[Re: Demtion] beginning life...

By RoyAchilles

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Natsuki Subaru was sent back to the time before he was teleported from he's world after meeting with "god"... More

chapter 1 : The beginning
Chapter 2 :The Kingdom Of Lugnica (Part 1 )
Chapter 2 : The Kingdom Of Lugnica (Part 2)
Chapter 2 : The Kingdom Of Lugnica (PART 4)
Chapter 2 : The Kingdom Of Lugnica (PART 5)
chapter 3 : Event at the Mansion (Part 1)
Chapter 3 : Event at the Mansion (Part 2 )

Chapter 2 : The Kingdom Of Lugnica (PART 3)

1.2K 24 1
By RoyAchilles

Hello everyone, first I want to apologize for the updates; as you know, I've been quite busy with the recent event that's happening; I'm sorry for not updating sooner. I will try my best to write this book again, so stay toon for the next update, like always enjoy the story.


PART 3 chapter 2

Subaru had extended his hand in a gesture of goodwill, and Puck flew right into it, a dynamic handshake with his whole body. From an outsider's perspective, it looked like Subaru was crushing him.

Puck was just as fluffy as he was a soft furry pillow; once he'd had his fill of the sensation, Subaru turned to the girl next to him.

Her gaze was sour as she watched this exchange between man and animal; well, this is not just an ordinary exchange between man and animal.

Because this is the same man responsible for bringing chaos and flames of destruction to the world

And the same animal who in the contract will freeze the whole world after her contractor deceased, it is just exchanged between man and animal.

[Emilia: Why can't you ever set that over attitude aside for a moment? It's unnecessary]

[Subaru: I was at my wits' end and found a thread I could cling to. Damn it, and I'm never letting this go, this encounter... My life itself depends on it...]

[Puck: Your determination is completely pointless... Say, do you even remember under what pretence you joined us]

[Subaru: Of course. You're searching for a person rather than an object, and I'm the only one who knows what they look like. You think I'll let you get rid of me just like that; I'll never leak my secrets...!]

[Puck: Although I do recall you murmuring, "Blonde hair... And her teeth... Ah, never mind" and the like as you hid behind me while we questioned people, so you've leaked quite a bit.]

[Subaru: Curse my foolishness!!]

He grabbed his head and bent over on the spot. It was like he was playing poker while showing his opponent his hand. Attempting to negotiate like that was simply laughable. Even though she wasn't his first friendly contact in this world, it seemed like she was about to slip away from him, and that made him anxious. Puck smiled wryly as he watched Subaru struggle.

[Subaru: Well, you've both got your problems to deal with. Let's hear you out later and prioritize the issue at hand. Be that as it may, that's an unusual name. It has a nice ring to it.]

[Puck: I guess so, it's not a name you hear around here. Speaking of which, your hair, eye colour, and even your clothes are all rather unique... Where are you from?]

''Hmm, how to explain this without telling them I'm from a parallel world, is whether they believe me or not they don't need to know at least not yet for a moment I don't want to make a problem with it know.

Ah! I remember when I first visited The Kararagi City-States (カララギ都市国家), usually referred to collectively as Kararagi (カララギ),

it is one of the four great nations of the world, and when I met that particular demihuman wolf.

It is known for being a trade centre across the continent and its proto-capitalistic market structure. Many of its citizens are heavily egoistic, leading to the rise of businesses and free enterprise.

[Subaru: I'm a traveller from a very far country called japan; it's like kararagi; specifically the early-modern period mine is more modern in many aspects. I came here to Lugnica or instead have been brought here for many reasons, but I came here for an Adventure in the new environment ]

[Puck: You travel to lugnica for an Adventure, you're penniless, but you talk to others like you already know them... Your future does look very promising, in several ways.]

The girl seemed restless, her eyes somewhat worried as she looked at Subaru's state. Despite her attempts to hide it, her accommodating nature seemed to be overflowing. He is not entirely helpless, but he is right to know was probably making her very uneasy in this state. Puck watched over them with a smile as they agonized over this. He then started plucking at his whiskers.

[Puck: Well, just suck it up for now. Right now, we should head... I still have a full day. But Make a decision.]

[Emilia: ―I'll go. I don't intend to let her get away; it'll be too late if she manages to take it somewhere we can't reach.]

[ Subaru: "I'm going to head in now, but... The path ahead will be a lot more dangerous. When night falls, there will probably be some hoodlums up to no good, and to begin with, this is a place where battle-hardened people live. If it's scary, you can wait here or follow behind me like you were doing before.]

[Emilia: Hey, I'm not a chicken, you know, but there isn't the option of heading out front, huh... Well, that works for me too since I won't have to worry as much.]

She'd sighed so many times now he'd lost count. Subaru reflected on how he only ever made her expression worsen. Thinking back, he hadn't seen her smile even once. She looked like that when angry, so her smile was probably the cutest thing in the world.

[Subaru: Can a matchbox? No, but a tin can!]

[Emilia: What's this all of a sudden?]

[Subaru: Strange. No effect, but why... Ah! Damn it! Does this world not have tin cans! Uh. um...Is your refrigerator running... No refrigerators either?!]

[Emilia: This abnormality in his speech and mannerisms... It's not a curse or something of the sort, is it?]

[Puck: No, that was completely voluntary. He put his heart and soul into it too. For an utterly meaningless pursuit]

Perhaps having guessed the reason for Subaru's incredible struggle, Puck explained things relatively favourably. On the other hand, it only resulted in the seed of doubt planted in the girl. It looked like Subaru had suddenly started malfunctioning.

Regretting that his terrible puns only worked in his original world, Subaru desperately shook his head. Focusing too hard on what was in front of him and losing sight of the bigger picture.

[subaru: What's the difference between snowmen and snowwomen? Snowballs!"

He'd finally found one that didn't rely on modern knowledge, but the girl's reaction wasn't favourable in the slightest. She coldly turned away.

Her eyes were on the alley, probably indicating that she wouldn't play along with any further.

His momentary desire to see her smile had utterly backfired.

[Emilia: ―Are you satisfied, Subaru?]

'' Oh crap, this might have been too far.''

The girl called Subaru, whose self-hatred was currently maxed out due to his terrible attempt and the equally terrible outcome.

The fact that she'd said his name for the first time and also the idea of a member of the opposite sex using his name so casually made him just a little nervous.

[Emilia: Y, yeah. T-Totally chill. Completely cool. I feel great; I can win!]

[Subaru: Why are you trembling like that... I get that you're scared, but we haven't even entered yet. You really would be better off waiting out here if you're that terrified.]

With this misdirected worry, she let out a small sigh and turned her attention away for real.

Subaru narrows his eyes '' This sucks; I'm so uncool, but let's test one more thing .]

[Subaru: Come to think of it, there's one more thing.]

When he called out from behind her, he saw her glance at him through a gap in her silver hair. Even this sidelong glance was dauntingly attractive, but Subaru managed to get his question out.

[Subaru: So I've heard your cat's name, but I never caught yours.]

This somewhat playful question caused her to look ahead and fall silent for a bit. This caused Subaru to freeze; he wanted to know he already knew the name, but he wanted to hear from Emilia herself. Her earlier silence indicated that she didn't want to tell him her name. He thinks about how he will act after this, so...



[Emilia : You can call me Satella.]

As she gave her name, her attitude suggested that he definitely shouldn't call her that. Subaru had expected this to happen; he couldn't reach her name just like that, so he ended up falling silent. For now, he would just refer to her in the second person, a rather pathetic compromise. Behind the scenes of this exchange, Puck muttered from within her hair,'' so that's how it is '' Subaru knew this " well, I guess I'm going to my next mission then ... huh still this is for the best I'll make you repeat those word. You repeat it with your real name Emilia ...''

[Puck:―That's in terrible taste.]

This word makes her event more uneasy with it.

Their investigation had them entering the slums, and as usual, they were faced with signs of terrible. Or rather, contrary to expectations, an unexpected development resulted in Subaru proving useful.

'' And here I start my next plan.''

[Subaru: This probably isn't the answer you're hoping for, but the people here seem to be struggling too,

so they probably find me relatable I understand it completely.]

It now seemed obvious why they were all so friendly. Among them was an old lady who offered him a small dry fruit, saying, "Eat this and live strong."

''oh, a bocco fruit. I'll keep this in my pocket dimension this fruit help me a lot in my previous life, and I'll find a way to help this poor people live strong, eh. ]

[Subaru: It seems to me that my body circulates mana very well. If I overdosed, I might die]

Emilia looks at him, worried Subaru sees this and says [Subaru: Relax, at least I eat it if the situation is necessary, you know. More importantly, let's keep pursuing the culprit, whose location was determined thanks to my efforts. Thanks to my hard work, we were able to-]

[Puck: I understand that you're happy, but saying it twice really isn't cool.]

He'd wanted to change the topic but ended up sounding like a bragging kid. Emilia looked like she regretted raising her opinion of him, and Subaru simply forced a smile. It was about time they decided to go to the slums.

But then they see a green-haired girl,[Emilia: hey Subaru, do you get the feeling that child is lost?]

[subaru: yup, she probably gets separated from her parents in the crowd, Okay let's help her ]

Emilia approached the little girl; when she saw her, she had a sparkle in her eyes, but then she looked scared.

[Emilia: I'm sorry, I'm not the person you are looking for, so, what's the matter? Aren't your dad and mom with you ?] the girl then began to cry [Emilia: um, uh .. don,t cry... I won't do anything to you, all right ?]

Subaru sees this and sighs; he pulls out his ten yen coin and shows it to the little girl [Subaru what I here am one grooved-edge ten yen coin, I will clutch it tightly in my hand tight..tight..tight...like that! And now look at it ]

The girl has a surprised look on her face when he sees the coin is gone.[Subaru: and this is where the ten yen coin was hiding] it looks as if Subaru just pulled the same coin out of the little girl hair.

The little girl has a bright face, and her eyes sparkle in amazement; Subaru flip the coin and tap it and show head [Subaru: here you can have this as a present, its rare so take good care of it, okay]

The girl had a full cheerful expression and sparkle green eyes she says [Plum: thank you !]

[Subaru: I see, so you got separate from your mom, huh?]

''so here we are again helping find kadomon-san daughter; he has a scary face, alright, but he is the loving, caring father type,

so I respect that hope you are a grateful older man. Our meeting didn't go that well that time... But I know that you're a great guy deep down! I know it!''

[Subaru: just leave it to me and this young lady here, we'll find it for you in no time ]

'' for people who don't know us probably think we're a married couple and child, huh?''

[Subaru: ho embarrassing ]

[Emilia: at best, I can't see you as anything more than her older brother.]

[Subaru: Well, I do, in fact much younger than you and for the fact that you are centuries years old ]

Emilia has a shocked face that Subaru knew this; in fact, there's slight pink in her cheeks and some unnoticeable feeling inside her.

They walked for at least a good ten minutes in the trading street was swarmed with all sorts of people as usual.

Diverse inhabitants of a fantasy world, Subaru saw what one could perhaps call a beastman. This bipedal dog-like being had incredibly fluffy fur, which caused him to remember. He wanted to feel it badly.

Until Plum spoke [Plum: oh! Mommy! Mommy!] [Subaru: looks like she found her ] [Emilia: yeah. I'm glad ]

Her mom thanked them for their help, Subaru smiled and said [Subaru: say my regards to the older man and make sure I get a discount the next time I visit .]

They were happy with the result and went to search for the Emblem until sugar said [ Subaru: Satella-tan,

I'm going to search around the slum; first, you can search around this area .]

Emilia had a worried expression [Emilia: are you okay going alone ?] [Subaru: Yeah, I'm okay with it; stay here, alright]

Subaru had a cheerful expression; he went to the corner of the alley. His face changed to a serious one, and he teleported himself to that one place and just walked casually.

'' Meeting up with Felt, who has the Emblem, huh. I'd like to get to her before she reaches the loot house and trade something for the Emblem on the spot if possible. of course, it is not that possible; there is always some crap that is about to happen; huh, let's get this done with"

He wanted to get involved with Elsa there so that he could finish the prioritize first.

''It'll just be for nothing if I'm too late. Reaching Rom first and waiting for Felt would be a waste of time, and I'll just bring her myself."

He was headed toward the slums―But not in the direction of the loot house. He had already decided that he'd be raising BAD END flags if he went there. That being the case, it was time to try the next attack.

Using the authority of pride to have general information about felt location, he saw a middle-aged man, and he spoke.

[O: so your heating to where felt lives, huh?]

[subaru: yeah, I have an important matter to attend to about an object ]

[O: oh I see; well, What was it, live strong?"]

The middle-aged man said with a weak smile as he disappeared into the creaking door. He was thinking back to how what filled the man's strained smile with sympathy from beginning to end, Subaru pumped his fist at his strategy's success.

Although his appearance resembles nobility, he covers himself with his made-up stories to make himself more unnoticeable.

''It was a strategy I devised from my experiences in the first life, but... That sure was effective, huh.''

Having arrived here, he devised an ingenious plan to in Felt's destination, making her believe he's one of the customers for the Emblem.

[Subaru: I've found out where she sleeps, but... Now the problem becomes whether or not she'll come here."

He did find out where she usually stayed, but since she was currently escaping, it was fifty-fifty whether or not she would run here. If she were worried her pursuer would destroy her place, perhaps she would think it better to avoid it.―If that happened, he could only say he had no luck.

[Subaru: It's not like worrying about it will do anything. I'm not going to worry about things I can't answer, alright]

As he walked around the area, he approached a road. He then detects a very familiar appearance; he almost collided with someone who suddenly emerged from there. When he sees who it is, he has a grin on his face like the old Archbishop of arrogance.

[???: Oh, do excuse me. I apologize for that]

[Subaru: I'm good, I'm good. I should be the one to apoolagizeee] Subaru bow archbishop style

Hearing his high-pitched voice, the black-haired woman giggled slightly.

[???: You're a fun kid, aren't you. Are you really alright?]

She brushed up the hair covering her ear. Even this gesture was somehow sexy, and Subaru thought that each action was as erotic as usual.

A sexy beauty who behaved erotically―Someone he absolutely have to take care of first.

[Elsa: 'Your scent...] she narrowed her eyes into a sweet smile. She used her well-shaped nose to sniff.

[Elsa: When someone is afraid, it shows in their scent. Right now, you do not even have fear ... And you seem to relax too. At me]

She seemed to be having a good time exposing his inner feelings as she looked up to him.

Subaru looked at her narrowing his eyes but made a sudden cheerful expression. He truly wanted to beat her down if he could do so but not yet. If Elsa might escape, that will cause trouble in the future; he has to trap her in lock one o one fight and defeat her there, but if Elsa wants to fight here, he's ready at any time.

Elsa narrowed her eyes like a snake in response. But even as he felt her gaze pinning him down, he would not allow himself to show weakness or back down by averting his eyes.

She licked her lips at his bravado,

[Elsa: I am somewhat interested, but it's okay. It wouldn't do to cause a fuss right now.]

[Subaru: That's not a very nice thing to say. Act too scary, and that beauty will go to waste, you know?]

[Elsa: Ah, very nice.― Hide your hostility, and it'd be even better]

She reached out and lightly tapped his forehead with her finger, and this simple gesture released the tension from his body.

Subaru exhaled, his shoulders heaving, and Elsa placed her finger against her lip,

[Elsa: Well then, I'll be taking my leave. I get the feeling we'll see each other again.]

[Subaru: If it's a bright place with lots of people around, I'll be able to relax too.]said Subaru sarcastically

Elsa flipped her cloak with a longing smile as she disappeared into the alley's darkness. Subaru was calm after he watched her disappear; he knew things about going down after this.

[Subaru: as I expected this encounter, seriously. To think she was stalking around here before going to the loot house]

[subaru: Felt's place should be around here, I believe... But indeed, it's not possible that Elsa already destroyed it ?]

She was a pervert who drowned in pleasure when she sliced people's bellies open.

It wouldn't be strange if she carved up a few people to kill time before the appointment. Furthermore, now that he was heading deeper into the slums, he couldn't help but imagine all sorts of stupid horrors.

[Subaru: It's okay, There isn't the stench of blood, nor do I see any, maybe.]

The garbage and the rotten smell made it impossible to discern the scent of blood, and it was too dark for him to confirm if there were any bloodstains around. Still, there wasn't any blood. That's what he wanted to think besides knowing Elsa all too well.

He started the walk, and About five minutes after his encounter with Elsa, he finally reached a rundown shack.

[Subaru: This should be it according to my information... But does a human life here]

Subaru tilted his head as he stood in front of a wooden board that seemed to be the door.

The shack before him was around the size of two of those porta-potties one would see around construction sites and the like. It felt like someone was putting the saying, 'half a tatami mat to stand, one tatami mat to sleep' into practice.

[Subaru: This is definitely what you call a place to sleep, so I guess that's about right.]

Even so, the idea of such a small girl living in a place like this caused him to feel some pity.

He felt like he could forgive her, that her ambition and greed couldn't be helped.

She's curling up her already small body and living in a place like this. Guess it couldn't be helped that her personality would turn out so warped. Aah, it just couldn't be helped, poor thing. Aah, how pitiful said the Archbishop of arrogance

[???: You're going way too far. It's disgusting. I can't believe you're looking around someone else's bedroom like that.]

As he entered his sympathetic mode, a voice from behind him caused him to smile and turn around.

Before his eyes was a petite blonde girl glaring at him with disgust―Felt

She didn't look remarkably different from their previous meetings. That her slightly dirty clothes were now more contaminated than usual was probably a sign that the chase was much more intense this time.

[Felt: What's with that increasingly pitying expression? You look down on me just because I'm a girl and a little bit filthy?]

[Subaru: ah, It's a different sentiment, but... Most of all, I'm glad we could meet.]

She did not attempt to hide her displeasure, and Subaru instinctively dropped his shoulders in relief.

He was thrilled that he could find the girl he was looking for. He was worried about what might have happened after his near-miss with Elsa, but it looked like things were alright after all. In response to his murmur, she snorted, [Felt: Wait, you are from the alley before..., a customer?]

She stared at him, still cautious,

End of part 3 chapter 2


Thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you guys enjoy it once again; sorry for not updating sooner; I try my best to write part 4,

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