Identity Crisis (LOONA X Weee...


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September 2012. After being abducted for 7 years, a girl named Kim Hyunjin escapes her harsh captivity. She d... More

Identity Crisis (LOONA X Weeekly)
Chapter 1: New Home (Hyunjin POV)
Chapter 2: Contact (Hyunjin POV)
Chapter 3: Cat Ears (Monday POV)
Chapter 4: Triggered Vision (Monday POV)
Chapter 5: Scheduled Nightmare (Hyunjin POV)
Chapter 6: Lucky (Monday POV)
Chapter 7: My Sunday (Hyunjin & Monday POV)
Chapter 8: My Melody (Hyunjin & Monday POV)
Chapter 9: Mistaken (Hyunjin POV)
Chapter 10: That Day (Monday POV)
Chapter 11: 지민 (Hyunjin POV)
Chapter 12: Recall (Monday POV)
Chapter 13: The Month Of June (Third Person POV)
Chapter 14: Save You, Saved Me (Hyunjin and Monday POV)
Chapter 15: 현진 (Hyunjin and Monday POV)
Chapter 16: The Difference Between a Fan and... (Hyunjin and Monday POV)
Chapter 17: Unexpected Visit (Monday POV)
Chapter 18: Expected Tension (Hyunjin POV)
Chapter 19: An Emotional Sharing (Monday POV) [Birthday Special]
Chapter 20: Double Date (Hyunjin and Monday POV)
Chapter 21: Telling Them (Hyunjin POV)
Chapter 22: Should I Go Back And Investigate? (Monday POV)
Chapter 23: Confronted (Hyunjin and Monday POV)
Chapter 24: I Wouldn't Know (Hyunjin POV)
Chapter 25: Would You Stay For Tea? (Monday POV)
Chapter 26: Voice (Hyunjin and Monday POV)
Chapter 28: My Name (Hyunjin POV)
Chapter 29: My Thoughts (Monday POV)
Chapter 30: Not Friends (Monday and Hyunjin POV)
Chapter 31: Fifteen Years (Hyunjin POV)
Chapter 32: Family (Monday POV)
Chapter 33: By Your Side (Hyunjin & Monday POV) [Christmas Special - Part 1]
Chapter 34: Best Thing (Monday & Hyunjin POV) [Christmas Special - Part 2]
Chapter 35: Always There (Monday & Hyunjin POV) [Final Chapter]
Backstory of 'Identity Crisis'
Thank You, Shin Jiyoon

Chapter 27: Verdict (Hyunjin and Monday POV)

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Chapter 27: Verdict (Hyunjin and Monday POV)

First Posted On: 24th November 2021

Last Updated On: 24th November 2021

T/N: This takes place on 24th October 2020 and 29th October 2020.

~ ~ ~

(Hyunjin POV)

Was I enjoying my time with Monday? Certainly. However, as my luck would have it, that troubled past of mine always finds a way to catch me unexpectedly. Thankfully, the two officers did not cause a scene, but being under conditional arrest was now the least of my problems.

I tried to help Monday with solving her mystery, but in doing so I left her frightened(?) about something. Her screaming Jin Jin as well triggered something in me as well.


I should have told her about my previous memory of that woman calling me Jin Jin, no matter how uncertain I was about my identity. Now, as I sat in the interrogation room with Officers Kang and Jo in front of me, it might be too late to do so.

"Let's not waste time, Kim Hyunjin ssi," Officer Jo broke silence first. "We all know how busy your schedule is and we can only keep the media away from you for so long."

"Haven't I already assisted you enough?" I counter-argued. "Surely I have my privacy rights too, haven't I?"

"Yes, but we made no headway. All we did was work around the last person who most likely saw Yoo Daejoon before he succumbed to the arson," Officer Kang elaborated. "Presently, you and your behaviour fit the culprit's decision best."

Culprit? Are they serious?

"Fair enough, but what new evidence have you got linking my involvement to the arson anyway?" I challenged them, although I know it was going to be futile.

The two officers exchanged looks before Officer Kang asked, "You really want to push it? Especially when you know full well what other acts you did to cover up your tracks?"

I knew what they were referring to, but instead of admitting, I responded with, "Isn't that beyond the scope of your investigation?"

"It isn't if it's working on a hunch and about the only possible suspect of a well-planned arson, which I should remind you again is a chargeable offence," Officer Jo stated plainly.

While being interrogated, I noticed my (fake) ID and copies of my (fake) personal documents being laid on the table with some transaction records. I really wanted to deny the reality but at the back of my mind, the evidence was inevitable.

"And yes, we had a search warrant, but we are respecting you and your members' privacies so we are not searching your dorm without your permission first." Officer Jo somehow foresaw the questions I was about to ask.

It was now time for me to explain why I had to go through the trouble to create a fake identity around the same time as the arson crime that killed the notorious criminal and rapist Yoo Daejoon. All the evidence and timely coincidences seemed to point to me, not least the suspicions that it would cost a lot of money to make these fake identities. Nautrally, the officers wanted to know how I got so much money in the first place.

However, scanning through the evidence, I realised there was one piece that was missing. Oh yeah, it must be strange that I knew this, right? Either way, I was not going to leave it to chance that both officers were playing mind games with me. Then I remembered something...

Monday followed me to the police station!

I managed to convince both officers to let Monday tag along because I already made arrangements with her later. Good excuse right?

"Am I allowed to speak with Jimin-ssi first?" I requested to Officer Jo. "We might have to change our plans if this interrogation gets too long...which I hope it won't since I did say I will co-operate with you both."

"Yes but-" Officer Jo seemed lenient. But I was not finished.

"I wish to speak to her in private if that is also ok?" I was firm with my decision. I had my reasons.

"Let her," Officer Kang sighed. "It might give her the right mental state since they rely on each other as friends."

Right, friends. Although I had this feeling Jimin and I were something more. These gut feelings of mine scare me.

Monday entered the room while the officers took their leave. Her face had an unreadable expression, and I felt sorry that I dragged her into another sticky situation...again.

"You need to explain yourself, Kim Hyunjin-ssi," she stared at me. "There is something about your past that you aren't telling me. What have you done?"

"It's not in your best interest, Jimin," I warned her. "Sometimes these truths hurt. And I only want it to hurt me."

For now.

"Says the one who accidentally sent me her hairband and led me to have traumatic memories of my past," Monday rolled her eyes while clutching it. Yes, I was instructed to remove it by the officers.

Monday's eyes stared that the evidence in front of us that seemed to point me as a link to the arson incident at Gyeonggi-do. She didn't understand why my (fake) ID was part of this list. However, I am certain my name is Kim Hyunjin. Just that the physical qualities of the ID were not real.

"I heard rumors about your involvement in that arson..." Monday admitted. "If they are true, then all this...?"

"Look, I still want to help you find Jin Jin," I brought her back to my main intention of speaking to her. "But you have to trust me with what I'm about to ask you to do."

You 바보! Just tell her about that memory. And the more I thought about that woman, she also sounded familiar...

...oh well. Might as well try my luck from another angle.

"Anyway," I came back to my senses, "these items on the table, why not you take pictures and show them to the NCI detectives helping you find Jin Jin."

"Huh?" she was confused.

"I have a feeling they are also looking for evidence. Missing evidence perhaps?" I guessed.

"How did you know...?" she remained perplexed.

"Because I might know who tampered with your case," I went on my own hunch.

~ ~ ~

(Monday POV)

(~ 5 days later~)

Because I might know who tampered with your case...

Firstly, how does Hyunjin unnie know Jin Jin's missing persons' file was tampered with? Did she really make a guess as she said? If so then she must be an oracle.

Secondly, what do her fake documents have to do with Jin Jin? Why would something linked to an arson case, which happened back when I was 11 years old, also help me find my long lost sister?

"Jimin you 바보!" Jiyoon came by at that moment. "Why can't you do things simply?"

"Huh?" I seriously needed to work on my ad-libs.

"Wearing a dwarf hat isn't that difficult, and straighten it a bit," Jiyoon helped fix my outfit.

Yes, Weeekly had an MCountdown recording today. Since we are very close to Halloween, our company thought it would be a nice touch to perform as the 7 dwarves from Snow White. I can already imagine doing 'Zig Zag' in cuter outfits than we ever imagined.

"Where would my Snow White be~? One of Daileee? Are you Snow White?" Jaehee mused at that moment in her typical role-playing mode.

Jiyoon was next to have her screen time on 'weee:kloud' as she showed off her yellow outfit. As that happened, other thoughts continued swirling in my mind. Not least Hyunjin unnie's conditional arrest.

I learnt that she is allowed to carry on her promotions with LOONA under the watchful surveillance of plain-clothes police officers. However, after the promotions ended, she is expected to fully co-operate with the investigation into the arson. For now, only her agency and myself knew the skeletal details of the interrogation, but LOONA, Weeekly, and indeed the fans have no idea about the investigations.

Either way, LOONA and Weeekly are still promoting together and sharing the same comeback stage. So I will be meeting Hyunjin backstage.

"Jihan, over here!" a familiar voice suddenly filled the room. It wasn't Hyunjin unnie though.

"OMO! 안녕하세요 혜주언니!" Jihan almost squealed in delight while the rest of us followed with a chorus of greetings.

Yes, Olivia Hye sunbaenim from LOONA paid us a visit...with drinks too! It was a treat from her after her recording with Jihan for 1theK's 'The First Date'. Naturally, our group's bunny has been over the moon about the whole encounter and now this is the icing on the cake.

"I got a milkshake for Jihan! You said you don't drink coffee." Olivia Hye told us (mainly Jihan) like the proud unnie she is.

"Oh that's right, thank you!!!" Jihan answered with those beady eye smile of hers.

"Aren't you guys too cute for Halloween today?" Olivia Hye noticed our outfits and she too was amazed by our concept. Indeed, it was completely different from LOONA's suit and tie concept; they were dressed as Kingsmen.

"You look so cool!" Jihan answered on our behalf. I think we were all speechless upon being greeted by our sunbaenim. Although, I was speechless for another reason: being reminded of Hyunjin.

At that moment, Olivia Hye and I made eye contact. That was when I saw her smile fade slightly. Did I do something wrong...?

As the members were distributing the drinks, she suddenly nudged me and I ended up following her to the corridor just outside Weeekly's waiting room. Before I had the chance to greet her again, she told me, "We know you and Hyunjin unnie have met up a few times."

"We?" I was surprised. "As in LOONA?"

"I don't know why Hyunjin unnie told Yves unnie to try and get in touch with you, but yesterday Sooyoung ended up telling the others about the two of you and we were surprised that Heejin is already very close to you as well," Olivia Hye explained. nothing serious then.

"I don't know what kind of friendship you and Hyunjin unnie have, but the members and I think you two have gotten close enough that you can help us crack open that brain of hers..." Olivia Hye suddenly revealed.

"What about-" I feared what was going to come next.

"Yes, she is focusing on her role as a singer," Olivia Hye continued, "but ever since her argument with Heejin unnie, she never acts the same. She seems traumatised by something...but also longing for someone...?"

Oh no...don't tell me Hyunjin's past is overwhelming her again.

"That's not including how manager-nim says we have to live with two bodyguards for the rest of our promotions," Olivia Hye revealed. "It's quite obvious they are from the police and they are here because of Hyunjin unnie."

She then pointed to two muscular men standing outside LOONA's waiting room. Dang, those officers weren't kidding with the conditional arrest verdict. It's not even a verdict, just a temporary measure given the nature of Hyunjin's job as a KPop idol.

And if word going around that station is true, the odds are stacked against her over her supposed involvement in the Gyeonggi arson incident. Hmm, wasn't she like 13 then? How could such a young person be involved in such a nationwide crime anyway?

"Monday ssi?" Olivia Hye waved her hand in front of me realising I was in a daze.

"아, 미안합니다," I apologised. "Those men do seem to be like policemen. You are right."

"Is Hyunjin in trouble...?" Olivia Hye was visibly concerned. "You need to tell her to share her concerns with us...otherwise that shouting incident with Heejin is going to happen again with one of us and it could upset the balance of LOONA."

Thinking about Hyunjin's and her fellow member Haseul's conditions left me feeling a little guilty. As her friend, I couldn't even help and protect her even though she has already done so for me and Weeekly.

Come to think of it, why did this feel like a deja vu from my past?

(- Flashback: 15 years ago -)


Jin Jin's voice pierced the silence. I was behind her, but we were staring at some guy who looked like one of those bad guys our parents told us never to trust.

"Fiesty one, aren't you?" the man tilted his head.

"YOU DON'T LAY YOUR HANDS ON MY DONGSAENG!" Jin Jin's voice was becoming bolder by the second. That seemed to rile the guy up.

Out of the blue, he struck Jin Jin with something hard. I had to duck out of the way to avoid getting crushed by her. In doing so, we both lay on the grass next to each other.

That meant we were facing each other...

...and we could see each other's eyes...

...wait! No, 잠시만, why have I seen those eyes before...?

(-Flashback End-)

Woah...did I just get reminded of all that in a few seconds..?!

"Monday ssi?!" Olivia Hye was now staring at me concerned that I had now completely lost it.

"Sunbaenim...Hyunjin unnie; I must speak to her after MCountdown," I pleaded with her.

~ ~ ~

A/N: Oh ho, that was an unexpected flashback. Who did Monday recognise? And is Hyunjin in trouble? And why would evidence in Hyunjin's case be important for Monday's search for Jin Jin?

Belatedly realised I missed the chance to bring in LOONA's 'Fact iN Star' recording during their 'Why Not' promotions. However, it is nice to be reminded of that interaction with Jihan and Olivia Hye while writing this fanfic. You have to admit that it was a win for Jihan as an Orbit president. By the way-

Jiyoon: Hello author-nim!

Me: OH! Hello Jiyoon-ssi! You came here alone?

Jiyoon: Well, Monday told me to come. She said you specially released this chapter for me.

Me: It is true! You don't know how elated we all are that you are back with the members! You recovered well, our favourite hamster.

Jiyoon: Daileees really miss me? I'm touched~! Thank you for waiting for me.

Me: Anything for our star composer, Jiyoon-ssi. You and the members look so good in the season's greetings too!

Jiyoon: *blushes* we shall be Daileees' secret friend~ shhh~

*Jiyoon leaves the room*

YAY JIYOON IS BACK! The whole fandom is in pandemonium seeing her in Weeekly's season's greetings photo.

We are glad that Jiyoon has recovered well and OT7 is a nice way to commence the Christmas season. With that, a special dedication to marchanism123, who is the first person to express their support for Jiyoon as she began her recovery process. Chapter 12 was published over 4 months ago, when Jiyoon announced her hiatus, and we Daileees have been keeping her in our thoughts ever since.

In other related news, APink's Chorong is a step closer to freedom! Thankful that justice is being served one bit at a time. Thank you PANDAs for having faith that Chorong will come back stronger after being embroiled in false accusations.

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