Vicky!"

I curse internally.

"Are you doing anything this evening?"

I nod at her, one hand gripping at my backpack.

"Oh, damn." Yujin says. "What about tomorrow?"


"What kind of homework?"

"Maths homework."

"Oh, me too! Can we study together?"

"No, thanks. I prefer to study at home."

"What about a café? There's a Starbucks nearby?"

"I'll pass."

Yujin pouts. "What if I need help with the homework?"

I glance at Liz who's just snickering, her entire face going red from trying not to laugh out loud. Suddenly, I remember how she manipulated me into joining this play.

"Liz is smart." I take my cousin by the shoulders, pushing her towards Ahn Yujin. "She'll help you."

The devilish smile I make isn't just aimed at Yujin but at Liz too. Liz's face is shocked, looking at me like I'm some sort of traitor.

"Bye bye." I twiddle my fingers in Jihan and Yujin's direction.


I don't turn around.

I'm about to make it to the door when Yujin slips past me and stands in front of the open doorway, both hands resting on either side of the door frame. Her varsity jacket flares out and she feels larger than she actually is while standing like that.

"What can I do to get you to go on a date with me, Vicky?"

I am so lucky that I'm as tall as her because I feel more scary when I square my shoulders and stare intensely at her, not breaking eye contact.

I grab at her collar, pulling her towards me and pushing my face as close as I could to hers without us touching. I glare hard at her, mustering up the most threatening and toughest look I can.


When Liz was younger, every time you gave her icecream she would squeal and it was the most high-pitched thing anyone has ever heard.

But, Liz's squeal at 4 years old, was nothing compared to the squeak that Ahn Yujin just gave just now.

It's my first time seeing Yujin look so nervous. Actually, it was more like shock. She had her eyes wide and she was frozen. I couldn't help but smirk victoriously. What a loser.

"I-I um..." was all she could muster out.

Ha! I've got the heartthrob of the school looking like a complete dumbass right now.

"First of all? I'm not into jocks. So, don't waste your time or mine. I don't have enough time to deal with all your games."

Yujin gulps nervously. My grip on her collar tightens just a little bit.

"Second of all?"

I let go of her collar, shoving her slightly through the door.

"My name is not Vicky."

I link arms with Liz, savouring the look Yujin has on her face.

Suddenly, I hear a voice from behind me.

"Inciting violence, Miss Jang?"

I spin around only to see Sojung-nim with her black bag slung over her shoulder, an amused look on her face.

"Uh, hi!" My scary demeanor completely shattering when I see Sojung-nim staring straight at me.

"I'll see you four next week." is all our play-coordinator says, a playful lilt to her voice. Four? It is then that I notice that Rei is also there, quietly watching everything with an amused smile.

"I-I um..." again that's all Yujin musters out, this time while Sojung-nim swiftly passes through her standing dumbly at the door.

"Bye." I tilt my head to the side with a smile.

When I walk by Yujin, I make sure to harshly bump her shoulder. I regretted it a little bit, only because I forgot that she was more muscly and denser than me so it sent a slight twinge of pain down my arm.

I'm walking away from Yujin when I hear her yell.

"I'll quit basketball!"

Apparently her physique wasn't the only thing that was dense about her.

"What??" That was both me and Rei.

She jogs up to me.

"I'll quit basketball." Her cheeky smile is back.

"Okay." I say. "What do you want me to do with this information?"

"I'm serious! I'll quit right now." She takes out her phone. "I'll call my coach and tell him that I don't want to play basketball anymore. Problem solved! I'm not a jock anymore."

I swat at her phone. "You're ridiculous."

"Simp!" Liz mutters under her breath from behind me.

"Put your phone away! Have some self-respect, woman!" I shake my finger at Yujin. "You're willing to throw your whole world away for a girl!"

"Then she'll just have to be my new world." Yujin's phone is back inside her pocket now and that annoying dimpled grin of hers is back.

I groan.

"Don't." I jab at Yujin's shoulder. "Quit." Jab at her chest. "Basketball." Jab on the forehead.

Yujin stumbles slightly at each jab, the grin never leaving her face.

"You're cute." Yujin takes a step closer to me. "Please? Just one date? And then if you still don't like me then I promise to leave you alone."

I purse my lips into a thin line. Was I seriously considering her request?

"It's a win-win situation here! Listen." Yujin starts gesturing with her hands. "Scenario number 1? We don't hit it off, so you get to get me off your back and I can quit this play and we go back to our lives. And scenario number 2? We hit it off and..."

I scoff at the way Yujin wiggles her eyebrows, shimmying her shoulders.

"...bam! A power couple is born! We'd be the prettiest couple ever!"

She's so dramatic. So theatrical about everything she does. How isn't she one of the theatre kids?

"What do you say, Not Vicky?"

I pinch the bridge of my nose.

This is absolutely idiotic.


Idiotic that I am actually considering it. Idiotic that I am actually agreeing to it.

Yujin's mouth falls open, her eyes lighting up.


"ONE date." I warn. "Just one."


She jumps five feet into the air, her fists pumping victoriously.

"You both heard that, right?" Yujin looks towards Rei and Liz. "You'll support me if she ever tries to gaslight me into thinking she never agreed to this?"

Rei and Liz both nod.

"Woohoo! Thank you!" Yujin sounds like an excited kid.

She suddenly makes her way towards me, arms outstretched and I stiffen. She quickly freezes.

"Um. Is it alright if I hug you?"

I eye her outstretched arms and sigh.

"Fine. You're already halfway there, anyways."

Yujin squeals, her eyes crinkling and she wraps her arms around my waist. What I don't expect her to do is pick me up and start spinning me around gleefully.

Scratch that, Yujin's squeak is nothing compared to the one I just let out now.

"You won't regret this, Jang Wonyoung!" She sets me down.

I push her away.

"You knew my name, this entire time??" I exclaim.

She scratches the back of her head.

"Oops." Yujin says. "I mean, Vicky."

"You're insufferable."

"And you're cute."

I shake my head.

"Bye, Yujin."

Her face falls at that.

"W-wait. You're leaving?" I raise an eyebrow at her comment. Her eyebrows raised slightly and her mouth is hanging open with a slight pout when she asks, "What about our date?"

My mouth falls open at her comment. "You want to go on the date, now?"

She looks like a kid, the way she's nodding enthusiastically at me.

"I'm busy today. I already told you."

"Oh. I forgot." Yujin says. "What are you doing today?"

"I'm volunteering at the Nursing Home."

She nods.

"Cool. Can I join you?"

"At the Nursing Home?"


"For... our date?"


"You want to go on a date to the Nursing Home?"

She slips her hand in mine and pulls me to walk towards the parking lot. I can see her shiny sports car, it's the only car left in the parking lot save for the teachers' cars parked further away.

"You like volunteering there, right?"

"Of course? That's why I volunteer there."

I feel her squeeze my hand. Her hand was as expected. For someone who played basketball they were quite calloused and rough. And yet? Her touch was quite gentle.

"Then, I want to volunteer with you." Yujin says. "I want to do the things you like to do."


She gives me a look as if the question I asked was the stupidest and most obvious question in the world.

"Because, I want to get to know you? Duh." She pokes at my cheek with a chuckle. "Silly, Vicky."

"My name is-"

"Not Vicky." Yujin finishes for me with a chuckle. "Can I give you a different nickname, then? How about Juliet? And I'll be your Romeo."

"Not gonna happen."

Yujin clicks her tongue. "Damn. Worth a try."

Suddenly, she directs her gaze to Liz and Rei who have been watching our entire exchange the whole time. They're trailing a few feet behind me, the biggest grin on her face.

"What's your address, Liz? I can drop you off at home, same as Rei. Unless you both want to third wheel our date? Or... double date?"

Liz shook her head, shooting me a teasing smile. Rei, on the other hand, looks at Liz with curious look on her face. Then her cheeks tint slightly pink.

"Oh, no." Liz says. "I don't want to intrude on your date. In fact, you don't need to drop me home. The bus arrives in a few minutes, anyways."

Rei nods along with everything Liz says.

"I-I agree. I'll take the bus with h-her."

I glare at Liz while she skips in the direction of the bus stop, Rei trailing behind her.

"Have fun on your date!" Liz giggles from afar.

What have I gotten myself into? I shudder slightly, a mixture of the cool autumn air and also because I am mentally berating myself.

"Cold, my Juliet?"

"You're so annoying."

Yujin coolly leans her back against the door of her car and pulls me to take a step closer to her. I let her play with my fingers, only because I was cold, no other reason.

"That's not how you treat your Romeo." Yujin pouts cutely.

I shake my head. "NOT my Romeo."

"Admit it, Jang Wonyoung." Yujin chuckles, grinning her cute dimpled-smile. She smoothly slips off her jacket. "You're starting to like me now."

"More like...," my breath hitches when she casually slips the varsity jacket around my shoulders, "not hate."

"Okay, Not Vicky."

Even her wink is cute. Damn you, Ahn Yujin.

"Mark my words." Yujin says. "I'm going to make you my Juliet."

And when Yujin brings my hand to her lips and plants the softest kiss onto the back of my hand?

I knew I was done for.

One date wouldn't hurt. It's just one date. With someone as cute as Ahn Yujin? Definitely did not hate the idea.


Of course, one date turns into one kiss (on the cheek) which turns into one more date, and then one surprise back hug at the lockers, one basketball game (the first for my's life) and one week until we were back to theatre practice.

"Hey, I missed you."

"Clingy. You just saw me yesterday."

A gentle calloused hand slips into my own and Yujin steps around to face me.

"I got you something." Something dangles from her fingers. It's a rabbit keychain, Thumper from Bambi in particular. "A bunny for my bunny."

Ever since Yujin saw that I had a phone case full of Thumper, she hasn't been able to stop calling me 'bunny'. Her bunny. She has a few nicknames for me, actually. 'Bunny', 'princess', 'cutie' and 'Juliet'. All said with 'my' at the beginning.

"I named it for you." Yujin grins when I take the keychain from her with a small thank you. "Her name is Vicky."

I glare at her.

"Vicky the bunny for Not Vicky."

That's the last nickname, of course. And the one she says the second most. Bunny is the one she likes to say a lot and I think it's because she sees it's the one I like the most.

It's been harder and harder to hide my blushes these days. You'd have to be crazy not to blush when the Ahn Yujin is clinging onto you 24/7 and complimenting everything you do.

"Okay, everybody. Please, take your seats." Sojung-nim says which makes Yujin pout because she has to let go of my hand.

Like I said. Clingy.

I don't hate it.

Yujin takes the seat next to Rei in the second row and I debate whether or not I should sit next to her.

I'm not as whipped as Yujin is, so I sit in the front row.

Which just so happened to be the seat smack bang in front of Yujin.

So, maybe I'm a little bit whipped.

A hand snakes its way underneath mine, intertwining our fingers. I can't help the tiny smile that adores my face when I feel Yujin leaning her chin on the back of my chair.

I squeeze her hand.

I'm definitely not just a little bit whipped.

"I hope you hand a good week." Sojung-nim says. I swear I see her eyes flit slightly towards mine and Yujin's entwined hands. "I had a very nice week, would anybody like to hear about it?"

"Not rea-"

"I found a really delicious tteokbokki place on the way here, it's a few blocks away. I recommend you all try it."

There's silence from all the kids in the gym and Sojung-nim rolls her eyes with a chuckle.

"You kids are no fun. Fine, let's just get to business, shall we? I know you all just want to hear who got what part."

Sojung-nim takes out her phone and scrolls through.

"Mercutio!" Sojung-nim rummages through her bag for a script. "Congratulations, Liz."

My cousin eagerly reaches for the script from her spot next to Kim Rei- wait, she's sitting next to Rei?

I pivot my head to see that indeed, Liz was sitting next to Rei who was peering over her script, looking a little too close then people usually would be with others. Not as close as Yujin and I, but still closer than others.

It seems that I wasn't the only one that noticed, because Yujin was nudging at her best friend with a knowing look. Rei shot her a look to tell her to cool it but Yujin kept going, teasingly bringing her smiling face closer to Rei's.

"Miss Ahn." I thought at first that Sojung-nim was looking at me, but then I remembered that Yujin was right behind me. "Is something distracting you?"

Yujin freezes.

"N-no Sojung-nim."

"Good. We take our work here very seriously. I don't want anybody distracted. Especially you, Miss Ahn. With all things considered."

"What things?"

Sojung-nim hands her a script and Yujin takes it with the hand that was not still holding my own. My eyes widen when I glance at what's written on it.

"The role of Romeo goes to Miss Ahn Yujin." Sojung-nim says.

And then the play coordinator's eyes meet mine and my heart skips a beat.

I can see where this is going.

"And the role of Juliet goes to Miss Jang Wonyoung."


Once everybody got over the initial shock of Yujin and I playing Romeo and Juliet, Sojung-nim finished handing out the rest of the roles. Then she gave everybody a few moments to read through some of their lines before we started learning our first big musical number.

"Sojung-nim?" I watch how Yujin tentatively pokes at the play coordinator's shoulder. It's quite funny, Yujin is way taller than her.

Everybody is engrossed in the script (except for  Rei who seems to be engrossed with Liz) so nobody noticed the way the current basketball captain shyly made her way over to Sojung-nim.

"Yes, Miss Ahn?"

They're within my earshot and though my script is in front of me, I can't help but listen to the conversation.

Yujin scratches her head. "Are you sure you want me as Romeo?"

Sojung-nim places her stuff down to hold out five fingers, pointing to a different as she listed off qualities about Yujin. "You have a nice singing voice, you're charming and you have a captivating stage presence and you have good work ethic from what I can tell. You're also... enthusiastic."

I swear Sojung-nim glances towards me when she says the last one.

"But, I'll be honest with you. Your acting needs a lot of work. And I was very close to not picking you. I actually didn't want to pick you, Miss Ahn."

Yujin's face falls a little at that.

"Not just because of your acting ability, but because I know how busy you are playing basketball. I would know. I don't know if I would have been able to handle a lead role when I was still playing basketball here and I didn't want to add more pressure to what I'm assuming is an already busy life for you."

Yujin nods, her initial hurt slowly disappearing.

"But..." Sojung-num trails off. "I had to listen to my gut."

This time, Sojung-nim didn't hide the fact that she was looking straight at me.

"I couldn't let good chemistry go to waste."

My eyes widen, I don't even have to look at Yujin's face to see that she's mirroring my expression.

"I expect you to take this seriously, Miss Ahn. Don't make me regret my decision." She eyes the way Yujin is frozen. "Unless of course, you'd like to pull out now. I know a few others that could play Romeo to Miss Jang-"

"N-no! I wanna be her Romeo!" Yujin quickly says. I resist the urge to walk over there to slap her. Instead I roll my eyes. (Mostly because I was annoyed that I found her words cute). "I won't let you down, Sojung-nim. I promise."

"I know you won't." Sojung-nim pats her shoulder. "You're a talented and hard working girl, I believe in you. You have a spark to you."

Yujin nods obediently.

"Got it, coach. Boss? Sojung-nim?" Sometimes I wonder, how is she the heart throb of the school when she acts like... well... that?

Yujin skips over to me, and I pretend that I wasn't eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Hi, Bunny." She sits on the chair next to my backpack. "I told you I'd make you my Juliet."

Well. I guess that answers my question from before. Her charm even has the ability to make ME swoon.

"You didn't though. Sojung-nim did."

"Because of my amazing charm. Which is something that only I can do." She says. "You know what else I can do?"

"What, Yujin?"

"I can make you my girlfriend."


"REALLY?? You want to?"

"I never said that. I just mean, yes, I believe you. I don't doubt that."

"Wanna be my girlfriend today, then?"


"B-but, Bunny! We have chemistry! You can't deny it!"

"You're never going to let that go, aren't you?"

"Ow, Bunny that hurt! Sojung-nim! Does the script say anything about Juliet ABUSING her Romeo?"

"I'm not your Juliet."

"Not yet, at least."

I don't say anything. Because, I knew she was right.



Hi! This one shot is the result of me watching IVE's trailer with Yujin in a Varsity Jacket and then my insomnia kicking in and then the next day I couldn't help but want to procrastinate all of my responsibilities and then I watched High School Musical and thought 'wow, Yujin would make a good Troy' and then I finished writing the rest of this and then yeah!

Hope you enjoyed! As of now, there is no sequel in sight but who knows? I might get inspiration again, we shall see!

(Cross-posted on AFF and AO3)

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