Bakugo in attack on titan!?

By Nand0m0

66 2 1

Bakugo Katsuki is in the middle of class when a strange portal brings him to another verse... (I just wrote t... More

Chapter 1 - Portal

66 2 1
By Nand0m0

Bakugo POV:

The pst couple of days had been extremely boring, I haven't fought or used my quirk in a couple days and I was so bored. And I have been having a bad feeling all day... like something is gonna happen to me. I already had extreme anger issues before but they seem to occur more now. Like in class right now just Aizawa teaching us is making me rage.... "Shut up!" I yell out loud on accident, all eyes were on me. "Do you have a problem Bakugou?" Said Mr Aizawa. At this point I felt embarrassment and anger take over my body, without thinking, I went to walk out of the classroom. But then *Snatch!* Mr Aizawa had me in his capture scarf. He pulled me closer and eyes me very closely. At this point I was nothing but pure anger and I set off a couple explosions from my hand. Aizawa used his quirk to cancel out my quirk and wrapped me tighter in his scarf. "Let me go bastard!" I said In attempt to get out of his scarf. Surprisingly, he let me out.

Right when I stretched my body from being in Aizawa's capture scarf, there was a portal! Everybody stared at the portal in disbelief. "Everybody evacuate!" Was what I last heard before I got sucked into the portal... "What the hell...!" I thought to myself as I saw I was in the 18's or something. I calmed down and decided to investigate what happened and how I could get back to ua. I got weird stares by people as I walked by a couple houses, probably because I looked so different. I looked around and I was in shock as I saw that there were walls forming one giant circle. I went closer to the walls and then *boom!* Giant Naked human things were running through the gates of the wall and destroying everything. I was in shock and stared in horror as I saw a giant eat a human.

And then I see people flying on wires with jackets with symbols and all wearing the same uniform. They were cutting the napes of the giants. It was pure chaos over here. As far as I saw, the people with uniforms had gotten rid of the giants but there was one left. I saw a giant head towards me! I felt my anger and excitement rise, I had been waiting for a good fight... I was already sweating so much from the heat and excitement. I could definitely make a couple huge explosions. Everybody's eyes were staring in horror at me probably because they thought I was about to get eaten. Then... *HOWITZER... IMPACT!!!!* *BOOM* the giant had been torn apart from everywhere, it was practically raining blood. I looked around to see everybody staring at me in shock. That was the last thing I saw before I black out.

"Ugh..." "What the hell!?" I say out loud as I realized I was chained to a pole in the middle of a a court room where everybody was staring at me. "We should experiment on him!" Said a brown haired boy with green eyes. Are they talking about me? As everyone noticed that i was awake, and short black haired undercut guy came up to me. And he asked "how did you do that?" He said. "Do what?" I asked, "those explosions you made from your hands, how did you do that?" Said the raven hair. I forgot I was in a other dimension and I said "it's my quirk". The raven boy said there is no such thing as a quirk. "Wait.. so you guys don't have quirks?" I asked. The raven boy said quirk don't exist. Suddenly I felt angry and I yelled "QUIRKS ARE A SUPER POWER YOU F-ING IDIOT!!" "DONT TELL ME YOUR A QUIRKLESS LOSER LIKE THE SH-TTY DEKU!" I said all that out of pure rage. Apparently he didn't like my attitude too well and he started kicking me repeatedly, in the face, in the stomach, I was coughing up blood and blood was gushing out of my nose, geez, this shorty really packs a punch...

I woke up and I silently hoped I was back at my house or at ua. But I wasn't surprised when I realized I was still at this dumb alternate universe. I saw a brown haired kid with green eyes come up to me and we started talking. I asked him questions about the giants and he said they were called "Titans" and they eat people and destroy things. He told me about the survey corps  and wall rose, wall sina, and wall Maria and his name was Eren. I told him about my universe and how we had quirks and I showed him mine. We got along pretty well till i asked him about his family. And Apparently he had anger issues like me. And he got mad and yelled at me. Of course then I got angry to and I started yelling back at him. He yelled stuff like "be grateful you still have your family!" And "Shut up you don't know how it feels you bastard!" And then I yelled stuff like "OH? So your fatherless like that sh-tty deku!?" And "shut up you fat b-tch!" And "I DONT GIVE A F-CK IF YOUR MOMMY IS DEAD! I HOPE SHE DIED A PAINFUL DEATH YOU LOSER!" And then apparently we got in a fist fight, I fired a medium sized explosion at him (like the ones he used against uraraka) and I ended up destroying a table and apparently a tea set. Eren stared at me in horror as he saw the tea set shattered on the ground. And I swear he was tearing up when he saw a certain raven haired short appear behind me. I felt my anger and fear mix together as I remembered what he did to me at the court.

1004 words.
Also this is my first fanfic ever so pls no hate.
But probably nobody is gonna read this lol, I just made this fanfic for myself to read bc nobody made a fanfic about kacchan going to aot.

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