Marvel's Guardians of the Gal...

By Fireslash97

16.6K 353 170

(For those who have read my Mandalorian x Son Reader book, this is a sequel AND a crossover.) I left it all... More

Chapter 2: Busted

Chapter 1: A Risky Gamble

5K 103 80
By Fireslash97







Y/n jerks awake and looks up at the ceiling of his room. He pants slowly to steady his breathing, and sees Drax staring at him.

Drax: Y/n Djarin, are you all right?

Y/n: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine Drax. What's up?

Drax: We are approaching the Quarantine Zone.

Y/n: How long have I been asleep?

Drax: 15,338 ticks.

Y/n: .....uh-huh.

Drax: Why do you sleep with your helmet on?

Y/n feels his helmet, being sure it was still covering his face.

Y/n: I've told you before Drax, I just don't like showing people what's under here.

Drax: Then how do you and the betrayer kiss?

Y/n: One: Gamora respects what I've been through considering she and I have fought together in the war. And Two: again with the "betrayer" thing?

Drax: She is the spawn of my sworn enemy, a murderess, and a traitor. I do not trust her.

Y/n: Do you trust me?

Drax: Of course.

Y/n: Then believe me when I say she's on our side. And Gamora was adopted by Thanos, not his actual spawn.

Drax: She still killed in his name.

Y/n: The past is the past, Drax. Just... don't start anything unnecessary.

Drax: I make no promises.

Drax leaves Y/n's room, allowing the Mandalorian to sit up and crack his neck.

He grabs his weapons and swords and attach them to his hip and back before heading out. He sees the Flora Colossus, Groot, standing over Rocket, the technical genius and furball pain-in-the-ass.

Rocket: Oh, hey, Y/n! Finally! Would you mind telling Groot to stop worrying about getting arrested?

Groot: I am Groot.

Rocket: I'm not overconfident. I'm just the right level of confident.

Y/n: We'll do our best to be in and out before Nova Corps notices, Groot. Plus, they know me. Mandalorians helped the Nova Corps numerous times. But like I said, we'll do our best.

Groot: (chuckles) I am Groot.

Rocket: What?! I can be honest too!

Y/n: When the flark has "honest" ever been in your vocabulary?

Rocket: Flark you, Y/n!

Y/n was about to walk away, but then took notice of Rocket's devices he was working on.

Y/n: (whistle) Those are looking pretty good, Rocket. Whatever they are.

Rocket: I'm calling them "thumpers" on account of the noise they make. Assuming we get past the force field and reach your coordinates in one piece, all we gotta do is set them up and these babies are gonna draw out our monster in no time!

Y/n: And how exactly do they work? They make some beeping noise or something?

Rocket: Nah, they're more like WAAH WAAH WAAAAH—

Y/n grabs Rocket's snout, shutting him up as the rest of the team reacts to his screaming.

Gamora: Holy Hala! ROCKET!


Groot: (laughs)

Rocket shakes Y/n's hand off.

Rocket: (chuckles) And then the monster comes a-runnin' out of its' hole.

Y/n: And you're sure these things will work?

Rocket: Hey, all my intel came from your source.

Y/n: Unlike you, I don't steal, swindle, or stab my contacts in the back the first chance I get.

Rocket: Yeah, because if they screw you over you go and chop their heads off.

Y/n: And what? You're telling me you wouldn't wanna go back and make 'em choke on some fancy, custom grenade made to implode their intestines or something?

Rocket: Whoa! That ain't a bad idea! Ah, scut, where's my notepad?

Y/n: Dank Farrik...

Y/n heads to the cargo hold and sees Drax shadow-boxing.

Y/n: Drax-

Drax spins around to attack whatever was behind him and Y/n catches his fist.

Drax: Your reflexes to my attacks do not cease to amaze me, Y/n Djarin.

Y/n: Listen, about Gamora...

Drax: Can this not wait? I am readying my body for battle.

Y/n: Keep in mind we're bringing this monster to the buyer alive, remember?

Drax: Of course, but I suspect it will not go down without a fight.

Rocket: Cool it, Muscles. Lady Hellbender ain't gonna buy damaged goods.

Drax: I will aim to preserve the integrity of the beast as best I can.

Rocket: Good!

Y/n: Now that THAT'S out of the way, back to the reason I came to talk. About Gamora... the two of you are gonna be on the Basilisk for a while. Can you promise me you won't start something with her?

Drax: Rest assured, Y/n Djarin. I will keep a watchful eye and thwart any attempt at treachery.

Y/n: Rocket I'd expect it from-

Rocket: I heard that!

Y/n: But I trust Gamora with my life. And you and Groot. Rocket? Fifty-fifty.

Rocket: I can still hear you!

Y/n: Point being: just try to trust her.

Drax: (scoffs) You are naive, Y/n Djarin. She is a mistress of deceit.

Y/n: Towards our enemies. Not us. Clear?

Drax: I cannot trust her. But as I stated before, I trust you, Y/n Djarin.

Y/n: (sighs) Guess that'll have to do.

Y/n walks over to Groot's room and sees the talking tree among his plants.

Y/n: Hey, Groot. Still nervous?

Groot: I am Groot.

Y/n: Yeah, I get you. But like I said, we'll do our best and if all works well, we get paid a good amount of dough. Sound like a plan?

Groot: (nods) I am Groot.

Y/n: Good. Now then, a certain Zen-Whoberi needs me in the cockpit.

Groot: (rolls eyes) I am Groot.

Y/n: Who asked you? Grow some peppers or something.

Groot laughs heartily as Y/n walks away.

Gamora: Can someone tell our illustrious leader to come to the cockpit already?

Drax: Y/n Djarin! The murderess calls your name!

Rocket: Ooh, sounds kinky!

Gamora: (teasingly) Sounds good to me!

Y/n: Alright, alright! I'm coming!

Gamora: So soon? (giggles)

Y/n: NOT LIKE- (exhales) I'll be right there.

Y/n enters the cockpit and sees Gamora in the pilot seat chuckling at BD-7 beeping at her.

Y/n: (clears throat)

Gamora then looks up at Y/n.

Y/n: You're in my seat.

Gamora: (coyly) Oh. So I am.

Y/n: So... can I have it back?

Gamora: I don't know. Can you?

Y/n: (rolls eyes) Can I have my seat back, please?

Gamora: (smiles) You only had to ask.

BD-7 hops off and climbs on Y/n's shoulder as Gamora grabs her seat.

BD-7: (beeps jokingly)

Y/n: Ha ha ha. You're a cosmic genius. Rocket, Groot, Drax. Cockpit. ASAP.

Gamora: We still have a few ticks before the next time window actually.

Y/n: Refresh my memory as to how this works?

Gamora: Nova Corps security grids reset every rotation. We wanna be in and out before our code expires or we'll get stranded.

Y/n: And if we wait for the next reset, then we've got a full rotation to do this. Nice.

Rocket: (sits down) Oh, why's the Nova net still up? I thought we were going in?

Drax: It appears the assassin's contacts are as untrustworthy as the betrayer herself.

BD-7: (beeps angrily)

Y/n: Drax, shut it.

Rocket: Oh, please don't tell me Gamora's back-door codes are bust. We nearly went broke getting them.

Y/n: Cool it, Rocket. We still have a few ticks before the next window.

Gamora: The network just reset. You can enter the sequence, Y/n. Zero-four-five-one.

Rocket: That's it? Four digits?

Drax: Suspicious. These security measures are too simplistic for Nova Corps.

Gamora: It's not that simple. The code only work on this date, for this ship.

Rocket: Oh! I get it! Gamora's codes are more like an encryption key of some sort, designed to integrate temporal coordinates and our ship's hard-coded serial into a local number generator.

Gamora: Info gets in, digits come out.

Drax: Four of them.

Gamora: Yeah.

Y/n punches in the code and the door to the QZ opens. Y/n then flies the Basilisk into the Quarantine Zone.


Y/n: And in we go.

The team looks in awe at all all the wreckage and nano-resin.

Drax: Incredible.

Y/n: Scut. I didn't think there was this much left from the war.

Gamora: Restraint wasn't very popular in the Chitauri army, especially with Thanos in charge.

Y/n: No kidding. Probably a ton of explosives and hardware left in all this wreckage. Nova Corps might be good, but they aren't that sharp-eyed.

Rocket: Ain't that the flarkin' truth. Ohhhh, the wonderful and terrible things I could do with all this tech...

Drax: Stay focused, rodent. We did not come here to scavenge.

Rocket: Why not? The Basilisk's weapons systems could us an overhaul. Plus, there's good money in it.

Y/n: I like the way you think, Rocket, but we're not grave-robbers.

Drax: Indeed. The beast that we seek is far more valuable to the Monster Queen of Seknarf Nine than any illegally acquired salvage.

A large piece of wreckage comes flying towards them and Y/n steers the Basilisk away just in time.

Y/n: Dank Farrik, this place is shifty!

Gamora: I'm not seeing a monster, but that big cylinder up ahead looks like the mining ship Y/n's contact said to look for.

Rocket: I forget, was it the Twi'lek chick or the Tohgruta chick?

Gamora: (suspiciously) Excuse me?

Y/n: Neither! It was my Wookie contact! And either way, we'll see the flarkin' thing once we set up Rocket's thumpers. Assuming they work.

Rocket: They'll work! Groot, Y/n, suit up. Team Rocket's up first.

Rocket helps Groot attach two of his thumpers to his legs as Y/n puts on his jetpack.

Drax: I still do not understand why I must remain on-board with the assassin.

Rocket: (groans) Because you're part of Green Team.

Drax: You assigned me to the team before you named it. And my skin is not green, it is teal.

Y/n: Correct me if I'm wrong, but teal is a mixture of blue and green together. Which means your skin is partially green.

Drax: ...your argument has been made.

Y/n: If we wanna lure the monster inside the rig, we need to place thumpers on both sides. Two sides, two teams.

Gamora: (COM) And two clicks to the drop-site. Ground's too unstable to land the ship, so you'll need to jump.

Rocket: And that's our cue. Let's go, Groot.

Rocket opens the cargo bay doors and wind begins gusting outward. BD-7 hops on Y/n as he turns to the Katathian.

Y/n: (loudly) Once we get the thumpers set up on all sides, we'll meet in the middle and capture the monster together! Clear?

Drax: Very well.

Y/n jumps out last and lands behind Groot and Rocket as they place the first thumper.

Rocket: Thumper one: done!

Gamora: (COM) Meet you at the rendezvous point.

The Basilisk takes off toward the other drop-site.

Y/n: Look after the Basilisk, Gamora. And don't let Drax try any crazy stunts.

Gamora: (COM) You got it.

Team Rocket then makes their way through as Drax comes on the COM.

Drax: (COM) Y/n Djarin. The insubordination of the assassin has become insufferable.

Gamora: (COM) I'm doing what exactly what we planned to do.

Drax: (COM) She is also quite contrarian.

Y/n: Oh, for the love of- Drax, quit being a baby and grow some gnords. Gamora is doing her job, now do yours and stop complaining.

The team squeezes through a broken door and Y/n sees the mining rig out in the distance.

Y/n: That giant cylinder is the mining rig, right?

Rocket: Yep, that's it.

Y/n: Flark. So much destruction clustered together by nano resin. Bits and pieces of a war that stretched across the entire universe.

BD-7: (beeps inquisitively)

Y/n: Bloody, BD. That's all it was. Blood and gore.

Rocket: Ya know, I think I do sort of get it. Thousands of worlds fighting for some fleeting greater good. Oh, look! Yellow and blue! Looks like an old Nova Corps frigate. Nice!

Y/n: The flark's the matter with you?! People died on that ship!

Rocket: Killjoy. Why'd you even bring us here if the place is so "sacred"?

Groot: I am Groot?

Rocket: I can name at least a dozen planets with monsters on them. So, why here? (snickers) Ya think it's to impress Gamora? Like, "Hey, check out the serious intel I got from, you know, shady sources."

Y/n: If you're done being a chatterbox now, I'll tell you. Being heroes for hire hasn't exactly been going well seeing as how we're not that well known, in case you haven't noticed. But if we pull this off and bring Lady Hellbender whatever the monster is that lives out here, then our reputation will go up as well as our number of clients. More clients, more units. More units, more food and supplies. Get the picture?

Rocket: I got it, I got it!

Y/n: Plus, if this doesn't work out, I have a fallback plan. Or "planet" I should say, where we can get another monster.

Rocket: And that planet is?

Drax: (COM) Maklu IV, home of the legendary, Fin Fang Foom!

Y/n: Flark no, Drax! There is no way we're ready to take on a dastin' dragon!

Team Rocket jumps over a gap, Y/n being the last to follow, and the ground gives way. Y/n cries out as he grabs onto the ledge with one hand and BD-7 climbs up as Y/n pulls himself to the top.

BD-7: (beeps concerningly)

Groot: I am Groot?

Y/n: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine guys.

Rocket: Ha! Almost made yourself a very late war casualty!

Y/n: Laugh it up, fuzzball. The next ledge you break, don't be expecting me to save you.

Rocket: You know, I like this. This is fun.

Groot: I am Groot?

Rocket: The three of us, hanging out. Doing missions without the Greenies.

Groot: I am Groot.

Rocket: I do not hate everybody. I just tolerate Y/n. Y/n's a swell guy.

Gamora: (COM) I hope you get that promotion, Rocket.

Y/n: Keep in mind I was traveling the galaxy with Gamora looking for any Mandalorians that survived the war.

Rocket: After Mandalore got destroyed?

Y/n: It was after the final push on Mercury. I left a lot of people behind. And I tried to put the past behind me too. But I still get nightmares about it.

Gamora: (COM) Y/n....

Y/n: I'm okay, just... let's just talk about something else.

The team slides down and they come to two-way passage.

Rocket: Pretty sure that way's a dead end.

Y/n: BD, scan please.

BD-7 scans the passage and beeps responsively.

Y/n: BD-7 says you were right.

Rocket: Of course I am. Ah, there we go! Path's this way. Come on!

Y/n: How did you even know the other way was a dead end?

Rocket: Because, unlike you, I have very keen sense of direction.

Y/n: Pretty sure your "keen sense" has gotten us into a lot of firefights, than anything else.

Rocket: Name one.

Y/n: Uh, how about that brawl with that Trandoshan pirate captain and his buddies?

Rocket: Oh, come on! That one don't count!

Y/n: You insulted his brother before swindling them out three-thousand units!

Suddenly a bulkhead fell off and made them jump back.

Y/n: Whoa!

Rocket: Watch it, Y/n!

Y/n: Oh, yeah, blame me. Real mature, furball.

The team makes their way up and Rocket groans in disgust at what he sees.

Rocket: Ugh, I hate these ship eating parasites. Flarkers would chew through the Basilisk in two cycles.

Y/n shoots the nest with his pistol and the parasites crawl away or get zapped to a crisp.

Y/n: Happy now?

Rocket: Heh, nice splatter! Hey, 50 units says I can clear more of these suckers than you.

Y/n: Oh, please. Like that's gonna happen!

Suddenly a scoreboard appears on Y/n's visor.

Y/n: What the-?! Rocket, was that you?

Rocket: The scoreboard? You like it? Hacked it into your helmet when you were sleeping.

Y/n: You did WHAT?!

Rocket: Oh, relax! I didn't take your precious helmet off. Flark knows why you never take if off.

Y/n: Again, none of your business. Now let's get this bet started.

Rocket: Later. Optimal thumper placing distance should be just up ahead.

Groot: I am Groot?

Rocket: I'm thinking right in front, through the giant hole where the ship's cockpit used to be. Well, that's grim.

Groot: I am Groot.

Rocket: Uh, yeah, try not to think about it. It's better not to think about what happened to anyone working on these old wrecks. It was a long time ago.

Y/n: Show respect, guys. These people gave their lives so we-WAAAGGHHH!

The floor gives way beneath Y/n's feet and he crashes to the lower deck with BD-7.

Y/n: OW!

Rocket: (laughs hysterically) Amazing! I should've been recording! Bridge over, Groot. I wanna see if he's still alive.

Groot: I am Groot?

Rocket: I don't know, but he's twitching! Flarkin' scutstain, Y/n! You okay down there?

Y/n: Fine. BD, stim please.

BD-7: (beeps responsively)

BD-7 ejects a healing stim from his head and Y/n catches it before injecting it in his side.

Rocket: There's a crapped up Nova Corps bay up ahead. We'll meet you there.

Y/n: Copy that.

Y/n and BD-7 crawl through an open space and come to a dead end.

Y/n: Flark. Now what?

Rocket: (COM) You fall into another hole, Y/n?

Y/n: I'm fine, Rocket. Just trying to figure a way out.

Rocket: (COM) If all else fails, shoot something.

Y/n: Good advice.

Y/n shoots down a bulkhead blocking his path, and a tunnel lowers down.

Rocket: (COM) Holy scut! Y/n, was that you?!

Y/n: Shot my way out.

Rocket: (COM) See? Never fails!

Y/n and BD-7 slide down a ramp and see a green creature with eyeballs all over.

Y/n: What the flark is that-

The monster hisses at Y/n, making him pull out his rifle and shoot it dead. More creatures than start crawling out of holes and crevices.

BD-7 hops on Y/n's back and beeps fearfully.

Y/n: We'll be fine!

Rocket: (COM) You dead, Y/n? We can hear your blaster fire from hear.

Y/n: I'm kind of busy!

Y/n then trades his rifle for his pistol and Beskar sword and starts shooting slicing one after the other. Y/n stomps the last creature dead, holstering his weapons.

Rocket: (COM) Hey, Y/n, we got a lot riding on your hairy friend's mystery monster tip. He'd better be legit.

Groot: (COM) I am Groot?

Rocket: (COM) Like you could even tell he had an honest face.

Y/n: I trust him, Rocket. A lot more than I'd trust any of your contacts. Plus, he wants a ten percent finder's fee.

Rocket: (COM) What?! You never flarkin' mentioned that!

Y/n: It'll be out of my cut. Relax. If it was one of your contacts, they'd have probably followed us and tried to kill us to steal our reward.

Rocket: (COM) Oh, please. How many times has that happened?

Y/n: Four times.

Rocket: (COM) Hey, if you're including Contraxia-

Y/n and BD-7 make it out and see Rocket and Groot on the other side of the ship.

Rocket: Mother of scut! Move!

Y/n looks up and sees a giant wreck flying towards them.

Y/n: Oh, FLARK!

Y/n rushes towards Groot and Rocket as they make it to the other side. Y/n jumps and barely makes it as the ship passes them.

Y/n: Whew! That was close!

After planting and fixing one of thumpers, the team then makes their way through more wreckage.

Groot: I am Groot?

Rocket: Groot's wondering if the reward's gonna be worth all the risk we're taking for this job. Me and Groot are nearly unkillable, but what if the rest of you don't make it out alive?

Y/n: Guys, we deliver this monster to Lady Hellbender, and we'll get bigger payouts. And jobs that never amount to anything.

Rocket: A ship for each one of us!

Y/n: Works for me. Then I won't have to put up with you constantly saying the Basilisk is your ship, when it's MY ship.

Gamora: (COM) You guys can have your own ships, I'll be sticking with Y/n on the Basilisk.

Y/n: No argument here, beautiful.

Rocket: Ugh, can you guys not flirt over the COMs, please?

Y/n: You're just jealous, furball.

The team then makes their way to the head of a Kree sentry. They then place the next thumper and hold off another wave of monsters.

Y/n: Haha! Nice job, fellas!

Rocket: Thanks. What was that last one worth, like five points?

Y/n: Don't be a cheater just because I'm kicking your ass!

Then then see the mining rig ahead.

Rocket: All right! Mining rig's ahead!

Groot: I am Groot?

Rocket: Of course it's secure. As secure as a broken down Chitauri shipwreck's ever gonna be...

Y/n: Groot, root bridge, please.

Groot: I am Groot.

Y/n: Thanks, bud. Plus, even if Rocket is a jerk, he'd never put you at risk.

Rocket: Exactly! I've always got your back, bud.

The ship then began to shake.

Groot: (nervously) I am Groot?

Rocket: Yes! The resin can hold a stupid warship. I'm tellin' ya, it's totally safe. I'll show ya.

Rocket jumps up and down to prove his point.

Rocket: Look at this?

The ship then gave way and started descending downward.

Y/n: Go for the ledge!

Y/n and BD-7 jump to a safe distance as Rocket began falling. Groot steadies himself before stretching his branches and grabbing Rocket before throwing him to where Y/n and BD-7's position.


The ship crashes, and they see Groot climb to a lower level.

Y/n: Groot! You're okay!

Groot: I am Groot!

Rocket: Fine?! You flarkin' piece of moldy driftwood! You could've died saving me!

Groot: I am Groot!

Groot then walks off as Rocket sniffs.

Rocket: I love you too, you selfless son of a chog. Come on, Y/n. He says he'll meet us at the mining ship. I don't wanna make him wait.

Y/n: That's it?! We're not going after him?!

Rocket: He says it's fine, we'll meet him later!

Gamora: (COM) Team Rocket, is everything okay? Groot's signal just went dark.

Rocket: His, uh, radio must've broke when he fell?

Drax: (COM) What happened to your timber companion?

Rocket: He ain't timber! He's alive!

Drax: (COM) But he fell?

Rocket: I really don't know if you're being clever or dumb right now. Team Rocket, out! (exhales) Sounds like Green Team's off our backs. Now we can stop worrying about that dumb accident.

Y/n: Accident?! You nearly sent us to Squash Town, Rocket!

Rocket: What? That's all it was!

Y/n: You almost killed, Groot! If you hadn't tried to be a smartass-

Rocket: I didn't-! You don't know nothin! Quit trying to get an apology out of me!

Y/n: I'm not the one you need to apologize to!

Rocket: We're at the rig, can we drop it, please?!

Y/n: Fine, whatever.

The turbine to the rig was closed, blocking their path.

Rocket: Now what?

Y/n: Stand back.

Y/n takes out the Darksaber and cuts a circle through the blades.

Rocket: Well, that works!

Suddenly the ground gave way again and they began to slide down.

BD-7: (beeps gleefully)

Y/n: Not again!

Rocket: It wasn't me this time, I swear!

Y/n shot debris out of the way before seeing the end of the tunnel would lead to open space.

Y/n: Ah, scut! Hang on, BD!

BD-7 grips on tight as Y/n activates his jetpack and stops his fall. Rocket screams as he falls through the tunnel and Y/n catches him.

Rocket: Whew! Thanks!

The Basilisk then flies up and they see Drax and Gamora.

Drax: I told you I saw them.

Y/n: Where'd you guys come from?

Gamora: Good to see you too, but you need to get out of here!

A giant gust of wind was sending debris at them.

Gamora: There's too much debris! I'm taking her out of here!

Y/n: GO! GO! GO!

Y/n holds Rocket close as he swerves and avoids more debris.

Rocket: Y/n, look out!

Y/n ascends over a large meteorite of nano-resin as he sees an exit. He throws Rocket at the doorway, as the raccoon somersaults and runs down the hall with Y/n and BD-7 behind him.

Gamora: Y/n! Are you okay? Y/N!

Rocket: Lover boy's fine! Oh, and so am I! THANKS FOR FLARKIN' ASKING!

Y/n: Ignore him. Just set the ship down wherever you can and meet us at the rendezvous.

Gamora: Copy that. See you in a tick!

Y/n: Flark, I can't see scut. BD, can you do something about the lights?

BD-7 hops off Y/n and uses his splicing scomp to turn on the lights. Y/n sees another parasite nest and shoots it as a yellow jewel of some kind lands on the deck.

Y/n: Go ahead.

Rocket: You're serious?!

Y/n: Yeah, I got enough stuff in my room.

Rocket: Flark, yeah!

Rocket sprints on all fours after the jewel only for it to fly past him and land in Y/n's hand as he laughs.

Rocket: You and your flarkin' wizard tricks!

Y/n: It's not wizardry, it's called the Force.

Rocket: I don't care what it's flarkin' called!

Y/n: Furbaby.

Y/n, Rocket, and BD-7 look at the gem, before it sizzles and burns Y/n's hand, making him cry in pain and throw the gem away.

Y/n: Flark, that hurt!

Rocket: Y/n, you okay?

BD-7: (beeps concerned)

Y/n: I'm okay, just... flark!

Suddenly a small, black and purple mass crawled out of the jewel and flew out to the other side of the viewport.

Rocket: Well, that's concerning.

The mass then tried to attack them, but only hit the glass before flying away.

Y/n: What the hell was that?

Rocket: Uh, it's a... swarm of old cleaner bots? Maybe?

Y/n: (deadpan) Old cleaner bots? Really?

Rocket: I don't know!

They then hear banging from the wall, and pull out their weapons. The door opens and Rocket started shooting wildly.


Y/n: Rocket, ROCKET, STOP!

Rocket stops and they see it was just Groot, blocking Rocket's shots.

Groot: I AM GROOT?!

Rocket: Groot! (runs up to him) You okay, buddy?

Groot sighs and nods before motioning them to follow.

Rocket: Sorry about the shooting.

Y/n: We thought you were that weird, shadow mass we released-

Rocket: SAW! We saw some old cleaner bots... accidentally... at a distance.

Groot: I am Groot?

Y/n: Rocket, whatever that thing was, it wasn't inoffensive. It was almost pissed.

Groot: I am Groot?

Rocket: Y/n shot this massive worm nest and some gem or something fell and the big floaty creature came out of it. That's all.

They then try to squeeze through a crack in the hull, and Y/n starts sliding across some pipes.

Y/n: Whoa! Stay back, seems unstable. WOOOAAAGHH!

The pipes give way and Y/n falls to the lower deck, where several more monsters are waiting.

Y/n: Oh, flark! That's ugly!

Y/n shot at the creatures, making them all attack before he takes them all down.

Gamora: (COM) Team Rocket? Finally! We couldn't hear you before. Something about the mining ship's been messing up our COMs.

Rocket: (COM) Yeah, somethin' really ain't right in here. And Y/n fell down another hole!

Gamora: (COM) Another one? I've parked the Basilisk, but Drax is out there searching for you.

Rocket: (COM) Maybe you guys'll find Y/n before we do. We're trying to catch up to him.

Y/n: We really gotta work on staying with our teams.

Drax: (COM) I will find you, Y/n Djarin. Describe your surroundings.

Y/n: Uh, garbage cubes, old mining tech, wait are there conduits above you?

Drax: (COM) Indeed.

Y/n: Follow those. They should lead you to my position.

Drax: (COM) Understood.

Y/n and BD-7 hop down to a lower platform and a large monster bursts out of the wall.

Y/n: Dank Farrik! That thing is freaky!

Rocket: (COM) How freaky? Kill it!

Y/n: On it!

Y/n takes out his Beskar sword and jumps to slash it's head, but the monster dashes away and knocks Y/n into the wall, before trying to snap at him.

Y/n: Get off me, you drooling-AAAGGH!

Drax: (COM) I am almost there, Y/n Djarin! Continue to fight!

Y/n: Burn, you sucker! Burn!

Y/n fires his flamethrower, making the monster screech and jump back. Drax then bursts through the wall with his knives in hand.

Drax: Y/n Djarin, I have arrived!

Y/n: Let's kick his ass, Drax!

Drax let's out a war cry and laughs as he grabs the creature by it's legs and throws it into the wall with ease.

Y/n stabs his sword into the head of the monster, making it cry out before succumbing to death. Another one appears and smacks Y/n away, as he shoots his rifle at it.

Gamora: (COM) Any clue how I find you guys?

Y/n: Drax made a hole in the wall, if you can find that! And you might wanna hurry! You're missing the fun!

Drax jumps and stabs the back of the monster with his knives as Gamora rushes in.

Gamora: My turn!

Y/n: All yours, beautiful!

Gamora: Feel THIS?

Gamora jumps off the wall and kills the monster with one slash from her sword.

Gamora: I just love hearing their shells crack!

Drax: Indeed!

Y/n: Way to go guys!

BD-7: (beeps happily)

Rocket: (COM) You greenies find Y/n yet?

Gamora: Found and saved.

Y/n: I was holding my own, thank you very much!

Rocket: (COM) Go on ahead then. We'll catch up, just making a... pit stop.

Y/n: Rocket, I swear to flark, if you're scavenging tech we don't need-

Rocket: (COM) Don't get your armor in a twist.

Gamora: I parked the Basilisk near the last thumper spot. We'll head that way and keep an eye out for you.

Y/n: How's the ship?

Gamora: You can see for yourself, it we can get back up there.

Y/n: Easy-peasy.

Y/n shots the cable holding up a large crate as it then crashed to the ground.

Y/n: Drax, you mind moving that crate to the ledge over here?

Drax: Behold the might of a Katathian warrior!

Drax hefts the crate over to the ledge and sets it down.

Drax: Remember this moment should you ever think of crossing me, assassin.

Y/n: Drax, knock it off. Rocket, we're back on track.

Rocket: (COM) Huh? Oh, yeah, good for you.

Groot: (COM) I am Groot.

Rocket: (COM) It ain't stealing if it's abandoned, we- oh, flark!

Y/n: Rocket...

Groot: (COM) I am Groot!

Rocket: (COM) Not now, Y/n!

BD-7: (beeps disappointedly)

Y/n: Yeah, he probably stirred up some monsters. Come on, let's find 'em.

Drax: Perhaps he has located our monster.

Gamora: We don't even know what it looks like. The intel was extremely vague.

Y/n: Not that vague. My contact said it was big and it can fly.

Gamora: "Big and can fly"?

Y/n: What you want from me? An encyclopedia on monsters?

Drax: Lady Hellbender is a renowned warrior. An ideal specimen would reflect that strength.

Gamora: Exactly. Something scary.

Drax: I disagree. Strength is endearing. My little Kamaria, and her mother, Hovat, were two of the strongest people who ever lived.

Gamora: Maybe we would've gotten along.

Drax: Certainly not. They did not respect traitors.

Y/n: Drax, again, stow the negativity.

Drax: I cannot physically place my feelings somewhere.

Y/n: Back to the point: the bigger and scarier the monster, the more units we get paid. If this beast's as big as I hope it is, we'll probably get paid somewhere between 50,000 and 100,000 units.

Gamora: That's hoping for too much.

Y/n: If there's one thing Wookiees know, it's big. And tearing limbs off.

Gamora: Fair.

Y/n: And like I said, if this doesn't work out, I know another place we can get a good monster.

Drax: Once we deliver her prize, Lady Hellbender could become an influential ally.

Y/n: How so?

Drax: They say that the mere mention of her name can end a negotiation.

Gamora: You wanna turn the Guardians of the Galaxy into an extortion racket?

Drax: No. I want people to offer us bigger task because they fear her wrath.

Y/n: That's the same thing, Drax.

Drax: Oh.

Y/n kicks down a loose bulkhead and slides down a ramp with Gamora and Drax behind him.


Groot: I AM GROOT!

Y/n Rocket, down here!

Up above, Rocket and Groot exit a doorway.

Rocket: Y/n, you got some timing! We got company!

Monsters then start coming from all around, as the Guardians attack.

Y/n: Did these come from the last thumper?!

Rocket: We haven't even placed it yet! This whole place is crawling with monsters!

Drax: If they are food for our quarry, it will not be far behind.

Y/n: Take 'em down!

The monsters start to overwhelm the Guardians, backing them into a corner.

Rocket: We're losing ground here, Y/n!

Drax: The situation is deteriorating quickly!

Gamora: What do we do, Y/n?!


The team gets behind Y/n as he raises his hand and let's out a yell as he smashes it into the deck and a giant wave sends all the monsters into space, dead.

Rocket: What. The flark. WAS THAT?!

Y/n stumbles to his knees, panting as Gamora helps him up.

Gamora: Y/n, are you okay?

Y/n: Yeah, just using that much power can exhaust me real quick. I'm fine, I just need a minute.

Drax: (laughs triumphantly) We are victorious! An astounding display, Y/n Djarin!

Y/n: Thanks. Let's just place the last thumper and get out of here.

Rocket: Last thumper spot is this way.

Y/n: Rocket, mind hacking the door?

Rocket: Watch a genius at work.

Rocket hacks the door and it opens to reveal where Gamora parked the Basilisk.

Y/n: (whistle) And they say women can't drive.

Gamora: Thanos never tolerated imperfection.

Rocket: Never been a problem for Y/n.

Y/n: Let's just catch the monster and get out of here.

Gamora: Yeah, this place feels like it's about to collapse on itself.

Drax: I cannot wait to meet our monster.

Y/n: Thought you were only interested in meeting the buyer.

Drax: She is a respectable collector.

Gamora: Is it working?

Rocket: Yeah, yeah. Don't worry, sunshine.

Y/n: (snickers) Sunshine.

Gamora elbows Y/n, making him laugh.

Y/n: Hehe, is it working?

Rocket: (covering ears) WHAT?!

Drax: It appears to be broken!


Gamora: What sound?


Y/n: Rocket, there's no-

Something rushed by and grumbles at the team as they see a pair of red eyes staring at them.

Drax: Our monster has arrived!

Gamora: (grabs sword) I see it!

Y/n: That's not it, but whatever it is, we're not letting it get away. Groot, block the exit. Everyone else, weapons hot!

The creature kept dashing behind the garbage crates.

Y/n: Rocket! Take out the crates! Don't give it any cover to hide behind!

Rocket: Right!

Gamora: Don't let it get behind you! It could be poisonous!

Y/n: Groot, when I give the word, hold it down!

Groot: I am Groot!

Rocket takes out the last crate, making the monster have nowhere to go.

Y/n: NOW!

Groot: I AM GROOT!

Groot holds the monster down and the lighting of the room expands to see what they caught.

Rocket: What the flark is that?

Gamora: Definitely not a monster.

Y/n: Told you.

Groot: I am Groot!

Rocket: Adorable?! It's more matted than an Asgardian goat!

BD-7: (beeps jokingly)

Y/n: Yeah, it is pretty stupid looking.

Drax: We cannot present this pathetic creature to the Monster Queen of Seknarf Nine. She will laugh at us!

Y/n: We could use it as bait.

Gamora: I knew those thumpers wouldn't work.

Rocket: What?! My thumpers are state of the art! Muscle-head's the one who rushed at the first thing that came through the door!

Drax: My head is not made of muscle!

Suddenly they hear a loud moan and something tears through the wall. The Guardians then see a giant flying whale zoom by.

Y/n: I told you. Big and can fly.

Drax: Yes! Now THAT is a monster!

Y/n: Ready up, people! Let's catch ourselves a whale!

Suddenly the giant shadowy mass from before comes out of nowhere and attacks the whale.

Gamora: What in Hala's name is that?

Y/n: Crap, it's that thing from before!

Rocket: Definitely, not cleaner bots! Whole place is crapping out! We gotta get out of here! Now!


Y/n: Less cursing and more moving, Drax!

The Guardians make it to the Basilisk and Y/n hits the thrusters.

Y/n: Strap in and hold onto your butts, people! Rocket! Tell me you added the new thruster upgrades I gave you!

Rocket: Perfect time to ask! I did! Hit the blue button!

Y/n hits the button and swerves the ship through a tunnel of nano-resin.

Rocket: Watch the ship!

Y/n: I see it! I see it!

Rocket: You ain't-! Drax, what are you doing?!

Drax: I am clenching my buttocks as Y/n Djarin instructed.

A giant Kree sentry hand flew by and crashed next to them.

Y/n: Flarkin' Kree bots!

Gamora: Heads up!

Drax: Debris incoming!

Rocket: Blow it away, Y/n!

Y/n: I got it!

Y/n fires the Basilisk's blasters and shoots away all the debris.

Y/n: Yeah, baby! That's how it's done!

Gamora: Y/N!


Drax: Do you fear dying with a guilty conscience, assassin?

Y/n swerves and avoids a chunk of nano-resin.

Rocket: That's it, let me drive! You're gonna get us killed!

Y/n: Touch the controls and you can kiss your tail goodbye! We're not dead yet!

Gamora: Maybe we are and this is hell!

Drax: Do not be ridiculous. This place lacks the eternal frost of Sarduth.

Rocket: Your hell is frozen?!

Drax: Katathians do not like to be cold.

Gamora: Try putting on a shirt!

Y/n sees the exit hole from where they first entered the QZ.

Y/n: Final stretch! WOOOHOOO!

The Basilisk blasts out of the QZ and into open space!

Y/n: HAHAHA! That's how it's done!

Rocket: A job getting flarked?! Our monster just got eaten!

Y/n: And I told you I had a backup plan! Next stop-

Y/n gets cut off by an EMP blast stopping the Basilisk cold.

Y/n: (sighs) It's Nova Corps, isn't it?

Drax: It is Nova Corps.

Y/n: FLARK!!!


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