You're the Alpha now

By Supernatural25412

237 8 4

What if Maddy smith hadn't been the only wild mood in Stoneybridge? What if Rhydian Morris had fallen for ano... More


Chapter one-"hes a danger to us all."

116 4 3
By Supernatural25412

As my eyes flickered open, I realised I was laying on the cold floor across from my foster parents who had just woken up.

I picked my head up and sat against the wall behind me.

"Good morning Hope." I heard from behind me as I see my foster dad, Daniel helping my foster mother, Emma up onto her feet.

I smiled at both of them and then yawned. "Morning."

Swiftly after I heard Maddy walking down the stairs and I got up onto my feet as she opened the door.

"Hey Mads." I said to her and then slid through the door.

I had Atleast twenty mingles to get ready for school and it was going to be hard as I was very tired after last night. On the hand some full moons would leave you feeling energised for the day ahead, others completely drained.

"I can't believe you guys," I heard Maddy lecture her parents. "Breaking out and raiding the bins."

I decided not to get involved and walked up the stairs to my room. Maddy didn't understand the pull of the moon because she hadn't transformed yet. And last night was on the most powerful ones I had ever experienced. Although I was happy that Maddy found me before I had a chance to go through those bins.

Quickly, I glanced at the click and saw I had ten minutes left to get ready. I then changed into my uniform, clipped in my blue hair extensions, fixed my makeup and brushed my teeth.

I grabbed my denim jacket and slipped on my slightly heeled boots, before making my way down the stairs to find Mandy and her parents still in discussion.

"Leave it out Mads," I told her as I opened the door. "We're going to be late."

As we both made our way to the front of the school. Maddy turned to me and said. "I think those blue hair extensions suit you slot better than the pink ones."

"You're giving me fashion advice? Wow, you could be the fourth K." I laughed and she gave me a playful nudge before continuing to walk.

"What happen to your shoes?" I heard a voice say from behind me. We both turned to see Tom looking down at Maddys shoes, joining us as we walked.

I glanced down at Maddy's shoes and saw a ugly pair of green rain boots. Then remembered hey loosing one shoe trying to get us all in the den last night.

Maddy smirked at Tom. "A werewolf ate them, Didn't you see the full moon last night?"

I laughed, not willing to comment anymore on the subject.

"Don't you both start." Tom insisted. "I've already had all this from-Oh! Shannon."

"Hope! Maddy!"

We both turned around to see Shannon running up to us.

"Did you two hear it last night on the moors?" She asked us. "Howling. And here, look what I found on dreamers lane this morning."

Me and Maddy both looked at each other with our eyebrows raised, curious to what she was talking about. Shannon would always go on about the monster on the moor since I arrived here.

She then placed her phone In between us and I saw a photo of a paw print in the mud.

My lips parted

None of us had even made it out of the garden last night, let alone Dreamers Lane.

"I'm going to compare it to different breeds of dogs." Shannon told us.

"What,every type of dog?" Tom asked in disbelief.

She then sighed and turned to Tom, with her phone held up to him. "This is proof, Tom. Proof that there is something weird. Something out there on the moor."

"Hey Shan!" Someone called from behind us. "I saw something weird on the moors last night. You."

I turned my head to see Kay, Kara and Katerina- the three K's approaching us. The three most popular girls at Bradlington High.

"Haven't you three got hair curlers to play with or something?" Maddy rolled her eyes as there three of them walked past us.

"Step aside ugly's." Katerina smirked.

"Yeah if you can in those wellies." Kata laughed.

"Yeah you don't get to talk to us." Kat said and I turned to her with my arms crossed.

"Get over yourself Kay."

"This is Northumbria, not gossip girl." Maddy said to all of them.

Kara turned round and made a W sign with her fingers. "Whatever."

Maddy and I both shook our heads and turned to Shannon.

"I'll show everyone." Shannon muttered.


By the time Me, Shannon and Tom had reached our lockers, Maddy had already changed into her gym shoes.

As Shannon closed her lockers, she turned around and looked at the notice board. "Oh yes, new photography club members!"

"Finally!" Tom said in relief.

"You're going to need a bigger darkroom." Mr Jefferies, our form tutor told us as he walked down the corridor.

"What?" Tom asked with a confused look on his face.

"Well apparently the Incredible Hulk, is taking up photography, along with superman and there is some awful handwriting in this school,"

Maddy rilled the sign up sheet off the board and turned to him. "We're going to get new members.... And even if we don't, the photography club is still a vital part of school life."

"Yeah," I said crossing my arms over my chest. "She's right."

"We can only fund clubs that involve a cross section of pupils, you have four members, and these three only joined to keep you happy." Mr Jeffries explained."

"That is not true!" I insisted.

Tom then interrupted. "The Darkroom houses the official archive for the football team, you can't just cancel that-"

"And the Stonebridge zoological Society." Shannon added.

"What?" Mr Jeffries frowned.

"Look I'm glad you all have passions, but," He lifted his finger up and pointed at all of us. "That doesn't allow you to have a room on school premises, to use as your own private den. You have until tomorrow morning to find three new members or in closing you down." He then turned to walk away.

"When I found out who did this!" Shannon shouted.

Swiftly after I watched Maddy zone out and tuck her hair behind her ear. "Jimmy." She said in a low tone of voice.

"How did you work that one out?" Shannon asked in a confused tone.

"Who else had got such bad handwriting," she told us. "Comon-"

But I drifted away from the conversation, as I smelt a strong scent that lingered through the air. I raised my eyebrows, recognising the scent straight away.

But no, it couldn't be....

"Can you smell that Mads?" I whispered under my breath.

She gave me a slight nod that no one else could see, which answered my question,

It was a wolfblood

Without hesitation, we both took off in the direction of the scent.

"Hope, Mads?" Tom called after us.

Shannon yelled. "Where are you going?!"

Neither of us looked back, as we walked through the double doors that led to the stairwell.

But the scent was lost when a group of students came running up.

I frowned as I started down the stairway.

"Mads? Hope, what are you doing?" Tom said as he caught up to us. "It's time for class."

Maddy looked at me and sighed.

We all turned around and walked off to Mr Jeffries class. I took my seat behind Tom, beside Mads.

"Class, this is Rhydian Morris who, I am guessing, is from wales." Out form teachers voice bellowed through the classroom.

I looked up from my desk with Widened eyes.

My wild picked up the scent from earlier. I couldn't believe it.

He was a wolfblood.

"No." He replied, clearly offended.

All the class started laughing, but I was too mesmerised by the scent to mind.

"No?" Mr Jeffries repeated. "Ok, he's not from wales, Ok. Sue me."

I teared my eyes away from him and looked over at Maddy, who was standing on her feet.

Everyone started to take sheep sounds as I turned to look at the boy.

"Quite everyone." Mr Jeffries shouted.

The class seemed to pipe down and I looked at Rhydian in disbelief that he was like me. I hadn't seen another wolfblood since my old pack besides Maddys family.

"You smell like my parents." Maddy spoke up.

I looked up at her and wispered. "Maddy!"

Everyone burst out laughing and I looked up at the boy, who was glaring at mads.

"Both if you sit down." Our teacher scolded.

There was more sheep sounds, followed by Mr Jeffries ordering the class to be quiet again. In my mind all the class went quiet as I watched Rhydian walk to the back of the class. He was glaring at Maddy for a while until I turned around to face the front of the class and felt him staring at me from behind.

It was clear me and Maddy wanted answers. So I whispered under my breath. "After class."

She nodded and we both tried to pay attention to what our teacher was saying. I turned around and my eyes met his, it looked like he was as confused as me.

I turned my head to the front of the class and laughed it on my desk. My heart was pounding, as I was eager to know who this strange wolfblood was. And for some reason the thought of him gave me human butterflies.


When the bell rang, me and Maddy raced after Rhydian, following him to the stairwell. I knew I had to be careful, I had no idea what he was capable of.

"What are you going here?" Maddy asked him in a challenging tone.

"What?" Rhydian looked at her, clearly annoyed. "I'm looking for the canteen-"

"Not here," Maddy interpreted him. "Oh our territory. Don't you know the rules?"

All wolfbloods should know that if a territory is claimed by a lack, no one else can set food there unless granted permission by that pack. I knew for a fact Maddys parents would never want to share there territory with a pack they didn't know.

"You can't stay here," Maddy insisted. "If my mom and dad get a sniff of you."

"-I don't even know you two." He looked at both of us for a second.

"Exactly." Maddy smirked.

He looked completely taken back.

It was clear something wasn't right.

The boys eyebrows furrowed. "I don't care who's territory this is. I'm not sticking around anyways. I mean, why would I, in this dump? But no smelly girls are going to tell me when I stay or go."

He then stormed off, leaving us both on the stairwell, alone. I was confused, it was like he knew nothing about wolfbloods

"Maddy, I really don't think he's knows anything you was going on about." I told her.

"No Hope, he's clearly pretending he don't know?" She spoke in a angry tone. "He's a danger to us all."

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