Fated Queen | MiChaeng [G!P]✔

By _Myoui_Penguin_

80.3K 2K 963

⚠️: Bye innocent/sensitive people~🔞 Son Chaeyoung, the Crown Princess of the modern Kingdom of Korea. She... More

Author's Note


3.3K 86 31
By _Myoui_Penguin_

Queen Chaeyoung's POV

It's been two weeks since I was crowned queen and things still felt the same when I was the Crown princess, only my title was changed, not how busy I am.

Actually, when I was still the Crown Princess I was already doing the duties of a queen as training for me so maybe that's why I'm used to it now. 

I'm glad my grandmother could rest a little now since she doesn't have many duties now as the Grand Queen Dowager and hosting traditional events or ceremonies are the only things she could do much left.

 She's still the most powerful of all of course, she could still intervene anytime with any major projects or concerns about the country and there are still several decrees or commands that I need her approvement before I can get on with it.

But it's alright, and I am still in need of my grandmother's guidance and I'm not against her having much power because I know she's wise in using it so.

I'm not like those other royalties that are against their parents because they want to stand on their own and they want to be the most powerful of all, so look what has become of their country because they didn't have enough guidance and wise opinions or approvements from someone who knows it more than them.

Anyway, I'm just sitting at the office of my chambers signing contracts and reviewing documents right now when Momo knocked at the doors.

"Come in." I told her and she went in with a worried face and bowed to me.

"Your Highness! The elders of the royal family have called for a family meeting at the Royal Vacation House!" Momo announced in worry.

"It's just another family meeting why are you so worried?" I asked her.

"It's not just like the other family meetings my Queen, the meeting concerns...you." she said and bowed again.

Of course, that hit me, well not so much but it's a bit new for me, usually they call out for a family meeting when it only concerns one of our family businesses or establishments.

"Do I have any other appointments today other than the family meeting?"I asked her.

"No your highness." she answered simply looking at her tablet.

"Very well, let's get going." I told her.

"I will get you a suit." she said and bowed to me and went away now.

I just went to my balcony, seeing the whole palace with servants roaming around and I look up to the skies and sigh deeply, I then thought in my head, 'What could this be about?'

"Your Highness here's the suit." Momo said showing me my blue women's suit that arrived last week with 50 more similar suits to that style that's worth $100,000 each suite.

"Ok, I'll just change quickly."I told her as she handed me the suit and she goes out for a moment while I go to my dressing room.

I quickly dressed up and when I got out Momo bowed at me again and gave me my phone.

Then we headed out of my chamber and 2 of my bodyguards followed us to the exit of my hall and outside was the Phantom Limo waiting for me already with 2 black Rolls Royce Cullinan behind it for my extra security men.

The driver opened the limo for me now and I went in with Momo and we started to head now to the vacation house.

All the servants and other workers in the palace bow when the Phantom Limo passes them when we exit the palace and I looked now at the surroundings outside the palace by the window of the limo and tell myself 'Don't think too much of it.'

"So any more details of this family meeting?" I asked Momo.

She bowed at me, "Forgive me my Queen, but I don't have any further details to tell you, the Grand Queen Dowager's personal assistant just suddenly called me to bring you quickly to the Royal Vacation House for a family meeting concerning you and hanged up." 

I just simply nodded and Momo sat up straight again.

"Very well, we'll just hope that it isn't so serious." I told her and she nodded still with a worried look on her face.

I arrived at the Royal Vacation House shortly and the driver opened the door for me.

I went straight to the open traditional Korean hut where I could already see the elders sitting by the long table waiting for me. Even My younger sister Tzuyu is present too.

When they saw me they all stood up and bowed, "My Queen" they all said together. I slightly bow back at them.

My grandmother rubbed my back and we all sat again our legs crossed.

We sipped some tea first while my grandmother still looks at me with worry.

I guess it's really kind of bad.

I cleared my throat to get their attention and they faced me, "May I ask now the purpose of this meeting concerning me?" I asked, but inside I felt very nervous about what they'll answer after and I did my best not to stutter in nervousness when I asked them.

I learned as the Queen that I should always do my not to show that I'm nervous and be strong as I possibly can whenever I feel that something bad is coming.

Then my granduncle, my grandfather's brother faced me, "Your Highness,  may I inform you that as the Queen, you are responsible for conceiving an heir and you know that you are more capable of doing that right? We have even considered you as the savior of our royal bloodline when you decided not to take the surgery for changing your body part, but until now you haven't even found a queen for yourself, we are sorry to say that if you have not found a decent bride and won't have an heir by the end of the year, we have no choice but to make Princess Tzuyu the Queen and make her marry the eldest son and heir of the Kim Corporations, the best Corporations out there worldwide and start a new bloodline."

My grandmother gasped and so did my sister Tzuyu and I just went blank all of a sudden and even Momo gasped for me.

"De-dear brother, let's not be so harsh, our Queen has achieved a lot for our royal family and for the Kingdom all these years, we shouldn't just end her easily this way." my grandmother said in concern to my granduncle.

Then another of my granduncles said, "We also know that dear sister, but that won't be of much use if we cannot secure the continuation of our royal bloodline, you know the other siblings of the late King and the cousins of the present Queen are not interested in taking the throne."

He said, and the other elders agreed and my grandmother knows he's right too.

My grandmother could just look down and sigh then she face me in worry.

I always feel disappointed in myself when I see her this worried. I won't let this go easily, I can't give up now.

I stood up, "So this is what it's all about? Me finding a bride and conceiving an heir?  Please do not worry, you may have all thought I haven't found a bride but I have been dating for years, she'll be coming back next week from her business trip in the U.S. When is the end of the year? In the next 5 months? I'll propose to her when she gets back in no time and I will introduce her to you. Please place your trust in me, I will not let you down." I told them as I bowed for their consideration.

My grandmother looked at them in encouragement, after a moment all they did is nod with blank expressions, "Very well you highness, please do not let us lose our trust in you." my granduncle said and I bowed at them again.

Finally it was over and I could feel a great weight from my shoulder vanish and they start heading out now while some stayed and continue conversing while sipping tea.

I was just walking towards the exit when my sister Tzuyu came to me, "Unnie, I-I mean my Queen, please don't let this happen you know I don't love the son of Kim Corporations, *she come closer to me and whisper* I can't leave Sana, and you know I cannot handle and take over everything in ruling the Kingdom since you've done most everything yourself. I'm already happy with what I have right now."

I just look at her in concern, if I were in her shoes I'd say the same thing, I know my sister likes her own P.A., but what could I do left? And my sister trusted me not to tell anyone until they have the courage to announce to everyone one day.

We both got each other left, so not I'm only going to fix this for myself but for her too.

I just sigh and caressed her shoulder, "Don't worry, don't you trust me? Of course I won't let them take me down this easily and you can't take over handle easily what I've made over the years for this kingdom, she'll come back next week I'll propose to her."

Then Tzuyu just pouted more and I furrowed my eyebrows, "What's wrong? I thought it's going to be ok now." I asked her.

"Unnie is it Jeon Somi the Prime Minister's daughter? Unnie she's not as good as you think she is, as your sister I also want you to find the love of your life fast but you deserve the best unnie, it's not too late to find someone better, you know grandmother also doesn't like her." she told me and that made me sad that she thought of it that way.

"Tzu..Tzuyu-ah it's not like that- ...Ahh!" I shout in pain when someone slapped my bottoms and it was actually grandmother and Tzuyu covered her mouth trying her best not to laugh.

I kept rubbing my butt, "Grandmother what was that for?" I asked her while still groaning in pain.

"You crybaby, you're the Queen now tsk tsk tsk...Aigoo I agree with the Princess, don't tell me you're really going to marry that wench of a daughter of the Prime Minister's and introduce her to the elders? I thought you two have ended years ago." my grandmother told me.

"Grandmother, Tzuyu-ah, you don't know her much that's why, but she's the best *they rolled their eyes* and you said I should marry a woman of high position and power right?"

"Unless if it's going to be that woman not on my watch, I'd rather let you marry a kind and humble commoner than a wench like her. You know her father is one of the most corrupt officials in the country." my grandmother replied.

"I know grandmother, but that's her father, not her, she's different, please just give me a chance and prove that to you." I told them and they both just look somewhere else not making eye contact with me.

Then grandmother really put a strict look on her face, "No, I won't give this a chance again, this time I will really say no, I expect you to end things with her as soon as she arrives. It's not too late to find someone better than that wench, even if I'll give my life just for you to find a better woman."

I just frowned, I can't believe this is what she said to me after all the things I did to make her proud.  She couldn't even let me be with the person I like and she thinks so badly of her including my only sister when this is the last thing I ask them for.

Why can't they see what I see?

I just looked down and closed my eyes tightly trying my best not to cry, "I...I will come to visit you in a few days after you cool down, this is not the first time, we don't have to argue about this simple matter." I said with a shaky voice.

I just suddenly went away leaving them and Momo bowed to them with a nervous face followed me back to the Phantom Limo and the driver opened the car for us.

We went back to the palace now and I'm stuck in my chamber again drowning myself with work to forget the argument me and my grandmother just had.


Mina's POV

I'm at the oby gyne clinic again for my free check-up because the doctor here is my friend.

Dr. Seulgi just came back with my results and I was nervous about the results.

She sat down and fix the papers and sigh.

I think it's kind of bad.

She faces me and I know she just did her best to smile so as not to make me feel so bad.

"Well Mina-ssi, I know you might expect bad stuff, and I'm sad to say but it's true." she told me and I just looked down and sigh.

"Your results show that there are no signs of improvement from you AMH test. But here's the good news, since you're only in your early 30s, 32 right?"

"Yes that's right." I answered.

"Very well, so as I was saying because you're still in your early 30s you can still decide to freeze your healthy remaining eggs but, the bad thing about that is there's a chance those eggs might get damaged when it unfreezes during fertilization so it will still be hard for you to get pregnant but this bad side effect isn't very common." 

I pouted again, "Is there anyway safer way other than this? Ha-having a baby is all I dreamed of but it's still become difficult for me to do so."

"Well, the safest way is by doing it naturally. You have a boyfriend right? You should get married soon because Mina-ssi, you don't produce many eggs as a normal female should produce, so when you reach your late 30s above, the percentage of you getting pregnant drops drastically and it'll be too late to freeze your eggs, so I advise you do things soon while you're still in your early 30s."

I just blush at the marriage part and everything, "But we've just started dating a year ago, and I..I'm not sure if he agrees with all these too." I told her shyly.

She just smiled and rubbed my back, "Well you two should talk it out as couples, just hope that he agrees." she told me.

"But either way you should get laid with him sooner or later if you really want to have a kid." she told me and chuckled but I just blushed.

"Yah! Unnie I'm not that kind of person." I told her while pouting and she kept on laughing.

"I know, I know Minari, you're far too innocent that's another problem, so try losing up a little." she said and I just nodded without any expression.

"Speaking of which unnie, how's Irene and your kid together?" I asked her.

"Well we're doing great, but it's not good as you think, Irene is trashed taking care of our baby day and night and I even feel guilty for leaving her every day doing all the hard job." she told me.

"Awwe I envy her, I wish I could also do that soon." I said.

"Oh don't dream of it Minari, it's the worst, day and night the baby cries and you can't sleep enough because you have to take care of her 24/7 and you couldn't even look after yourself when you're with the baby." she said.

"That's not how I see it unnie, I want to experience all that, at the end of the day the baby gives you joy and happiness you can't ask for any better gift than a baby." I told her honestly.

"Well your right Mina, any child would be lucky to have a mom like you, I'm even going home now after this because I can't resist staying long outside away from my family." she said.

"Oh I must have taken plenty of your time I should get going now unnie." I said and started getting up.

"It's no problem at all Minari, in fact, I want to give you a ride to your company, it's on the way anyway."

"Oh thank you so much unnie." I said and bowed slightly to her.

She put off her coat and grabbed her bag and we started heading out of the clinic to the parking lot and went in her car.

Not long after we've arrive at the company and I started getting off the car and I bowed again to her, "Thank you so much again unnie."

She nodded, "Decide wisely again ok Minari? And talk to your boyfriend about it." she said and I just smiled and nodded.

She started driving off and I waved goodbye as the car goes further.

I faced the company and sighed, I have plenty of choices but I have to decide wisely, I should think positively as possible when I still have chances of claiming my only dream.

I went into the company now and bowed to every employee I passed by until I reached the elevator up to the floor where my desk is located.

When I arrived I heard my boss start declaring, "Alright everyone, gather around I have to announce something."

I put my bag on my desk first and Dahyun saw me so we went together and formed some sort of circle around our boss along with the other employees.

Dahyun then went close to me and whispered, "So how was it Minari?"

I faced her with a sad face so her smiling face dropped too.

"Not good but I had options." I told her.

"What are those?" she asked.

"Well, one of them Dr. Seulgi said is I should do it naturally soon as possible while I'm still in my early 30s or it'll be too late for me when I reach my late 30s."

"Then choose that Minari, I'm sure you could talk that out with Dae Hyun, that's the only dream you have left I'm sure he'd also consider it." 

"It's not easy as you think Dahyun-ah, what if he doesn't think that way and just wants to take it slow so I should also be considerate to his decisions."

"Then he's selfish if he thinks that way, but aren't there any other options you said?"

"Oh, she said I could freeze my healthy remaining eggs this early but it might be damaged if it unfreezes and it'll still be hard for me to get pregnant so she says the safest way to do it is still doing it naturally as soon as possible."

Dahyun sighs, "Then you should really talk it out with Dae Hyun and get married soon. I really want to help you achieve your dream as your best friend but I could only help until here, but if I was your boyfriend of course I'll marry you right away."

I smiled, "Thank you Dahyun-ah, I'm just always happy that you're always there for me."

She smiled too and rubbed my back, "So tell him everything you think about, just take a chance there's always hope that he might have the same point of view as you."

I just nod to her and our boss started tapping his pen to get our attention, "Alright, so now that everyone's gathered around, I am happy to tell you that the CEO was generous enough to give tickets for a 2-day vacation next to a luxurious resort in Bali, Indonesia!"

Everyone claps and cheers so we just follow along but I'm not so excited, it's not like I'll easily win anyway.

"Sad to say, we can only choose one winner. And whoever the winner is, he or she gets two tickets and he or she can choose whoever he or she wants to bring. It's more of a romantic vacation so it is recommended to bring your lover." our boss said and everyone teases each other.

"So as you can see, I have a box here filled with the names of all the employees of our department so you know now whoever gets to be picked is the winner. Good luck." our boss said and he started sliding his hand in the box and starts shuffling the little pieces of papers inside and everyone waits attentively.

Then he stops and picks up a folded little piece of paper and everyone crosses their fingers and inhales deeply.

Our boss opens the little piece of paper and he smiles, "Congratulations........Ms. Park Mina!" he announced and reveals my name on the paper and everyone just claps or cheered or congratulated me.

I spaced out, then I went back to my senses and point and myself, "M-me?"

Everyone chuckles including my boss and he patts my shoulder, "That's right Ms.Park, congrats, here, you deserve it." he told while handing me two tickets enough for a back and forth flight to Bali, Indonesia, and for the registered 2-day romantic vacation for couples scheduled next week.

I just couldn't do anything else and bowed, "Tha-thank you so much Sir."

He just nods and everyone returns now to their desks.

"Dahyun do you want to go with me?" I asked her.

She slapped my back slightly but it still hurt "Yah pabo?? Didn't you hear? It's a 2-day romantic vacation for couples, am I your boyfriend? Can't you see this is the time you can be with Dae Hyun?"

"I just thought he might be busy you know him." I told her.

She facepalmed, "Minari, if it's spending time with you in a beautiful place how could he say no to that? Will leaving his work for 2 days hurt? He's not the only chef in the royal kitchen. So don't even think twice of calling him and asking him."

"Y-you're right Dahyun o-ok I'll call him later."


A/N: Hope you guys like this new update:)

Please look forward to the next chapter 'cause it's going to be sort of fun:)

Please always stay safe guys!~💙


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