
Bởi Laughingwolf78

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Katsuki Bakugou has been a vampire now for well over a hundred years, turned when he was only twenty two year... Xem Thêm

Chapter One 🩸
Chapter Two 🩸
Chapter Three 🩸
Chapter Four 🩸
Chapter Five 🩸
Chapter Six 🩸
Chapter Seven 🩸
Chapter Eight 🩸
Chapter Nine 🩸
Chapter Eleven 🩸
Chapter Twelve 🩸
Chapter Thirteen 🩸
Chapter Fourteen 🩸
Chapter Fifteen 🩸
Chapter Sixteen 🩸
Chapter Seventeen 🩸
Chapter Eighteen 🩸
Chapter Nineteen 🩸
Chapter Twenty 🩸
Chapter Twenty-One 🩸
Chapter Twenty-two 🩸
Chapter Twenty-three 🩸
Chapter Twenty-four 🩸
Chapter Twenty-five 🩸
Chapter Twenty-six 🩸
Chapter Twenty-seven 🩸
Chapter Twenty-eight 🩸
Chapter Twenty-nine 🩸
Chapter Thirty 🩸
Chapter Thirty-one 🩸

Chapter Ten 🩸

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Bởi Laughingwolf78

Izuku was seated next to Katsuki on the sofa in his apartment.

Pretty jade eyes where locked onto the blonde as he watched Katsuki stand up and pull off his leather jacket before sitting back down beside him with a heavy sigh.

He could tell whatever the blonde was getting ready to say was weighing on him and he's now feeling his anxiety rise wondering what it could be.

Katsuki said he was going to tell him who he really was, what exactly did that mean?! He wasn't sure, but he's ready to find out.

Or is he?

Katsuki took a breath now looking over at the greenett next to him who was sitting sideways on the couch with his knees pulled up, chin resting on them, his eyes hardly blinking as he waited with baited breath for what the blonde would say next.

Katsuki couldn't help a small chuckle at the cuteness of it, if he didn't feel so damn helpless right now it would have made him pull Izuku to his chest and pepper his face with kisses.

He reached over and gently rubbed the greenett's leg as he spoke.

" First of all, how are you feeling? That's what's most fucking important here"

Izuku shrugged slightly.

" I'm Ok, just sore, I'm more concerned about you and what happened last night than I am about me right now"

Katsuki nodded his gaze shifting to the side then back to the greenett. He gave a slight smile.

" And I'm more fucking worried about you, but yeah, I owe you one hell of an explanation and I'm going to give you just that, one hell of one"

Izuku tensed not liking how this feels and suddenly he's very worried.

Crimson eyes land on jade as the firey blonde begins.

" The first thing you gotta know is how fucking sorry I am for last night, I know I keep saying it but I need to say it again. It killed me to leave you, fuck Deku it broke something in me and I'm sorry"

Izuku studied him, he believes the blonde is sorry but that doesn't explain why it happened to begin with.

The greenett moves his hand slowly placing it to top of Katsuki's larger one that is resting on top of Izuku's knees.

" K-Kacchan, why did you leave tho? You seriously freaked out, are you... are you afraid of blood or something?" , he asked gently

Crimson eyes snapped to jade and the question actually made Katsuki laugh because it was so fucking ironic.

The laughter made Izuku furrow his brow with annoyance because nothing is very funny right now.

" What's so funny?", the greenett asked in a low tone that told the blonde his little one was in no fucking mood for jokes, not that this was one.

The blonde cleared his throat as he let his gaze shift to the ground. His face wore a slight smile still as he shook his head.

" You'll understand in a minute"

There was a few beats of silence with crimson eyes still downcast as his mind swirled with the task in front of him that felt like a million pounds on his tongue.

Izuku was busy chewing his lip as he watched the blonde struggling with whatever this was.

Crimson eyes met jade again and they both stared at the other for a minute before Katsuki nervously rose to his feet.

He ran both hands through his hair pulling ash blonde spikes slightly as he started to pace.

Jade eyes watched every move anxiously.

" Fuck. I don't even know how to fucking say this, I don't even know how to begin to say this", he said as he turned around to look out the large picture window.

Izuku scrunched his face as he looked at the blondes broad back, he felt his heart rate pick up, feeling even more nervous now.

" Kacchan, you''re scaring me a little"

Katsuki turned back around giving the greenett a small smile as he moved forward and crouched on his haunches in front of him.

" Yeah? I'm scared too."

Izuku went wide eyed.

" W-what? You're Kacchan, big strong, fight off anything Kacchan" , the greenett said

Katsuki gave a small laugh as he looked down again then rose Crimson eyes that now had a glassy look that Izuku felt an ache seeing.

" Yeah, I know. And fear is new for me, but here I fucking am scared as hell"

Izuku reached out and let his fingertips touch a cool but perfect complexion.

" What.. what are you scared of Kacchan?"

Katsuki swallowed hard, leaning into the touch on his face unsure that he would ever get to feel it again.

He reached up slowly taking the greenett's smaller hand in his speaking again in a voice that came out almost reminiscent of a scared lost child.

" I'm scared of the look I'm getting ready to pull from those pretty eyes."

" I'm scared of the rejection that I'm fucking positive is getting ready to be spit at me from that perfect mouth"

I'm scared to see fear where I once saw admiration and desire"

There was a pause as a tear without warning fell from deep crimson eyes.

" And I'm scared lose you Deku, I'm fucking terrified"

Izuku felt his heart breaking and he didn't even know the reason yet as his own tears were now down his face as he watched the emotional blonde.

" K-Kacchan, it's... it's ok baby, just tell me what it is ok?", the greenett soothed softly.

Katsuki felt something inside him ache deeply when Izuku affectionately call him baby. He wanted to grab the words and the feeling it just brought him and save it forever.

Without much control another tear escaped a crimson eye as his hand tightened on the greenett's.

" Remember the night in the park when you first met me, and I told you that you... you shouldn't be out there at night roaming around because monsters do exist and you never know what's out there?"

Izuku's own hand now tightened as he recalled the words clearly.

" Y-yes"

Katsuki eyes locked onto jade.

" Izuku, I'm... I'm the monster baby" , he said lifeless sounding with a sob threatening the back of his throat.

Izuku furrowed his brow in fear and confusion and Katsuki heard his heart rate pick up.

" Wait.. what? W-what in the world do you mean by that??"

Katsuki bit his lip out of anxiety as he continues.

" You.. you're going to have a hard time believing what I'm about to fucking say, but I promise you, it's the truth."

Izuku said nothing only stared wide eyed as he held on the the blondes hand tightly.

" Fuck, ok... Izuku monsters fucking exsit and I never believed it either until I was fucking turned into one. Baby, the reason I freaked the fuck out last night wasn't because I'm scared of blood, it's because... because I'm fucking attracted to it. Deku.... I'm, I'm a god damn vampire, a cursed beast, a monster"

Katsuki watches as confusion, panic, doubt, and even anger slam into jade eyes.

" Kacchan, that's...that's not funny, stop it right now" , the greenett says letting go of the blondes hand feeling his temper rise at what he's sure has got to be some kind of tease or stupid joke from his boyfriend or the worst excuse ever.

" No it's not funny Deku, not fucking at all, but .. but it's unfortunately true and God baby I wish I could stop it"

Izuku suddenly shoots to his feet as he wraps both arms around his torse staring at the blonde with hurt and disbelief. The blonde stands hating the look in those jade eyes that he knew would come.

" Kacchan! What are you doing?! S-stop, stop messing with me! If you wanted to break up or something you didn't have to come up with something this .. .. this... "

Katsuki steps tawrds him cutting him off, feeling his own temper slightly on the rise at what seemed to be quickly becoming an argument.

" Crazy ? Farfetched? Insane? Unbelievable? Ridiculous? I'm fucking aware how this sounds, and christ I sure as hell don't want to break up Deku, I'm desperate to fucking keep you, don't you see that??!" , the blonde says now standing right in front of the much smaller male.

" Y-yes! All of those things you just said! This.. this is crazy!", the greenett snaps back his mind spinning with the information he's being given.

Katsuki chuckles out of frustration.

" I know, I know this sounds insane, I know you probably think you got yourself hooked up with a god damn lunatic and hell Deku I am crazy but for a whole different set of reasons but not this one! "

Izuku's jade eyes are wide with disbelief as he takes a step back one hand still wrapped around his torso the other over his mouth as he begins to anxiously pace.

He takes his hand down and laughs slightly as he ruffles his own green locks.

" I..I... I can't believe this. I can't believe what I'm listening to. Do you hear yourself Kacchan?! Hear what you're trying to get me to believe?! I .. I don't understand why .. why you're doing this " , Izuku says as tears begin to fall.

Katsuki feels his chest ache, as he watches, the words cutting a firey soul.

" Yes I hear myself Deku, fuck! Do you think this is easy for me?! I've never, fucking ever revealed this God damn secret, fuck there's rules against it, I'm putting my damn life on the line right now to rip myself open and fucking show you whatever the hell is left of me because fuck, I don't want to lose the only person who's made me feel alive in a very long time, the only person maybe fucking ever in this life or my last who actually reached me, sink into me and make me feel like maybe, just fucking maybe that I was in ..." , he stops himself short, the last word clinging to his tongue.

Jade eyes snap to crimson.

" In.. in w-what?"

Crimson eyes lock on jade ones that are swimming with so many emotions it's impossible to tell what he's thinking.

Katsuki turns his head to the side going quiet for a beat before he runs a frustrated hand through his hair.

" Fuck, nothing. But just ... just listen to me a minute ok? I want you to really think about this shit that I'm about to say. I feel cold to the touch right? That's got nothing to do with circulation, that night in the park when that fire appeared when you were cold, that was fucking me. I bet if you let yourself think real hard about it you'll remember hearing me growl last night, or maybe you've even noticed that when you hug me, or lay your head on my chest you haven't heard a god damn heart beat, that's because there isn't one."

He watches Deku trying desperately to take in the info he's being given and he continues moving closer.

" Think about it baby, connect the dots Deku, when's the last time you've seen me eat? When have you seen me in the sun? Yeah I'm fucking here today but I wore my hood up and my skin is completely covered. Why do you think I fucking sleep all day and I'm up all damn night, yeah sure that shit could possibly be a coincidence, or is it?" , the blonde said, his crimson eyes are holding a steady gaze, a look on his face that's begging to be believed.

Yes, yes Katsuki could vamp out right now and show this little one exactly who he fucking is and that every word he is saying is the truth but judging by how Izuku looks right now and what he was through the night before he just doesn't think he'd be able to handle it just yet, so at the moment words are going to have to try and make due.

Iridescent jade eyes still wide and glassy are looking up into that memorizing crimson.

His head is spinning and there is actually a skull crushing migraine on its way as he is trying so hard to take in these new points.

As he stares up at this man he knows he's been falling for since the night he saw him pain and confusion begin to reek havoc and he needs space from everything because this just can not be happening.

" I .. I need you to go, I.. I can't do this right now. I need to lay down, this.. this is too much" , he whispers as tears escape jade eyes.

Katsuki's chest twisted with dark heaviness, panic rose.

" Deku.. we.. we should talk about this shit, if you need a break I get it. Fuck you don't even have to stay in the room with me if you don't want, you can go lay down and I'll stay the fuck out here but please Izuku, don't.. don't make me leave yet"

Izuku shuts his eyes listening to the blonde's plea as a stream of tears flood his cheeks.

" Kacchan, I.. I need a bit to process this, please, please go, f-for now, I'm sorry" , he softly sobbed his eyes downcast unable to look at the crimson he gets lost in so easily.

The blonde is quiet for a few minutes as he takes in the male before him who's shocked into tears of disbelief.

The blonde slowly lifts his hand and reluctantly reaches out for a freckled cheek to his surprise Izuku doesn't flinch but instead allows the blonde to run his thumb over fallen tears.

Nothing in Katsuki wants to leave, his legs feel like iron weights because he's scared he might never see this broken down little one in front of him again, but if Izuku wants him to go, he has little choice in the matter.

He takes another chance and leans down, placing a kiss on the side of Izuku's temple whispering to him as he catches the scent of mint.

" Just... just think about what I told you to think about, connect the dots Deku, I... I need you to"

He takes a step back as he reaches for his jacket on the couch and heads for the door. He slips it over his built form as he pulls the hood of his sweatshirt up once again. He opens the door stepping out but pauses letting a crimson gaze land across the room to a small greenett who is now looking back at him with conflicted eyes.

Katsuki says a silent prayer to any God out there who would listen to the plea of a monster that this is not the last time he'll see this little one he longs to keep beside him.

He clears his throat fighting tears that are begging a cold heart to come.

" You know how to reach me if you want to talk. I'll check on you tomorrow, make sure you fucking rest Izuku, you look exhausted" , with that he was gone, slipping out the door and hurrying his way down the stairs to his car.

He may have been moving at a quick pace but every step felt like iron on his feet.

Once Katsuki was in his car the dam broke and tears fell from crimson eyes. He knew he'd see the look, knew he'd hear the doubts, knew there would be the sound of rejection and pain in a soft voice, but he didn't know it would cause the bone crushing pain he was feeling now.

He curses himself drying his eyes quickly as he takes off down the street with a future that was now completely unknown.

It's now been hours since the blonde left, hours that Izuku has been sitting on the couch with the TV on and a blank expression on his face as his mind twist and turns trying to process everything.

Honestly the greenett isn't even sure how long he's been sitting there almost motionless but he does know it's now dark outside.

He feels the pain of a nagging headache half from lack of sleep, half now from an overworked mind.

While he sits with an aching heart and troubled mind his eyes land on the TV and suddenly realization of what's on the screen sets in.

It's a marathon of a well known series of vampire flicks, well isn't that a coincidence.

As he absentmindly watches the sights on the screen his thoughts are pulled to one of the nights Katsuki had been there.

" No vampire flicks, they piss me off"

" Vampires don't fucking sparkle and shit, that's only in the movies the shitty ones"

" I know everything Deku, didn't you know that, like I know that your heart is almost beating out of your chest like it does every time I'm close"

Izuku scrunched his face, up until this minute he wouldn't even let himself consider that maybe what Katsuki was saying was actually true, now he let's his mind take in a few things that the blonde brought to his attention.

Katsuki was in fact always cold to the touch, always, not just his hands but everything.

And no Izuku actually never had seen him eat, like anything, like ever in all these weeks.

And yeah ok maybe just maybe he had heard a noise that was similar to a growl last night at the park, no alright now that he thinks about it it was definitely a growl, animalistic almost in sound.

And ok, when he lays his head on his chest no he doesn't hear anything but I mean that could just be because the blonde has a slow or quiet beat, I mean that's a thing right?

No he's never seen him during the day until today and he was pretty well covered.

Yes that fire did appear that night from no where and he had been fairly sure it hadn't been there before.

And ok maybe Katsuki keeps odd hours of sleep and wakefulness but that doesn't necessarily mean anything right?

His mind travels to the first time he met Katsuki in the park and the words he used.

" Monsters do exist"

" You never know who or what's out here and that includes me"

" If you knew who I was you wouldn't still be standing this close"

Izuku is on his feet now pacing the room. Was this real?! Was he really considering this??!

No, no way, Izuku believes in a lot of things but vampires and monsters are not one of them and besides if what Katsuki said was true or whatever why didn't he have fangs, or .. or.... or... what else to vampires actually have? He wonders with a raised brow.

And why if the blonde had wanted him to belive him so bad did he not show him said fangs and.. and .. whatever.

Green brows furrow as he watches the vampire sparkle on the screen.

" If vampires don't sparkle, what do they do?" , he mutters to himself.

Iridescent jade eyes look at the clock on the wall.

Eight fifty-seven.

He can't believe this, he can not believe he's actually considering this obviously mad man's words could be true, what he can not believe even more is that he is now in his car driving to the outskirts of town on a mission.

Izuku actually had never been to Katsuki place, and he wasn't even sure he'd be able to find it, but hell if he wasn't trying.

One time when the two were talking the blonde had given him a vague idea of where he lived and Izuku figured he could piece the rest together.

Suddenly there's a large obviously abandoned large estate house in view on a long dark dirt road.

The greenett slows his car as he takes in the expressive house.

Could this be it? Could Katsuki and his friends actually live here?

There's an awful lot of disrepair and just when he thinks there's no way any one inhabits this old home he sees the faint flicker of light in an upstairs room.

He pulls his car up the drive closer and that's when he sees it, the black Mustang he would know anyplace giving away the realization that he had in fact found the firey blonde.

The greenett pulls his car up the drive and parks turning off the engine.

He let's his eyes scan the place and suddenly he becomes slightly unnerved.

The house in the dark from the outside was actually a little spooky and I mean Katsuki told him monsters existed and he was one and now Izuku is full blown spooked, but he's here now so he's going through with this... this... whatever the heck this was.

He steps out of his car making his way slowly to the huge front doors.

' What the heck are you doing here Izuku?! This guy you picked up in the park is obviously freaking insane and here you are at his front door at night actually considering what he told you!'

He scolds himself under his breath as he moves himself right in front of the doors.

Izuku was drawn to Katsuki, he really cared about him, liked him, was attracted to him and maybe.. even more than that, so if he looks at himself hard enough it's really no surprise that he's here right now.

Katsuki is staring into the flames of a fire he has raging in the massive fire place in the large livingroom.

He sits alone on the deep brown leather sofa letting his thoughts of jade eyes sweep over him, some how filling the chill in his chest with a deepening warmth even if now it was laced with the heartache of the unknown.

Suddenly there's a small knock on the door that would have never been heard had it not been for vampire hearing.

The blonde cocks a brow as he rises a growl in his chest at whoever this fucking was, no one ever comes out here, no one even knows this place is occupied.

He makes his way to the door ready to rip apart whoever this is because he's not in the fucking mood.

With force he places his hand on the large handle and whips the large wooden door open with ease.

" Who the fuck is i....."

The words stop dead as he stares at the small male almost trembling on his doorstep, crimson eyes go wide.

" Deku?!"

Jade eyes look up slightly sheepish.

" Um yeah, can.. can come in?"

To say Katsuki is shocked is an understatement and for a minute he wonders if he's still fucking sleeping because this has gotta be a damn dream.

" Uh yeah...of course "

The blonde moves letting the little greenett in shutting the large door behind him.

He turns around with his hands in his pockets as he stares at Izuku who is looking around the room curiously.

Katsuki's mind is racing as he wonders what this little one is here for.

Was this a ' I thought about it and I believe you' visit or was this a ' I'm here to break whatever fucking heart you have left because you are an insane bastard ' visit

His question is getting ready to be answered as jade and crimson lock

" Show me, if you are what you say you are, then..." Izuku paused then stepped closer looking up at the larger male with a determined gaze.

" Show me Kacchan"


Ah yeah double update with another cliff? That's how I'm rolling these days!

I love ya! Our tale continues!

Love LW 🐺 ❤

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